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Bab 90: Detail

Zuri marked off another name from his list as he crouched on top of a tiled roof, and spied on the slaver welcoming wagons into his estate, each pulled by a collared slaved as chains connected their collars to the wagons, as a means of making sure they didn't escape their duties. From what Zuri could observe, these particular slaves had been sent to the market for groceries...well perhaps groceries was too light a term.

Because the amount of food they brought in by wagon was most assuredly more than necessary for this particular slaver he was stalking, no matter the appearance of the man in question.

The slaver was heavy and fat, so much so that his belly-button probably reached a door thirty seconds before he did. He had puffy cheeks with a wiry beard and a ridiculous oversized turban decorated with colourful bird feathers. Zuri cringed in disgust at this man's appearance, wondering how this slob had not only a wife but several concubines according to the report Hermes had given him.

He'd seen Steve in similar dress before, even with a turban and the Minecrafter had absolutely rocked the drip. He looked like a cleaned up handsome prince in the desert garb but this pompous slaving bottom feeder just looked like a muddy mushroom wrapped in tea towels. Worst of all, the sage could practically feel the entitlement and arrogance just oozing out of this man, even as the slaver opened his mouth to reveal oversized teeth for his pudgy mouth.

But regardless of Zuri's distaste, this slaver was supposed to be pretty wealthy enough to throw parties on a regular basis, so the sage assumed all the food that had just been brought in had only been bought for perhaps another party to be held tonight. That could be an opportunity...instead of having to track down all the salvers on his list who owned a Hikuptah slave, he might be able to tick several more off in one go if they attended this fatso's party.

Zuri made a mental note to try and sneak into the party before he observed the slaves themselves. Young men and women all shaved bald for their service in whatever area their master desired. Zuri was aware that in Warusa, slaves were shaved bald as a sign of their lost freedom, that they didn't even have the right to decide what happened with their own body parts. Only certain exceptions were made in terms of hair growth...namely the slaves in the city that would be taken into bed. Women were much more beautiful with hair after all.

Definitely just women in that particular regard though...Steve had informed him of these people's potential reaction towards homosexual activity, even in discreet. And so far, it looked like the Minecrafter had been right...that particular kind of relationship was considered a hideous taboo in this nation, from what he learned by talking to vendors who were all too willing to blab anything to keep you engaged in looking at their stalls so you would buy something.

Zuri looked out for particular people amongst the slaves. It was a sad thing to say, but unfortunately he had not come for all of them. Only those of the Hikuptah tribe. Those slaves were branded on the back of their heads with the symbol of the Apis bull, which also happed to be the symbol of Ptah's Falna. That specific brand was given only to Hikuptah slaves and none else. And from what he'd seen so far of the people that bore these brands, they were indeed associated in some way with craftsmanship in their duties, if only for maintenance.

Of the three Hikuptah slaves he picked out in this slaver's home, all of them had tool belts on them with which to main the wagons. A previous slaver he'd seen before had Hikuptah slaves that were very well versed in pottery, and some of the most beautiful vases and teacups he'd seen to date were being shipped out of the man's mansion for selling in the market.

A tanner further in to the city had a young boy and girl working in the back making boots and shoes and waist jackets out of animal leather, and a sculptor had rented out some of his own slaves to build a statue for some government leader in the upper echelons of Warusa. Many a name had been crossed out on Zuri's list and still many more were left to go. But he decided to call it quits today and find lodging for the night since it was getting dark. 

Putting the list into his inventory, the sage dropped down from the roof and ran across some walls before dropping outside of the rich district and into the common streets. Smelling cooking meat from food vendors in the market, his stomach rumbled a little, and he momentarily weighed his options between eating the food in his inventory or fresh cooked food from a grill. In terms of freshness, there was no difference either way because food did not go bad in his inventory.

After a crucial moment of deliberation, he shrugged his shoulders and made a beeline for a grill that was cooking chickens on a stick and had stacks of freshly baked pita breads on the counter-top. The cook was a short stocky man with a full beard and large smile as he opened his arms to Zuri.

"Hi my friend, how are you?" He asked the sage in a heavy accent.

"I'm good." Zuri said as he looked around at his options. "What exactly is it that you offer here? What's the house special?"

"Za house special is my specialty." The cook smiled. "I make za customer his shawarma here at zis desk...and it only costs 20 Valis."

"20?" Zuri raised his brow. "That's...quite cheap for a meat product considering people in Orario charge 40 for a single potato croquette."

"Za people in zat city are a bunch of haramis." The cook said, his accent pouring heavily on that last word. "I will tek care of your belly better my friend. So tell me what you want, beef or shicken?"

"Er...beef I guess."

The cook squinted at him before wagging his finger in Zuri's face.

"I will give you somesing bettar!" The cook said as he took out a warm pita bread from the bottom of the stack and began spreading sauce on it, and then reaching up for a cooked chicken skewer. "I will give you za shicken. Big strong boy like you need blenty of brotein."

"If you insist." Zuri said, confused at the sudden rise in the man's energy the moment he decided to place an order. He then squinted at the red sauce in the ladle that the cook was using to pour sauce into the roll. "Is that ketchup or something?"

"What do you mean?" The cook suddenly gave him a hard glare, which actually made the sage take a step back.

"I just asked if it was ketchup man." Zuri raised his hands up. "Was that wrong?"

"Fery wrong my friend." The cook waved the ladle about in Zuri's face. "You do not put za ketchup in za shawarma...ever! Don't ruin za culture! You hear?!"

"Hear, hear." Zuri tried to placate the suddenly livid cook.

The man just kissed his teeth, muttering something that sounded like 'Abeet!' and went back to preparing Zuri's meal while the sage just rolled his eyes discreetly. He was an introverted character that barely left his room, opting to bury himself in his books instead of going around the world looking for recruits and having to interact with strange new people. Perhaps he should have gone with something from his inventory after all.


Zuri suddenly stiffened as the hairs on his back rose a little, and his fingers twitched as his posture stiffened. Making sure not to appear alarmed, he dug around with his senses to locate where he could feel the discreet and cold gaze on him was coming from. It all came down to the instincts that the Falna had blessed him with.

Adventurers with stockpiles of Excelia somehow developed a sixth sense where they could tell they're being watched and trace the intentions to the hiding place of the little peeper. It was difficult to put into words, like it was following instinct but at the same time something a little bit sharper and reliable. Whatever the case, Zuri knew he had company as there was no small amount of hostility brewing in the one who was watching him. They possessed the intent to kill him no doubt.

Had he tipped himself off by asking questions? Or was this an opportunist who sought the chance to rob a foreigner from outside Warusa. It was not uncommon for thieves to do so to someone new, in any part of the world. Foreigners were strange to the customs and the people and so therefore would have no idea what to look out for.

Zuri got the idea that the latter reasoning was not the case with the perpetrator though as the killing intent intensified. He was going to be followed...and the assailant didn't plan on spending long to take him out.

The cook wrapped his meal up in a leaf, and Zuri handed the money over before walking away without saying another word to the cook. He took a bite of the shawarma and paused a little bit to marvel at the taste. It was a little burnt but otherwise quite flavoursome and juicy. It was clear that the maker was no slouch and was a pro in his little art. Though Zuri had no doubt that Makena would make this recipe a hundred times better if she could get her hands on it.

Of the people she fed, his big sister seemed to like feeding him especially, just short of Efe who took first place. Zuri was just annoyed that he couldn't enjoy his food completely as he made sure to keep a track on whoever it was that was sizing him up. Just as he'd expected them to, they began following him as the sensation of hostility did not decrease in the slightest.

Zuri did not possess Steve's arrogance. While his big brother would just stroll around unbothered, prepped to just solve the problem with brute strength when it came to the clash, Zuri liked to be cautious, meticulous and create as little bit of a scene as he could. Which was why he began to slip into smaller streets that would gradually become less and less crowded, the perfect places if you were looking to get robbed or mugged. Any precious items he had went straight into his inventory as he placed his fingers on the hilt of a dagger inside his robe.

Upon finishing his meal, he crumpled the leaf up as walked into an alley before he swiftly turned around and flung it towards the roof where a cloaked figure was crouched. Startled, they moved out of the way to avoid being hit by what they thought was a weapon. Looking down into the alley, they saw that it was empty and where Zuri had been standing was now a gust of wind as dust blew up in the area.

The assailant then felt the underneath of Zuri's boot impact the side of their face and send them sprawling across the thatched roof as they rolled into a sitting position, eyes wide at how fast Zuri had come on to the roof. The Sage cracked his fingers as he stared them down.

"Who are you?" He demanded. "Why are you following me?"

The assailant did not respond, but instead pulled out two small short swords and bolted right towards him with agile steps, though very slow to Zuri's perception. This person was a normal mortal, and did not appear to carry any sign of supernatural abilities like one would find from a blessed mortal. Meaning this assailant had no Falna, which was a good thing. If Zuri was forced to kill this person, no god would be alerted immediately of their child's death.

The assailant tried to trick him as they feigned coming to stab him from the front before they just darted to his side. A normal person would have been taken off guard by this manoeuvre because of how quick their movements were, but Zuri saw it coming long before the assailant even performed it. He grabbed the blade of the short sword that was headed for his kidney, lifting the assailant up before they even knew what was happening and he quickly palmed them in the stomach knocking all the air out of them as they let out a surprised grunt.

Zuri quirked a brow as he heard the light tone of the grunt, and pulled the hood down from the now unconscious assailant's face. What met him was a woman with long braided hair held fast by a metal clip. Her skin was coloured tea-brown, and her nose was sharp and her eyes a little sunken. A small sheen of sweat rested on her face, and from what his hands could tell as he held her, she was lithe and very fit. A perfect build for stealth and speed, meaning she'd been trained as some sort of assassin or secret agent.

If she were either, she would most certainly have something on her that would give him a lead on who her benefactor was. Looking around to check that no-one else had been accompanying her, he lifted her over his shoulder and blurred out of sight.


(Ptah's Bazaar)

"Alright everyone! Time to pack away!" Steve called out as he clapped his hands while watching the setting sun and the reddish sky.

His friends working in the different workshops immediately ceased what they were doing as they looked out to see him calling to them. After a moment, the Ptah Familia began to bid farewell to the last of the customers as Alex began ushering people out of the gates. They were quick to oblige, partly because this was no common street market and was actually the home grounds of the most powerful Familia in the world so they were wise to obey, and partly because Alex and her security team had already shown what they were willing to do to scene-makers and rule breakers.

Putting it lightly, a few cocky people who had come in here either with a big head or with sinister intentions had been given a thorough lesson on manners and dignity before being promptly turned out on their asses. Right off that bat, just as Steve had supposed, his team had shown they they wouldn't be played around with even if they were selling to customers.

He caught sight of Noor leading Miach and Naaza to the gates as well as she locked up the potions house, sending them off with a happy smile. It seemed she quite enjoyed working with them today and judging by the wide smiles on their faces as well as the glint in both their eyes, they were quite satisfied with the new experience themselves. Steve had tried to arrange some sort of accommodation in the Memphis Manor for the two so they could be nearer to their new jobs but it seemed Miach held some strong attachment to his shack, so that was where the two of them would be staying.

All for the best perhaps, in case they wanted to expand their Familia. It would not be appropriate for a non-subordinate Familia to be living on their grounds.

Sunny and Daphne began clearing away the thankfully empty crates. Out of all of them there, it seemed the farmer had had the best business in terms of customers because his stall had been completely cleaned out with not even a seed or a pip left. Later on in the day, Sunny had also brought out bread loaves and pumpkin pie which seemed to light a fire underneath the feet of the housewives when they saw the good quality but low price and they'd scrabbled for the bakery. Especially the pumpkin pie seeing as that was a rare treat.

Makena's racks looked to be missing quite a few weapons so she had definitely made plenty of sales today, and seeing the many pages she was flicking through in her notebook, no doubt she'd had plenty of commissions. He hadn't got to see how well Efe had done but judging by the smile on his little sister's face, it should certainly have been a good day for her too.

He'd had the least business but he was willing to bet he'd made the most given the plenty of high level adventurers that had come to him today asking for enchantments. Even groups of third class adventurers had come for his enchantments and he'd assumed that their entire Familia had pooled their money together just to get something as simple as a Sharpness I enchant.

But yes, today was a good day.


"You seem particularly happy." Ptah commented next to him as the primordial looked up and observed the smile on his child's face. "Your schemes finally paying off?"

"That they are." Steve said as he pulled the money bags he'd been handed out of the counter the moment he saw the Outer Sanctum gates shut, with Alex bidding a farewell to the Apollo Familia who had been picking up the litter and keeping the Bazaar clean. He and Ptah exited the enchants shop and locked it up before going and unchaining the Wargs from the gates of the Inner Sanctum. "I'm just waiting to go inside so we can count our spoils from the day."

They observed as the rest of the Ptah Familia pulled out the money bags from their own stores and began heading for the Manor.

"When can I get my own hut for selling my statues?" Ptah pressed, making Steve deadpan as he didn't even look at the little god when replying.



""Cheers!"" The Minecrafters shouted as they lifted their drinks in the air before gulping them down while they rested in the executive bath area.

Having just been done, they'd built this particular one out of quartz and diorite while layering a lava pool right beneath the bath. Only the durability of a Minecrafter could survive a session in that bathing area which made them feel a little bit more homely in there. It was also where they could be themselves, and be open with each other as per the rules set by Steve. So Alex, Makena, Noor, Ari, Kai, and Efe had no hesitation in stripping down to nothing and just jumping into the bath with Steve and Sunny, forgoing the modesty they had to keep around the other Familia members and just being themselves.

Steve began wondering just how open they were with one another since Alex had a couple of times sat on the edge of the bath in various seating positions which would be considered scandalous given that she was in her birthday suit. Sometime, he would have to really investigate it to avoid any future problems.

"27 million Valis of sales on our opening day." Noor murmured as she laid her head back and just soaked in the heat of the bath.

"And bound to just grow bigger as soon as we get more help and more people come to our bazaar." Kai said. "I hope Zuri is getting along fine with his mission. He should really be here celebrating this day with us. You know, you really should reward him when he comes back Steve."

"I will." The gamer grinned. "Or rather, I won't be the one delivering the reward. Nine Hells will be doing it for me. I know she's been pining for him even though it's only been a day."

"What a moniker for someone who's supposed to be your girlfriend." Alex shook her head. "I never did get Zuri when it came to the topic of his taste in women. But whatever he's got with that woman, he'd better make sure he protects it. Word around the campfire is that she's quite the risky fruit to pluck."

"I doubt her father could do jack while Riveria is out of the Alf forest." Steve said. "Even if she returned, she's one of the strongest elves in the world. Larfal couldn't contain her if he tried."

"One of?" Ari raised a brow. "I thought she was the strongest elf."

"As it stands now, it's hard to tell." Efe said as she clutched at her drink. "I sensed more magic reserves than hers in the blonde elf from the Freya Familia. What was his name again?"

"Hedin." Steve answered. "And I must say, for guys that got stomped by our feet so casually in our last confrontation, they really were quite eager to get some of our products."

"Tell me about it." Makena said. "That moggy of theirs wanted a diamond spearhead like Finn's but I told him that such a commission couldn't be taken in the bazaar, and had to be done through the League. Alerted quite a few people it did to the kind of things we can really offer which might just become a bother."

"If anything starts, it will die down." Noor said. "They won't risk being mouthy and demanding of us given the position we now hold in the city. They know just as well as we do that we practically own every other Familia out there. All we have to do is denounce the rumours as hearsay and things will just dissipate."

"Worries for tomorrow." Steve said as he leaned further back in the bath and let the water come up to chin level as he closed his eyes. "For now, let's just relax after a hard day's work...and let's hope that everything is going well on Zuri's part."


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