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61.79% Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter / Chapter 55: Conflict and Interest

Bab 55: Conflict and Interest

~But you didn't have to cut me off~

~Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing~

~And I don't even need your love~

~But you treat me like a stranger, and that feels so rough...~


(South Gate)

Ais and Tiona shared a look as they followed the older, fiery haired girl out of the Gate and out of Orario completely as they stepped foot in the bare lands of the outskirts, in the direction of the surrounding forest. The forest itself was known to be a haven for bandits and brigands a few miles further, but of course that was not the main concern of the two girls at the current moment.

What chance did brigands, who were used to robbing caravans of normal people such as traders, merchants or high members of society usually accompanied by their armoured entourages, have against two seasoned level 5 adventurers who could both singlehandedly annihilate an army of thousands on their own?

No, the problem they were facing at the moment was Alex herself. The girl had not spoken a word to them ever since they left the grotto, nor had she shown any indication of any place of interest in the city. Rather, she had immediately began walking ahead of THEM, a silent demand to follow her footsteps instead of her following theirs. The elephant in the room did not need to be addressed; they knew (at least Tiona knew better) why Alex was doing this and given the older girl's simple temperament, let alone her high level, they made the wise decision of keeping silent, putting their heads down, and taking every step she took in whatever direction she chose.

It did not however, stop a cold feeling drip down their spines. Alex had not shown outright distrust or distaste at all, and even if she had, what could they have done about it? This girl knew Steve far longer than either of them had (little idea did they have of exactly how long), and was much more intimate with his tendencies, his behaviours, his preferences etc.

Tiona had made a conscious decision already that Steve would be her mate, or her husband, depending on the preferred term he wished. His readily expressed interest and sincere willingness to be responsible for her was about as much of a marriage as it mattered to an Amazon. They only needed to take the 'final' steps to clinch the deal. And Ais made her decision purely on how the gamer had treated her and promised, as well as defeated her. The dynamics around her personal relationship with him was strange, that much even she could admit, but their feelings towards one another was heartful and sincere.

The problem was that beyond his personality and his abilities, they didn't really know Steve that well. He was tight-lipped about his past. That was not a new concept to either of them. Ais had told very few people about who her parents were, and exactly when she was born, something Tiona herself didn't know. And the Amazon never really opened up to anybody about her horrible childhood at the hands of her instructors and her Amazon sisters, under the sharp and cruel gaze of Kali.

The only redeeming part about Tiona's childhood that she could cherish was how her teacher, after all that brutal training, would bring stories and books for her to read.

But there was no indication about Steve for anything, where he could have come from, what his native tongue could be, what his customs were, nothing whatsoever. From his skin colour, they'd at first thought that perhaps he could have come from one of the nations of the Kaios Desert, perhaps Warsa or Israfan. But his accent clearly told the opposite as he sounded more like someone from the West or the North. Then there was the fashion of his clothes. He and his friends seemed to like bright colours and rather simple clothes. They never really had the conscience to tell him how ridiculous his outfit looked amongst the people of Orario.

There was also the state of his armour...it in no way matched the armour of the desert nations. Moreover, the quality of his gear indicated that he would have had to have come from a resource rich land known for its smithing talent...which would either be the dwarven nations or Rakia. But Rakia did not make gear that could easily be carried off out of Ares's tyrannical regime and dwarves kept to themselves just like the elves did and they guarded their arts and traditions with great zeal and jealousy.

So again, they could not estimate his origins. Putting his friends into the mix made things even more confusing as whatever place they came from would have to be quite a diverse nation, and no such place existed on Genkai except Orario.

Alex however had the answers to all of this beyond a doubt, and therefore knew Steve a thousand times better than they did. And both she and Steve gave off the impression that they had known each other for a very long time, enough to be trusted and dear comrades. It stood to reason why Alex was so sceptical and judgemental of them...she was bound to test them sooner or later.

Though they both would have to remark...they'd have preferred if she'd done it closer to civilisation and not in the wilderness where she could possibly bury them if she killed them.


"So...Alex." Tiona said cheerily, trying to start a conversation as she trotted up beside the older girl and leaned forwards to look at her from the side.

"That's Miss Alex to you." The Minecrafter said without looking at her.

Tiona sweat-dropped at that...though she had to admit to herself. Even with that emotionless face, Alex's beauty was breath-taking. How could Steve have spent so much time together with this woman, and not have had an attempt to court her? Tiona trusted Steve when he said he'd never been in a marital relationship before...but she really questioned his mental state if he did not go after this woman.

"Okay. Miss Alex. How long have you known Steve for, if you don't mind me asking?" Tiona asked with a smile.

"Longer than you've existed." Alex replied. "Steve and I have been going on adventurers even before you two were even born. Same goes for the other seven."

Ais and Tiona shared puzzled looks.

"But aren't you the same age as us?" Ais asked her.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 16." The Sword Princess said. She was conscious of how old she technically was but she had the body and...sort of the mentality of a 16 year old.

"I'm 18." Tiona answered.

"...We are the same age in body." Alex said. "But chronologically, the difference is vast."

"What does that mean?" Tiona asked. her brows scrunching in confusing over that word she'd never heard before.

"Never mind." Alex said. "But even Efe is your senior...take it like that." The finality of her tone made the girls shut up on further questioning the subject.

"So how did you meet?" They asked her, pressing on her relation to Steve.

"Hm." Alex looked at them for the first time with her tongue in her cheek. "Well, the exact memories are hazy. But I remember finding myself in an stretched out piece of land, as far as the eye can see, with strange powers I had no knowledge to use, and monsters rampant everywhere."

"Steve has strange powers." Ais said. "Do you have those too?"

"We share some powers." Alex conceded. "However, Steve has some very special powers all of his own. Powers that we don't have nor can we ever begin to dream of having. There is a reason why we call him the king of our lands...because he had those special privileges."

"Steve is a king!" Ais exclaimed with her eyes widened a little. Tiona started grinning in excitement as finally something of Steve's personal background was revealed.

"In a way." Alex said. "Nobody could ever contest the fact that Steve was by birth-right, the king of our lands and the reality of our lands. The way he could bend and twist the world in his image, how he could bestow powers upon others, how he could summon any creature he wished and even more things like that." Alex looked at them. "Believe it or not, but Steve has the power to change night into day and day into night at will."

"That's crazy." Tiona shook her head. "Even he can't do that...you mean something else by that right?"

Ais just listen intently.

"No." Alex said as she pointed to the sun. "You see that? If Steve were to invoke that power, you would see this thing move across the sky and the darkness of night following behind with the moon taking its place. For the whole world, he can literally change the cycle of the day. He also has the power to change the weather...he can make it sunny, cloudy, stormy, you name it. He can call down lightning from the sky, and he can make fire burst out of the ground. He can make islands float in the air and he can make gold and treasure rain from the sky." Alex held out her arms to the blue ocean above. "I swear to you, he can do all these things and so much more."

"No way!" Tiona breathed before she looked at Ais. "We have to make him show us!"

"Hm." Ais nodded enthusiastically. Who wouldn't after hearing such claims? But she was more interested in Alex's activities with Steve. "What about Endermen?"

"Huh?" Alex raised a brow. "How do you know about those?"

"So they are from your homeland?" Tiona asked as the girls finally stepped into the trees. But so engaged they were into their hype about Steve that they paid little attention to where Alex was taking them. "Steve summoned one for us to fight in the Dungeon...well two actually, but one each for us to fight. It was really ugly...but so fast. And it is especially pesky with its-"

"...with its teleportation." Alex said. "Yes, I went through the same pain. And yes, it is almost impossible to outrun them. They are very fast, and beyond that, when an Enderman has his sights set on you, he will not stop until you have died at his hand."

"Ais learned the hard way." Tiona said as she pointed to her 'sister'. "It surprised her real good."

"Surprise and speed is all the strength it has though." Alex said. "When it comes to brute strength and intelligence, it's very lacking."

"Intelligence?" Ais tilted her head. "I know it's not strong. But how is it not smart."

"I'll demonstrate." Alex said as she put a hand on the ground. The girls watched as she clenched her fingers a little as she dug them into the soil before she pulled out a perfect 2 metres squared cube out of the ground, of pure soil that held together by some supernatural force. The girls eyes bugged out as they say this. Alex raised an eyebrow at their expressions. "What?"

"Steve did the same things in the Dungeon." Ais pointed to the block. "How are you able to do these things? Is it like a special power?"

"Unique to us." Alex answered. "It is an ability that helps immensely when we're excavating or mining for resources. It's one of the first things Steve taught me. To be a Minecrafter."

"A Minecrafter?" Tiona asked, puzzled at the term. "What is that?"

"People whose lives revolved around mining riches, and using those riches to craft equipment with which we can mine even greater riches." Alex said. "That was how we lived. We mined resources, used them to make weapons to kill monsters and we'd use the pieces of the monsters for sustenance, or enhancing our gear so we can go and find riches buried deep in the ground where most people cannot go because they can't survive down there." Alex finished. "We are not like you adventurers, because all you do is kill monsters and then you specialise in one field. We did the whole lot. Smithing, alchemy, farming, writing, enchanting, magic, hunting, adventuring, wayfinding, sailing, wayfaring, climbing, wandering, mapping, and on and on and on. You think you have the capacity to do all of that?"

Ais and Tiona looked at each other. They knew well enough that they could not do most of that, either of them.

""No."" They answered together.

"Then how is it, that the two of you who can't even manage to focus on more than one of those aspects of 'true adventure', became HIS lovers after he spent inconceivable time doing all of that, mapping entire countries and continents by himself?" Alex asked harshly as the two were taken aback by her tone. "How is it that he could fall for two weakling little babies like you who don't have the mental faculties and physical capacity to do any of those? After only a few weeks of knowing you, you suddenly make his heart melt? Two girls who are absolute incompetent, narrow minded bums compared to him?!"

Alex's fury rose as she tossed the block aside, completely forgetting about the demonstration she was going to perform.

"I-I don't understand." Ais stuttered.

"What did we do wrong?" Tiona asked as she held up her hands in defence, sensing a fight coming their way very soon.

"It's not that you did anything wrong." Alex clenched her fist. "It's just, how is it that someone so great as him could fancy the likes of the two of you? Someone who reached levels of power by himself that were supernatural even to us? He who roamed an empty land for centuries' worth of time without going mad, who was able to unravel the secrets behind life itself! He who carried our whole family on his back and teaching us everything we knew so that in the end we became great too. Someone who has such a kingly presence in our land, that when he would go into any strange village, the inhabitants would surrender their things to him because the could recognised by innate conscience that he was king of the land. How all the monsters that roamed the surface and in the underworld instinctively fought him because they knew that he was an alpha in his own league, a threat to their rule. He who can split the world in two, he who can change time and weather, he who can walk over the edge of worlds, he who can shape any metal into whatever shape he wants, he who can discover any secret he wants, he who can decipher any language he looks at, he who has the strength to lift heaven and earth and move them aside to do his bidding, he who can instil in his followers such love and loyalty that they would follow him everywhere he went no mater how crazy his plan was!" Alex finished.

The girls could not say anything, hearing all these passionate ravings. Alex's anger was growing by the minute and she looked more terrifying by the second.

"And after all these years of us following in his footsteps, all these years of trying to be like him..." Alex continued. "...he comes to some other land, full of petty gods in a game, and mortals who don't even realise they're being played, and he chooses two twits to start a new family with, who have only come off their mother's breasts the other day! Why he would choose something so beneath his level and his glory is something absolutely mind-boggling to me." Alex pulled on her hair before she straightened herself. "But I intend to find out myself. A lot can be told from how a person fights. Steve goes easy on you no doubt...but don't expect the same mercy from me. Arm yourselves, now!"

Alex gripped her hand on the hilt of a Netherite sword that materialised in her hand out of nowhere. In response, Ais drew Desperate out while Tione span and brandished her Urga as the atmosphere became all too tense. Seeing this, Alex raised her free arm and flung it out to the side. That simple wave of her arm created a shockwave so powerful, it tore dozens upon dozens of giant, ancient trees out of the ground, roots and all as they fell back to the ground with minor earthquakes. The girl raised their brows at this and their hands began shaking in fear as they saw the casual might of Minecraft Alex.

"We're not enemies!" Tiona tried to reason. "Do you love him too? Is that what this is?"

"Love him?" Alex asked. "I love him, but not in the way you are thinking. Before he was anything to you, he was MY hero, MY role model, MY saviour. I spent the better part of SEVEN HUNDRED YEARS trying to earn his recognition and his favour. The kids were just extensions of his glory and his legacy, so I didn't mind them being family to us because they followed in his footsteps and did the same things he did...but YOU? You I cannot accept." Alex lifted her sword and flexed her legs, the ground shattering underneath her from that simple action, making the girls stumble as they tried to catch themselves. "I won't kill you...but this will not be painless. You'd better throw everything you have to offer. If he has chosen you, then I am going to make sure that the two of your are WORTHY of him by being good at the one thing you're useful for."



Zuri pushed his spectacles up his nose as his eyes flew all over the pages of the books he was reading. He had three open at once, all on entire different theories of magic which baffled Riveria for a moment. But as she watched him take notes from those writings, she came to the conclusion that he was drawing similarities between all theories, and based on those similarities and differences, he was charting up a more precise theory of magic.

Now that sounded very simple on the face of it...but unless you were a scholar and a fanatic like Riveria, you would not understand how tedious the job was and how many man-hours would be spent on things like that. She herself had spent the better part of seventy years of her life in that field before she decided to run away from home and become an adventurer. And even after all of that study, she still had come no closer to the secret behind magic, a power that allowed mortals to bend reality to their will at some small degree and tug upon the the threads of life itself.

Nobody knew that struggle better than she did, especially with all the hate and scrutiny she had gotten during her years studying in Altena and the small negative reception at the School District, all because of her born ability of being able to alternate chants to create three different variations of her three spell cap, turning them into nine spells, hence her alias 'Nine Hells'.

To simply read these books, one had to pour over thousands of words of vocabulary, not counting the several magic circles and graphs. You had to digest all of that a good few times before even beginning to study it in depth and extract bits of knowledge to build your own academic arguments.

But here was Zuri, with THREE of such books and not only had he not read all of them properly yet, but he instantly understood what every page was saying and was actually making his own theories based off of what took some scholar decades to compile, in just a few glances at the pages itself. Moreover, as Riveria leaned over to look at his notes, which he paid no mind to, she could see that he was well organised in his note-taking and he was deeply perceptive as he was approaching each topic from a variety of different angles, some which were so obscure that she believed she would never have found them, and some so blatantly obvious in hindsight, she felt like slapping herself in fury for not seeing it beforehand.

That however made her all the more interested in this friend of Steve's. Riveria herself expressed great interest in Steve's magical powers but it was obvious that Steve himself was no bookworm and therefore would not share time with her over a book. But this Zuri fellow, as feminine as his name sounded to her ears, looked to be a lot more serious and academic on the subject. Considering that just within a couple of hours of entering the library, he had already written a small journal of his own on magic theory with his note-taking, she was interested to learn more about him.

He was quite clearly more of a zealot of the pen than even she was...and that was saying something.

Out of respect for him, she let him write a little more and finish his notes on the current chapter he was on and in the meantime studied him intently. Zuri was not as masculine looking as Steve or Sunny. Both the captain and the farmer had prominent and strong jawlines, while Zuri's was a little more round, though he was still clearly a male. He had a quiet demeanour and a soft face, yet a gentle presence as he read through his chosen books. His skin was not as dark as Steve's, more like a healthy golden tan, and he was of moderate height.

His frame was also smaller than his friends. Makena was taller and more solid than him. But there was no shortage of muscle on him either. As he leant his head on a palm, she saw the simple bending of his arm make an enormous bicep bulge out out his smart-shirt sleeve. Not quite as large and prominent as Steve who was by far the most muscular of all his friends, but enough that she knew human men would be crying tears out of pure jealousy, out of the labour it took to get gains like that. She could also see that he was no line-backer mage either. While his appearance clearly spoke of someone who didn't come to the front as often as he didn't, his hands were calloused with with the hilt of a blade or the shaft of a spear. And he had the same bandage wraps as Steve around his forearms, hiding large scars underneath that looked to have been caused by some specific labour over a long period of time.

She then looked mostly at his face. The glasses hid a lot of his face, it looked like he had that kind of appearance in which features could not been seen properly in their majority if somebody was wearing something like spectacles over it. But she knew that if he took them off, there would be no doubt that he was handsome, not dazzlingly as Steve but definitely good-looking in his own right. Unlike Steve's long, spicy hair, Zuri's was softer and curlier, a more modest cut that his captain. He also appeared to be quiet and humble, and he sounded like he was a person who wouldn't even be caught dead using profanity...which of course, was physically impossible but still...

She waited until she knew he had finished his chapter before speaking to him.

"Zuri?" She asked, inquisitively in a tone that clearly conveyed a request on her part to put aside a portion of his time for her.

"Yes Riveria." He looked at her. That was another surprising thing with him. She didn't like to be called Miss Riveria, or Lady Riveria, or Princess Riveria all the time. Zuri knew that instantly it seemed and wasted no time in addressing her in a casual way which in her opinion, she enjoyed a little too much.

"I've wanted to ask for a bit now...but how long exactly have you been in the books for?"

"How long I've been doing this?" Zuri gestured to the books. "Uhm, I guess over a hundred years now? It's been quite a while."

Riveria stared at him, her brain going numb all of a sudden as she fiercely believed she'd misheard him before her brain replayed the moment for her and she did a massive double-take.

"A HUNDRED years?" She hissed.

"Yep." Zuri said. "Well about a hundred anyway. I started when I was a teenager, about 18 I'd say. And I've buried my head into an ocean of ink ever since."

"You're 118 years old?" Riveria asked. "I thought you were just 18! Are you older than Steve?"

"Oh hell no!" Zuri took his glasses off in his exclamation. Amidst her shock, she noticed that she was right. He was indeed a lot more handsome without his glasses. "Steve is way, WAY older than I am."

"But he said he was 18." Riveria said, immediately growing concerned over the girls. Zuri again seemed to see right through her.

"He's right when he says that." Zuri said. "Don't worry about the girls. He's 18 years old in both mind and body as are the rest of us. It's just that, where we come from, our aging is slowed down significantly due to quite a temporal conundrum..."

"Time?" Riveria raised a brow. "What, like a curse or something?"

"Not necessarily, no." Zuri wiped his glasses. "We have the maturity of people our chronological age, yes....well as much as certain individuals amongst us can have. But we still indulge in youthful desires and our passions run strong and we are as energetic as young people. We haven't let go of our wants and needs as older people tend to do. Plus we were isolated in one place, experiencing only one track of life with no one but each other to keep company. We didn't really get to connect with other people except on very specific occasions and we never really grew. I've invested much time and effort into finding out why our aging has slowed down so much. To this day, I have not found an answer." Zuri then added. "Don't worry about Steve and the girls. He's clueless when it comes to women anyway...and he'll learn."

"...Very well." Riveria said, feeling placated all of a sudden by his words. "Still, that would make you older than me...and you're a human!"

"Ah yes. I forgot that elves live a lot longer than humans." Zuri chuckled. "I hear it said that the lifespan of a human is but a blink in the lifetime of an elf, hehe. So how many years older am I than you?"

"Asking a woman her age?" Riveria raised her brow even higher and gave him a flat look. "I didn't take you to be the type."

"I didn't ask your age." Zuri smiled. "I asked how many years your senior I am. There's a difference..."

"Really?" Riveria gave him a half-smile.

"Really, really." He said, continuing to smile.


"...You are 19 years my senior." Riveria said at last.

"Uh huh." He nodded before picking his pen up again. "Good to know."


"Before you start writing again, there's something I wanted to know. About Steve's magic." Riveria hurried.

"If you want to ask for the secrets behind his special powers, I'm afraid you'll have to ask him." Zuri said. "I'm not sure if he knows the secret himself, and if he does, he never shared it with even Alex, let alone the rest of us. So I don't know why he would share it with you." Zuri put his pen down again momentarily. "But go on."

"There was this spell Steve used against the Monster Rex of the 49th floor." Riveria said. "It was so strange, I had no idea what to make of it. It felt so...cold and clammy, like there was nothing good to be found about it. And yet it felt so powerful, just simply standing near him made us feel faint. And not only did he one-shot Balor, but he also created this giant, perfectly circular tunnel in the Floor wall."

"Uh-huh." Zuri leaned forward. "Let me guess, he fused a blue orb and a red orb together to make a purple orb which then became some sort of laser beam that struck the monster and the wall?"

"Yes! That's the one."

"And let me guess again, some people of your Familia didn't see the spell, they only saw the aftermath?"

"Yes again." Riveria nodded, a glint in her eye as she was finally uncovering something. "Do you know anything about it?"

"Indeed I do." Zuri said grimly. "I can't begin to tell you how many of our bases Steve callously destroyed just because he felt like throwing that particular attack around. One of the few moments he doesn't act his age. But it is not quite magic the way you think it is."


"No. I don't understand it much myself since Steve only shared a few details. It is an attack made from a supernatural energy generated by negative emotions. He's able to do a few things with them, including the 'Hollow Purple' which is the attack he used." Zuri lifted one finger. "It's basically a manipulation of space itself. One is 'Amplification Blue', a convergence of space that creates a point of powerful attraction." Zuri lifted another finger. "One is 'Reversal Red', a divergence of space that generates the power to violently repel from one point." Zuri brought his fingers together. "One sucks in mass, the other chucks it out. Fused together, it creates this powerful and compact yet unstable cluster of imaginary mass that literally shreds everything in its way into complete nothingness. And given the spherical nature of that point of imaginary mass, it stands to reason that it would make perfectly circular holes wherever it goes."

"...I think I get the idea." Riveria frowned as she tried to grasp his words. "Is there any defence against this kind of attack?"

"If there is, then only he knows it." Zuri shrugged. "I never really managed to find anything as even our best materials could not stand against that attack. Believe me, if I knew the way to block it, I'd have a lot more tomes in my collection right about now."

"I see." Riveria leaned back, smiling at him. "I find you a very interesting and knowledgeable character Zuri, I have to say."

"What I know is but a small drop in the ocean of the cosmos." Zuri said. "But thanks. I find you quite an intriguing person too. I'd like to get to know you better."

"The feeling is mutual." Riveria said.

They held their smiles together for a few more seconds before simultaneously dropping their heads right back into their books like the bookworms they were, though Riveria found herself short of breath all of a sudden...she must have been holding it, because she was so enraptured by Zuri's explanation.

...Yeah, that was definitely it.



"Come on you lazy bum!" Efe shrilled at the poor Raul who was buried under a mountain of bags filled with shoes, dresses, jewellery and all other kinds of accessories. "There's a whole lot more shops I want to go to!"

"Miss Efe, please have mercy!" The 21 year old begged. "I can't carry much more around. Is it really that important for someone so young to own this much clothing?"

"I have to keep up with all the latest fashions!" Efe turned up her nose. "I refuse to be a peasant who wears the stuff of yesterday! And I'm older than you, so respect your elders and do as I say!"

"I find that hard to believe." he strained out as he eyed certain faculties of hers. "Your appearance suggests otherwise."

Efe who was none the wiser since she'd never been taught anything about boys' tendencies and where they looked at a woman besides what she knew from her interactions with her older brothers, stamped her foot.

"Just get a move on! The more you complain, the longer you'll carry those things!"

Raul looked over as he heard female grunting and groaning as his second-in-command of the Loki Familia's second string group walked up beside him carrying a similar mountain.

"Don't you have that same storage ability as your Captain?" Anakitty huffed as she became red in the face with effort, her tail agitatedly flicking out behind her. "Why are you torturing us with this?"

"Because big sister Alex told me to never put new clothes in my inventory as it is only for important adventuring stuff." Efe turned away. "Now come on. Or I'm going to set fire to your butts again and then I'll tell my big brothers and sisters. Then you'll be in real trouble!" She walked off, eyeing each shop with a beady eye before she caught a stall selling what looked like facial elixirs and ointments for women and she rushed over, interested.

"I can't believe the amount of money she's carrying!" Aki said angrily to Raul. "She is spoiled rotten!"

"I know." Raul said. "Just bear it. Every one of her Familia is freakishly strong, not including herself who is three levels above us. I wouldn't want their wrath upon myself anymore than I want to become impotent."

"Well that's already sorted for you." Aki huffed. " You literally don't have the balls to fend for your rights...and I speak that in all literal senses since I've seen you bathing before. You don't have the manly faculties to stand up for yourself because they are barely visible, so you can forget about the chance of having any kids."

Raul stared at her as he recognised what she was actually saying to him. He blushed furiously in both the terms of colour and his temper as he spluttered, while she gave him a cruel smile and began hefting her load once again. Leaving him deeply hurt and all of a sudden, very self-conscious.

...Especially because that had come from her of all people.


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