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46.38% Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81 / Chapter 231: 209. Caravan Distress Signal

Bab 231: 209. Caravan Distress Signal

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Sico left the logistics building feeling optimistic about Sanctuary's future. The settlement was in good hands, and with the right focus and continuous effort, they could face any challenge that came their way. He headed towards his office at the Minutemen HQ to compile a detailed report on the Quincy operation, ensuring that every aspect of their mission was documented for future reference and learning.

The next morning, as Sico was making his rounds through Sanctuary, checking on the various projects and speaking with settlers, his walkie-talkie crackled to life.

"Sico, this is Piper. Can you come to the radio room? We've picked up a distress signal," Piper's voice was urgent but controlled.

"On my way," Sico responded, turning and heading towards the radio room located in the Minutemen HQ. The bustling activity around him faded into the background as he quickened his pace, focusing on the potential new crisis.

Upon arriving at the radio room, he found Piper hunched over the radio equipment, her face lit by the glow of the dials and screens. She looked up as he entered, her expression grave.

"Piper, what's the situation?" Sico asked.

"We've intercepted a distress signal from a caravan. They're under attack by hostile robots and need immediate assistance," Piper explained, adjusting the radio controls. "Listen to this."

She pressed a button, and the room filled with the sound of a man's voice, crackling slightly with static but clear enough to understand.

"This is an emergency broadcast! Our caravan's under attack by hostile robots, and needs some serious help! We're just east of Wattz Consumer Electronics. If anyone in the vicinity can come help, now's the time! Ada! Loop this message!"

A second voice, more mechanical and feminine, responded. "Yes, sir."

The message began to loop again, and Sico turned to Piper. "Do we know how far Wattz Consumer Electronics is from here?"

"It's about an hour's drive, maybe a bit less if we push it," Piper replied. "I've already alerted Preston and Cait. They're gathering a team."

"Good work, Piper. Keep monitoring the situation and relay any updates to us," Sico said, turning to leave. "I'll head to the armory to gear up."

As he exited the radio room, he could already hear the commotion of preparations. Preston and Cait were in the armory, organizing weapons and gear. MacCready was loading ammunition clips into his belt, while Jenny was packing a medical kit.

"Alright, everyone, we have a caravan in distress near Wattz Consumer Electronics," Sico announced. "Hostile robots are the threat, so be prepared for a tough fight. Preston, Cait, you two are with me. MacCready, you cover our rear and provide long-range support. Jenny, you're our medic. Let's move quickly and efficiently."

The team nodded, quickly finishing their preparations and heading to the garage where the trucks were parked. As they loaded into the vehicles, Sico briefed them on the plan.

"We'll approach from the west, using the terrain to our advantage. Jenny, stay close but keep behind cover. MacCready, find a vantage point as soon as we arrive. The rest of us will engage the robots directly and provide cover for the caravan."

With everyone ready, the convoy roared to life and sped out of Sanctuary, heading east towards Wattz Consumer Electronics. The journey was tense, but Sico maintained a steady focus, thinking through potential strategies and contingencies.

As they neared the location, the sounds of battle became audible—gunfire and mechanical noises echoed through the air. Sico raised his hand, signaling the convoy to slow down and proceed with caution.

"Alright, everyone, dismount and get ready. We'll move in on foot from here," Sico ordered.

The team disembarked, weapons at the ready, and began advancing toward the source of the noise. As they crested a small hill, they could see the scene unfolding beneath a dilapidated highway overpass. A multitude of robots were engaged in fierce combat, their metal bodies clashing and sparks flying.

At the center of the chaos, a heavily modified Assaultron caught Sico's eye. This wasn't any ordinary Assaultron; it had been pieced together with parts from a Sentry Bot and a Protectron, giving it a formidable and almost monstrous appearance. Its head swiveled with menacing precision, and its limbs moved with a deadly grace as it fought off a horde of hostile robots.

"That's one tough robot," Preston muttered, eyes widening at the sight.

"Looks like it's on our side," Cait added, noticing how the modified Assaultron was defending the caravan.

"Alright, we need to help it out and secure the area. MacCready, find a vantage point and start picking off those hostile bots. The rest of us will engage directly," Sico ordered.

"Roger that," MacCready replied, already moving to find a suitable sniper position.

Sico, Preston, Cait, and Jenny advanced quickly but carefully, keeping to cover as they approached the battle. The sound of gunfire and the whir of servos filled the air, making it clear that time was of the essence.

As they drew closer, Sico took stock of the situation. The hostile robots were a mix of Mr. Gutsy units, Protectrons, and a few Assaultron. They were focusing their fire on the caravan and the modified Assaultron, which was doing an impressive job of holding its ground.

Sico, Preston, Cait, and Jenny advanced quickly but carefully, keeping to cover as they approached the battle. The sound of gunfire and the whir of servos filled the air, making it clear that time was of the essence.

As they drew closer, Sico took stock of the situation. The hostile robots were a mix of Mr. Gutsy units, Protectrons, and a few Assaultrons. They were focusing their fire on the caravan and the modified Assaultron, which was doing an impressive job of holding its ground.

"Take them out quickly and precisely," Sico ordered, raising his weapon.

The team opened fire, their shots finding their marks with practiced precision. MacCready's sharpshooting from his vantage point above provided crucial cover, picking off hostile robots with deadly accuracy. Preston and Cait focused their fire on the more heavily armored units, while Sico targeted the weaker points of the robots' armor.

The combined firepower of Sico's team and the modified Assaultron quickly turned the tide of the battle. One by one, the hostile robots fell, their circuits shorting out and their mechanical bodies collapsing to the ground. Within minutes, the battlefield fell silent, save for the crackling of damaged circuits and the occasional hiss of escaping steam.

Sico and his team approached the caravan cautiously, their weapons still at the ready. As they moved closer, they saw the aftermath of the battle. The caravan was in shambles, and there were no signs of life among the human members. The only survivor was the heavily modified Assaultron.

"Clear," Sico called out, lowering his weapon and approaching the Assaultron.

The robot turned its head to face him, its mechanical eyes focusing on Sico. "Thank you for your assistance," it said in a synthesized, yet distinctly feminine voice. "I am Ada. Unfortunately, you arrived too late to save my companions."

Sico nodded solemnly. "I'm Sico, leader of the Minutemen. I'm sorry we couldn't get here sooner. Who were your companions?"

Ada's voice carried a tone of sadness, despite its mechanical nature. "My companions were my fellow modified robots Hurtz, Turing, and Porter, and our human friends Jackson, Liza, Zoe, and Shades. They were all killed in the attack."

Sico glanced around at the fallen bodies of both robots and humans. "What happened here, Ada? Why were you attacked?"

Ada's mechanical eyes flickered. "I believe that the caravan and its abundance of expertly-modified robots attracted the attention of the Mechanist. We suffered a quick succession of three attacks by similarly-patchwork robots that spouted the Mechanist's message of peace for the Commonwealth."

"The Mechanist?" Cait asked, frowning. "Who or what is that?"

"The Mechanist is a figure who has been sending out robots to bring what they claim is 'peace' to the Commonwealth," Ada explained. "However, these robots have been attacking and killing innocent people. I suspect the Mechanist saw our modifications as a threat or a challenge to their own creations."

Sico's mind raced with the implications. A new threat in the form of the Mechanist could spell trouble for all the settlements under Minutemen protection. "Ada, do you have any idea where these robots are coming from? Any leads on where the Mechanist might be?"

Ada's mechanical eyes focused intently on Sico as she replied. "Yes, I have tracked a group of the Mechanist's robots to the General Atomics factory. It's possible that we might find a lead there that could help us locate the Mechanist."

Sico nodded, absorbing the information. "General Atomics factory, you say? That could be our next step. We need to gather any clues we can to understand and stop these attacks."

Preston stepped forward, his face grim. "If these robots are as dangerous as they seem, we can't afford to delay. We should head there as soon as possible."

"Agreed," Cait chimed in. "The sooner we deal with this Mechanist, the safer the Commonwealth will be."

Sico turned to his team. "Alright, here's the plan: We'll head back to Sanctuary to regroup and prepare for the mission. Ada, you'll come with us. We'll need your knowledge and skills."

Ada nodded. "Understood. I am ready to assist in any way I can."

"Good," Sico said. "Let's gather what we can from here and get moving. MacCready, keep watch while we secure the area and load up."

The team quickly and efficiently began to gather supplies from the fallen caravan, salvaging what they could. Jenny checked for any useful medical supplies, while Preston and Cait focused on gathering weapons and ammunition. Ada assisted, using her advanced sensors to identify valuable components and equipment.

Once they had secured everything, they loaded up the trucks and prepared to head back to Sanctuary. The journey back was somber, with the team reflecting on the lives lost and the new threat they now faced.

Upon returning to Sanctuary, Sico immediately called a meeting with his core team in the Minutemen HQ meeting room.

"Everyone, we have a new mission," Sico began. "Ada here has information on a potential lead at the General Atomics factory. We believe the Mechanist's robots have been operating out of there, and we need to investigate."

Preston spoke up. "We should assemble a larger team for this mission. If the Mechanist's robots are as well-equipped as we've seen, we'll need all the firepower we can get."

"Agreed," Sico said. "We'll take a militia squad that consist 50 people with us. Nora and Cair, you guys handle the logistics and make sure we have all the necessary supplies. MacCready, I want you to set up sniper positions around the factory once we get there. Jenny, prepare medical kits and be ready for any injuries."

Nora nodded. "I'll get everything ready. We won't be caught off guard this time."

"Understood," MacCready replied. "I'll make sure we have the high ground."

Jenny added, "I'll prepare for any medical emergencies. We need to be ready for anything."

Sico turned to Ada. "Ada, you'll guide us to the factory and provide support during the mission. Any additional information you can give us on the Mechanist's tactics or defenses will be invaluable."

Ada nodded. "I will provide all the assistance I can. The Mechanist's robots are formidable, but with a coordinated effort, we can defeat them."

Sico concluded the meeting. "Let's move quickly and prepare. The sooner we get to the General Atomics factory, the better our chances of finding the Mechanist and stopping these attacks. Thank you, everyone. Let's get to work."

As the team dispersed to prepare for the mission, Sico felt a renewed sense of determination. The stakes were high, but with Ada's help and the combined efforts of the Minutemen, they stood a fighting chance against the Mechanist and the threat their robots posed to the Commonwealth.

The urgency of the mission galvanized everyone in Sanctuary into action. Sico oversaw the preparations with a watchful eye, ensuring that every detail was attended to.

Nora, who in charge of logistics with Cait, began coordinating the collection of necessary supplies. "We need enough food, water, ammunition, and medical supplies for a prolonged engagement," she instructed the logistics team. "Make sure we have extra power cells for the power armor as well."

Preston organized the militia, selecting fifty of the best-trained fighters. "We need people who are experienced and can handle themselves in a tough fight," he said. "Ensure everyone is fully equipped and understands the plan."

MacCready focused on his sniper equipment, cleaning and calibrating his rifles. "I'll scout ahead once we get there and find the best vantage points. We need to cover all possible angles of attack."

Jenny meticulously prepared medical kits, making sure they were stocked with stimpaks, bandages, RadAway, and other essential supplies. "We have to be ready for any medical emergencies. Double-check everything."

Ada assisted where she could, using her advanced sensors and knowledge of robotics to help identify valuable equipment and optimize their loadout. "We must be prepared for the Mechanist's advanced technology," she advised.

By late afternoon, the preparations were complete. The convoy was ready, consisting of trucks, 3 Humvee, 50 militia, and a power armor squad. Sico called a final meeting to go over the plan.

"Listen up, everyone," Sico began, addressing the assembled team. "We're heading to the General Atomics factory. Ada has tracked the Mechanist's robots to that location, and we need to investigate and put a stop to their operations. This mission is critical for the safety of the Commonwealth."

He continued, "Nora and Cait will manage logistics and ensure we have everything we need. MacCready will provide sniper cover. Jenny will handle medical emergencies. Ada will guide us and provide support. The rest of you will follow my lead. Stay alert, watch each other's backs, and stick to the plan."

The team nodded, ready and determined. Sico gave the signal, and the convoy moved out, leaving Sanctuary behind and heading towards the General Atomics factory.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 8,44

P: 7,44

E: 8,44

C: 8,44

I: 9,44

A: 7,45

L: 7

• Skills: advance Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, intermediate Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, Hacking, Persuasion, and Drawing Skills

• Inventory: 53.280 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, Ashmaker, Furious Power Fist, Full set combat armor blueprint, M240 7.62mm machine guns blueprint, Automatic Assault Rifle blueprint, and Humvee blueprint

• Active Quest: -

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