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86.66% Ben 10/MCU / Chapter 13: Threats/ Crisis On Helicarrier

Bab 13: Threats/ Crisis On Helicarrier

" So, are you here to take me in Agent, Hill? " I asked glancing around the whole cafeteria room. Realizing most of the people here at this moment seemed to be combat Shield units, who occasionally glanced my way. Some having very eager expressions others had nervous expression at the situation.

" Just, answer my questions, Tennyson. Do that and everything going to be just fine. " Hill spoke again as I glanced all around me. " Yeah, right," I remarked. Trying to reach the number ten logo on my utility belt. " Don't even think about it. Keep your hands where I can see them."

" Alright, calm down. " I said as Hill pulled out her gun. " You think, I'm scared of a gun?" I questioned. " Hmmm, no but let me guess if I pull the trigger. That life protection mode will automatically activate unless it's determined it's no threat. Am I right?"

" Wow, I'm impressed. How long did it take you to figure that out? " I asked while in my vision a row of icons appeared at the corner of my eye. As Olivia begun remotely controlling my eagle eye, opening one of the pockets on my belt. Where many tiny bots with three long legs began to step out.

Flying towards the various Shield operatives in the cafeteria. " Why isn't that I feel Fury didn't put you up to this? I'm guessing it's the council, right?"

" Good, guess now. Let's go talk somewhere more private shall we." Hill said standing up from her seat pointing what I assume to be the same tranquilizer dart she shot at me early.

" Sir, all bots are in place ready to go. Just give the word." Olivia's voice now rang in my ear, Hill at this moment noticed something trying to move up her arm. " Tennyson?" I immediately grabbed the food tray, I'd been using blocking Hill's first shot.

Hill who had noticed a tiny silver bot on her life wrist. Instinctively swatted the bot away before suddenly, every single person inside the cafeteria suddenly received electric shocks. All fall to the ground while all this is happening, I had already rolled under the table.

Before throwing the tray right toward Hill's left shin, Hill already sensing the danger rolled on top of the table. The tray slammed into the wall creating a metallic sound across the room. "Just, come with me quickly Tennyson. We already have Loki's in custody."

A hit of disdain appeared on my face when I heard her words. " Oh, and who exactly helped with that. Might I ask? " The rest of my equipment is still in the lab at this moment. Looking at the Omnitrix I couldn't help but, hesitate at using it.

Loki wanted to get caught he had planned this situation. I'm also not exactly sure what he was planning, so I didn't want to leave the helicarrier. As long as I get the rest of my equipment I can cloak myself, while hiding on the helicarrier.

'He hasn't transformed yet? Or has already done it?' Hill thought to herself especially whem she thought of that fast transformation of his. The council upon hearing they'd captured Loki wanted Tennyson detained as well.

Fury had refused saying it was unnecessary at this moment. Hence, the council gave her this risky task. However, she couldn't disobey orders. Making up her mind, she rolled off the table falling onto the floor gun pointed.

The moment she landed smoke appeared under the table blocking her view. However, she still fired two shots before getting off the ground. As the smoke began to fill the entire room obstructing her sight in the process.

" Tennyson? Just come with me. I know you aren't going to hurt anyone. It's not your amo." Hill said as slowly moved back toward the doorway. There were two entryways into the cafeteria on both sides, once the smoke finally dissipated. Revealing the now-opened door on the opposite side of the cafeteria.

" This is Maria Hill ordering an immediate capture of Benjamin Tennyson. Do not use lethal force, I repeat. Do not use lethal force." Hill didn't receive any response except for static over her coms. "Damn it," Hill said under her breath their coms down.

She could only begin chasing trying to find Tennyson's location. Meanwhile, I ran through the helicarrier corridors as I received no obstruction from most of the Shield crew. My conjecture was right Fury wasn't involved in this but, was likely aware of the council's actions behind his back. "Olivia, being project S.S."

"Yes, sir. Beginning implementation of the plan now. " Olivia answered me her voice sounding excited at the moment. Suddenly, I moved my head to the side dodging a shot from female Shield agents.

Which, I responded by throwing two Omnitrix-shaped throwing stars in her direction. Hitting her gun, throwing it out of her hand, before I could even think. I suddenly saw more armed agents with tranquilizer guns.

"Okay, this is tricky. " I said as they all began firing at me. Meanwhile, a ruckus was occurring all over the country at this moment. " Jack, have you seen all the news." A blonde teenager holding out his new Matrix TS3 smartphone currently the most high-tech smartphone on the market.

Created by Tennyson Industries, Jack was currently busy revising for his test. Looking up at his friend Mike who had a shocked expression on his face at the moment.

" What, is it now? Another video about Iron Man or one of those weird-looking creatures. Did a new one appear? " Jack asked not interested he had an important test to prepare for.

" No! Just look at this." Mike didn't say more and just shaved his phone into Jack's face. Who was about to slap the phone out of his face. But, paused his actions as he looked at what was on the screen.

" What the fu*k!" Jack exclaimed at this moment however, no one in the classroom said anything. Everyone is currently on their smartphones all with shocked or disgusted expressions on their faces. And all across the school, universities, construction sites, and all over the country on every screen.

Various images and files were being broadcast around the whole country. All very scandals material was being revealed to the public at this. All about various politicians and government agencies like the FBI, Pentagon, CIA, and Military.

Even Shield wasn't spared at this moment however, there wasn't a lot of information leaked. And the information revealed was minuscule in comparison to everything else. In New York Times Square, all traffic had come to a halt at this moment as time as citizens looked at the large screens.

" What the every loving f***k. Is this!" One pedestrian but, shout out at this time. Meanwhile, in the White House, countless people were running around with terrified expressions at this moment.

" Mr, President this is bad." The current President of the United States set in his chair his expression gloomy. " Who's doing this? " He asked as he looked at his computer screen in his office. Several other people stood in his President's Office.

" It's, most likely Benjamin Tennyson. " Said an old man wearing all black with sunglasses inside the room clearly CIA. " Tennyson? Can you be certain about this? " The president asked. " Yes, this is his logo. " The agent pointed to the Omnitrix logo at the bottom right corner of one of the videos.

"Is this what his been planning all this time? Does he want to tear this country apart with this? " The president asked in a serious tone clutching his fist.

" Likely, not most sir. As bad as this looks most of the information leaked isn't too damaging." The old man said, calmly. "What, this isn't too damaging. " The President questioned angrily glaring at the man.

" Compared to what he could have leaked out Mr President. This isn't even the worst, most of the damaging information leaked out are about certain influential individuals and various big and small politicians." The man than gave the president a list of names.

He immediately recognized three individuals apart from the World Security Council. Who had the most information leaked out the rest were just some small politicians that they been waiting to take down themselves.

But, he also big influential politicians and figures he had connections with. " Get, me a hold of the WORLD SECURITY COUNCIL. NOW!"

Back on the helicarrier as all this was happening. I ran through the corridors dodging a rain of tranquilizer darts, I began placing my makeshift throwing stars on the sides of walls. As I felt a few darts hit my back, as long as they didn't hit my uncovered arms and head. I'd be fine.

My black T-shirt and pants can block off all the darts. I also made several evasive maneuvers to prevent getting hit on my bare skin as I ran. Looking back I saw they were all in place, at which a green cloud enveloped the five chasing me.

From the two throwing stars, I had thrown out in an advantageous position. Immediately causing all of them to pass out. Why didn't I just turn it into XRL8? I found this whole situation a bit strange not just Hill's actions but, my actions as well. It's like there's a fog in my mind.

Finally reaching the lab I found Thor, Fury, Tony, Steve, Bruce, and even Natasha all in the room arguing about something. Likely Tony's encryption software had done its thing on the monitor. I could see some weapons of mass destruction displayed.

" Doctor, Banner don't touch that! " I suddenly yelled upon seeing, Bruce about to grab the glowing scepter. Whose blue light seemed to be glowing a little brighter than usual. Everyone then looked at Bruce who had just reached out to grab Loki's scepter.

" This one is of my brother's tricks he means to divide us." Thor suddenly realized that his mind had subtly been manipulated. " So, that's his aim," Steve spoke also understanding what going on as he turned to look at Bruce.

" Tennyson, stop right there. " Suddenly Hill appeared behind me pointing her gun at me. " Agent Hill, this isn't you Loki using you right now. " I explained taking few steps inside.

" What are you going on about?" Hill questioned her gun still aimed at me. " Well, like the two of you were having some fun. " Tony joked as he looked at my situation. " Not now, Stark. " Steve reprimanded as he looked at the two of us walking in.

" His right, Hill would you go after Tennyson with a tranquilizer gun? That not you." Natasha explained as she stared at us. Hill at this moment felt that her actions hadn't been while thought out. Especially, the way she was handling the capture order for Tennyson.

" Agent, Hill put the gun down. " Fury finally spoke analyzing the whole situation in his head. "Sir, should I deactivate project S.S. "Olivia's voice rang in my ear once again. "Yeah, you do that. "I replied under my breath.

At this moment outside the Helicarrier, a Quinjet flew in the air towards the Helicarrierr that now uncloaked itself. As the Quinjet prepared to land, the men inside began to arm themselves. Including Agent Barton.

Back inside the helicarrier lab room, Hill looked at me seriously before finally lowering her weapon. " This can't be all that to it. Loki still needs an escape plan." Steve spoke looking at everyone in the room. Bruce had at some point moved over to his monitor staring at a map.

" Dude, never say things like that," I said with a dark expression as I looked over to Steve. "Oh, no" Bruce muttered at this time with a surprised expression on his face.

" Bruce. " I called out, but as soon as my voice fell a large explosion occurred.


Sending me crashing into the glass window, and down towards the base floor. Crashing into a few support pillars before finally hitting the floor heavily right on my back.

My head spinning from the explosion. That just occurred. However, I suddenly felt someone land on my chest. Causing me to take another deep breath of air once again. As I felt two peaks now rubbing against my chest.

But, I didn't even notice due to all the pain shooting across my whole body. Starting from my back to the top head to the soles of my feet. Hill who had just been standing next to Ben. Had also been thrown out of the lab along with Ben and Thor.

Raising her head she found herself on top of Ben who looked to be in some pain. She was in some pain but, thankfully she landed on Ben. Which slightly eased her landing, " Hill, come in." Fury's voice suddenly rang in her ear at this moment.

"I copy," Hill answers as she got off Ben, who had begun to regain his sense. At this moment on the other side of her left. Thor also got up from the floor as he moved aside some iron pillars. That had been destroyed by him during his fall unable to withstand his body full force.

Meanwhile, PANDEMONIUM ERUPTS. Emergency alarms set off, fire extinguishers activate near surrounding fires and every agent is in a spinning scramble for their positions and armaments. On the bridge.

Meanwhile, Barton and the rest of his team here to free are already on board. And armed with assault rifles as they sneak on board. Barton on the other hand had his bow and arrow ready.

Ben on the other side is in a lot of pain especially, coming from his back, left arm, and right leg. Thankfully nothing had been broken, I thought to myself as I finally regained my bearings. As I began to stand up from the floor looking up to where I had just fallen from.

" States, reports. "Fury's voice rang in Hill's earpiece. " Yes, on lower floor three with Thor and Tennyson. " Hill reports. " Get to the bridge immediately. We're under attack hostile force might already be on board. Stay sharp and ready. " Fury still in the lab communicated with Hill over his earpiece.

As he began to leave the lab, Stark and Steve had already left the room. While Widow had fallen through the lab floor with Doctor Banner. He was still exactly unsure how well things were going down there. Especially, with Banner conditions when under huge amounts of stress, from Widow's previous report about their condition.

" Director Fury engine three is down. Fury suddenly received a report from one of the crew members on the bridge. "States report. " Fury asked over to the female attendant on the bridge. "Turbine's loose. Mostly intact, but it's impossible to get out there and make repairs while we're in the air " The attendant reports.

Hearing the attendant words I thought about transforming into Upgrade. To take control of the Helicarrier, preventing it from crashing as well as keeping Loki locked in his cell. However, Tony's voice soon came through the Omnitrix. " I'm on it. "

"Raaaoor!" Hill, Thor, and I all suddenly heard a loud roar at this moment. As the three of us were rushing up the stairs. As I trailed behind the two of them. " Oh, no. Hulk " Hill said with a frightened expression as she heard the roar.

" Is that the monster, Lady Widow talked about? " Thor questioned as we all stared in the direction of where the roar had come from. Hill looked at Thor, at this moment wondering if he was strong enough to take on the Hulk. As Thor was about to go towards that direction I held out my hand to stop him.

Hill and Thor looked at me questioningly at my actions. " Why do you stop me?" Thor questioned me as he wanted to go fight the Hulk. " I can handle Hulk. You go after your brother. That's who they're after. " I spoke seriously.

"Can you even fight with the Hulk? Haven't you read and watch the footage? " Hill questioned me with a skeptical expression. Reaching for the Omnitrix I began dialing my strongest guy currently while answering Hill's question.

" I can't. " I admitted before slamming on the Omnitrix symbol. Immediately transforming turning into a large bipedal tiger with one black claw coming out of each wrist." But, Rath can!"

I said Rath in a loud voice as I looked down on Thor and Hill. Who looked at my now 8'3 foot tall frame with bulging muscles and thankfully wearing pants.


Transformation Rath/SPECIES





Humanoid Tiger


"8'3" (2.43 meters)


Enhanced Strength

Sharp Claws

Combat Techniques

Powerful Roar

Enhanced Durability

Anger Empowerment

Strong Teeth

Enhanced Speed/Quadrupedalism

Wall Scaling


Rath wears black pants with white tiger-esque stripes on the thighs, with a white and green design on the legs

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Stone -- Power stone

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