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100% Rebirth of Aron Blackthorn: A Pokémon Odyssey / Chapter 61: Beyond the Twilight

Bab 61: Beyond the Twilight

After carefully going through all the pokéballs, I finally picked five and placed them in front of the trio. Out of the five, four had light indigo potential, and one had indigo potential, all with pseudo-legendary bloodlines.

"All these five have great potential and pseudo-legendary bloodlines. This is a Beldum, and this one here is a Bagon," I pointed out to the two Pokéballs.

"As for these three, I'm not sure if you guys are aware of these Pokémon, as they are not indigenous to any of the four regions currently known. This here is a Deino, this is a Goomy, and the last one here is a Jangmo-o," I added, also giving them a brief description of their typing and a few other details.

"Wait! If there is no knowledge about these Pokémon, how come you know they are pseudo-legendary bloodline Pokémon?" Steven couldn't help but ask a question. Although, with his talent, he knew these Pokémon before him were extra special compared to the rest he had picked, how did someone his own age know so much about Pokémon whose names were not even listed on the glass cases properly? They were simply listed with numbers and supposed typings, and the boy in front of him did not even open the pokéballs.

"Everyone has their secrets, Steven. I'm sure you have some too," I chuckled. Steven froze as he heard someone call him out with a name that he was familiar with.

"Do I know you?" he questioned, as we had yet to introduce ourselves to each other.

"Let's just say I know the names of all three of you," I commented while looking at Cynthia and Sabrina in turn.

"Are you one of them?" Sabrina questioned, her face turning angry, thinking that I was part of Team Rocket.

"I suggest you guys pick your pokéballs. Believing me or not is something left to you," I said, standing up, only waiting to see if Cynthia would believe me, as I did not want her to miss out on such a high-potential Pokémon.

"Well, in that case, I will take this one." Cynthia, although doubtful, trusted her gut instinct and picked up the Pokéball containing the Bagon, which was also the only indigo potential among the five.



Species: Rock Head Pokémon

Gender: Male

Status: Healthy

Level: 32

Stage: Silver

Height: 0.8 m

Weight: 56.3 kg

Type: Dragon

Potential: Indigo

Ability: Rock Head

Hidden Ability: Sheer Force


HP: 441

Attack: 410

Defense: 360

Special Attack: 294

Special Defense: 261

Speed: 327


Rage, Bite, Leer, Headbutt, Focus Energy, Ember, Dragon Breath, Scary Face, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Zen Headbutt, Flamethrower, Rock Slide, Dragon Dance, Double-Edge, Thrash, Fire Fang, Hydro Pump, Outrage, Dragon Pulse


The other two contemplated it for a long time. Then Sabrina moved to pick up the pokéball containing the Beldum. Although she was skeptical about my claims, she felt that Beldum, as a psychic Pokémon, would suit her well, especially with her already being a level 3 psychic.



Species: Iron Ball Pokémon

Gender: Genderless

Status: Healthy

Level: 37

Stage: Silver

Height: 0.8 m

Weight: 112.3 kg

Type: Steel / Psychic

Potential: Light Indigo

Ability: Clear Body

Hidden Ability: Light Metal


HP: 426

Attack: 344

Defense: 426

Special Attack: 278

Special Defense: 360

Speed: 261


Take Down, Iron Head, Tackle, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Psychic.


However, it was Steven who was seriously weighing my words. He even asked me to repeat the characteristics of the remaining three Pokémon once again. Finally, after a few minutes, he finalized his choice and picked up the Pokéball containing Deino.



Species: Irate Pokémon

Gender: Female

Status: Healthy

Level: 29

Stage: Silver

Height: 0.8 m

Weight: 22.3 kg

Type: Dark / Dragon

Potential: Light Indigo

Ability: Hustle

Hidden Ability: NA


HP: 462

Attack: 377

Defense: 327

Special Attack: 311

Special Defense: 327

Speed: 288


Dragon Rage, Tackle, Focus Energy, Bite, Dragon Breath, Roar, Assurance, Crunch, Dragon Pulse, Work Up, Dragon Rush, Slam, Dragon Tail, Taunt, Headbutt, Outrage, Hyper Voice, Scary Face, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang


"Are you sure you want to choose her? She can be quite feisty," I commented, noticing that Steven had chosen the Deino. Even among the other pseudo-legendaries, Deino required extra care as it couldn't see and had a tendency to bite at anything that moved.

"I'm sure. She's the one," Steven replied, clutching the pokeball closer.

"Fine, now that you've picked your pokeballs, it's time we return the remaining ones to their respective places," I said. The faces of the three children turned sheepish; in their excitement, they had removed the pokeballs from their cases. Now they would have to open each pokeball to return them to their correct place, but not all pokeballs were labeled. They simultaneously turned to me, knowing I could identify the contents without opening them.

I sighed and then used my psychic energy to lift all the pokeballs from the ground and return them to their rightful places within seconds. Discreetly, I also placed three empty pokeballs where I had taken the purple potential ones earlier.

"How... How did you do that?" Sabrina's eyes widened in astonishment. Despite being a tier 3 psychic, she had no control over her immense psychic energy. But the boy seemed to have his psychic energy completely under control, manipulating more than three dozen pokeballs simultaneously.

"Now's not the time. Soon enough, I'll teach you guys many things in secret. Don't worry, I have ways to keep us from losing our original memories. You just have to act like their methods are effective, and trust me, sooner or later, we'll get out of here. Maybe it might take months or years, but I promise I'll take you guys out of here," I assured them. Even now, if I really wanted to, I could achieve it. All I needed to do was command Froslass to take action.

As the kids heard my words, their eyes shone with a brightness that had lost its luster. If they truly had a way to retain their identity even after going through everything Team Rocket put them through, then they might have a chance to get out of this after all. All three of them were smart and knew not to ask too many questions about how I would be able to achieve all that I had claimed.

After waiting a few more minutes, the old man returned. Seeing a pokeball in each of our hands, he spoke into the communicator, and two Team Rocket executives walked in. They started to check us thoroughly to ensure we did not take more out of the vault than we were intended to.

As the Team Rocket executives inspected us, I exchanged a knowing glance with the trio. We had to maintain our calm facade, ensuring that none of them caught wind of our clandestine plans. Cynthia, Steven, and Sabrina followed my lead, keeping their expressions neutral despite the palpable tension in the air.

After what felt like an eternity, the executives completed their inspection and nodded to the old man, signaling that everything was in order. With a curt nod, he motioned for us to follow him out of the vault.

"You kids, make sure that you bond with your Pokemon soon enough. In three months, you will have an assessment. During the three months, you will access resources that are not available to the other trainees, so make sure you don't disappoint me. Trust me, you don't want me disappointed." He chuckled softly as we returned to the earlier area, where we had separated from our respective groups.

As the old man's words echoed through the corridor, a sense of urgency settled over us. We understood the gravity of his expectations and the importance of forming strong bonds with our newly acquired Pokémon. With a determined nod, Cynthia, Steven, Sabrina, and I exchanged glances, silently reaffirming our commitment to excel in the upcoming assessment.

As we returned to the main area, the atmosphere felt charged with anticipation. The other children from our groups cast curious glances at us, no doubt wondering what transpired during our time with the old man. I could sense the eyes of the other executives eyeing us with envy, and I was sure that if given the chance, they would not hesitate to eliminate us and take away the Pokemon that we had secured from the vault.

"Alright, everyone, return to your respective groups and follow me to your new accommodations. As future elites of our organization, we cannot have you living in substandard conditions, now can we?" An executive chuckled while everyone moved back to their groups. Some children even started animatedly discussing what kind of Pokémon they had selected as their first partner.

Our first trial would be to tame these Pokémon. The Pokémon the kids might have selected could range from bronze stage to silver stage, perhaps even an occasional gold stage Pokémon. For normal adults, handling such Pokémon would be disastrous. Yet, these children were given these pokéballs and were now expected to form a pact with these formidable creatures.

The executive lady leading our group guided us to a separate wing of the facility and pointed to what seemed like rooms allocated for the children. Each room had a number on it, matching the numbers we were given earlier.

"These will be your new living quarters," she explained. "You'll find all the essentials inside. Take this time to settle in and get acquainted with your Pokémon. Remember, in three months, you will be assessed on how well you've bonded with and trained your Pokémon. Use the resources available to you wisely."

As we walked down the hallway, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation and a hint of anxiety. The rooms were a significant upgrade from the previous living conditions. Each room had a small training area, a comfortable bed, and even a computer with access to a vast database of Pokémon knowledge and training tips.

"You, kid, follow me," the overseer called out just as I was about to enter the room like the other kids. This made the other children turn towards me with envy. They already knew that, even among the elite children chosen, the four of us who had been taken away separately had a higher status than them for now.

I obediently followed the overseer to the end of the hallway. Before me lay a room much larger than the ones the other awakened kids got. From my initial estimate, the room was four times larger than the others. As I stepped inside, I couldn't help but be amazed.

The room was a far cry from the basic necessities provided to the others. It was fully furnished with luxurious accommodations. A spacious living room greeted me first, with plush sofas and a large screen advanced console mounted on the wall.

The console was equipped with the latest in virtual reality training simulations and access to an extensive database of Pokémon knowledge.

To the right, an open kitchen boasted state-of-the-art appliances, gleaming countertops, and a dining area that could easily host a small gathering. Beyond the kitchen, a door led to a super large training area attached to the room. This training area was expansive, with various terrains and obstacles designed to simulate different environments for rigorous Pokémon training. Advanced training equipment lined the walls, from battle simulators to strength conditioning machines.

Adjacent to the training area was a huge bedroom with a king-sized bed, flanked by nightstands, and adorned with soft, high-quality linens. A large window overlooked the courtyard below, letting in ample natural light. The room also featured a walk-in closet, fully stocked with multiple uniforms and casual wear.

Across from the bedroom, a study room awaited, complete with a large desk, multiple monitors, and shelves filled with books and research material. It was a quiet, isolated space, perfect for strategic planning and studying the nuances of Pokémon battles and techniques.

As I took it all in, I couldn't help but be impressed by how Team Rocket was pampering their future powerhouses. It was clear they were investing heavily in us, providing every possible resource to ensure our success.

"Impressive, isn't it?" the overseer remarked, noting my expression. "This will be your living quarters. Make sure you use all the resources available to you. You have three months until the assessment, and we expect great things from you."

The overseer gave a small, satisfied nod as he observed my reaction. "Remember, your training and performance are critical to our plans. Do not disappoint us."

As she left, I took a moment to absorb my surroundings. This wasn't just a room; it was a clear statement of the expectations placed on me. Team Rocket intended to mold me into a powerhouse, and they were providing every possible tool to ensure my success.

A few minutes later, within the main base, an underground room buzzed with activity. Thousands of monitors displayed live feeds from every corner of the facility, each screen closely watched by hundreds of Team Rocket executives. The children, more akin to test subjects, were under constant surveillance. Every move they made, their behavior, and their responses to psychic treatments and brainwashing were meticulously monitored through carefully hidden cameras in their rooms and throughout the facility.

Above this massive control room, with a panoramic glass view, was a meeting room where the poison seat holder and a dozen overseers were engaged in a critical discussion.

"So, what do you think about the recent batch?" the old man asked, his voice carrying the weight of authority. The overseers, a grim collection of individuals who had once undergone similar training, shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

Most of the overseers had experienced the same indoctrination as the current batch of children. Over time, they had lost their original identities and morality; their lives are now bound to Team Rocket. The organization had become their sanctuary, the only place that would accept them after all they had done. The blood on their hands was too much for society to overlook, and leaving Team Rocket meant certain death.

One overseer, a woman with cold, calculating eyes, spoke first. "This batch shows promise, especially the four taken for special observation. Their potential is significantly higher than the others, particularly that boy from Lena's group. I don't know why, but my instincts keep screaming at me to stay away from the kid."

"Hahaha, Gina, are you seriously worried about a kid who's barely six and just got his first Pokémon? You're losing your mind," Jaime, one of the overseers, scoffed, his laughter echoing through the room.

"But let's address the real issue here. Don't you think Lena's getting an unfair advantage over the rest of us? Most groups have only eight to ten children in their awakened group, but Lena has close to forty. If we follow the old rules, she'll get more resources than the rest of us, even if her awakened are subpar at best."

Jaime's eyes glinted with malice as he spoke, his words carrying an undercurrent of bitterness. He couldn't stand the thought of Lena gaining an overwhelming advantage. If she received too many resources, she had a chance to break through to the Epic rank before him, and he couldn't allow that.

The room fell silent, tension thick in the air. The overseers exchanged wary glances, each contemplating the implications of Jaime's accusation. Lena, seated at the far end of the table, remained calm, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

The old man, the poison seat holder, leaned forward, his steepled fingers tapping together thoughtfully. "Jaime, your concerns are noted. However, it is crucial to remember that the quality of the children and their potential contributions to Team Rocket far outweigh the number of trainees. Lena's group may be larger, but their true worth will be determined by their performance."

Lena's smirk widened, her eyes locking with Jaime's. "Precisely. And if I recall correctly, Jaime, it was you who insisted on adhering to the old rules. Now that they don't favor you, you're quick to object."

Jaime bristled, his fists clenching at his sides. "This isn't about favoritism, Lena. It's about fairness and ensuring that no one gets an undue advantage."

The old man raised his hand, silencing further arguments. "Enough. We will not descend into petty squabbles. The resources will be allocated based on merit and performance, as always. If Lena's group proves superior, they will receive what they deserve. The same goes for any other group. Now, focus on your tasks. We need results, not discord."

The overseers nodded, though the tension remained palpable. As they filed out of the room, Jaime shot Lena a final glare, his mind already racing with plans to undermine her advantage. He couldn't afford to let her outpace him, not when the stakes were this high.

In the grand scheme of Team Rocket's ambitions, personal rivalries were just another facet of the ruthless drive for power. Each overseer knew that success depended not only on their trainees' performance but also on their ability to outmaneuver their rivals. And in this game of shadows, only the strongest would prevail.

"You guys may not know this, but I have received orders directly from the leader," the old man announced, his voice steady and commanding. "Due to our recent success in the Hoenn event, we are to go into hiding and increase our strength. Although the missions were a success, we lost more than half a dozen seat holders. Some of you might have the chance to take this opportunity, as the organization needs more Epic-class trainers to fill the ranks."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. The room was silent, every overseer hanging on to his next sentence. "The leader has decided to increase the resources allotted to the overseers manifold compared to before. As the first blessing, the group that triumphs in the assessment three months from now will see their overseer presented with a Pokémon with a pseudo-legendary bloodline."

The impact of his declaration was immediate and electric. Eyes turned bloodshot with desire, and even the shock of losing over half a dozen Epic-level trainers was momentarily forgotten. This was the chance they had all been waiting for—a pseudo-legendary bloodline Pokémon. Such an opportunity was unprecedented.

Various emotions rang through the meeting room. Some overseers couldn't hide their excitement, while others were already deep in thought, strategizing their next moves. Jaime's expression was especially sour; his earlier complaints about Lena's advantage now seem petty in the face of this new incentive. He knew that securing such a powerful Pokémon could make or break his future within Team Rocket.

Lena, on the other hand, was over the moon. Her luck seemed to be skyrocketing. She had always been ambitious, and now the stars were aligning in her favor. She couldn't help but let a small, triumphant smile curl her lips as she imagined the power she could wield with a pseudo-legendary Pokémon at her side.

The old man surveyed the room, noting the shift in atmosphere. "I expect all of you to give your utmost effort. Remember, the resources and the reward are there for the taking, but only the best will earn them. You have three months. Make them count."

Silent_stiele Silent_stiele

Dear readers and fans,

I want to extend my deepest gratitude for your unwavering support on this exhilarating journey of storytelling. Your enthusiasm fuels my passion for crafting immersive worlds and unforgettable characters.

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Your support means the world to me, and it is your encouragement that propels me forward in this creative odyssey. Together, let's explore the depths of imagination and bring our wildest dreams to life.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

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With heartfelt gratitude,


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