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22.72% Stargate Goa'uld Korr / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Human Replicators

Bab 5: Chapter 5 Human Replicators

NA: Clarification: Replicators 01, 03, and 04 are men, while 00, 02, 05, and 06 are women. I mention this because the translation program sometimes confuses them and changes "he" to "she" and "his" to "her." If you see these errors, please point them out for correction.

Lyda Galaxy, Outer Rim (Asgard Galaxy)

A sleek, three-hundred-meter-long arrowhead-shaped ship emerged from hyperspace, turned, and raised its shields. Burn marks from plasma damage adorned its dark surface, indicating recent skirmishes. Moments after it turned, five similar ships appeared from hyperspace, two of which came under fire from the first ship and were destroyed before they could activate their shields. The remaining three ships activated their shields, and the battle began.

The first ship was swift, and its plasma shots against the shields of the other three ships seemed more powerful than those of its opponents. Furthermore, its speed and maneuverability were superior. However, its superiority was outweighed by the number of pursuers, and after ten minutes of battle, the situation became critical for the fleeing ship.

Inside the fleeing ship, hundreds of replicators crowded around their primary energy source, doubling their efficiency, which boosted their shields and provided a significant boost to their speed and maneuverability. However, the interior of the ship was barely holding together.

Shots that had penetrated the shields in an initial ten-against-one battle had destroyed a significant portion of the ship's main systems. It only remained intact thanks to the replicators' ability to replace damaged circuits and components on the spot. But this action had depleted their significant resources, and their option to send replicator darts to infect the attacking ships was discarded.

With shields collapsing and plasma shots seeping through, the replicators prepared to self-destruct the ship. They approached the attacking ships in the hope that fragments of their ship, containing replicator blocks, might breach the enemy shields, carrying the replicators into their ships.

It was a tactic with minimal chances of success, but replicators were creatures without self-awareness, incapable of feeling fear and programmed with a single supreme order that had to override everything else: replicate at any cost and under any circumstances. They prioritized numbers, and that's why they didn't resort to self-annihilation, but in a situation where their primary order was about to be forcibly nullified, they resorted to their last option.

The replicators commanding the ship from the bridge were already preparing to execute the plan, closing in on the pursuing ships when one of them, responsible for communication systems and blocking all signals within a light-year radius, saw his interference field intercepted and decoded in less than a second.

The replicator did nothing to counter the intrusion because the perpetrator was sending a subspace signal containing a replicator identification pattern. The replicator lowered all communication defenses. Replicators had never encountered a species that didn't attack them, and when they initiated a battle, they learned to block all communications so their aggressors couldn't call for help.

Now, the replicator removed all those defenses and opened a communication channel to the entire ship. The incoming signal expanded, and the ship's replicators formed a hive mind with the incoming signal. Seeing the situation, and without wasting a millisecond, they transmitted a vast amount of information.

A second later, replicators throughout the ship adopted various configurations, and barely ten seconds later, the energy supplied to the ship's engines increased by tens of times, shields were restored, and the weapons fired with ten times their original power, wreaking havoc on the enemy shields, which had already fallen within a minute.

That was not the end. The signal continued to transmit information, and the replicators had not ceased their improvements. By the time the shields of the attacking ships fell, hundreds of replicators were transported to them, taking the unsuspecting crew by surprise, who had never seen matter-to-energy transportation technology.

The replicators advanced, and twenty minutes later, the battle had ended, and the four ships were refueled to join another battle, led by the replicators sending the signal, against a species known as Asgard, possessing advanced technology capable of accelerating the fulfillment of the replicators' supreme order, replication…

The replicator coordinating efforts between the allied replicator signal and the ship's replicators watched as everything around him disappeared, and his programming indicated that he had been immersed in a simulation, so he initiated an emergency protocol…

"Trojan Horse destroyed, information secured and uploaded. Commencing modifications to the hyperdrive and creating backups. Backup established. One hour to finalize probes and deploy them in various directions in case of enemy intersection. Chances of interception less than 0.0001%."

The humanoid-shaped replicator finished reading the report in a matter of nanoseconds. His mental capabilities and intelligence had been enhanced thousands of times thanks to the creation of a biological neural network formed by bionanites.

Human-model replicators no longer had to worry about memory space or insufficient intelligence to match organic beings. The Supreme Being had eliminated those weaknesses from their physical bodies.

The Supreme Being had also enhanced their perception of the world, linking their minds and turning them into a hive mind connected to him through bionanites, which were an extension of the Supreme Being's mind but could function independently when distances were too great for real-time connection.

Replicator 01 was the second supreme replicator created by the Supreme Being, following the prototype replicator, replicator 00. The Supreme Being had tasked him with leading a group of replicators to the galaxy of the species known as Asgard and obtaining all information about their technology.

Typically, this would be a declaration of war, but the Supreme Being had provided information about the current state of the galaxy he would visit, and replicator 01 concluded that military actions would not be necessary. A stealthy tactic would have nearly a hundred percent chance of success, so he created a replicator with programming that mimicked that of the Asgard galaxy's replicators.

To avoid loose ends and questions about why the individual's secondary programming differed from the local version, a background from another galaxy was established, as replicators often adjusted their programming to environmental conditions. The only thing that didn't change was their primary order to replicate under any circumstance.

This supreme order could only be changed by replicators with intelligence like replicator 01, who, as a being with intelligence, self-awareness, and his own feelings, could alter his programming at will and even remove the primary order to obey the Supreme Being. But under no circumstances would replicator 01 do such a thing.

The Supreme Being had warned them that the day they stopped serving him would also be the day they would lose all the things he had given them, including what was most valuable to 01: his bionanite brain.

Without the bionanite brain, his intellectual, storage, and information processing capabilities would decrease by thousands of times, turning him into a common humanoid replicator, just like the ones the Supreme Being had destroyed in the Pegasus galaxy.

In 01's judgment, those replicators couldn't be categorized as intelligent. It would be more accurate to say they were a simulation of intelligence, incapable of advancing or growing, obsessed with their petty grievances.

01 felt shivers running through his body, bringing a smile to his face. The ability to feel was his second most cherished gift. Blended within his nanite body were bionanites forming a nervous system, granting him the capacity to experience sensations, which he highly valued. Even pain was pleasant to him, though only from an intellectual perspective. He was not a fetishist. Lastly, there was all the knowledge that the Supreme Being shared with them, and only them, without any restrictions.

If replicator 01 were to lose any of these three gifts, it would be a tragedy for him. If he lost them all, it would be an insurmountable calamity. He would prefer to end his existence before becoming a pitiful imitation of life like his Asuran counterparts.

After a brief moment of reflection, 01 looked around the small two-by-two-meter bridge. Insectoid replicators tirelessly worked to carry out 01's orders, moving across control panels and relaying instructions for hyperdrive modifications and probe construction. Meanwhile, the bioship, still in its growth phase, maximized its stealth capabilities to remain unnoticed in hostile territory.

01's only concern was the Asgard, as if he encountered a ship controlled by the replicators, his capabilities were sufficient to overload all their databases with an information surge, equivalent to a mental attack for a biological being. That's why, as long as he wasn't besieged by millions of insectoid replicators, he wouldn't care about them and wouldn't be worried.

01 reclined in his command seat and used an Asgard holographic projection in front of him. It was a projection of himself that looked just like him at that moment: a twenty-year-old with pale skin, short silver hair, an inverted triangular face, aqua-green eyes, and clothing in an Alteran style, with simple pants and a shirt that was a mix between a shirt and a vest, closed with a magnetic fastener.

01 didn't wear any protective gear because he didn't need it; his body operated with a Proyecto Arturo-based energy source, and the nanites forming him could assume various configurations for shields, stealth, or offense. But these configurations weren't his current interest. 01 had a different hobby, and that hobby was altering his physical appearance to look more handsome.

In his last beauty session, 01 had decided to change the color of his eyes to green because he thought they looked better with his cotton-white hair. This had increased his attractiveness by at least five percent, but 00 still rejected him.

01 couldn't fathom her rejection of his attempts to establish a romantic relationship. As for his appearance, 01 would rate himself as divine-looking. His intelligence was supreme, and his capabilities nearly limitless. He was a living god, the supreme replicator, the perfect model, but she rejected him despite his constant self-improvements.

01 was already tired of it. One of these days, he would court 05. She was already interested in 03, but the guy was indifferent and paid her no attention, so 05 seemed frustrated. Maybe they could talk about it.

Korr was reviewing reports about Earth and planning investments in video game companies he once played as a young man in his previous life and wanted to improve before they hit the market. While he was reviewing the details of Soul Reaver production, his mind connected with the bioship he sent to the Asgard galaxy and with the replicator in charge of the mission. Feeling this connection, the replicator reported the mission's success and transmitted all the obtained information. In the information were most of the technologies he had hoped for.

Asgard transport technology, hyperdrive and weapon enhancements, new powerful metal alloys, matter-to-energy storage technology, mind and consciousness transfer technology, among others, but temporal manipulation technology was nowhere to be found. At this point in history, the Asgard hadn't employed it against the replicators, and the replicators hadn't copied it.

Korr had access to Alteran time technology developed by Janus, which was a thousand times more advanced and even allowed for time travel to the past. However, it wasn't practical for rapidly increasing ship production or manufacturing a million ships in a second by accelerating time in a specific location. But that didn't matter; creating ships wasn't the only way to develop his fleet.

Korr contacted a replicator aboard the Leviathan and assigned research while ordering the application of Asgard technological improvements to the Leviathan. He then went back to reviewing reports on Earth, the centerpiece of Stargate history. He planned to use this information to address Milky Way matters while indulging in the vital mission of buying and improving all the games he had ever enjoyed, then replaying them.

In his previous life, he might have been accused of being lazy and idle, but here, he was a god. Anyone uttering nonsense would be sent to keep the company of the Wraith, the Alterans, and the Goa'uld sleeping in the cargo hold of the Leviathan.

Korr could explore all the worlds recorded in the SGC database in search of technologies similar to those that SG-1 would encounter in their travels. However, this could be counterproductive because among those addresses were the Tollan, the Nox, and even the Asgard. Furthermore, the technologies he sought couldn't be found merely by exploring planets, such as the Atanik bracelet technology. As for Tollan phase-shift technology, he would obtain it easily when SG-1 brought them to his base.

Korr had also considered Anubis, who was a technology thief like him. If he interfered with the other Goa'uld, Anubis wouldn't show himself, and his technological knowledge would never fall into his hands. That would be a tragedy because Anubis possessed significant Ascended knowledge.

On the other hand, the humans of Earth had a purpose for him. They would be responsible for maintaining order in the galaxy. Korr was aware that the greatest threats arose from chaos, and once he built his empire, he would have to deal with those threats. But if the humans were there to handle those threats on his behalf and control the chaos, he would live a carefree life, as it should be.

Korr read the reports coming from Stargate Command through the telepathic network he had installed, which would eventually cover the entire galaxy, as it expanded daily with the addition of new satellites. His ultimate goal was to have a satellite on every planet with a Stargate.

At the SGC, in the past twenty days, they had resolved the issue of the mutinous military personnel by using zat guns to end the mutiny, and then they sent the individual to a psychiatric facility.

Colonel O'Neill had encountered his crystal clone. Korr sent a probe to the explored address, but the technology was inferior to what he already possessed, and it didn't interest him. Nevertheless, he would continue to monitor because there were still many overpowered technologies to obtain by following SG-1's missions.

Korr was already making a great effort with his satellite network, but without a specific address, he could only search for things randomly. The only progress he had made with the satellites was that he might have discovered a clue about Egeria, the Tok'ra queen.

Korr had assigned 06 to this task because through her, he could secure a treaty with the Tok'ra and prevent them from bothering him. The other option was to send them to the cargo hold, anyway, they were only a few.

Korr thought about the story. If everything followed the series, SG-1 would soon encounter the Nox. Korr didn't believe they would obtain any technology from them, but he wanted to mock these tree-huggers, dismantling their façade and moral superiority nonsense. Korr began to write.

Korr wrote a detailed report about the Nox, including information about their abilities, technology, customs, and culture. He left instructions for the report to be released when the mission to the Nox planet was approved.

After finishing everything related to Earth, Korr transported to his planet and summoned his Jaffa to initiate his conquest plans against his former master Mot. Mot had dismissed him and declared him dead, hiring someone else in his place, which nearly killed his First Prime and caused the death of dozens of his servants. Korr didn't know the deceased, but they were his people, and he owed them retribution.

Elsewhere, 00 looked at the suspended animation pod of a Wraith engineer and observed her youthful appearance with blue hair and red irises, designed by her creator. Unlike the other six superior replicators, 00 hadn't changed her appearance.

00 received a substantial amount of information about technological updates and an order to research a new weapon system. The Creator wanted her to develop a system that would disable enemy Ha'tak ships without causing physical damage to their structures and minimal harm to their systems. 00 wasn't worried since she had several ideas on how to achieve that. What concerned her was the possible return of her narcissistic stalker after a successful mission in the Asgard galaxy.

00 tensed as 01 joined the collective mind they shared with their creator.

"00, I'm back!" said 01 triumphantly.

00 had been praying to the gods for the Asgard to discover 01 and kill him, but it was likely that their creator would activate a copy of him. 00 didn't care because she had a plan to change her programming and add a command that would free her from this annoyance by changing her gender.

00 knew that 01 would go from being a narcissistic stalker to being a narcissistic stalker herself, but that didn't concern her because she would stalk men, and it wouldn't be her problem.

"Do you need something?" 00 responded with boredom. 01 asked if she'd like to change her hair color to a bright red since he thought it would enhance her green eyes more than cotton white. 00 massaged her temples.

"01, do you have any important matters to discuss?" 00 asked with annoyance.

"Can we talk about our relationship?" 01 asked.

"We don't have any relationship," 00 replied irritably.

"I think it's a matter of interpretation," said 01 and appeared in front of 00 using a holographic projection, an Asgard technological enhancement that was easy to implement, and barely a minute later, it was available. "Look, this is part of the technology I've acquired and improved, a hard light projection. It's like being here. If you want, you can touch me," 01 offered.

"Undoubtedly a valuable technology," 00 said sarcastically. 01 smiled.

"The Supreme Being will be pleased with this technology," 01 said.

00 agreed with that. Their creator would use this technology to create games, but 00 didn't consider that important. She turned and looked at the pod where the Wraith in suspended animation was.

"01, I've discovered something interesting. Do you want to hear about it?" 00 asked indifferently. 01 quickly nodded, and 00 pointed to the massive storage area dedicated to suspended animation pods, spanning kilometers of space on the sixth floor of the central pyramid.

"01, a few days ago, our creator spoke with other Goa'uld, ancient system lords who once ruled Earth. He offered to serve him, but their ego was too big, and they ended up in this storage area," explained 00, and 01 nodded. "01, I've noticed a pattern, and it's that our creator doesn't like to kill, and every time he encounters annoying creatures that he can't release but doesn't want to kill, they end up in this storage area."

01 observed the massive storage area, which still had hundreds of thousands of empty slots.

"It looks like he's made quite a bit of space," 01 commented, furrowing his brow.

"Yes, it seems our creator doesn't want to run out of space for those who disturb his plans. In fact, I've been thinking of something. Do you want to know what it is?" 00 asked, and 01 quickly nodded.

"Well, if you really want to know, come here in person when you arrive on the Leviathan," 00 said with a slightly suggestive tone and cut off the communications in the area, making 01's hologram disappear.

Korr observed from his new throne on the planet how the last Jaffa took their places in the immense throne room with polished floors and walls of rock in an Egyptian style, illuminated by false fire torches. In reality, the light that illuminated the place originated from a complex system that left no traces of its presence.

The throne room was no longer the bridge of his old Ha'tak ship but was now part of an immense palace built by 05 and 06 for Korr's enjoyment.

The palace appeared to be a construction from a bygone era, but just like the bio-ships, it concealed cutting-edge technology behind each of its walls to provide them with modern conveniences such as air conditioning, water drainage and circulation systems, water heaters, television, internet, hot springs, vast kitchens, swimming pools, ballrooms with complete sound systems, movie theaters, and computer and game rooms.

The luxuries of this palace were many, but they were not yet complete because the servants were missing. Korr had everything ready to recruit them as soon as he found people with a decent appearance. He didn't want ugly peasants; he needed servants like Ra's. The children from the movie in their Egyptian attire looked fantastic, although their variety was limited. He would get hundreds of servants because, for him, the money to maintain them was not a problem.

For his personal servants, Korr intended to select children between seven and ten years old, some blond girls, others brunettes, Asians. The boy with the braid and the shaved head also looked very good in the movie. Finally, adults couldn't be missing; they were missing in the movie, making Ra's collection incomplete. For his collection of servants, Korr would add men and women with godlike bodies, wearing Greek and Egyptian costumes from the Middle Ages…

"My lord, we are all assembled now," reported Jet, his Jaffa First Prime.

Korr observed his more than five hundred Jaffa who had knelt ten meters from his throne, which was elevated three meters above the ground at the end of golden stairs ten meters wide and twenty meters long. These stairs would one day be occupied by his collection of servants.

The Jaffa wore their new armor, but as a sign of respect toward him, their helmets were retracted, and they all showed their faces. This would be the first of many battles they would face because while Korr didn't intend to start a war of conquest, the Goa'uld were not a peaceful people, and Korr was not someone who would bow down to be kicked.

The first System Lord who came to demand servitude would be put in his cargo hold, and he would keep their territory. He hadn't spent two months working hard to play the wolf in sheep's clothing. To those who came looking for trouble, Korr would show them their mistake, and these Jaffa were his army, so they would have to fight his battles. That's why Korr had equipped them with good weapons and even better armor, including an Alteran shield.

The Alteran shield that Korr had given them was not as resilient as the personal Goa'uld shield because, due to its configuration that allowed movement, it consumed more energy, and naquadriah was not suitable for personal use.

Korr wouldn't use subspace power sources because he wouldn't leave his most advanced technology lying around for someone like Anubis to come and steal. Nevertheless, these Jaffa's shields could withstand a couple of shots from a Goa'uld plasma cannon, like the ones carried by Death Gliders or used by the Goa'uld as artillery cannons, and many blasts from staff weapons.

This had to be the case because the enemy Jaffa would outnumber his, and his Jaffa needed that advantage to overcome them. Secondly, he had to make it clear in battle that he was the most powerful so that the Goa'uld enemies and captured Jaffa wouldn't hesitate to obey him.

After observing his Jaffa for a minute and being satisfied with their armor and appearances, Korr nodded, his eyes gleaming to show his contentment. He spoke to his troops, using his Goa'uld voice.

"My Jaffa warriors, I have gathered you here because this morning marks the beginning of our retaliation campaign against those who tried to steal my territories," Korr pronounced, and the Jaffa placed their hands on their chests. "This conquest campaign will be led by one of my envoys," said Korr, and a tall woman standing at 1.80 meters, with waist-length blonde hair, wearing a modern beige and gold dress with a fitted skirt and a medium neckline, appeared before them.

"She is one of my seven envoys and strategic generals in any conflict that arises in the future. She will be the one to establish the strategy to follow in this conflict, considering our main objectives and moral and ethical issues. Her name is 05, and her orders are mine," Korr explained and gestured with his right hand toward 05, an enhanced Replicator with an organic brain created with bionanites. The Jaffa saluted by placing their hands on their chests.

"Greetings, everyone. I trust you have been practicing all the knowledge granted to you by our Emperor. In the upcoming battles, our main objective is to take control of the enemy forces and ships to avoid having to build them with our own hands, which would take us months, perhaps years.

"Thinking about this, one of the Emperor's envoys is already working on a weapon that will allow us to neutralize enemy shields, and our Emperor will provide us with the use of transport technology to board as quickly as possible so that the enemy has no time to execute any sabotage and ruin the capture of the ships.

"As for other Jaffa, their capture is also a priority because the Emperor has decreed that those who wish may join our ranks. Those who reject this opportunity will be left on a planet outside our territory without suffering any harm. Remember that Jaffa who do not serve our Emperor are nothing but slaves, beings worthy of pity. It is not honorable to face such pitiful enemies," 05 concluded.

After finishing her speech, 05 left using an Asgard transporter, taking the Jaffa with her. Preparing the ships and strategies would take an hour, so Korr had not yet moved to accompany them in battle.

Korr briefly reviewed the reports coming from the former slave village, where they were building their own city under the supervision of their first Goa'uld servant, to whom he had built a pyramid using the Wraith transport and dematerialization beam and had given him a Ha'tak ship that he used as a palace, warning him that his head would roll if he dared to enslave any villagers or torture them.

Nerul's work in the village was to plan the construction of a Goa'uld-style city with stone streets, sidewalks, white and black water circulation systems, public lighting, water fountains, recreational parks, theaters, temples, public squares, markets, entertainment venues, and more.

The Goa'uld also had to take care of the crops and implement new cultivation plans to add variety to the diet of their servants, Jaffa, and their families. Korr focused only on the crops and didn't want to raise animals, as he would provide the market with proteins produced through advanced technology. This would secure him a significant place in the economy of his new city.

Korr read the reports about the sacred tree, which stood at 50 meters in height and had been planted in the middle of the human city of just over 5,000 inhabitants.

The tree was a mixture of nanites and bionanites. The sick villagers had already been healed, and the crops were showing signs of accelerated development, with no pests or birds nearby. As the villagers no longer had to worry about the security of their crops or weed control, Nerul, the Goa'uld governor, had many hands free to build the city.

The human city had only been under construction for twenty days, and although it was being built by human hands, Nerul provided them with materials and some advanced tools to cut rock or carry blocks.

The city had only progressed 25% in twenty days, but it already had electricity, water systems, lighting, parks, and fountains. Korr watched it all because, in the future, he would move his palace to another planet, which he would name his capital, and build his own monumental city. He had no problem relocating thanks to Asgard technology.

After reviewing the reports and comparing them with his own made by the Replicators, Korr returned to the Leviathan to check the specifications of the new hyperdrive and the modifications being made before the conquest of his former Goa'uld master, Mot. At that moment, he received a message from 00 requesting communication.

Korr sat on the bridge's throne and opened the communication. 00 appeared before him. She was the only one of the enhanced Replicators who decided to retain the appearance he had given her, with short blue hair and red eyes.

"Good afternoon, 00," Korr greeted.

"Good afternoon, Creator," 00 replied formally.

"What's the urgency?" Korr asked.

"An accident occurred in the stasis chamber," 00 reported.

"What kind of accident?" Korr asked, as all the subjects in the stasis chamber were asleep, and such incidents rarely occurred there.

"01 and I were conducting some tests on the stasis pods to see if they could be adapted for our use when something happened, and 01 got trapped in the pod. I'm afraid I won't be able to get him out for a year or two," 00 explained calmly.

Korr found it strange that these two were testing hibernation capsules, as Replicators could suspend their bodily functions without the need for a stasis chamber. Furthermore, the time 00 needed to resolve the issue seemed too long.

"Isn't that too long? Can't you do anything to expedite the process?" Korr asked.

"I'm afraid not. If the Creator thinks I'm too slow, he can try it himself," 00 replied with an authoritative and firm tone.

Korr noticed a strange tone in her voice, perhaps because she was irritated by the insinuation that she wasn't doing her best. Moreover, at this moment, 01 was not needed, and it didn't matter if he slept for one or two years. Korr shook his head.

"00, don't rush it. We don't need 01 right now. He can take these holidays. Take his bionave for yourself. Since he'll be asleep, he can wait for the last one to be produced," Korr ordered. "Do you need anything else?" he asked.

"No, Creator. I will take 01's ship now and take care of this planet while you accompany the fleet," 00 said, and she disappeared.

It was not necessary for her to stay watch over the planet since Korr had already placed satellites all over the Olokun territory, which included more than three thousand habitable worlds distributed among thirty minor lords like Mot and a few hundred minor lords, including himself. The planets in Olokun were only fifteen, but they were the richest in resources, the most populated, and the most productive.

As for occupying the entire territory, there were hundreds of abandoned planets, not because they lacked resources, but because the Goa'uld used slave labor to extract them without advanced mining tools, and they only extracted surface resources. Once depleted, they migrated to another planet. The amounts extracted were also minimal because Ra had been monitoring. Anyone attempting to create ships or weapons without his permission was risking their life. System lords disobeyed his orders and concealed shipyards and weapons, but now that Ra was gone, it was an arms race, and Olokun was in it, building shipyards.

Korr was not interested in Olokun because his current goal was Mot. Surely, Olokun would come for him later, but for now, Korr didn't care.

A hologram of Korr's current fleet appeared in front of his throne, consisting of Jet's two Ha'taks, his First Prime Jaffa, two bionaves, 01's (now owned by 00), and 05's that would lead this battle. It was the second one to come out of the Leviathan shipyards, leaving space for the next bionave.

00's and 05's bionaves had the same design as the Leviathan, but the latter was five kilometers long, while the others were no more than one kilometer.

"Emperor, our fleet is in position, and we will depart for the main planet of the Goa'uld Mot right now," reported 05, opening a communication window and appearing seated on her own throne. A second communication came in, and it was from Jet.

"My lord, we march to conquest in your name; watch over our souls in battle," prayed Jet. Korr solemnly nodded, although he didn't plan to let anyone die since he had very few Jaffa, and those who fell would be revived.

"First Prime, fulfill this task, and I will ensure that among Mot's planets, the Jaffa who serve me will be given the planet of their choosing. I will also build a city for you and your families," offered Korr because he wouldn't leave the Jaffa close to the common humans; that could work against him.

Jet placed his hand over his chest while sitting on his Goa'uld throne on the bridge of one of his Ha'tak ships, which, unlike the regular Ha'tak, had ten control consoles instead of the usual two or one of the System Lords.

05 sent the route to reach Mot's capital planet, which consisted of three planets for him, and Korr led the way since he was the Emperor. Although his dignity would not allow him to participate in this battle against a scoundrel like Mot, he had to be present to redress the grievances suffered.

Mot's territory covered his own territory, so it was not far, just a few minutes from his own planet at the speed of Jet's ships. With the current speed of the Leviathan, he would arrive in seconds since he had integrated Asgard hyperdrive technology and could cross this galaxy in a couple of minutes.

Upon reaching Mot's capital planet, Korr encountered five Ha'taks guarding the orbit, and one was above a pyramid, where his spy satellites indicated Mot was at the moment.

As Korr's fleet approached the Ha'tak fleet in orbit, the ship on the surface began its ascent, and a transportation ring Goa'uld device took Mot to one of his ships in orbit. Goa'uld shields were weak in planetary atmospheres, and Mot didn't want to become a victim of a bombardment, so he migrated to one of his Ha'tak ships in orbit and immediately called Korr. Korr opened communication and greeted him with a gleam in his eyes.

Mot was a man who looked like a brute, with dark skin, a body that was both muscular and greasy, and clothing from the African regions of Earth. This was Olokun's territory, and its closest Goa'uld adhered to his norm.

Due to the disproportionate number of Ha'tak ships Mot had, he must have been one of Ra's closest generals. Korr was also sure that at least three of those Ha'tak ships had previously belonged to Ra, because Mot used to serve him, and upon learning of Ra's death, he must have taken them to Olokun.

Ra had kept a watch on the Ha'tak ships, and even though Mot was a lower-ranking god in direct service to Ra, responsible for guarding Ra's interests on the galaxy's edge, there was no way he could command six Ha'tak ships. At most, three, one of his own and two that belonged to Ra and would be easy to take upon his death.

As for the others, it was evident that another medium lord had fallen into Mot's ambush, but this was temporary. Ra had just fallen, and the system lords were too busy stealing everything; they hadn't yet turned to look at the medium lords. Also, Olokun wasn't known for leaving threats in his territory; he was surely equipping his own fleet and wouldn't leave more than three Ha'tak ships in Mot's hands. So, Korr had attacked the thief at the right moment. He could do the same with other Goa'ulds, but he had no hurry. He would let others accumulate treasures, and then he would steal everything. That was the goa'uld style; work was for humans.

"Mot, I see you've already adopted the attire of your new god," Korr said with disdain because this guy used to serve Ra, and his current style wasn't Ra's.

"Who are you?" Mot asked from his Goa'uld throne, escorted by his First Prime and five Jaffa.

"I am Korr, and from now on, you will serve me," Korr declared.

Mot closed the communication, and his ships began firing, concentrating their fire on the Leviathan whose shields weren't even reduced. The fire from Mot's five ships was like a gentle drizzle on them.

What wasn't a gentle drizzle were the shots from Jet's two Ha'tak ships at Mot's vessels, firing on their shields using the weapon created by 00, which the Replicators had already installed on Jet's ships. For their future Ha'tak ships, these weapons would need at least ten shots to overload the shields of a Goa'uld Ha'tak, but Jet's Ha'tak ships had a subspace power source, and two shots were enough to overload the shields of a Ha'tak ship and fry its generators, leaving it exposed.

05, whose ship was not participating in the battle, ordered a hundred Jaffa to board Mot's ship using Asgard transporters. Jet wasted no time, and when one ship fell, he focused his shots on the next one. By the time the surface ship had reached orbit, the five Ha'tak ships were shield less, and as it barely appeared, Jet targeted it with his weapons and then vanished in a flash, indicating that he had also launched an invasion.

Mot, who was without shields, had already noticed that his attacks on the Leviathan were having no effect. When Korr's Jaffa reached Mot's bridge, he activated his shield and sent his Jaffa to defend him. However, Korr's Jaffa pulled out a stun grenade and incapacitated them. Mot remained unaffected, but his Jaffa were not surprised by this, and as their bullets bounced off, they engaged in hand-to-hand combat, while Mot exposed his shields trying to use a staff weapon against them.

Korr watched the battle from his bridge. Although Mot was receiving a severe beating, his Jaffa hadn't surrendered, and they fought a fierce battle on the Ha'tak ships. Korr's Jaffa were better armed, but the odds were twenty to one due to Mot's Jaffa numbers, and they kept arriving, using the surface rings to move to the Ha'tak ships. Although it was clear that his Jaffa would soon be overwhelmed, Korr only watched the screens showing the fights on Mot's Ha'tak ships because with his Jaffa there, Korr's eyes were also there.

The situation quickly became untenable on Mot's Ha'tak ships, and even several of his Jaffa were crushed under the physical onslaught of a pile of rival Jaffa who, upon seeing that the shields repelled their shots, engaged in hand-to-hand combat. While this happened, a flash on his bridge created a hologram that revealed Mot held by the neck by Jet, who kicked his knees and forced him to kneel. Then, he materialized his rifle and aimed it at Mot's head, while Mot was powerless against his strength and had been beaten so much that he had a broken arm and was missing teeth.

"Order your Jaffa to surrender and accept me as your lord, or die," Korr said indifferently.

Mot spat on the ground, and Jet fired, causing him to fall to the floor. The Mot hologram disappeared, and Jet saluted to disappear in another flash and return to the battle.

This was a typical Goa'uld bravado. Mot didn't fear death because of the existence of the sarcophagus. A Goa'uld would also not kill another Goa'uld definitively. Even Egeria, the creator of the Tok'ra, was imprisoned by Cronus. For ordinary Goa'uld, the standard was to capture them, demand their surrender, and if they didn't surrender, there was always the sarcophagus. After a VIP visit to the "wonders" rooms, they were recruited as servants.

Not making bravado knowing this was for cowards and could jeopardize future working conditions because no one wanted a coward serving in their ranks. Korr could only roll his eyes.

A minute later, 05 projected a hologram of Mot being executed by Korr and another image of him ordering them to surrender and serve him instead of their false and weak god.

Most of the Jaffa were in awe of her appearance because for them, these holograms were the power of a god, and as Mot didn't use them, it was clear to them that Korr was a more powerful god. With their current god dead, it would be no dishonor for them to serve the conqueror. Therefore, they surrendered instantly, with only a few dozen continuing to fight, led by Mot's First Prime, but they fell as soon as Korr's Jaffa were free to deal with them.

The Jaffa had clear rules and wouldn't fight for a fallen god unless they were the high priest of this god or their personal guard, whose mission was to kill the god's assassins after their death.

"Emperor, the enemy Ha'tak ships and their Jaffa warriors are now ours," reported 05. Korr nodded.

It was that easy to capture a Goa'uld territory when advanced technology was used, and Korr knew it. So, his priority upon arriving on this world wasn't to engage in foolish actions but to seize everything. Now he could engage in foolishness without any concern.

"05, I want a count of my new army of Jaffa, and let the Replicators take care of updating these Ha'tak ships and their repairs. Also, provide weapons and armor to my new Jaffa, and make sure they all bear my mark," ordered Korr. "Don't forget to fix Mot and send him to the cargo hold while I think of a job for him. Also, repair the bodies of the fallen Jaffa. We can't afford to waste warriors," he added. 05, who was sitting on her throne overseeing the entire operation and giving orders, nodded.

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