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18.18% Stargate Goa'uld Korr / Chapter 4: Chapter 4 SGC

Bab 4: Chapter 4 SGC

Samantha Carter was watching television. She was simultaneously tuning into various international news channels. Sitting beside her on Daniel's room couch, her teammate from SG1, were Colonel O'Neill, Teal'c, and Daniel, who were equally captivated by the news reports.

Two hours ago, a series of reports had leaked onto the Internet, news channels, and all company computers related to software and hardware production, marketing, or distribution, whether they were connected to a public network or not. Even the military's servers had been infiltrated, and the files were on their personal computer.

What kept them glued to the television was that the person who had leaked the files had left a report about the technologies being detailed and how to use them most efficiently. The report began with the words "Report from an ally," the same words used by the person who had breached the security of their base to write a report on their isolated central computer.

"This technology is decades ahead of any current computer," Daniel concluded, examining the almost absurd specifications of a computer classified as personal in the leaked files.

It was a computer monster with 20 terabytes of internal memory, which wasn't even a hard drive but another storage technology. A current hard drive would be considered good if it reached 500 gigabytes, but in comparison to the new technology, it seemed clunky.

The most absurd part was the 68-core processors and their processing efficiency, where each core surpassed the current power of a single-core and dual-core processor by four to ten times. The imaging technology was also something new: screens, peripherals, sensors. It was a computer from the future.

"Do you think someone built their own DeLorean?" Colonel O'Neill asked, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Teal'c furrowed his brow, not understanding the reference, so Captain Carter proceeded to explain it.

"Sir, whatever the case, considering that this person is the same one who has infiltrated our base, it's likely we'll have some future leaks regarding the Stargate program," Sam explained after clarifying things to Teal'c. She believed her military superior wasn't considering the implications of this matter.

"Carter, you worry too much. We've already been infiltrated, and if this individual hasn't revealed anything yet, it's unlikely they will in the future. Besides, it's good to know that someone is willing to give us some advanced technology without demanding anything in return," Colonel O'Neill replied.

"Sir, this technology is only a few decades ahead of ours. To face the Goa'uld, we would need technology hundreds of years more advanced, perhaps thousands," Sam explained.

"Perhaps, but what if they suddenly decide to give us some good cannons and a few ships?..."

The alarms in the base began to blare, interrupting Colonel O'Neill, and everyone rose to go to the meeting room, where General Hammond, in charge of the base and the Stargate project, and his assistant, were already waiting.

"Sir! It seems there's been too much commotion in this base lately," Colonel O'Neill commented upon entering. General Hammond looked at him and nodded.

"A few minutes ago, some items appeared in our armory and our vehicle storage. In addition, there's another strange report on our central computer," General Hammond reported, as an officer entered and handed him several papers, which he shared with them. Captain Carter hurriedly read it.

"Report from an ally: There are some dangerous artifacts scattered across your planet. I hope you can put them to good use..."

The report continued to detail a series of items, including a Goa'uld paralyzing pistol referred to as a zat gun, which stunned on the first shot, killed on the second, and disintegrated on the third. The report described how it worked and the number of them that had been collected, which was more than a hundred. There was also a Goa'uld sarcophagus, which they already knew about, but the report added that, despite being a miraculous artifact, it was also dangerous, and its use to prolong life led to madness.

The most Incredible thing in the report was a Goa'uld ship described as an old model cargo ship, which their anonymous informant had kindly upgraded with a camouflage system that made it invisible, an energy source based on naquadriah that this ally assured the Goa'uld didn't possess, and would increase the efficiency and speed of the ship about seventyfold.

Finally, there was a kind of hypnotic gas that turned those affected by it into highly suggestible individuals, capable of believing in the flat Earth theory without any objections. The effect would disappear if the affected subject received a strong electrical discharge; a zat gun shot was the most effective.

After finishing reading, everyone looked at Teal'c. Teal'c nodded.

"All the items described and their images are Goa'uld technology. It seems that they had not completely abandoned their planet," Teal'c said.

"It appears so," General Hammond said.

"So now we have a spaceship," Colonel O'Neill commented with satisfaction. Daniel said nothing and continued to read the report.

"This sarcophagus could be a last resort in case someone is infected by a Goa'uld," Daniel remarked. Captain Carter understood his words immediately; he was thinking of his wife.

"Daniel Jackson, that would undoubtedly work," Teal'c supported.

"First, try to fight for my life if I ever find myself in a similar situation," Colonel O'Neill joked to break the tension.

The method of removing a Goa'uld using a sarcophagus would involve opening the host's head, removing the symbiote, and then placing the host in the sarcophagus to revive them. It was a gruesome method but had a high chance of success.

"Sir, all this technology could help us, especially the sarcophagus. We wouldn't have to fear not having a treatment for a Goa'uld infection," Sam said to General Hammond.

"I believe the president would approve its use in case of necessity. We cannot ignore the warning about its prolonged use," General Hammond replied.

"The zat guns could also save us from some enemies," Daniel said, viewing war as an unnecessary evil and preferring peace or non-lethal tactics.

One day after Korr had released his files on technology, the world's major computer companies had created an epic scandal. Some had even tried to patent the technology, while others rushed to sue them for attempting to steal public works.

Korr, who was watching the situation at the SGC, stretched and went to bed to sleep until the next day. He had captured all the Goa'uld on Earth and had given their possessions to the SGC to prevent leaks and provide them with some early results in their quest for technology. This way, they would have a foundation to justify the program and receive more support.

As for what the United States would do with a ship with sensors capable of seeing inside underground bunkers, tracking nuclear weapons, and turning invisible, Korr didn't care. If the country tried to enslave the rest of the planet, he would correct their mistake, but if they acted civilized, he wouldn't mind if an empire formed above the others. As for his own country, he wasn't interested; he despised being born there.

Korr woke up the next day, feeling refreshed and with most of his stress dissipating. Since the bio-ship still hadn't arrived, he took a walk to various places on the planet and used his telepathic abilities to gather information from some military personnel whose data he had obtained from the internet. In particular, he acquired information about special forces and officers from the strategic headquarters of the world's major powers.

After half a day of gathering information, Korr returned to the Jaffa and shared the information about strategy, tactics, and combat, instructing them to use these from now on. The Jaffa weren't pleased with what they considered dishonorable tactics, but Korr shared more information with them about extensive treaties and philosophical works on the subject, making them understand that dying in a frontal charge was not honorable but an epic-level foolishness.

Korr didn't try to convince them of anything, and he left the place, leaving them to decide for themselves. If they didn't understand, he would have to find other Jaffa.

After another three days of waiting, the bio-ship had finally arrived in the Milky Way, and Korr began to receive reports from his replicator crew.

The Alterans had been secured and were in ecstasy. Their bodies were old, but once they obtained Asgard mind transfer technology, they could have young bodies.

The new energy source, based on the Arturo Project, had been created and installed without issues. It was estimated that the artificial dimension created to deposit the exotic particles it emitted would last a minimum of ten years when used at maximum power, which was a performance superior to any ZPM.

Korr was delighted with this outcome and immediately ordered the creation of three more enhanced guardian spheres to use the Arturo Project energy source.

The next reports were related to the resources obtained from the dismantled Asuran city, along with all its factories and ships, as well as the stored resources. Korr reviewed the construction of the next bio-ship, identical in model and weaponry to his own bio-ship, but measuring only one kilometer in length because it had no factories or shipyards. It would be a combat and exploration vessel.

The bio-ship was eighty percent grown. Even with a constant supply of resources and the assistance of bionanites in its development, it would take one month to produce each bio-ship.

Korr would only create seven bio-ships, one for each of the enhanced replicators. He wouldn't make Ha'taks on the bio-ship because it was outdated technology. Perhaps he would create shipyards later, but they would be outside the bio-ship. He also wouldn't make further improvements to the Ha'taks because with the enhancements he had already made, Jet's Ha'taks could take on ten System Lord Ha'taks and emerge victorious. They had an overwhelming advantage in terms of mobility, capable of crossing the entire galaxy in just over a day, while current Ha'tak ships would take up to three years.

As for the next Ha'taks he would create, they wouldn't include Alteran enhancements, only Goa'uld technology at its highest expression, including energy sources based on naquadriah.

Goa'uld technology couldn't be underestimated and was thousands of years ahead of human technology. There were computers that worked with thoughts, inertia dampeners, gravity generators, resurrection-capable healing technology, shields, invisibility, and more. It was the Goa'uld themselves, led by the System Lords, who limited its use because everything they created had to be a ritual object and not resemble technology since they were supposed to be gods. This severely limited its utility because everything was overly simplistic.

Korr didn't plan to conquer all the Goa'uld; he only wanted to have his own territory and had no intention of leaving from there. The Goa'uld were the problem of human species, and he planned to assist them in their struggle because the Goa'uld, with their unbridled madness, disgusted and repulsed him, but he wouldn't take this as a personal crusade.

When the reports were finished, Korr integrated the satellite network he had created, which the Jaffa had been distributing to various worlds near his territory, with the bio-ship. These satellites, for now, were only ten, but he would program the bio-ship to create more, and in the future, they would cover the entire galaxy.

These satellites served as a means of communication and, at the same time, would spy on all fleet movements in the galaxy. But their primary function was to monitor the entire Stargate system. Once the satellites were distributed at each Stargate, he could create an impenetrable security system for his own worlds and protect them from any threats that could access through the gates.

Finally, Korr reviewed the travel data to calculate the bio-ship's current speed. The Leviathan took seven days to reach the Milky Way from the Pegasus galaxy.

The Alteran-designed hyperdrive, integrated and enhanced by Wraith biotechnology, was operating at maximum performance, which meant its limit was about one hundred fifty million times the speed of light, more than double the speed of the Dedalus with Asgard hyperdrives in the original storyline. However, it should be noted that the Dedalus could achieve over three hundred million times the speed of light when using a ZPM in its engines, which meant its hyperdrives were superior to those of the bio-ship.

Then there were the Asgard ships, which could reach over seven hundred million times the speed of light with their hyperdrives and without using a ZPM. Asgard technology excelled in offense and speed; their ships were unparalleled, although their shields were weak.

In the series, three Goa'uld ships, only slightly improved by Alteran technology used by Anubis, took down an Asgard ship. Of course, it should be considered that this ship didn't have an Asgard particle beam weapon, so it was likely an outdated model used by the Asgard only against the Goa'uld, who couldn't surpass it.

On the other hand, the Ancients had another means of intergalactic travel. This was a hyperdrive engine that used principles similar to those used by the Stargates. Therefore, if this hyperdrive was used, intergalactic journeys could be made in seconds, but the enhanced Replicators were still fine-tuning this technology to their new power source, and it would be on hold for some time.

Korr waited behind Earth's moon for his flagship to arrive. The Jaffa waited with him, gazing at space from the hangar of one of the Ha'taks, and when the bio-ship with its Goa'uld-like appearance appeared before them with its enormous five-kilometer size, they looked amazed.

"This is my flagship, a ship exclusively for my use. Its name will be Leviathan," declared Korr, and the Jaffa saluted, clenching their fists to their chests.

Korr established a connection with the new enhanced guardian spheres he had created and transported himself to the bridge of his flagship. Once there, he sat on his throne, a blend of Greek and Egyptian design. He was wearing his official attire, with replicators adorning his body, a white skirt, and a semicircular breastplate.

Korr opened communications with the two Ha'taks.

"We will set the course for home to reclaim our former territory and retrieve the families left behind. My intention in this battle will depend on the conditions in which the people who inhabited the planet have been treated. Any act of torture or murder will be met with brutal and ruthless retaliation," Korr declared.

"As our god commands!" responded Jet with a satisfied tone. He commanded one of the two Ha'taks and had replied from the bridge of one of them.

Korr took a few seconds to send a replicator dart and several bio-spheres to the Moon to construct a small ship. Its only function, once completed, would be to maintain a portal for his use in Earth's orbit, which would be activated whenever he needed to travel there. Doing this only took a few seconds, and communication remained active.

"My ship is faster; I will tow the Ha'taks," Korr said as he activated a force field around the other ships before opening a hyperspace window and dragging them along with the Leviathan.

At its current speed, the Leviathan could cross the galaxy in just six hours. Korr didn't want to spend a whole day traveling through hyperspace if he could reach his territory in only four hours, which would take him from Earth. In a System Lord Ha'tak ship, and if there were no setbacks, this would take more than two years due to the inadequate power source they used.

While in hyperspace, Korr checked the status of the bio-ship under construction. Its speed was not inferior to that of the Leviathan, but its weapons were light armament, and its shields left much to be desired. However, the nanites and bionanites could make it functional, and with some adjustments, it could sail smoothly and activate its cloaking system.

The adjustments took a couple of hours to be ready, and when the Leviathan emerged from hyperspace in the space of his former planet, the bio-ship was ejected from the triangular pyramid, which, unlike other Goa'uld design ships, was not hollow because Korr needed that space for shipyards and factories.

The bio-ship, which was a kilometer long and wide, departed for the Asgard galaxy with a complement of replicators on board, guided by 01, one of the enhanced replicators, who had a mission to fulfill in that territory. This mission was to obtain Asgard technology.

While the ship departed, communication reached its bridge, and a screen extended before him.

"I am the god Nerul, do you dare to invade my domains?" asked a Goa'uld with a guttural voice.

Korr, who was performing a deep scan of the entire planet, ignored his attempts to communicate for several seconds. He only responded after receiving data from the sensors about the planet and its inhabitants.

Nerul had not killed many people in his seizure of power, and the Jaffa who remained behind after those with him fled were also safe.

"I have two Ha'taks with me, in addition to my flagship. You possess a battered and old piece of junk. Tell me, do you think you stand any chance here?" Korr asked with curiosity, observing his old and battered Ha'tak, which was still stationed in his pyramid.

"I serve the forces of the great god Mot, who serves the System Lord Olokun. Dare to touch me, and you will be punished by his fleet. He commands six Ha'taks," threatened the Goa'uld who, apparently, could do math. Korr smiled.

Six Ha'taks were a substantial army for a Middle Lord. A System Lord would not have more than ten in their personal fleet, although their lesser Goa'uld servants counted in the hundreds, and these could sometimes have their own Ha'taks. Still, unless it was an extraordinary situation, a System Lord would not steal the ships of their vassals.

"Mot will not come to your aid; you are just an underling, and Mot will be pleased that I and my fleet occupy your place," Korr explained. "Surrender to me, and I will give you some good things, like a decent host. Furthermore, I will give you a planet to govern. If you are efficient and not too treacherous in your work, you can ascend in power and authority," Korr explained.

Nerul was a young Goa'uld, not so affected by Goa'uld madness, and he could be negotiated with, as long as it was done from a position of strength.

"Give me one of your Ha'taks and at least ten Jaffa to train an army for me," Nerul proposed.

"I will upgrade the Ha'tak you are on right now, equipping it with a new power source I have created, along with other improvements for the bombers, cargo ships, and death gliders. I assure you it will be able to take on three System Lord Ha'taks without any trouble, and its speed and other capabilities will be unmatched. But you will not receive Jaffa; you will only be an administrator. You will not have the right to any army. My own Jaffa will take care of your security and that of your world," Korr explained.

If Nerul accepted to follow him, he planned to subject him to treatment for Goa'uld madness. He wouldn't trust this guy with anything, though. Goa'uld were naturally ambitious, and that had nothing to do with their madness.

"I accept," Nerul reluctantly said.

Giving him a Ha'tak was already a huge concession. Another Goa'uld would have turned him into his servant, and if he dared to protest, they would have tortured him to clarify his thoughts.

Nerul jumped and sprang from his throne when Korr appeared before him in a flash of light. While they were talking, Korr had sent one of his guardian spheres to infiltrate Nerul's ship. Nerul tried to activate his shield, but a transport beam reached him before he could do so, and he appeared in a medical pod in his personal lab on the Leviathan.

Korr ordered to start treatment for his madness and also the creation of a host with some minor physical and brain development enhancements that the symbiote would find pleasing. The new host would be created using a sample from his current host and improving its genetic material. As for his current host, its memory would be erased as a host, and it would be returned to the civilian population.

Korr's first order upon reclaiming the throne was to gather all the Jaffa and have Jet explain the new pact in which they would be considered his servants. Most Jaffa accepted with pride for their newfound freedom, and a few were doubtful. Korr upgraded them all in the same way as Jet and equipped them with weapons, armor, and tactical knowledge of war and combat. He then ordered Jet to begin their training.

Korr also initiated the creation of a factory for weapons and armor for the Jaffa because he no longer wanted to waste his time crafting them by hand, even though he had hundreds of bio-spheres to assist him.

After dealing with the Jaffa, Korr summoned the human leaders. The humans appeared dirty and ragged, with malformed teeth, numerous cavities, and some even missing teeth, which was horrifying. Korr looked at the twenty humans standing before him.

"I am Korr!" he declared, using the voice of a Goa'uld to instill fear and prevent them from doing anything foolish, such as ignoring his orders. "I am the master and lord of this planet and the rightful owner of everything on it," Korr raised a finger, "except for you. I do not need slaves, so I grant you your freedom. You can leave my planet at any time from now on. As the lord of this planet, I give you my word that none of you will be punished for using the Chappa'ai," Korr offered. When the villagers stared at him in a daze, he continued speaking:

"If any of you remain on this planet by tomorrow, I will consider you my servant, but you will still be free to leave if you wish. However, before you depart, you cannot take anything from this place with you, and any blessings you have received from me will be revoked," Korr explained, and he patiently waited for one of the villagers to decide to speak.

"Blessings?" asked one of the dirty and ragged villagers. Korr nodded indifferently and extended his hand, where a small tree, about fifteen centimeters tall, formed.

"This is a Tree of Life. Take it with you when you leave here and plant it in the center of your village. This tree will grow to become the heart of your village.

"Those of you suffering from illness, ailments, deformities, missing limbs, or lacking intelligence need only touch the tree and, in my name, ask to be cured, and you will immediately recover from any ailment that afflicts you. This tree will also have effects on everything planted within a radius of five hundred kilometers from it. All your crops will be produced in one-third of the normal time and will yield up to five times their usual yield.

"It will also provide them with seeds and knowledge on how to grow them and the meals they can make with them," Korr explained, making the small tree, made of nanites and bionanites, float up to them. Then he ordered the Jaffas to take them out and take them to their village to make sure they planted the tree.

An hour later, he returned to the Leviathan while a replicator army took care of updating his old junk Ha'tak ship to turn it into the first of the new model for his fleet, which would be led by Jet and his Jaffas on his behalf.

Korr arrived at the bridge and sat on his throne. He gave an order to 05 to take the biospheres he needed to sweep everything where his old Ha'tak had been and build him a palace worthy of him, using cutting-edge technology and taking into account a Goa'uld design. Then, a couple of seconds later, four people appeared in front of him. They looked at each other and looked at him.

"Osiris, Isis, Hathor, Set. I am Korr, and I have been the one who brought you from the Tau'ri world to this place. I have also given you new bodies, I hope these are to your liking," Korr explained, looking at them with a serene expression.

According to a report from the Leviathan, Isis was there because in the future, Korr would order a test of the time ship, and 00, whom he had entrusted for the task, thought it appropriate to bring her to this time to be reunited with her partner Osiris.

"Set, traitor," Osiris said, grinding his teeth, while Isis raised her hand to demand calm. Osiris did not know that Isis had died, not even Isis knew that she had died, and in theory, she had not actually died.

"You are all traitors!" Korr sentenced. Osiris and Isis had planned to betray Ra, only Set saw better benefits in betraying them and advanced his own betrayal. It was not something strange among the Goa'uld. "But time has passed, and now Ra is dead, so you have a new chance to live," Korr explained. The four looked at him with a frown.

"Are you suggesting that we serve an unknown Goa'uld?" Isis asked with a dangerous tone in her voice.

"How many ships do you own, and what position do you hold among the system lords?" Hathor asked.

"What have you done to us?" Set asked. Osiris continued grinding his teeth and did not ask questions.

"I own two Ha'tak and this flagship, the Leviathan. I can occupy any position I please among the system lords, and what I have done to you is cure you of your madness, just as I have done with myself. Hence that feeling of being able to think clearly," Korr explained.

"It seems that the system lords are weak these days, we don't need you to make us a place among them," Osiris declared. Korr smiled.

"Each system lord has at his disposal a personal army of at least ten Ha'tak and hundreds of lesser lords as vassals, but one must also take into account that Ra is dead and possessed many resources and ships. These will be taken by the forces of the system lords. In addition, now that Ra is dead, no one will be able to regulate the creation of Ha'tak, and the system lords will begin to accumulate forces to impose themselves on others," Korr explained.

"Do you dare mock me? Why did you say before that with two Ha'tak you could occupy a place among the system lords?" Hathor reprimanded. Korr smiled.

"The ships of the system lords take three years to cross this galaxy. Mine take fifteen days," Korr explained, and the expressions of the four Goa'uld went from angry to serious.

"Have you discovered new ancient technology?" Isis asked. Korr nodded.

"My ships have a superior source of energy," Korr said without explaining. "Serve me and you will be the ones who command my armies and administer my planets," he offered. The four looked at him with indignant expressions.

"Once, Ra forced me to be his queen, and for that insult, I will never forgive him. Now you offer me to be your servant," Hathor said with a threatening tone of voice. Korr shrugged.

"I just wanted to know what you thought," he said as a fifth person appeared next to them. "This is Nerul, my first Goa'uld servant," Korr said. Nerul bowed to him and the other Goa'uld. He was a tall man, 1.90m, with western features and matte skin.

"He is a young Goa'uld and has not been contaminated by the Goa'uld power games. I think he suits me better than you," Korr explained. The Goa'uld were alarmed to understand what was happening. "That's right, I had no interest in you, I just wondered if the older Goa'uld could be rehabilitated. However, I see that they are a waste of time and effort. Go back to sleep, maybe in a few thousand years more, I will let you out again," Korr sentenced, and before they could speak, a transporter beam made them disappear and, like his Wraith and Alteran guests, they were stored in the hold.

Korr looked at Nerul from top to bottom. He wore an Egyptian skirt to show off his body, just like Korr. It seemed that both were proud of the appearance of their hosts.

"What do you think of your new host and your equipment?" Korr asked.

Nerul wore a modified kara kesh to include an Alteran personal shield that worked automatically and also had stealth capability.

"I appreciate the gifts, my lord, but what is my purpose in your empire?" Nerul asked.

"I need a governor for the human peoples. You have to build cities and integrate our technology into them, which cannot be built or repaired by their Inhabitants. You will also serve as an administrator and see that my laws are applied. You will not allow them to study our technology, but you will not interfere with their own development of technologies.

"Finally, you will take care that a stable economic system is created with which you will have to create a currency. Don't worry about the backing, we will own all the public services, as well as the meat production. In the hands of humans will be the crops and mining resources, in whose production and processing they will use our technology. Therefore, our economic power over them will always be supreme and we can set all the rules.

"However, you will grant all the freedom that you deem appropriate, as long as it does not affect the economic system.

"As for your privileges and benefits, you will have all the power on the planet. You will have a Ha'tak ship for your residence, protection and comfort. You will have under your orders the Jaffa security forces, all the human servants that you can maintain and that agree to serve you, and ten percent of all the monetary profits that the city obtains. Finally, although you do not understand what I mean at this moment, you will have access to the internet.

"I assure you that this will be your greatest benefit, but you are forbidden to reveal your identity there. You will use the identity that I will provide you and you will have to follow the security protocols that I will send to your main computer," Korr explained. Nerul nodded in confusion.

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