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13.63% Stargate Goa'uld Korr / Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Bionanites

Bab 3: Chapter 3 Bionanites

It had been a month since Korr arrived in the Pegasus galaxy and nearly two months since he had landed on this world. In that short period of time, Korr had acquired all Alteran and Wraith technology, including those OP technologies like probes, ZPMs, the Wraith disintegrator, and their material-to-energy storage capacity.

With all these technologies, Korr had created a new version of nanites in just a month, using Wraith cells as a base. These cells were the basis of a retrovirus developed by Dr. Beckett in the Stargate Atlantis series, which could alter a person's genetics, including the Wraith, and cause rapid physical changes.

Wraith cells were the biological equivalent of replicators, assimilating anything in their path regardless of genetic defenses and changing it within days.

With this in mind, Korr initiated his bionanites project with an even more ambitious goal, as he intended to make Wraith cells adapt to his own purposes and respond to his commands, much like nanites, functioning as a neural network.

Korr's goal with the bionanites was to create a new body, not a host body, but a replacement for his symbiote body. He created tons of bionanites with a specific standard connected through a psychic network, reducing the possibility of interference, as there were few psychic species.

Thus, Korr went from being a larva-shaped symbiote to a mass of thousands of tons of bionanites, capable of dividing into several parts. The bodies would remain mere puppets for him, so it was just a change of form. His new body gave him many advantages, such as relative immortality and psychic power that could cover an entire galaxy with a few satellites that would function as receiver and transmitter antennas, leaving him in a state of semi-divinity, as destroying his current host would represent only a small portion of his brain of thousands of tons of bionanites.

Korr was not immortal, as he could think of several ways to kill someone like him, but compared to other natural species, he was at level 999, while they were at level 1. He had successfully hacked the game of life without the need to ascend, so he could continue to steal and soon build his own empire.

With this goal, Korr planned to conquer a portion of the galaxy. Korr was not an ambitious person; he was humble and wouldn't take it all. A third of the galaxy, about three billion planets, seemed like an acceptable territory for his empire. Of course, stealing came first; he didn't like to play without having all the cards in his hands and looking down on all his enemies, as the god he was...

Korr shook his head. Some aspects of the Goa'uld had not left him, but the truth was that he didn't want to let them go. Having a massive ego was an intoxicating feeling he had grown accustomed to.

Despite creating the bionanites, Korr did not get rid of the nanites. The bionanites couldn't be used to mine resources or attack like common replicators. They had better uses in genetic engineering and biotechnology development. They also lacked the ability to store and process data digitally.

On the other hand, bionanites had the structure of a cell, which meant they wouldn't be affected by technologies like the wave device that affected their metallic counterparts.

To test their new capabilities, Korr used the bionanites to perform and accelerate the modifications he had made to the captured hive ship, which was his main host body at the moment.

The hive ship, when using the ZPMs, would become an invincible weapon on its own, but Korr wasn't satisfied with that and had added Alteran hyperdrive technology as well as shields. He also changed the hive's design, which he didn't like, replacing it with a Goa'uld one.

The new bio-ship consisted of a polished black frame with a Goa'uld pyramid in the center. The frame, surrounding the pyramid, had an insect-like shape with legs and three triangular heads, imitating a three-headed replicator with extended legs.

On each head, Korr had mounted ten particle cannons with the same design as the particle cannon that protected Atlantis, which could destroy a Wraith hive ship with a single shot. These cannons, built in Asuran shipyards, had been installed on the Leviathan bio-ship, multiplying its energy efficiency by ten. They were also mobile and could aim at a 45° angle on each side, totaling 90°, adding to the other cannons, giving the Leviathan a 360° firing radius.

Of course, even with a ZPM, it would suffer from such an energy consumption disproportion, and Korr had only salvaged twenty of them from the Asurans. These batteries were not easy to build; they required the creation of a stable artificial dimension that took years to construct. So Korr thought of something else as an energy source.

Another addition to the Leviathan was in the front claws, which carried antennas to improve the sensor system. Such a focus on these systems would allow the bio-ship to explore an entire planet by emitting a few energy waves. For all these additions, the new Goa'uld-style bio-ship was five kilometers long and almost as wide due to the extension of its arms and the addition of the three heads.

For all these changes, Korr had used three ZPMs and the new bionanites that performed remodeling surgeries at breakneck speed.

In the original story, the hive ship that obtained three ZPMs wreaked havoc in a couple of days, but Korr was creating a new ship from the frame of a hive ship. This took more time, despite having an abundance of resources and bionanites that multiplied the development and growth speed of the ship by several folds.

The bio-ship, despite its Goa'uld design style, had some differences, such as the sensor antennas, and the pyramid had also changed to a closed structure without being hollow inside because Korr had added a shipyard for bio-ships, a probe factory, several laboratories, several cargo holds, including a massive cargo hold where the captured Wraith were in forced hibernation.

Regarding the design of new technologies by mixing the ones he already had, there were the bionanites and an improved security feature, which was a 1.5-meter-diameter biasphere with an integrated gravity device, a camouflage system, some light weapons, a shield generator, advanced sensors, and an enhanced material storage unit.

Its power source was subspace-based and relied on naquadriah, but the three guards Korr already used each had a ZPM and would be capable of generating a shield as strong as Atlantis's, although it wouldn't cover more than ten meters in diameter. All this biotechnology operated through telepathic commands.

Another of the new technologies was the development of enhanced human replicators with a bionanite brain. These bionanites were the same as Korr, so it could be said that the new replicators were an extension of his mind, divisions of himself, and functioned as a hive mind with him, although they retained their own independence and privacy, with the hive mind being a separate space that both he and they accessed voluntarily.

The bodies of the enhanced replicators were the same as before but with a network of incorporated bionanites that functioned as a nervous system, providing them with a range of senses like other living beings.

Korr created seven of these replicators and named them 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06.

In addition to creating what would be his hands in the future, Korr didn't forget about himself and his research on a suitable host for his majestic existence. His new host, a hybrid of Wraith, Alteran, and human, with fewer fish-out-of-water traits and more Alteran features, was already prepared.

This body, in addition to Wraith healing capabilities, telepathy, and ancient enhancements he had copied from his current Alteran host, to give him telekinesis abilities and other semi-ascended abilities, also had a support network of bionanites that enhanced his physical and healing abilities.

If danger exceeded limits, the guardian biaspheres he had created would take care of everything.

As a final security measure, if his host were destroyed, Korr would suffer no harm because the part of him that would be destroyed was no larger than a common symbiote, insignificant in comparison to his current size. Even the part of him that used the Leviathan as a host could be destroyed without affecting him much because it was only twenty-five percent of his actual body; the rest he would hide throughout the galaxy once he reached the Milky Way.

After finishing checking the systems of his bio-ship from the bridge, which had Asgard-like open space design and Goa'uld-like decoration and throne, Korr used a transporter beam to take himself to his private lab.

His bio-ship had an interior design similar to the Goa'uld. Korr understood that the bio-ship was superior in both attack and defense to rigid metal ships, but Wraith designs were an aberration, and their corridors seemed to be made of decaying gray flesh.

Korr had designed a new internal decoration for the ship, as well as a sleek trinium and naquadah alloy armor for the exterior.

It was ridiculous that Wraith technology had such a silly weakness as susceptibility to hyperspace interference. They had to endure this weakness because their energy sources were rubbish, but with three ZPMs at his disposal, his bio-ship could carry hundreds of times more internal and external armor and remain unaffected.

Upon reaching his lab, Korr headed to the center, where there were two capsules: one with the body he had created for himself and another empty one.

Korr placed his current host, the Alteran woman from Earth, in the empty capsule. He had already programmed all the necessary instructions for the body switch.

The reason Korr didn't exit his current host and go directly to the body he had created for himself was that this new body had a completely different design, and his new bionanite body needed time to adapt to it. It was also an opportunity to test how long it took to adjust to a body like this, which was even superior to a Wraith.

Korr hadn't forgotten to cure his Goa'uld madness, erasing all his charming memories and removing all the naquadah from his system upon leaving his symbiote body.

As he lay down in the empty capsule, Korr lost consciousness, having a dreamless sleep until he opened his eyes a couple of hours later, stepping out of the capsule and using his telekinetic abilities to bring a mirror prepared for the occasion.

His new body was that of a man in his thirties, with an athletic physique, an inverted triangle-shaped face, smooth milky-pale skin, no beard or mustache, short whitish-gray hair, 2 meters tall, and white eyes that made him furrow his brow. His eyes had been blue before, but now he looked like a Prior. He didn't like it too much, and he could feel that the power of his superhuman abilities had multiplied by a hundred, with a strange sense that he could reach something greater than himself if he set his mind to it.

It was a distant feeling, but it was there, and he wondered if he had gone overboard with his enhancements, and ascension was calling him. These were unpleasant news because it would be a tragedy for him to become ascended, as he was a materialistic guy and would feel suffocated by the rules and restrictions that ascended beings had.

If Korr were to ascend, he could forget all the life of wandering and fun he had fought so hard for since he arrived there because ascended beings didn't allow interference with the material plane.

That was crap, and Korr wouldn't ascend even if he were paid. He had no idea what the ascension process was like, but he would look for information on the subject. The Alteran databases contained information, but it was mostly nonsense as they had barely been able to ascend.

In Korr's opinion, ascension was a horrible fate. Ascended beings were there to protect their symbiotic behinds from other unscrupulous ascended beings. He considered them part of his personal guard and thanked them for it, but he didn't want to join them because, in his opinion, they were empty existences.

Korr got a little scared and decided never to meditate on his life again. Anyone who approached him with weird ideologies similar to those of the ascended beings in the original story should disappear from existence.

Korr nodded to himself with satisfaction and looked at the Alteran woman in the medical capsule. She had been induced into a suspended state.

Korr had removed all Alteran and Wraith technology knowledge from his brain and erased his memory of the last few months, just in case she had any recollection of his invasion into her body and how she was used by him.

Korr chose to put the Alteran woman to sleep because killing her was not an option for him. Although her cooperation had been forced, she remained a valuable and invaluable asset.

Korr planned to reclaim his people and return their city, as well as free the galaxy from the Wraith. Additionally, the Alterans would have more options than the last time if they wanted to return to the Milky Way, as there were advanced human civilizations in terms of technology and society, as long as they didn't encounter a population like the genocidal Aschen.

Korr took the Alteran woman to a modified cargo hold to accommodate stasis pods, where the captured Wraith by him were also held to keep her company until he resolved their situation.

Korr didn't need help or cooperation to achieve his goals, and any intervention from a potential ally would only be an artificial problem. He had hundreds of thousands of replicators for physical work, and he had created bionanites for modifications to his flagship, in addition to enhanced replicators to assist in research, development, and execution of his plans.

When finished, Korr was transported by a transport beam to the Stargate, which he activated with a thought to return to the Asuran city. There, the worried Jaffa breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the eyes of his new body shine. This was a blank body, without consciousness or mind, and was filled with bionanites preventing him from developing anything resembling Goa'uld madness.

"Pack your things; we're going home," Korr said informally since he didn't care about appearances and had no fear of a Jaffa rebellion.

The Jaffa seemed surprised by his way of speaking, but they nodded to his nonsensical comment, and one of them even dared to smile.

While the Jaffa, who hadn't brought anything with them and relied on the replicators for food, prepared to move on, the alarms of the Asuran city began to sound. Korr quickly disabled them.

A bio-ship with Alteran hyperdrive technology and three ZPMs propelling it was too fast, and he hadn't had time to update the security.

The bio-ship released thousands of biospheres over the city as it descended, creating a storm in the planet's atmosphere. Both the bio-ship and the biospheres fired dematerialization beams on the city, beginning to store its raw materials. Other biospheres went to the warehouses and stored the resources.

The Jaffa, who were Inside the city's main tower, didn't see what was happening. Korr opened a portal to Atlantis for them.

"There's something I need to do. I'll be there in a few minutes," explained Korr, and the Jaffa moved forward.

When the Jaffa left, Korr closed the connection and dialed another planet, which greeted him with a view of some ruins.

Korr didn't waste time and activated the sensors of the spheres to map the place and reach the point he was interested in, sending a sphere ahead and transporting himself once it arrived there.

The Asgard transport beam was more efficient, but Korr didn't have that technology and had to make do with a mixture of the Wraith transport beam and Alteran transport technology.

Upon arriving at the location after a flash of light, Korr saw the most OP energy source in the history of Stargate. It was the Arturo project, discarded by the Alterans because it had killed an entire civilization when it went out of control. It was later discovered by the Atlantis expedition, and Dr. McKay, one of its members, caused a disaster when tinkering with it.

Later on, Dr. McKay resumed the project and found a way to prevent a stellar system from exploding by sending the exotic particles produced by the energy source to a parallel dimension. But, as expected, this dimension was inhabited, and his experiment was another failure, despite its success in theory.

In his former life, when he saw the episode and heard the plan, Korr already knew it would be a failure. It was like dumping garbage in someone else's backyard; it was clear that someone would come to complain about it, so such a solution was a failure from the start.

Korr's solution to control the exotic particles was to create an artificial dimension, as was done with ZPMs, to extract energy, but this would be for storing exotic particles until it reached its limit, at which point it needed to be changed.

This would turn the Arturo project into an equally disposable energy source like ZPMs. Although the amount of energy provided by each of the sources was different, the Arturo Project exceeded it by a wide margin.

According to what Korr was reading when he activated the Alteran computer with the project's data, the Arturo project was equivalent to twenty ZPMs operating in line, which was beyond the current energy handling capacity of technology. It was clear which one he would use.

After obtaining all the required information, the spheres emitted an energy beam and stored the prototype energy source. This was no longer necessary because Korr already had all the data on its creation. Nevertheless, he wouldn't leave anything to chance regarding this project.

Korr sent the information about the energy source to the replicators on the bio-ship and ordered its construction. Any accident would be a tragedy for the part of him that was on the bio-ship, the Wraith, and the Alteran, but this experiment had over a ninety-eight percent chance of success in theory, and they should be fine.

Korr transported back to the portal and dialed Atlantis. Upon arrival, he released some of the replicators from the spheres to clean the city of dangerous artifacts, such as the Alteran device that altered hyperspace or the time-traveling ship.

Korr left instructions for the enhanced human replicators he had created. They were to erase all records of dangerous projects, clean the laboratories of any replicator technology, and search for the Alterans in stasis pods floating somewhere in space, as well as those en route to the Milky Way.

After giving his orders, Korr had to wait a couple of hours for the moment when the Jaffa he had left to watch over Earth would activate the portal and DHD on their end.

While waiting, Korr wasn't idle and busied himself with designing a new style of clothing for himself, as well as armor and new weapons for the Jaffa who would be the army of his future empire.

After two hours, Korr sported a new look. He wore a skirt with an Egyptian design combined with a Greek touch, two bracelets that were replicators and looked like metallic scorpions with whip-like tails and what appeared to be a red jewel on his back. The claws were the clasps, and the tail wrapped around his arms and forearms.

The jewel was the cover of a personal shield generator that operated automatically and had the ability for invisibility, a basic scanner, and a computerized system with simple sensors for his surroundings. The pair of greaves and the crown he wore on his head had a similar design, imitating a golden scorpion with a jewel on top.

His chest was covered by a semicircular protector adorned with what appeared to be raised jewel ribbons, with another scarlet jewel embedded in the center.

This made it six different personal shields and six artifacts that served the same function, in addition to his nearly immortal, bionanite-reinforced hybrid body, the three guardian spheres, which were currently powered by three ZPMs and stored materials for any eventuality, and tens of thousands of replicators whose ultimate command was to obey his orders. He had created an encrypted telepathic network for them.

People might say he was paranoid, but Korr wasn't going to risk his own safety. His plan to steal technologies wasn't complete either; he still had things he needed to steal, but they weren't as urgent. When the scheduled time arrived, Korr dialed Earth.

When the gate connected, Korr sent one of his guardian spheres to confirm that he had connected to his ship instead of the SGC, and upon confirmation, he ordered the Jaffa to cross the portal.

On the other side of the gate, a small welcoming party awaited them, including their First Prime, Jet, who had lost an arm.

"Speak," ordered Korr as the First Prime knelt alongside another hundred Jaffa in the area.

"The god Mot has appointed another god over our territory and says we now serve the lord of the Olokun system. They have declared my god dead and said I must serve the new god. As I refused to serve him, they sent me to be tortured, but these Jaffa helped me escape, and since then, we've been awaiting the return of our god," explained the First Prime, lowering his head to indicate that he had been weak and was willing to accept his punishment for failing to fulfill his last order to protect their planet.

The Goa'uld were cruel and uncompromising with the Jaffa. If they were sent into battle and lost, the involved Jaffa either had to die on the spot or return as cowards and die at the hands of their god.

As for the strategy and resources, it was terrible, but the Goa'uld didn't care. They had Jaffa to throw around, and their deaths meant little to them. Korr was disgusted by all this wastefulness, all these acts of madness and lack of principles. He could accept love or hatred, but indifference was like being dead.

On the other hand, getting fired from his job for disappearing for two months and being declared dead was scandalous; it seemed there were no unions among the Goa'uld. Korr would have to correct this injustice against him later. For now, he put on a solemn expression and looked at his First Prime.

"Jet, at this moment, I consider myself a superior being. How do you see me?" Korr asked in front of all the kneeling Jaffa.

The portal remained in one of the cargo bays of the Ha'tak, making the available space enormous, and the over one hundred Jaffa, and Korr, barely occupied a quarter of it.

"My lord, you are my god. You have been since Ra put me in your service," Jet responded with conviction and fervor.

The Jaffa were stubborn, and once they committed to a Goa'uld, they didn't mind dying for them because they had been indoctrinated since birth to worship them.

"Jet, are you my slave?" Korr asked, and Jet nodded, but not as enthusiastically as before.

Jaffa considered themselves Jaffa, not slaves, but as Korr had asked, he believed he should submit.

"Jet, do you think I am an all-powerful god?" Jet nodded confidently. "Jet, if I were an all-powerful god, why would I need slaves?" All the Jaffa furrowed their brows at that question, not daring to lift their heads.

This was a conversation no Goa'uld would have with them, and none of them would dare to propose it.

"Jet, a god doesn't need slaves! And I, Korr, don't need slaves. But I do need servants. Servants who, under my protection and the use of my power, serve me in war and peace. Who safeguard the safety of my people. Who defend my territories and my laws.

"Jet, do you want to become my servant? As my servant, your life will belong only to you. As my servant, your safety, shelter, and sustenance belong to me. As my servant, you will be filled with the blessing of knowledge and powerful weapons created by me.

"As my servant, if you ever decide to stop serving me, you can do so and leave my territory in peace, although I will take everything I have given you, even your knowledge," Korr offered.

Jet raised his head, and tears welled up in his eyes. Emotionally moved, he couldn't speak but nodded with determination.

Korr smiled and placed his hand on Jet's head. The guardian spheres, which always remained hidden, released biomaterial, and a set of bionanites reconstructed Jet's lost arm. But they didn't stop there; they turned the Goa'uld larva he carried into biomaterial, eliminating the larval pouch and modifying his physique and DNA to make him a Goa'uld-human hybrid with Wraith cells that would increase his regeneration speed.

Since the larval pouch was Goa'uld technology and the enhancements Korr had made were state-of-the-art biotechnology, these changes were hereditary. Furthermore, since Jet no longer needed Goa'uld larvae to sustain his life, in combination with the bionanites and Wraith cells, his lifespan would be extended to a thousand years. Whenever Korr wished, he could grant him eternal youth through the bionanites.

Thanks to the bionanites, Korr would also keep an eye on all his Jaffa at all times, as he could be considered a part of them. Any rebellion would end with the offenders being exiled, and he would ensure that they didn't take anything that belonged to him with them, not even their genetic enhancements.

After finishing his modifications, Korr used his Goa'uld voice to speak:

"I name you Jet, the first among my Jaffa! With your companions and this planet as witnesses, I declare the birth of a new covenant between the Jaffa and the Goa'ulds," Korr declared, making Jet rise and look at his comrades and the planet Earth with new eyes.

Korr had implanted in his mind some basic knowledge, no more than what a recent civil engineering graduate from an Earth university would possess. In fact, they were the same knowledge he once had in his past life.

Jet looked at him and saluted him, standing with his arm across his chest.

"My god, I will never fail you again!" Jet declared with pride.

"You have never failed me before. Even for a god, there are battles that cannot be won," Korr declared, extending his hands towards the rest of the Jaffa and initiating the same transformation process. Jet discovered a new golden seal on his forehead, which was a three-headed insect with two arms extended like a Goa'uld vessel, giant jaws, and a pyramid in relief in the center of his back, alluding to a Goa'uld ship.

The new symbol was a relief of the Leviathan, which would be his flagship, and where a quarter of his body was, as the bio-ship was his second host.

"This will be my new mark!" Korr declared, and Jet nodded.

Korr could create an army of Wraith soldiers loyal to him, but Wraith soldiers were mindless, created only for combat. They needed engineers to guide them, and creating engineers was too dangerous; Wraith were not a species to be trifled with, given their history of survival and adaptation.

Running an unnecessary risk by creating a Wraith army when he had the Jaffa, who had been created and trained to serve Goa'uld from birth, and whose customs and traditions were based on serving Goa'uld, was a very bad and dangerous plan in Korr's opinion.

After finishing with the Jaffa and due to the loss of his planet, Korr wasn't in a hurry and decided to wait for the bio-ship to reach that galaxy from the Pegasus galaxy.

It was eighteen million light-years away, and the bio-ship, despite having a superior power source, only had an Alteran hyperdrive that wasn't as efficient as the Asgard's and would take several days to arrive. Also, Korr had tasked it with rescuing the Ancients in the Pegasus galaxy, which would take more time.

Since he was doing nothing and his two Ha'tak ships loaded with materials were still there, Korr released the Replicators from their guardian spheres and began making modifications. This was a regular ship and couldn't use bionanites, but Replicators were also efficient in their work, and he wouldn't change too many things… Well, he was going to change a lot of things, but they were small things.

Korr modified the power source of the two Ha'tak ships, replaced the weak Goa'uld shields with Alteran shields, improved the weapon system, and sensor system to increase the firing rate ten times faster, and dramatically enhance accuracy by adding an auto-targeting system capable of shooting down a mosquito ten kilometers away.

Death Gliders were modified by changing their power source and adding a supercomputer to control direction and weapon systems, which became plasma repeaters with movable cannons to increase their accuracy. With surplus energy, Korr added a shield generator no less capable than those on Goa'uld cargo ships.

After six days, Korr finished his modifications to the ships, but he didn't stop there and created the armor he had previously designed for his Jaffa.

The armor consisted of a five-millimeter-thick biotrait to which a trinium breastplate, greaves, bracelets, belt, boots, and a foldable motorcycle helmet-shaped helmet with his symbol engraved on the face were attached.

The armor was reinforced with shield generators and cloaking technology. The biotrait included an integrated computer that would assist the Jaffa by providing data on the terrain and creating an encrypted telepathic communication network for maintaining subspatial connection with their leaders within a distance of up to one light-year.

Korr designed two weapons to accompany this armor. They were projectile weapons based on an electromagnetic cannon with a naquadah power source. It was a weapon similar to a P90 that used 5.65mm projectiles with a total range of fifteen kilometers and an adjustable effective range from three hundred meters to ten kilometers.

Thanks to Wraith storage technology, each magazine contained ten thousand rounds and could be used in automatic, burst, or single-shot mode with unmatched accuracy and efficiency for a staff weapon or any Earth-based weapon.

The other weapon Korr had designed was an enhancement for the Zat gun, reducing its size to the same as a 22mm pistol without altering its range and increasing the rate of fire threefold.

The new Zat gun was designed to look like a 22mm pistol because Korr wanted to prioritize efficiency. Nevertheless, he couldn't make his weapons identical to human ones and added a beautiful silver design with gold lines. The armor was adorned with Alteran glyphs, and, of course, the helmet featured his symbol on the face.

As a cargo bracelet for food, ammunition, tools, clothing, and other items, Korr created a bracelet to replace the left bracelet of the armor, capable of storing up to a ton of material.

Creating armor and weapons for the over one hundred Jaffa took him a day, so Korr made a note to include a weapon and armor factory in the bio-ship. Since the bio-ship's pyramid had a base of three kilometers and a height of two kilometers, even with a bio-shipyard and probe factory, the remaining space was at least half. Korr consumed more than half of the resources he had previously obtained, such as naquadah and trinium.

These new weapons and armor would be the standard from now on for all his Jaffa, but not the ships. The two Ha'taks would be a reward for Jet, for remaining loyal to him.

The other ha'taks that Korr would create in the future for his fleet would have improved power sources with naquadriah, making them about seventy times faster than a current Ha'tak, with stronger shields and more powerful weapons, but these were the only changes regarding power sources.

For the control system, Korr would add system upgrades, and for the smaller ships, he would make improvements but would not use Alteran shields or subspatial power sources. He wouldn't expose the technology he had stolen with such difficulty to theft.

After delivering the new weapons and armor to the Jaffa and ordering them to train with them to put them into practice, and since the bio-ship hadn't arrived after seven days, Korr decided to approach Earth, to the Antarctic Base, and use the Guardian Spheres to dematerialize any trace of it and store those materials and probes for any future use.

After the ancient outpost had disappeared, Korr decided to find out where the SGC was in terms of the story since over two months had passed since he had been there. Korr used his stealth shields and the Guardian Spheres to infiltrate the SGC, finding the base under quarantine and all access closed. Korr smiled and shook his head.

As Korr had thought from the beginning, his start as a Goa'uld was something too OP. He was already one of the major powers to be reckoned with in this galaxy, and the story was just beginning. According to the data he was obtaining, SG-1 had found the planet divided Into zones of light and darkness.

Korr shrugged and placed several Replicators in the area to transmit information from the base by installing hidden surveillance devices, which transmitted an encrypted subspatial telepathic signal that only he could pick up, ensuring he wouldn't be discovered even by Asgard technology.

Korr left the base but left a report in his central computer using his spy bugs with the title: "Ally's Report."

Korr provided details of the virus and how to free themselves from it. All of history's most OP technologies would reach the SGC, and Korr would ensure to become their ally, to gain their trust and be close when these technologies were unveiled. Therefore, he wouldn't ignore Earth and also had future plans for them in the creation of his empire.

While the SGC was alarmed and searching for spy devices throughout the base, Korr was in a five-star hotel enjoying his first decent meal in two months, tears streaming down his cheeks. Fortunately, there was some gold on the ship which he sold to a pawn shop at half price because he had no documents or anything, and with that, he paid for the hotel.

While eating, Korr sent orders to his Jaffa, instructing them to take a Ha'tak, head to Abydos, and bring him Ra's treasure. He considered telling them how to obtain the Eye of Ra just to troll Anubis when he showed up, but that would ruin the chance of ascension for thousands of people and the return of Daniel Jackson from his ascension, so he decided not to interfere with that.

The more ascended beings there were in the Milky Way, the more power he would have and the more secure he would be. Korr wouldn't complicate his life for a troll.

Going to and returning from Abydos with a ship a thousand times faster than a Goa'uld Ha'tak was nothing for the Jaffa. In fact, getting the treasure without being seen took them longer than their journey there. When they returned about six hours later, the Jaffa handed the treasure over to Korr in two cargo ships. It amounted to about three tons of gold and jewels.

After a night's sleep, Korr spent the next day partnering with some good lawyers, purchasing a legal identity, and selling all of his treasure, turning it into a billion dollars between the gold and jewels.

With the money, Korr bought himself an entire floor in New York City, and at night, while his Replicators copied the entire planet's database and created some biosatellites of their own to distribute throughout the galaxy in the future, using the stargate system, Korr connected to the subpar internet of 1997 and learned about a video game company in the development phase for an MMORPG called Shaiya. The project was only in the concept and market evaluation stage to see if such a thing was possible with current technology.

Korr smiled. Shaiya didn't come out until 2007 and was a simple game with regular mechanics, nothing like an MMORPG from 2012 onwards. But for him, it was the first MMORPG he played, holding a special place in his heart. He also held some regrets because he lived in one of the poorest countries in Latin America, and when the game was released, he had no money to buy equipment, and his only entertainment was leveling up and helping others earn kills in PVP. Being poor sucked.

Korr didn't intend to interfere with Earth's economy, but this game was special to him. So, he contacted his law firm and instructed them to purchase the company creating it and oversee the establishment of a development company, hiring all those who were its former developers, writers, and others. To get the game released earlier, he also needed to advance computer technology by a couple of generations.

Korr had a wicked grin. He couldn't pass on extraterrestrial technology to Earth without risking his own hide, but fifteenth-generation computers weren't Goa'uld technology.

NA 1: For those still wondering what bionanites are, in short, they are standardized Wraith cells enhanced with Alteran technology to resemble nanites. However, they function analogically, and their advantages are biological and genetic.

NA 2: Korr's new body (symbiote) is made of bionanites and is enormous. Don't forget, it's important for the plot. Part of him uses the Leviathan as a host, and the part within his humanoid body is insignificant.

Note: For those wondering what the new ship and Jaffa armor look like, I've posted a photo in the comments. I want to clarify that they're not my own creation; I had already seen them on the wiki and Reddit, and I thought they looked good, so I chose them for the fic.

NA: Don't forget to leave your comments, bookmark, follow, and subscribe.

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