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Bab 5: Seconds Please!

Kenvas looked around him and noticed three jawflys—all three of them in front, carrying bodies of their own. Kenvas didn't know where it came from, but it took all of his self-control plus more to not scream in fright. It's not every day you wake up being carried in the arms of giant flying insects.

Now that he's found a way to use his orb the right way (lol), he could quickly turn this into a two versus one if he took one out right now. The problem was that he couldn't move his arms since this fly was holding him so lovingly. So he had to wait until he was put down for him to take action. 'Just hope they don't put me down in another way.' They don't seem to want his blood now, but that could change in an instant.

It didn't take long for the scenery of blue brick walls to change to a murky bubbling tar. There were no longer rooms and corridors, just tunnels that seemed to be made of tar. And it smelled. It smelled as if someone mixed gasoline with underwear that's been used for 6 months straight.

Eventually they entered a chamber, where he and the other corpses were dropped into a mountain of bodies. He waited for the sound of their wings to fade out of view before he curled over and hurled. The smell was awful; the cacophony of smells that were at this point akin to olfactory noise overwhelmed his nose. Being thrown into a pile of viscera and meat didn't bother him, but the smells made him hurl.

After he emptied the contents of his stomach, he backed away from the corpses and looked around. The only thing he could see were the corpses; other than that, it was just pitch-black darkness. "Wait, how can I see when I don't have my orb's light?" It was ridiculous that he could see without his orb.

He looked around the room. It was pitch black; nothing could be seen besides the mountain of broken bodies. "But if it's this dark, I shouldn't be able to see the corpses." It confused him more than being turned into a boy.

His heart thumped; he wasn't able to see in the dark before, but he could see now. But then he remembered the dream that didn't feel like a dream. "Maybe that had something to do with this." It was likely the case, considering the events that led up to this. Looking at his body, he noticed that his skin was ashen and his veins were black. He wondered if it could be the effects of the void blood, 'or maybe the poison is still in my system, or it permanently changed how I look' both were possibilities. If the things he took in the dream affected reality, then there were more changes besides the color of his blood.

He ran his tongue along his teeth, and just as he thought, each and every one of them were canines meant for tearing meat apart.

He wouldn't be able to check the last change, or else he'd have to dig into his gut. Nevertheless, he took out his orb, or at least what he thought was his orb. It was different; instead of the shiny crystal-clear surface it previously displayed, it appeared to be covered in tar, and the texture felt more rubbery and fleshy than smooth. But that wasn't the only change; it now had an intimidating set of teeth! 'I can't believe my beautiful orb was defiled like this.' He lamented his loss, but that was until the orb changed and went back to looking like the same old orb he was used to.

"It changed back?" He played around with it, seeing if anything else changed. He found he could change it from having a gnarly set of teeth to a crystal ball. He didn't know it yet, but the teeth were a miniature replica of his teeth. Another thing he noticed was that he couldn't see in the dark anymore. He was quick to find out why, and the answer was that his orb wasn't inside him. For some reason, that thought made him shiver.

While he was figuring out the changes in his orb, he also found out why he couldn't see anything despite having night vision. Even the shine of his light wouldn't have shown anything if it wasn't for the slime glistening on contact.

He got up and took his orb out. Despite having night vision while fused with the orb, he couldn't see anything without the light shining on the walls. So he decided to use another function he found. He could now use it as a flashlight. He could use it as a flashlight by changing it from its pure form to its jaw form, as he liked to call it. It was more intense and shone farther than its lantern version.

He took a step onto the black ground, which slightly gave in with each step. But despite glistening under the shine of the light, it was slippery or slimy. Shining his orb down the tunnel, he noticed something he hadn't seen before.

They were the size of boars, crawling around the tunnels; they weren't very visible. The only reason he could see them was due to the shine that was reflected on their carapace. It was no wonder he couldn't see them while being carried in. In fact, the only reason he knew the other three were still with him was due to the corpses they carried; he couldn't see the carriers.

But what he did know was that their six legs could carry their hulking bodies on the ceiling with no difficulty, and that he was going to have to fight his way out of here. With this bright light shining, it's no wonder he was spotted from so far away by the first ever Jawfly he met. And now that Kenvas has seen the jawcrawler, it definitely saw him. He knew this because it was running at him at this very minute.

Before it could pin him to the ground, he made the motion to bring down his orb.


Kenvas stopped it in its tracks; the orb crushed its carapace and killed it in one shot. It was definitely harder than the jawfly, but it still died under the force of the orb.

It was a short encounter compared to when he struggled with mere maggots. Now he's taking on bigger game. The only thing he couldn't get used to was the fear he felt every time he faced one. In fact, he was starting to think that it wasn't his own fear.

Kenvas looked at the corpse. He wanted to take the corpse with him, but he's only able to fit into his orb whatever he can squeeze into it. And right now, the orb was just a little bigger than a soft ball.

That's when he had an idea; he willed his orb and hovered it above the body. Bringing it closer to the corpse, he opened its mouth and-


-Chomped right into it. The teeth were razor sharp, biting into the carapace with ease. For a while, the only sounds that could be heard were the wet sounds of shells and sinews being crushed and shredded.

Eventually, the only thing left was a puddle of void blood and bits and pieces of meat that he missed.

Kenvas had a weird look on his face. Not because the sight grossed him out, but because his body was suddenly reminded of his lack of sustenance. He was hungry.

And those meat pieces seemed delicious to his hungry stomach.

'No! I'm still human; there's no way I'm eating weird alien meat—not without a fire at least.' While it was debatable whether he was still human, he had enough sense to know that alien meat is likely all he's going to eat for the foreseeable future. And he hasn't forgotten the other thing he wanted to test.

[Greedy Gut]

Yes, this might be able to help him stomach eating monster meat if it comes down to it.

Wiping drool from the corner of his lip, he noticed that his orb grew bigger, and it didn't take much thinking to come to a conclusion.

"It must've been because I stuffed it full of meat." What he didn't know was that it was already growing every time he stored a maggot into it. He just didn't notice due to how little it grew. But after shoving 300 pounds of meat into it, it grew enough that he noticed the difference.

Which is why he went back to the chamber; a bigger orb means he could store bigger things without having to resort to tearing them apart. "So I've decided that this mountain of meat is mine." After all, they practically gifted it to him.

KneeCapBandit KneeCapBandit

I mean, they dropped him right on top of free food.

anyway, if you like he story, I hope you can add it to your collections. it’s good motivation for me after all.

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