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89.9% Naruto, Be My Son / Chapter 276: Chapter 276: Obito: Pain, too much pain! Kumogakure Village and the Whitebeard Pirates!

Bab 276: Chapter 276: Obito: Pain, too much pain! Kumogakure Village and the Whitebeard Pirates!

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Seeing his very strange reaction, Tobi curiously leaned over.

Tobi leaned over and took a careful look at the content on the stone slab.

"Huh?" He recognized Kakashi at a glance, "Isn't this your old friend? The Copy Ninja of Konohagakure Village, Sharingan Hatake Kakashi."

Then, Tobi turned his gaze to the girl next to Kakashi.

"Oh! I recognize her!" Tobi exclaimed with a clap, "Isn't she the girl named Nohara Rin?"

Tobi poked Obito and said, "I remember you were very anxious to find her back then, and then you witnessed her death at the hands of Hatake Kakashi."

When he said this, Tobi finally reacted, he was also stunned, "Huh? Eh? Eh eh eh? Isn't she already dead?"

"Shut! Up!" Obito gritted his teeth and spat out these four words.

It was not just his hands that were trembling, his whole body was slightly shaking.

The scene before his eyes gave him a stimulus, making his heart feel as if it was being tightly gripped, filled with a sense of heartache.

It was at this moment that Obito's intelligence occupied the high ground.

Obito was very clear that Rin could not just appear out of nowhere.

The Rin in the picture was either impersonated by someone, or... suddenly a term appeared in Obito's mind - Edo Tensei!

Obviously, Obito knew this technique.

Compared to the possibility of someone impersonating Rin, Obito was more inclined to believe the latter.

He thought that it was Kakashi who used Edo Tensei to pull Rin's soul from the underworld.

"What day... what day was it?" Obito couldn't help but ask Tobi who was next to him.

However, Tobi didn't answer, which made Obito glare at him: "Are you deaf?"

At this moment, Obito seemed to be covered in thorns, very aggressive.

Tobi replied somewhat innocently: "Didn't you tell me to shut up before? Besides, I don't know either!"

"...You answer!" Obito glared at Tobi, then turned to the White Zetsu clone.

The White Zetsu clone recalled for a moment and answered: "September 15th, right?"

September 15th, isn't that Kakashi's birthday?

In other words, Kakashi used Edo Tensei, a forbidden technique that extinguishes humanity, to bring Rin back for his birthday.

Damn it!

This bastard used this forbidden technique to defile Rin, which is a desecration of Rin's pure and noble soul!

Kakashi, this bastard, with such selfish thoughts, forcibly defiled Rin. Has he ever considered Rin's feelings?


Under the strong emotional fluctuations of Obito, he even crushed the stone tablet he was holding in his hand.

The incomplete picture pieced together by the fragments of the stone tablet that fell on the ground was constantly stimulating Obito's nerves.

Especially when he saw Rin smiling gently at Kakashi.

A sense of grievance emerged in Obito's heart for no reason.

He clearly cares so much about Rin, he definitely cares more about Rin than Kakashi.

But why is the situation like this?


He remembered!

If he remembers correctly, the caster of Edo Tensei can control the person who is brought back by Edo Tensei.

In other words, Rin now... might be controlled by Kakashi?

Obito's eyes suddenly widened!

The thoughts that came up in his heart now... were all negative thoughts about Kakashi.

If Kakashi can control Rin, what kind of things will he do with Rin's body?

Once this thought came up, it couldn't be stopped.

"Bastard Kakashi! Rin's body is only thirteen years old! Kakashi you bastard! Stop it! Stop it! You are not allowed to touch her body! Kakashi! Kakashi!!!"

Obito completely broke down.

He grabbed the White Zetsu clone, his eyes under the mask were full of bloodshot, and his pupils were trembling: "Where... where are they now? Where are they!"

The White Zetsu clone silently replied: "They were in the Land of Thunder ten days ago."

Ten days ago... Obito let go of his hand.

His whole expression was somewhat dazed. Ten days.

Things that shouldn't have happened should have happened, right?

The cardamom has turned into a puff, right?

"Hatake Kakashi! I! Will! Kill! You!!!"

It hurts! It hurts too much!

The strong emotional stimulation made Obito stumble and fall headlong.

Fortunately, Tobi next to him was quick and caught Obito.

Looking at Obito, whose eyes were somewhat dazed and godless.

Tobi muttered in confusion: "This is the first time I have seen him so angry, even a bit broken. It's just a dead girl, is it necessary?"

After saying that, Tobi curiously looked at Obito's butt.

Then, he shook his head somewhat disappointedly: "I heard before that some people will lose control of their body under strong emotional stimulation."

"Well... it seems I was deceived."


"Are you sure you're not lying to me?"

In the Land of Thunder, Konan looked down at a wandering ninja in front of her: "You've been leading me around for several days now, where is this ship that sails on land that you speak of?"

A cold light flashed in Konan's beautiful eyes, she said: "My 100,000 ryo are not so easy to earn. If we can't find that ship today, you can forget about seeing tomorrow's sun."

The wandering ninja in front of her was scared and couldn't help but swallow.

The wandering ninja hurriedly defended himself: "I did see that ship, it was sailing in that direction! Unless I was under someone else's Genjutsu, I couldn't possibly be mistaken."

"This... these traces on the ground, don't they also prove that I wasn't mistaken?" The wandering ninja pointed to a mess in front of him: "Only a very large object could plow a path through this forest, right?"

Konan looked in the direction of this path: "If I'm not mistaken, that direction is Kumogakure Village, right? You mean to say, a group of pirates would run to Kumogakure Village?"

The wandering ninja was sweating profusely: "There... there is a probability... after all, they are not ordinary pirates, they are the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Indeed, the Whitebeard Pirates are well-known in the ninja world, even such a wandering ninja has heard a little about them.

One of the Five Great Ninja Villages, Kirigakure Village, has already succumbed to the Whitebeard Pirates.

One of the Five Great Ninja Villages, Konohagakure Village, is even more afraid to offend the Whitebeard Pirates.

Now, the Whitebeard Pirates are heading straight for Kumogakure Village in the Land of Thunder, that's reasonable, right?

Konan looked into the distance with an expressionless face: "Then let's continue in this direction, if we get to Kumogakure Village and still haven't found the Whitebeard Pirates..."

She glanced at the trembling wandering ninja: "You know the consequences."



Kumogakure Village.

The Fourth Raikage of Kumogakure Village has been missing for almost half a month.

The entire Kumogakure Village was in chaos during this time.

The whereabouts of the Fourth Raikage could no longer be concealed.

After all, you can't wrap fire in paper.

"What? Raikage-sama used the Heavenly Transfer Technique to teleport to the Whitebeard Pirates alone, trying to save the ninjas who were captured by the village with his own power?"

One of the higher-ups of Kumogakure Village was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "Why didn't you persuade Raikage-sama! If Raikage-sama is so adamant to save them, why are you not following him?"

Darui, Mabui, and several of Raikage's personal Anbu guards were scolded with spit on their faces.

Mabui muttered with a grievance: "But Raikage-sama gave me a death order at that time, I can't disobey Raikage-sama's order, can I?"

A head of a ninja clan in Kumogakure Village was suffering from a headache: "Now is not the time to discuss who is responsible, the most critical point now... is to figure out what Raikage-sama's situation is."

"That's the Whitebeard Pirates, two Jinchuriki from our village have fallen into their hands one after another. Even if Raikage-sama is very powerful, he might capsize in the gutter."

"If Raikage-sama ends up like the two Jinchuriki, becoming a captive of the Whitebeard Pirates..."

When he got here, he didn't say anything more.

Because everyone present knew how serious that would be.

The "kage" of a ninja village being captured would definitely cause a major earthquake in the ninja world!

Just at this moment, suddenly an Anbu ninja from Kumogakure Village rushed in frantically.

His appearance attracted the attention of everyone present.

Only to hear this masked Anbu ninja from Kumogakure Village hurriedly say: "Everyone! Something big has happened! About ten kilometers south of the village, a strange ship sailing on land has appeared!"

"That ship... is very likely the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates! Because, only their pirate ship can sail on land!"

"The path of that ship is heading straight for our village! The Whitebeard Pirates... are coming!"

His report made everyone present shrink their pupils.

How dare the Whitebeard Pirates, who had taken away two Jinchuriki from their ninja village and possibly also captured Raikage-sama, rush straight to Kumogakure Village?

Don't they fear that Kumogakure Village will gather the power of thousands of ninjas from the entire village and tear them to pieces?

After all, no matter how powerful a Whitebeard is, how long can he hold on under the strategy of human sea?

Their invincible Third Raikage of the village also died under the siege of Iwagakure Village back then.

The ninjas of Kumogakure Village don't believe... Whitebeard's strength exceeds their Third Raikage that much.

"Gather all the Chunin, Special Jonin, Jonin in the village!"

An older higher-up of Kumogakure Village gritted his teeth and said: "Let our Kumogakure Village, meet this 'Whitebeard Pirates'!"

"Let's see if that Whitebeard really has three heads and six arms, is he really that invincible in the ninja world!"


"So many mountains!" Naruto stood on the bow of the Moby Dick, looking at the scenery in the distance.

From time to time, he raised his head and looked at the tops of those mountains: "There seem to be buildings on those mountains ahead!"

"Because Kumogakure Village is just ahead!" Kisame, carrying Samehada, grinned: "Ha! To be honest, this is my first time coming to Kumogakure Village!"

Uchiha Izumi was also curiously looking at the mountains in front of her: "The mountains here seem to be taller and bigger."

Uchiha Izumi sighed: "It's not easy to establish a ninja village in such a place!"

Shisui pondered for a moment and said: "I think, the people of Kumogakure Village have already discovered us, I don't know what method Kumogakure Village wants to use to deal with us."

"Ha!" Kisame laughed grimly: "I hope they can give us some fun, I need to stretch my muscles!"

Kisame was very much looking forward to Kumogakure Village choosing to go head-to-head with the Whitebeard Pirates.

In this way, they might be able to capture a few more people, and he could also have a good fight.

First, subdue Kumogakure Village, then let them pay a ransom, and by the way, rob Kumogakure Village, it's very reasonable.

Sasuke's mouth curled up slightly, he said: "I have a feeling that next... we might be about to face a battle."

Hinata swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but seeing Naruto's back, she gathered up her courage: "If... if we start fighting, I won't hold you back!"

Hinata has made a lot of progress these days, it can even be said that her progress in Taijutsu is very fast.

In the end, it's because Hinata can eat her fill at every meal.

In the logic of pirates... eating a lot = good Taijutsu talent = slightly practice and it's very powerful.

The fact proves that Hinata is such a "pirate-style" Taijutsu genius.

Karin said solemnly: "There must be thousands of Kumogakure ninjas together, if they all go up, the momentum is probably quite scary."

Neji snorted lightly: "What about thousands of people, the strategy of human sea has no effect in front of us."

Haku said to Ino: "Ino, if there is a fight, you can cooperate with me, you control who, I will deal with that person."

Ino was instantly full of energy: "Okay!"

Fuushi shook her head helplessly, she laughed: "Everyone is full of fighting spirit!"


Inside the medical room of the Moby Dick.

Here is full of all kinds of advanced medical equipment, among which there is no lack of black technology jointly created by Orochimaru and Tsunade.

Looking at a large lump of White Zetsu cells floating in the hibernation cabin, it is transforming into a human form at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Tsunade and Orochimaru looked at each other.

"Hehe... it's a success."

Orochimaru laughed happily: "What a magical cell! What a magical creature! All the research progress is so smooth that I can hardly believe it. The first 'unknown white humanoid clone' was born!"

A few different colors flashed in Tsunade's eyes.

If this clone is a flesh body without any wisdom and consciousness to speak of.

Does that mean that the Whitebeard Pirates can use this special clone to casually use the Edo Tensei technique?


Nawaki and Dan?



(End of Chapter)

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