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Bab 11: Ch 11

"However, this mobile game..."

"Perhaps you can go and ask the developer of this mobile game, who is also the owner of this gaming hall," Lisa suggested. As she spoke, her disheveled hair cascading lazily, her jade-green eyes flickered with a hint of light.

Venti pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly. "I will go inquire about it."

After Venti left, Lisa tapped the screen gently. Although this operation had been a complete failure, the prologue's mission was far from over.

Diluc decided to use his own intelligence network to track down the Abyss Mage's whereabouts. When there were results, they would regroup at Dawn Winery.

The story seemed to be coming to a temporary conclusion at this point. However, at this moment, the screen suddenly went black. The perspective shifted to a third person.

Lisa understood that another hidden plot had been triggered. In the scene, an environment shrouded in mist and surrounded by a storm unfolded. Not far ahead, a massive tower stood alone in the center of the ruins. Lisa's expression turned serious.

These hidden plots often revealed crucial information. On the cliff to the right, a young man faced the towering tower, with two Abyss Mages following him in a worshipful posture. Dvalin flew down from above towards the tower.

Between the two Abyss Mages, a figure radiating light appeared. It was the Ice Abyss Mage who had previously mocked everyone on Star Snatch Cliff. It bowed to the young man before it.

"Your Highness, your servant has brought you another victory. When your kingdom returns to the mortal world, we shall share in its glory."

The young man slowly turned around, and the earring on his left ear emitted a bright white light. His eyes were deep and cold, like the abyss itself. This person was none other than the Traveler's brother! Lisa was astonished.

At first, she thought the Traveler was a pair of twins created to offer different gender options for players, enhancing immersion. But now it appeared to be far from that simple. The other twin had become a [Highness] serving the Abyss Mages!

The Abyss Order had always been a mysterious and terrifying organization, teeming with inhuman creatures. They operated in secrecy across the land, conducting unknown schemes. Information about them was scarce, and many regarded them as dark and ominous. Now, the plot was beginning to unveil some of the secrets of the Abyss.

What concerned Lisa even more was that if the Traveler twins held such important roles in the game, perhaps their characters were not entirely fictional. They might actually exist in the real world! Just like Venti, they hadn't appeared yet because the time hadn't come for the Traveler to arrive in Mondstadt!

This mobile game was revealing events that were yet to come! The thought made Lisa's breath quicken slightly. She had already valued this game greatly, but now it seemed her estimation was still inadequate. Perhaps it could change the fate of the entire world! Whether that destiny would lean towards the good or the bad depended on which side the owner of this game, the developer, stood on.

In other words, it's about confirmation. What is the true identity of the other party? Lisa once thought Takumi might be the God of Wind, but now the answer has been revealed. Venti is the true God of Wind, Barbados of Mondstadt. So, Takumi, who are you? Venti already has plans to inquire about Takumi. In Lisa's view, Takumi's level of existence should be at least on par with the Wind God.

Perhaps these two beings of similar level might experience some peculiar events? At this moment, the phone screen prompted: "Chapter Prologue, Act Two, For a Tearless Tomorrow, Completed." "Chapter Prologue, Act Three, Song of the Dragon and Freedom, will be unlocked in future versions."

"Future versions..." Lisa's eyes showed a sense of relief. In this mobile game, the journey seemed far from over.


Inside the Goethe Hotel, a member of the Foolish Enthusiasts lightly knocked on the door in front of her. "Come in." A stern and haughty female voice came from the doorway.

The member wiped the sweat from her forehead. Clearly, the person inside the room exerted immense pressure on her, to the point where even hearing the person's voice was overwhelming. After all, this individual, known as [Madam], was famous for being cold and dominant. However, she had vital information to report.

She gently pushed open the door. The room was somewhat dimly lit. Madam stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, gazing at the Mondstadt scenery outside. "How are things?" The Foolish Enthusiasts member immediately knelt on one knee and reported, "Subordinate has completed the plot of the first act in that mobile game. It can be confirmed that the game aligns entirely with the real world, which is of significant importance for our infiltration into Mondstadt and locating the Wind God, among other targets."

"Furthermore, in the game's second act, it reveals our Foolish Enthusiasts' plan to steal the [Skyward Sword Jean] and exposes the base we've established outside Mondstadt." Madam turned around, her face expressionless, concealing her true emotions.

"What about the upcoming plot?" "Currently, the fastest game progress has reached this point. We are still diligently working on the subsequent plot." "Truly incompetent!" A cold glint flashed in Madam's eyes, and a formidable pressure was released.

This Foolish Enthusiasts subordinate trembled with fear, bowing her head even lower. "It's said that a librarian named Lisa has already completed the second act's plot while you've just cleared the first act. It's because of this mobile game that the Knights of Favonius have begun fortifying against us and exerting pressure from various angles."

"Subordinate is useless. Please punish me, Madam." The Foolish Enthusiasts' subordinates had their own grievances to share. After all, everyone was encountering this new and intricate phenomenon for the first time, and the content inside was extensive and complex. Many things were still not fully understood at this point. Moreover, they dared not communicate too closely with other players, as they might inadvertently expose their identities. That Lisa had cast suspicious glances their way on several occasions already.

The lady pondered for a moment and said, "Hmph, no matter what, this approach is too slow. It might be better to go directly to find the developer of that mobile game, Takumi, and make him reveal everything he knows..."

Ever since they installed the membership system, Eula felt that her current job had become extremely easy. Occasionally, new members would come to recharge, and she would help them activate their membership cards. Most of the time, she had nothing to do. Takumi had set up a phone at the front desk so that Eula could play the mobile game during her free time. He, on the other hand, was experimenting with various drinks in front of the versatile beverage maker.

All the materials Eula had bought were poured into this machine by Takumi. He successfully prepared some well-known milk teas from the past. Eula tried them and found the taste to be extremely good. She had never tasted such a rich-textured drink before and couldn't help but praise it. She thought Takumi could open a tavern specializing in these beverages, and the business would definitely thrive. However, Takumi had no such intention. He had created these drinks mainly to satisfy his own cravings. Some customers also wanted to try them, so Takumi used the Mihu Ice City series to handle those orders. Surprisingly, those customers still appreciated the drinks and would order a cup of pearl milk tea every time they visited.

"20,000 Mora per cup, there are indeed many wealthy people in Mondstadt," Takumi sighed. At this moment, Takumi turned his head slightly and saw Venti at the bar. "Boss, can we talk somewhere else?" Venti asked.

"What's the matter? We can talk here," Venti glanced at Eula, making his intentions clear. However, Takumi didn't mind. "Eula is not an outsider, so you can speak freely."

Upon hearing this, Eula's hand holding the phone trembled slightly. Venti took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, and said, "Boss, I want to ask for your help in saving Dvalin."

"Oh?" Takumi chuckled. "Instead of going to the Knights of Favonius, you come to me... What makes you think I have the ability for that?"

"Just based on the mobile game you developed."

"That can only prove my talent in game development."

"No, besides that, you also know a lot of truths about this world, including... my identity."

Venti's expression became serious, but Takumi remained unfazed.

Takumi think in his mind.

The traveler hasn't yet arrived in Mondstadt's territory. If I agree to Venti's request, it's like replicating the traveler's journey. In fact, if I wait a little longer, a golden-haired traveler will naturally come to Mondstadt with her emergency food.

Then, she'll tirelessly assist the Knights of Favonius in resolving various troubles. However, because my mobile game revealed a lot of content beforehand, this process will be greatly shortened. It won't follow the game's plot step by step.

Takumi's appearance and the Genshin Impact mobile game he developed have already altered the world's trajectory. But currently, it seems the major direction won't change. When Lumine arrives, she might be directly invited to the Knights of Favonius headquarters. Then, Captain Jean will explain the specific situation. While Lumine and Paimon are still bewildered, they'll be pulled into the battle against Stormterror.

Takumi is always an early riser when there's profit to be made. He originally wanted to hint to Venti to follow the game's plot development, so when Lumine comes to Mondstadt, she can join in and save Dvalin. After all, from the plot's perspective, Lumine has the ability to purify the Abyssal blood.

But at this moment, the system's prompt sounded.

[Trigger Hidden Quest!] [Collect the Seven Hearts of the Seven Gods.] [Reward: Three Wishes.]

Hidden quest? Three wishes? Takumi's expression slightly changed. "Can any wish be granted?" "Based on the current world's highest possibilities, wishes such as becoming the supreme ruler of this world or reviving the deceased can all be granted," came the reply.

Takumi took a deep breath. Collecting seven Hearts of the Gods would grant three wishes, which was quite tempting. Even if he wanted to replace destiny, it was possible.

Takumi was tempted to tell the Winter Queen, "Don't compete with me for the Hearts of the Gods. Help me gather all seven, and I'll take care of destiny for you."

Of course, the consequence of doing this now would be being seen as a pitiable lunatic by the Winter Queen. Completing this task wouldn't be achieved overnight. Although Takumi now possessed the authority of the Law of Thunder, it didn't mean he could do whatever he pleased on Teyvat.

You have to eat your rice one grain at a time, and plans must be taken step by step. First, set a small goal: obtain the Wind God's Heart.

"...I can help you, but I need something from you," Takumi said in a deep voice.

Venti smiled knowingly and generously revealed Mora from his hat. "No problem, all this Mora is yours."

"You misunderstand me. What I'm talking about is your 'Heart of the God.'"

When Venti heard the three words 'Heart of the God,' his expression slightly changed.

"What do you want that thing for?"

"I intend to use it to summon a divine dragon. Do you believe me?"

Venti shook his head. After a brief silence, he tried to negotiate other conditions. "Besides the Heart of the God..."

"Do you have any other valuable possessions?" Takumi also asked without hesitation.

He showed no reverence towards the Wind God.

"Sorry, I can't agree... Although that thing can be abandoned, I already have a plan for it."

"You want to give it to Rosalyne, don't you?" Venti hesitated for a moment, instinctively wanting to ask how he knew, but considering the various plotlines in the mobile game, he suddenly felt that asking or not asking wouldn't make much sense.

This boss seemed to know everything about the buried past of Mondstadt's land. Rosalyne was indeed the lady's real name. Hundreds of years ago, before the Abyssal Catastrophe descended, she was once an innocent and lively girl with a brilliant life and cherished loved ones. Until that disaster shattered everything, and Rosalyne lost everything. She transformed into the Flame Witch, swearing to burn away all her pain. At that time, Venti, as the God of Wind, didn't return in time to protect his people, despite the chaotic situation and the risk of falling even for a being of the caliber of the Seven. His return at the last moment to battle the corrupted dragon Dvalin alongside him was already a desperate effort. For this, he fell into a deep sleep for five hundred years. However, morally speaking, he did owe Rosalyne. So, Venti intended to "give" the Heart of the God to Rosalyne, who was now the lady, in a somewhat reluctant manner. It could be considered as some compensation for the events of that time.

If that was the case, Takumi had a bold idea. After Venti poured out his heart and the Heart of the God was taken away by the lady, he could simply snatch it back from her. It was all about grabbing, after all. It would depend on who was the mantis and who was the oriole. In Inazuma, a Traveler with three types of elemental abilities could easily defeat the lady in a duel. He had now perfectly integrated the power of the Thunder, so dealing with the lady would be a breeze.

"In that case, there's nothing more to discuss." Venti sighed and left.

At the bar counter, Eula's expression was somewhat complicated. She had heard Takumi's conversation with Venti just now. Eula thought she should feel shocked or incredulous. The illustrious God of Wind had actually appeared before her. Although he was the "descendant of a sinner," Eula was still a true Mondstadt native, raised from childhood on tales of the Wind God's deeds. Now that the God of Wind had truly appeared before her, Eula was not as surprised or moved as she had imagined. The reason behind it was that her boss had already incorporated him into the game. Moreover, just now, Venti clearly had a request from her boss, but it was ruthlessly rejected by her boss. The status of the Wind God was instantly lowered to a very low level. Comparatively speaking, her boss was still more mysterious and charismatic.

"Boss, why didn't you agree just now?" Eula couldn't help but ask.

"I'm just an ordinary game developer. Although I know many secrets, saving Dvalin is, of course, something I can't do," Takumi stated the fact.

With the perfect integration of the power of the Rival Electro Archon, Takumi was confident in killing Dvalin. However, he couldn't purify the Abyssal Blood and curse on it, which was now beyond his abilities.

"Well... But even if, like the protagonist in the mobile game, you had the power to purify the Wind Dragon's curse, I still wouldn't want you to go."

"Oh? Why?" Takumi was a bit curious. He thought Eula asked this question due to a sense of responsibility as a member of the Knights of Favonius. Perhaps she was somewhat dissatisfied with him refusing to help the Wind God. But it seemed that wasn't the case.

"Um... because, Boss, you've been very kind to me. So, I don't want you to be bound by these so-called responsibilities or obligations, and end up getting hurt," Eula blushed as she said this.

In fact, ever since she first entered this game lounge, Eula had developed a unique emotion towards Takumi. Even her usual way of speaking had changed, like when she said, "I've noted this grudge." In front of her boss, it seemed like she didn't have to care about anyone's gaze or her own identity. She just needed to be herself, an ordinary girl named Eula. She had already come to see Takumi as a very important person in her life. For whatever reason, she didn't want Takumi to get involved in danger.


"Eula..." Takumi gently touched Eula's face.

It felt tender and smooth, with the youthful softness unique to a girl. Eula instinctively closed her eyes. The atmosphere gradually became subtle. But just then, a pair of players approached the exit, chatting and laughing in the hallway. Eula suddenly opened her eyes, feeling like her heart was racing. She looked at her boss, only to find that he had gone to the drink-making machine to serve the customers.

"Phew..." She took a deep breath. Although nothing had happened, Eula still felt a sense of exhaustion throughout her body. She leaned on the counter. She wondered how it would have felt if no one had interrupted them just now...


Evenings were the liveliest time at the game lounge. There was nothing more enjoyable than finishing a day's work and spending an hour playing games at the lounge. Now, the top players in the gaming community had arrived to conquer the Fool's Errand base and reclaim the storyline of obtaining the Skyward Jean.

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