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Bab 9: Interlude 1.b

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♦ Topic: Lung slain by new Parahuman?

In: Boards ► Places ► America ►Brockton Bay Discussion (Public Board)

White Fairy (Original Poster)(Veteran Member):

Posted on April 11th, 2011:

I just heard from the grapevine that someone bagged Lung, I have an Asian friend who told me the ABB are frothing at the mouth and preparing for retaliation from the other gangs.

Apparently, it's some albino guy and a bug cape, ppl are suspecting E88 but if that's true then Kaiser would have screamed their name by now.

EDIT: I'm finally here before Bagrat, suck it!

EDIT: Apparently we have definite proof now, courtesy of the albino guy(Accelerator), please everyone thank the overpowered cape for his HD definition footage (here).

(Showing page 1 of 68)


Posted on January 17, 2011:

First! What is this, some kind of joke?

► Ekul:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

This can't be real, but I'm not seeing a lot of ABB gangers today and that's scary.

► romanholiday:

Replied on April 11th, 2011: 

hah! serves him right.

► theminions:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

thank god that menace is finally gone.

► munchkin54:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@theminions don't get your hopes up, this is probably just some rumor, Lung fought against the whole protectorate and won.

► chucklesbuns99:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

If that's true then the Empire will raise hell.

► THammer88:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

[Tin_Mother: That sort of Language isn't allowed in this site, take a days ban]

► chucklebuns:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@THammer88 stfu u nazi assh*le

[Tin_Mother: Since this is your first infraction, have 5 minutes to cool down.]

► Greatman13:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Is this true? @Reave did you know abou this?

► Reave (Verified PRT Agent):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

This is apparently true, the man responsible actually came afterward to register as an independent, the PRT should make a public statement very soon.

► White Fairy:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Reave Thank you for the confirmation

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► Sakeislife (Kyushu Survivor):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

My sister got kidnapped by the scum's men, may he rot in hell.

► Winged_One:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Sakeislife damn, your life sounds difficult

► Accelerator(Unverified Cape):

Replied on April 11th, 2011: 

Hello, this is Accelerator here, I'm one of the capes responsible for Lung's capture. (Here) is the footage denoting so.

I am a registered independant Hero/Rogue, and I hope to be recognized more within the city as I do my best to try to protect it.

@Sakeislife He may not be rotting in hell, but his balls certainly are, the bug cape that I helped put so much venom there that it actually fell off his legs. He did regenerate them, which is unfortunate.

► Xx_VoidCowboy_xX:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

[Tin_Mother: Accelerator may be unmasked but exposing a parahuman's identity is still against ToS, get a 5 minute timeout]

► Winged One:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Wow, this may be the shortest ban in Void's history!

@Accelerator is it true that you're an open cape? And what can you tell us about your powers? And why a Rogue?

► sitforgiggles:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Accelerator that name seems strange for a Brute/Tinker combo? Or are you just a Tinker?

► Accelerator (Unverified Cape):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Winged One @sitforgiggles I will refrain from disclosing any details about my powers, so use your imagination, I guess? And yes, I am an open parahuman, I do not have a secret identity, and I don't mind if people start calling me by my civilian name.

► Greatman13:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

It's so nice to have a powerful new cape who actually chose to be a Hero.

► Point_Me @_The_Sky(Verified Cape)(New Wave):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

This is great!

► cHit_cHat:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Point_Me @_The_Sky Is Accelerator part of New Wave? Are you finally recruiting again?

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♦ Topic: Accelerator Thread

In: Boards ► Places ► America ►Brockton Bay ►Parahumans

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know):

Posted on April 11th, 2011:

As almost everyone here knows, there is a new Parahuman who came into the Brockton Bay scene who managed to capture Lung on his first night with help from an Unknown bug Master.

You can see the footage of the fight (here) and the Thread that talks about it (here).

The PRT gave him a rating of Brute/Breaker 7, Shaker 4, Thinker 4, and Tinker 2. Talk about a grabbag, huh?

Edit: I don't know the specifics, but Accelerator apparently visited the PRT HQ in his civilian identity and had a meeting with the local Director, I don't know whatever it is, but the PRT seem to make a big deal out of it.

Edit: Accelerator just brought in the WHOLE merchants, the PRT upgraded his Brute/Breaker rating to 9, his Shaker to 6 and added a Trump/Stranger 2 because somehow, he is suddenly a Thinker Blindspot. 

Edit: Thanks Accelerator again for sending the footage, (here) is the fight between Accelerator and the Merchants. 

(Showing page 1 of 113)


Posted on April 11th, 2011:

I saw that footage, the man took Lung's hits like they were nothing!

► moonshoon:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

His Brute power seems like a Striker one, it's more like everything gets reflected rather than his body being strong enough to resist the blows.

► shuttingup:

Replied on April 11th, 2011: 

@moonshoon The PRT power classifications are about their threat rather than their usage, even if it's a Striker aspect of his power, it makes him immune to some attacks so it counts as Brute.

 Reave (Verified PRT Agent):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

It is unfortunate that he didn't join the Protectorate, but I think it speaks well of his character that he registered with the PRT. I hope Accelerator makes some good in the city.

► FlippinMad:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Who cares about his powers, look how hot he is! Mhmmm...

► KitDog:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@FlippinMad for once you're not preying on an underage guy, so go for it!

► FlippinMad:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@KitDog Hey! I'm underage too.

White Fairy (The Gal in the Know):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Tin_Mother you ready to give me that tag now?

[Tin_Mother: Please refrain from deviating from the topic of discussion, but yes, you can get your tag.]

► Brocktonite03:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Since we know for sure he's an open cape, can we talk about how crazy his real life is It's like a movie character's backstory!

► Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Brocktonite03 It brings a sour taste on my mouth to speak about a cape's civilian identity like this, but I totally agree with you.

► Xx_VoidCowboy_xX:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Tin_Mother why don't they get a timeout?

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► Righto-:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@JimmyThaMan All I'm saying is that we don't know how strong the guy is, he may actually have some kind of weakness we don't know, not everyone can be Axelandria.

► White Fairy (The Gal in the Know):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

The Gal in the Know wins again! Accelerator just brought in every single Merchant capee in one single day! That's all I know, peace.

► JimmyThaMan:

Replied on April 11th, 2011: 

@White Fairy Wait wtf?

► Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@White Fairy Not again.... :'(

► Cringe_beggar12:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Finally! those bozos had it coming.

► Ball_Handler:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Nice! 2 out of 3 done! Maybe Accel will hit bingo!

► Accelerator (Verified Cape):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

I would like to confirm the news, the Merchants did attack me today and I did bring them in, (here) is the footage, some faces are blurred due to legal matters. I shared all information with the PRT, and I expect that they will make a statement shortly. Thank you.

@Tin_Mother Thanks for the verified tag.

► Bino_cul_or (Cape Geek)(Verified Scientist):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Accelerator I read your dissertation, fascinating stuff. But I am more interested in your powers, any comments there? I can't seem to decide between Breaker, Striker or Brute aspects, are you like Glory Girl where you have a forcefield that makes you invincible or is it some sort of energy absorpsion?

► Accelerator (Verified Cape):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Bino_cul_or None I'm afraid, I think I'd prefer to leave my powers to the imagination of others, keep them thinking and all that. I will say though that there is a Thinker aspect to it that I'm planning to publicize that has no direct combat applications.

► dalaffytaffy:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Brockton Bay sure is one hell of place.

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Topic: Bank Robbery in Brockton Bay

In: Boards ► Places ► America ►Brockton Bay ►Events

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know):

Posted on April 11th, 2011:

While the Merchants were getting their asses kicked, the Undersiders (which includes the non-heroic mysterious bug cape that participated in Lung's capture) broke into Brockton Bay Central Bank, where they stole a good amount of cash and escaped after a short alteracrion with the Wards, the Protectorate team was occupied in the recent newly dubbed A-Rank villain Fallow in Woodstock. 

I found some decent footage (here) and (here), as you can see, the Undersiders managed to detect the arrival of the Wards way before they should, and managed to pre-emtively incapacitate Shadow Stalker while Hellhound's dogs and Weaver's bugs occupied the rest, they managde to escape using Grue's darkness and Regent's muscle cramps, while facing some difficulties due to Vista's power which Weaver counters by blotting their path with bugs.

Conclusion: Weaver is hella scary! And not a hero.

(Showing page 1 of 45)


Posted on January 17, 2011:

So I think the theory that Lung was after the Undersiders that night more viable now.

► moonshoon:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Thank god Clockblocker can freeze himself! I wouldn't want to deal with bugs, yuck!

► shuttingup:

Replied on April 11th, 2011: 

Dude, duuuude, this is some horror movie shit.

► boorishpick:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Can Weaver see through her bugs? Because if so then the recon possibilities are endless

► realize_populate:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@boorishpick Weaver be like *I cAn SeE YoUu* , shit now im scared.

► AfterDeckPain[Verified Troll](The First Tag is Fake):

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

I was there! It went so quickly it was unbelievable, ***** dogs went through the door like a bulldozer, then the others follower. Tattletale held a gun on us and started reading ourminds, like, she stared at one of the guys at the reception and was like "Uh uh uh, you can't push that button" and said some shite really personal to intimidate them. I didn't get to see the bug lady, but there was a cloud of them just buzzing in the air.


Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@AfterDeckPain[Verified Troll] I have a podcast, if you're willing to be in it let's talk 

in private.

► Planeoxbird:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

I thought Weaver was a hero?

► Brocktonite03:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Isn't Weaver a hero? She helped that Accelerator guy get Lung!

► LevyCurse:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Brocktonite03 I think that was just what we thought.


Replied on April 11th, 2011:

I hope everyone at the bank was fine, those insects are scary as f*ck!

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► GlugGlug69:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Tankforest I don't think Accelerator knew she was a villain, he just saved her because he saw her fight Lung.

► Tankforest:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@GlugGlug69 Just sayin' man, what are the chances that he would save her and the Undersiders from Lung and a couple of days later, they rob a bank! Where was he when this was going on?

► Writhe_Shiv:

Replied on April 11th, 2011: 

@Tankforest (here) lol, the man was decimating a whole gang while the bank was robbed, I don't think he knew dude.

► Tankforest:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Writhe_Shiv exactly! the day they rob a bank he gets attacked by the WHOLE mer chants while the protectorate are occupied with some sort of event out of time while the Wards are busy with a BANK ROBBERY? This sounds like some sort of The Boys scheme for PR;

► Xx_VoidCowboy_xX:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Tankforest has a point...

[Tin_Mother: Now that you're here, I'm going to warn that this thread is about the Bank roberry, not a conspiracy theory about Accelerator's PR scheme. Whoever speaks of it again will get the boot.]

► Tangible Super:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

The fact that Void's presence is a warning to the mods is hilarious!

► pillion:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

Weaver's addition to the Undersider roster makes them a very serious threat, I heard the PRT are putting her at Master 5, considering she can only use it on bugs, that's giving me a massive cold sweat.

► Tap_efficient:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

I bet you she can make way more than what she did at the bank robbery if she started working in the sewers instead, the amount of money I'd pay to no longer see any disgusting insect would blow your mind.

► Hilton586:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Tap_efficient Dude if Weaver cleaned MY sewers, i'd be a very, very happy man.

► dalaffytaffy:

Replied on April 11th, 2011:

@Hilton586 dude, yuck.

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