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69.23% DC: Spirit of Vengeance / Chapter 69: Chapter 63: END OF VOL. 2: Doomsday vs Ghost Rider

Bab 69: Chapter 63: END OF VOL. 2: Doomsday vs Ghost Rider

AN: You're going to hate me with the outcome of this fight.....




"Ghost Rider Voice" 

<Mental Voice>



Tower of Destiny, before Edgar arrived at the battlefield

Edgar was surprised when they crossed into the Tower of Destiny. If his senses did not lie to him, then the whole place, which was once full of magic but still retained the design of a cozy house, was gone.

At this moment, the Tower of Destiny had been configured in such a way that it looked like a large living room. Tables, chairs, rooms, they were gone. Even the stairs had vanished. The place seemed free of all decorations.

However, it was not empty. For, on the floor, there was a huge pentagram made of chalk, and on each side, several candles were lit adorning the points. Clearly, this was indicative of a powerful ritual.

Right in the center was a piece of wine-colored cloth. It appeared that this cloth was just a piece of cut cloth, as it lacked any noticeable features. However, those who had magical power could feel it. This cloth was special. This cloth denoted a lot of power.

Above all, Edgar felt it. This cloth specifically called out to his spirit.

"Everything is ready" Inza said as she removed the helmet, to reveal her aged, but still remarkable features. However, there was a lot of weariness in her tone. Clearly, the preparations that she set up had exhausted her both mentally and physically.

"What is all this, Inza?, If my instincts don't fail me this is a quite powerful ritual"

"That's right, Edgar. Kent gave me LOTS of instructions and plans in case the worst happened. There were two ways to go under the circumstances. One, that I sacrifice myself as Kent so that you could defeat that monster like you did with Mordru. The problem is that-"

"I'm still quite injured and my body probably can't take it" Edgar interrupted the explanation when he realized that this was not an option. Inza just nodded.

"Yeah, it's not an option. Kent never thought he had to resort to this against Mordru. It changed all his initial plans. Besides, I know we've told you, but, your body, mind and spirit were a mess less than a week ago. Edgar, that you are alive now, only indicates your will to live"

And that was true. After using a power as potent as Zarathos' maximum Rider power, Edgar's body was a mess.

Every bone in his body had been shattered. Hemorrhages in every organ had erupted in his body. And if that wasn't bad enough. His spirit was so weakened that he was fading away to pass away. Edgar was dying.

However, his desire to live, in addition to the rapid treatment of Inza and Helen, meant that, against all odds, he was cured. His energy had returned to him. And their accelerated healing had begun to heal him, taking him out of harm's way.

Now, even though his body still ached, and his power had not fully returned to him, he could say that he was out of danger. However, he knew that. If he did anything like that again, even the slightest amount of time, then he would easily die. This was not an option.

"The second option, and the safest, is this. This pentagram will absorb the interdimensional energy of the Tower, causing spirits from beyond, to come and be absorbed by this Gemworld artifact. This" Inza pointed to the cloth in the center "It is called, 'tomb of the spirits in sorrow'. Sister to the artifact that gave you your curse"

Edgar's curse was given to him by an artifact called the tomb of divine souls (AN: chapter 32) an artifact that allowed souls to be 'trapped' in a 'contract', so that the possessor could use or corrupt them as he wished.

In normal souls, this artifact would have been enough to completely destroy a person. But, in a Rider, with the power of a multiversal being like Zarathos/Azazel, it only allowed him to corrupt his power, which was bound to Edgar's soul.

However, the tomb of the spirits in sorrow was different. Because, this artifact acted on spirits trapped in limbo. People who died but who, because of regrets in their lives, were never able to advance to a higher plane.

To better explain this, it must be said that any living being, regardless of its characteristics, has 4 main elements that make it up. These are: body, mind, soul and spirit.

The first two are already well known. But the other two, in many cultures have been confused as the same, which is wrong.

The soul is the essence of the person. That which gives you your true identity. Your true self. And that is molded with more experiences and experiences that one passes. A record of your life so to speak, or as a credential of identity.

The spirit is the metaphysical part of one. An intangible 'body' that grows as we grow. And that is strengthened by one's inner energy. It has no essence. And, also, it is the part of us that will pass to a higher or lower plane.

Both can be confused, since both are closely linked to each other. For example, in order to know your soul, you need to go through the spirit.

And the soul, which is the 'records' of your life (whether you were 'good' or 'bad'), will give way for the spirit to reach 'heaven' or 'hell,' respectively.

When one dies, the body and mind remain on this earthly plane. The body decays and the mind is extinguished. But, the soul and spirit leave. The spirit passes into 'heaven' or 'hell'.

And the soul fades away and goes to the wheel of reincarnation. Where it goes to reform and change, so that another being can start from scratch.

No soul is the same. But they have very similar characteristics for this very reason. That is, each person has a different soul, but all have similar characteristics that indicate that it is a soul of a human, or an animal, or a God or demon.

Talking about the two artifacts. Both are very powerful and dangerous. But, unlike the first artifact that affected Edgar, where it served more as an indefinite time contract, this piece of cloth was an artifact that acted as a momentary prison. Since, when energy is no longer bestowed, these trapped spirits are immediately released.

"When the artifact starts collecting a lot of energy, derived from the spirits, I want you to absorb that energy and convert it into power. That will cause you to regain your power and even increase it. Then, we will move on to the second step. Through you, and with Zarathos' permission, we will invoke the spirits of the ancient Riders. The same ones who were your masters and who dwell in you, Edgar. You, 5 Riders, have the task of defeating that monster. Burn him until there are no ashes left. Only then, he can he be killed. But there is a limited time. For we have a limit on how much power we can wield in the ritual"

"It's a good plan" Edgar concluded. The plan was crazy, but very well calculated. Kent had clearly planned all of this well. But, no doubt, with him and the other Riders they could defeat that monster. However, Edgar there realized that Inza was speaking in plural.

"Wait, wait... What do you mean with 'We'?"

"We're going to help her" interrupted a male voice. Edgar, for his soul, realized who it was that was speaking. It was Zatara.

However, there he saw a large group. By their soul, he could tell them all apart. They were Constantine, Raven, and if he was not mistaken, the other was Zatara's daughter, Zatanna.

Each of the powerful wizards from the League, Teen Titans, and Outsiders had come to help. They would power the pentagram so that the ritual would last long enough for the Riders to defeat that monster.

"I don't like you, Edgar. But, sigh, you're the only one who can defeat that monster for good. Besides, with our help, Inza won't succumb like Kent did. We don't want to see any more of our friends die" said Zatara.

"You're right, mate. It's our world too, and we don't want to see it destroyed by some kind of Zombie on steroids. We trust you, my friend"

<You can do it, Ed>

Edgar heard all these words of encouragement. He had no doubts.

"Okay. Let's do it..."


Ukraine, near Kiev, fight against Doomsday




At that, everyone heard a loud trumpeting sound. In the sky, the clouds began to clear, as a large silhouette began to project before everyone.

Out of the sky, a large flying Viking ship moving on its own began to visualize itself, as if it was sailing the clouds themselves.

It had dragon designs, with oars on the sides, but there was something that set it apart from other ships. On the sides, as well as on the dragon's head, there was fire propelling the ship, and making the image totally impressive.

On the ship were four figures. They were four Riders like Edgar.

One wore Templar garb, while only his hands, and his face looked like that of a skeleton. That's right, he was Ezio Auditore.

The other was Carter Slade, wearing his cowboy outfit, while his features were those of a skull.

The other was wearing Viking armor, with a fur coat and a characteristic helmet with horns. It was Lagertha in all her splendor.

And finally, the last one looked the most frightening. He wore only Jaguar attire, while showing his almost completely skeletal body, set ablaze with blue fire. It was Moctezuma.

Edgar had not come alone. He had arrived with the other 4 Riders from the past. And they were ready to defeat Doomsday.

Doomsday, who had been driven away by Edgar's fiery attack, looked solemnly at this image. His hunter's instincts told him that these beings were different from what he had faced before. That the fire and heat they emitted was dangerous enough for him.

He did not move. Instead he waited for all his wounds to regenerate. He thought his skin was enough, but Diana had made it very clear to him that there were still quite vulnerable spots on him. And that would only bring his downfall.

So he evolved again. His skin turned red again and emitted steam, as his skin began to secrete a kind of mucous, which began to cover his entire body completely. The temperature of that steam was such, that it began to melt the asphalt and the surroundings easily.

The assembled group tensed up at this. However, just when they thought it would explode again like the other time, the temperature subsided, and Doomsday's skin turned jet black again. There seemed to be nothing different, as even the large spikes he had put out earlier were still the same size, and his muscles and height had not changed either.

However, if anyone could look at him closely, they would see that his skin had turned crystalline. In that black skin, numerous hexagonal crystals were embedded covering every part of his body. Even in his eyes, a kind of crystalline lens was covering him.

One eye was no longer useful because of Diana's attack, but the other, which had such a powerful vision equal to Superman's, was covered by this lens.

These crystals were different, since they protected him like a second skin equal to, if not stronger than, his original skin. Now, even wounding him with Diana's sword imbued with her power, would be difficult.

"Diana, leave this fight to us" 

"I can still fight-"

"I know. I know you can fight, but you're not at your peak. Besides, my instincts tell me that Superman is badly hurt. He needs urgent treatment"

And that was true. Clark lay several feet away wounded, as his skin grew paler and paler. His back wound was healing thanks to his yellow sun healing factor, but, even so, it would take time for him to fully recover.

As well as Diana who, although she had only used her power to the fullest for a couple of minutes, her body was still a bit injured, and she was unable to exert her power to the fullest.

Edgar knew Diana was a strong woman. But she was also stubborn. Sometimes she didn't know when to stop. And right now, it was best that she help Superman out of there. For things were about to get very... hot.

Diana understood this.

Before she met Edgar, if someone told her to stop fighting because she was hurt or something like that, she would have been very angry with that person. But now, understood when to fight and when not to fight. When you can be a burden or when you can be helpful. That showed a lot of maturity on her part.

Besides, Superman was badly wounded. His pale skin and ragged breathing showed it. She was the only person who could help him.

But she knew. The best way to help Clark heal from physical wounds was the sun itself. Looking up, an idea popped into her head. An idea that could heal Clark again and even, endow him with more strength than he had.

"All right. But I'll come immediately to help"

"Mmm" Edgar nodded. He knew Diana wouldn't stand by. But at the very least, she would rest and recover a little.

The two no longer argued. Diana grabbed Clark and began flying at top speed into the sky. Her idea was to take him as high as possible so he could have better access to the sun and heal faster.

Edgar, when they left, stopped sensing his surroundings and began to focus on his opponent. His senses were maximized to the point where he could tell that even this monster's breathing was quite shallow. Clearly, if Doomsday was left without oxygen, this would not affect his survival.

His ears and sense of smell were maximized to the point where he could tell that this monster had layers of skin and muscle covering and protecting every vital organ. Even, by his sense of smell, he was able to discover the components that made up each part of his body. Surprisingly, this monster had almost the same composition as a human.

The cells were quite similar, but the tension and growth of each one of them was such that it made his skin three times more resistant than Superman's. It was not that his cells were different, but that they proliferated so much that this monster could grow and develop in any way he wanted.

In short, to kill him, they had to destroy EVERY cell, until he was completely annihilated. The only difficult thing for Edgar, however, were the bones sticking out of his skin.

If his sense of smell did not deceive him, then these 'bones' were not bones, but were made of an alloy of multiple elements such as tungsten, osmium, boron nitride, carbide, and other unknown but equally strong elements.

Worst of all, many of these elements, such as boron nitride and tungsten, had such hot melting temperatures that they withstood higher heat than volcanic eruptions.

But to Edgar, this didn't matter. His fire surpassed the sun itself. Melting it would be easy. But the problem was stopping it long enough to do so.

 And that his evolution factor wouldn't do its part to fight this fire. Because according to Inza, this evolution factor was such that it could evolve to a point that Hellfire or Heavenfire, could no longer affect it.

Edgar 'looked' at his fellow Riders. They nodded in response that they were ready. They could not speak, as they were mere spirits summoned from Zarathos' power. Consciousness and all that Edgar knew of them, was in his mind. And that could not come out of there.

Simply put, these Riders were mere spirits. But they were physical because of the power Inza and the others wielded over the ritual.

Just because they could not speak, however, did not mean they could not feel or act. They knew that this monster had to be stopped. And they were ready to give their all in this fight.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment. The 5 Riders against Doomsday. When a couple of seconds passed, Doomsday was the first to move. There they saw that this monster was not going to be easy to defeat.

Doomsday moved at an incredible speed. In the blink of an eye he had already approached Edgar and threw a powerful punch at him. The blow was so powerful that the wind itself seemed to break.

'What incredible speed' thought Edgar. His incredible senses could barely warn him of the attack.

All he could do was raise his two arms and position them in the shape of a cross to defend himself from the attack. However, Edgar realized that this monster was in a different league when, despite his defense, he was sent flying many meters away.

Edgar rolled several times on the ground due to the power of the blow, until finally the momentum stopped and he was able to stop after several meters.

However, there he realized that the blow had been so powerful, because his skeletal hands and arms were completely bent.

 This did not discourage him. Edgar simply got up, adjusted his bent bones to the way they were before, and returned to the attack.

The other Riders did not stand still. Since, when Doomsday had come to attack Edgar, they moved.

While Edgar was sent away. Ezio and Lagertha moved. Lagertha took out an axe and lit it with her fire, Ezio did the same with his sword. 

A sword and a fire axe clashed respectively on both sides of this monster. Doomsday raised two spikes from his arms to intercept such blows, however, the fire from both weapons was such that they began to cut the bone as if it were nothing.

However, this was where Doomsday's amazing evolution and regeneration factor were demonstrated as he regrew the severed bones and regenerated them almost immediately to avoid being cut to direct skin. However, each regrown bone was more resistant to the Riders' fire.

These attacks were only to distract the monster, as just at that, Carter teleported right behind the monster and, taking his pistol, began firing several projectiles at Doomsday's back.




"AGH" Doomsday grunted in pain. The attack was so sudden, that Doomsday was unable to defend himself. However, the worst was not over, when Moctezuma took a rope and began to tie Doomsday's neck.

Doomsday wanted to remove the rope, but at that, both Ezio and Lagertha rolled and cut right into Doomsday's tendons.

Before, Doomsday had not protected these vulnerable points. And Diana had taken advantage of this. But now, with Doomsday's second skin, these points were fairly well protected.

What Doomsday never expected was that the second skin, which was supposed to give him double protection, with the heavenfire, would cut through like butter.

Doomsday wanted to pull out several protrusions to protect himself, but it was too late. Ezio and Lagertha had cut right through the tendons like butter. Doomsday could only kneel down.

Then, Moctezuma teleported right in front of the kneeling Doomsday, and, grabbing him hard by his head, he started to generate heavenfire at maximum power all over Doomsday's face.

Doomsday grew bumps to cover his face like a helmet, as he saw that his second skin was not enough, but, even so, the fire was such that slowly all the skin began to melt like jelly.

The worst thing was that the others were doing the same thing on their respective sides.

While he was kneeling, Carter had taken his back and generated a fire with his hands that began to melt all the spikes that protected this area of the body. Meanwhile, Ezio and Lagertha had taken his sides and began to burn his extremities.

One would think that being Riders, they would use on Doomsday the famous stare of penance or the stare of punishment, but this could not be used for one simple reason. 

The reason is that they were mere summoned spirits. They could not exercise their full power as before and among them, the stare was blocked. The only one of them who could exert this attack was Edgar.

However, Edgar could not exercise the stare of penance either, because it would not work on Doomsday.

To understand. The stare of penitence does not work on beings that have no soul (non-living beings or artificial beings), beings that are insane or have no regrets like the Joker, and beings whose sins have been because of a third party. In this case, it could be understood that your sin was because of someone else. 

However, with Doomsday it was simpler. His mentality was one of destruction. Period. To him, this was his nature. Regret or something similar no longer existed in his vocabulary.

However, the stare that Edgar COULD exert on Doomsday, and which was the same one he had used against beings like Mordru or against Sabbac, was the stare of punishment. This stare was universal and exerted a mental punishment similar to all the punishment you had exerted on others.

And this was seen when Edgar generated a portal right above Doomsday and reached right to where he was being burned. Moctezuma left him a space and Edgar positioned himself right in front of this monster.

One of Doomsday's eyes was undone due to Diana, but another was functional, and Edgar took advantage of this.


Doomsday didn't scream. Doomsday didn't whimper. He didn't cry. His eyes were simply unfocused by this attack. A pain like no other was felt in his mind. Such was the pain, that his body began to react with many defense mechanisms. Lumps began to emerge on every part of his body, stopping her from burning any further.

A strange black liquid also began to emerge from its pores. The liquid smelled of sulfur and its viscosity was such that it looked like crude oil. However, when the liquid reached the ground, it became clear that this substance was a new defense mechanism for Doomsday, as this substance seemed to be such a corrosive acid that the ground and everything else began to crumble. Steam was also coming out of his pores, as the temperature began to rise.

All of this caused the Rider's grip to begin to loosen. When Doomsday felt Edgar lose the power he was exerting, that's when he came back to reality. His eye refocused and glared angrily at these fuckers who dared to give him pain.

It was his turn to counterattack. 

Doomsday, with renewed strength, attacked. First, he swatted away the pesky flies at his side. In a quick movement, he threw his two fists right where Ezio and Lagertha were. The attack was so fast, they couldn't dodge and were thrown away.

Then, with his arms already freed, he quickly grabbed the heads of Moctezuma and Edgar, and smashed them hard between them. Then, he turned and threw both of them as projectiles towards Carter, who was on his back. Carter was unable to teleport and received the full frontal attack.

All this happened in less than five seconds. The speed that Doomsday had exerted was such that neither Edgar nor any of the other Riders could react.

Doomsday, when he got rid of all his attackers, stood up. And, as if by magic, all the wounds on his body began to regenerate at an incredible rate.

The grown spikes now began to strengthen and began to cover him completely like a double armor. Now indeed every part of his body was covered by protrusions.


Doomsday was angry.

Lifting his foot, he stomped so hard on the ground that the earth began to shake uncontrollably. The whole ground began to tremble, as the tectonic plates shifted and collided generating strong earthquakes.

This land subsidence was not only happening in Ukraine. It was happening all over Eastern Europe. The force exerted by Doomsday was such that the entire continent threatened to start splitting apart.

That's why Inza called Doomsday such a dangerous being. If he continued like this, he could cause natural disasters and destroy the Earth in a few weeks.

Edgar and the group knew this. If they didn't stop him now. Doomsday would be an inevitable end.

They all moved. Ezio got there first, and threw his sword right at his neck area, however, Doomsday saw it as if in slow motion. He intercepted the sword, and, to the Rider's surprise, Doomsday grabbed him by the arm and threw him away where a Lagertha was coming at full speed with her axe.

The same attack he had previously launched at Carter was now directed at Lagertha.

However, Lagertha, of all of them, had the best fighting instincts, so she quickly bent to dodge Ezio. Then she kept running, and arrived right where Doomsday was.

She was going to jump to attack him with her axe, but Doomsday was smarter and, hitting the ground again, he opened a crack right where Lagertha was. Lagertha now had to jump, but to avoid being engulfed by this crack.

However, when she jumped, Doomsday intercepted her. He grabbed her by the head, and began to use her as a rag doll as he slammed her hard against the ground. Every hit he made on the ground caused Lagertha's fire to go out. Good thing her martyrdom didn't last long as Carter and Edgar started throwing projectiles at Doomsday.

Doomsday didn't even move. What's more. He took all the shots like it was nothing. There they saw that whatever damaged Doomsday before, now it didn't even make a scratch on him.

However, this was only a distraction for Moctezuma, who teleported to reach Lagertha and take her away.

Edgar threw his chain, but Doomsday intercepted it with his hand. Even now the fire did nothing to him.

Then, with all his strength, he pulled Edgar, spinning him in circles. His strength was such that Edgar was unable to put up any resistance. In the end, he had to let go of the chain to avoid being pulled further. However, the chain, which had lost its fire when Edgar let go of it, was now with Doomsday.

Doomsday threw the same chain, but with unparalleled speed and strength. But now toward Carter.

Carter teleported, but Doomsday swung the chain quickly to where Carter had arrived, and bound him with it. Carter was pulled towards him.

When Carter reached him, Doomsday generated a giant spike on his arm, and skewered his entire skeletal body. The spike went all the way through his body, tearing his cowboy clothes

Carter felt no pain. He couldn't. He was a spirit. But that didn't mean he didn't get tired. Practically, all spirits had limited energy. And Carter felt his time was running out. In a couple of minutes, it would all be over.

He no longer hesitated.

Doomsday wanted to pull out the spike that skewered Carter, but found he could not. Carter was holding his arm with all his might to keep it from breaking free.

The temperature began to rise.

Carter began to glow as his blue fire began to increase to unparalleled power. This alarmed Doomsday, who felt that this attack would be even more powerful than the attack he released just a short while ago.

Carter turned to look at Edgar. Edgar 'looked' at him. Carter just nodded as if to say that it was his responsibility to defeat him. Edgar nodded in response.

'Leave it to me, buddy' Edgar thought

Doomsday couldn't break free. His arm was being held by Carter who clung to him as if he were a parasite. Fire began to seep out as blue light illuminated the surroundings. Carter charged all his power and finally... exploded.


A wave of blue fire engulfed Doomsday completely. The attack was such that the earth shook again and the ground cracked further. By this point, the earth had almost completely fractured. Ukraine would remain as two separate states.

When the fire wave ended. Doomsday was still standing. However, his skin was completely peeled off. His bones, which covered him completely, were gone. The fire was such that everything melted.

The only bone that remained safe was the one in his chest that protected his heart and lungs.

Surprisingly, Doomsday, immediately after the attack, began to regenerate his bones. Despite that attack, he tried again to heal himself. His survival mode was incredible. However, Edgar and the others were no longer going to abandon him.

However, to everyone's surprise, just at that, a black jet flew at full speed and launched multiple projectiles towards Doomsday. It was Batman who had arrived just then with his contingency plan.

Doomsday was healing, so he couldn't help but get hit by this. However, to everyone's surprise, said projectiles did not release an explosive charge. Instead, they began to shoot out a dense green gas that began to engulf the place where Doomsday was standing.

The gas began to seep through all the pores of the monster's skin, nose and mouth. When that happened, Doomsday dropped to his knees. The regeneration of his bones stopped for a brief moment, as he felt his body, strength and power began to weaken.

More and more projectiles were thrown by Batman.

Batman knew. If there was anything that would affect this monster that was created with Clark's Kryptonian DNA, it was Kryptonite.

It was a risky plan, but his idea had worked. His scans indicated that this monster was being affected by the kryptonite bombs.

Batman continued to cruise with his jet, launching charges and charges of kryptonite. Each charge was absorbed by Doomsday, who was beginning to be damaged internally. However, after the fifth charge, Doomsday had enough.

Despite being weak, he was still physically superior in every way and proved it when, in a powerful leap, he grabbed Batman's jet and destroyed the ship's thrusters. The jet couldn't avoid it and fell rapidly towards the ground.

"BOOOOM" a small explosion was the result of the plane crashing to the ground.

However, the damage had already been done. The kryptonite had affected Doomsday internally and weakened him enough that he could not heal as quickly as before. The others took advantage of this.

Edgar arrived in an instant, and took his chain to wrap around Doomsday's neck. Now without the bumps protecting him, his neck began to suffer third-degree burn wounds easily. Edgar pulled him up and brought him to his knees.

Moctezuma grabbed his face again and the fire began to melt every part of his face, revealing burnt bones and skin. Ezio did the same on his torso, and Lagertha on his back.

Quickly all of Doomsday's skin began to melt. However, this was not enough, as just at that, he began to draw out that oil-black acid that started to prevent him from being burned. The acid made his skin stay hydrated and not melt.

The kryptonite left him unable to heal enough, but he still had several methods of defense already in place even without his healing like this corrosive acid.

Batman was smart to think that kryptonite was a weakness for Doomsday. It certainly hurt him. But the problem was calculating how long it affected him.

And unfortunately, time had run out. Doomsday began to heal again. His skin regenerated again at an incredible rate.

Doomsday tapped the ground with his foot. And then, he again summoned spikes and spikes to protect himself from these Riders. One by one, he threw them away to prevent them from continuing to burn him.

However, when he was about to attack Edgar, just at that, a shield quickly arrived and protected him. It was Diana.

Then, to Doomsday's misfortune, a projectile arrived just at a speed equal to his own, and struck him at full force in the face. The power of the blow was such that the entire nose and mouth were shattered. It was Superman, who lay healed and renewed. The sun had completely rejuvenated him.

Superman took him and activated its heat rays, burning the areas he previously massacred. Diana did not stand still, and reached right to his back, and activating part of her power, she attacked with all her strength making several cuts on his skin. 

If that wasn't bad enough, Batman arrived carrying a large spear with a green kryptonite tip. He had grabbed this weapon just before jumping out of the falling plane.

The bombs were just to see if the kryptonite affected him. Since it did, then this weapon would cut him like a knife cutting through butter.

"Ghost Rider" he yelled at Edgar. "Here" he threw the spear at him. Superman felt faint when he saw this weapon. He could easily see that it was kryptonite. He flew away to avoid being attacked by it. However, just before he left, he used his icy breath to stop Doomsday from moving.

Doomsday destroyed the ice with his strength. However, he was unable to leave, as Ezio, Lagertha, Moctezuma, and Diana grabbed him tightly by the limbs, preventing him from moving.

Edgar grabbed Batman's spear in mid-air. Ezio had taught him that anything could be used as a weapon when empowered with his fire. So, taking the spear, he empowered it with his fire.

A green-colored fire now glowed from the tip of this spear. Edgar teleported and, with a clean cut, sliced Doomsday's neck. The kryptonite spear, powered with Edgar's fire presented no resistance from this monster.

Doomsday, in an instant looked at Edgar who carried this green spear, but now looked at his decapitated body. He could only look disbelieving at this.

However, Doomsday was not dead. To kill him, they had to burn him to the ground until not a trace of him was left. Not a living cell was to be left behind.

However, not everything was good. For, just at that moment, the Riders, Ezio, Lagertha and Moctezuma, were beginning to fade away. Their time had run out and they were about to return to Zarathos.

Just before they left, they all positioned themselves behind Edgar, and began to imbue him with their power. Edgar's fire began to be empowered at an alarming rate.

With that done, they disappeared.

'Thank you, friends. For everything' Edgar thanked in his mind. Even though they were mere summoned spirits, he was still grateful for all their help. Most of all, the boosting of his power.

Edgar wasn't going to let this empowerment go to waste, so he made his way to Doomsday's body. He grabbed it, and turned to Diana and the others behind him.

"Back away. This is going to get very hot" 

The others didn't argue. They flew away to shelter.

However, that's when they saw that the phrase 'this is going to get really hot' was actually an understatement.

For just at that, Edgar activated all his power, and a great blaze of fire appeared. The flame began to engulf Doomsday's entire body.

The blaze of fire was such that the sky seemed to light up. The temperature of the whole Ukraine increased by many degrees and everyone, although thousands of kilometers away, felt it, as they began to sweat profusely. However, the spectacle was beautiful, as this flare, which appeared as a small fire tornado, changed color, giving a myriad of colors to the spectators.

First it started in a blue hue, then it changed to red, then to orange, brown, then back to blue, then purple, and finally for a brief moment, it turned white. When the fire turned to white, Doomsday was completely calcined. Not a cell was left in his body.

"I told you I'd burn you to the bone, Vandal" he muttered. He might be a monster, but in Edgar's eyes, his soul belonged to Vandal. He had promised to burn him to ashes, and he had kept his promise. Well, not quite.

Doomsday's head lay decapitated meters away. The fire had reached it, but a part of it was still undestroyed. Edgar had to summon all his power again to burn it completely.

By doing so... it would finally all be over.

However, just as he was about to approach the head, a red magic seal materialized right where the head was. It was a magic teleportation seal.

Edgar, sensing this power, teleported to grab the head before someone else took it, but he was too late. Just as he arrived, the head was gone....

Someone else had taken it.


Edgar dropped to his knees in defeat. He had failed....


Unknown location, just at that time

"Master, we recovered the head as you requested, and put it in the recovery chamber. However, it is badly burned. Are you sure this thing can regenerate even so?"

A man dressed in a red robe knelt before a man with Latin features who was seated on a golden throne.

This man was Sabbac. Or his new Avatar after the first body was rendered useless in the fight against Edgar. His power had not fully returned. It would still be a long time before he could recover from that humiliation. But, he would be patient.

After all, Rome was not built in a day.

"Do you doubt me?" replied Sabbac back to the kneeling man, who was one of the chief acolytes of the Obscurus order.

"Never, master. How could I. Your wisdom is infinite"

"Well, then do as I tell you. That thing will be a nice addition to my father's force when he return. But you did good work. Come later so you can be rewarded" 

"Of course, master"

With that said, the acolyte departed, leaving Sabbac once again in his peace and quiet.

However, said peace was interrupted when a woman's voice came in without even knocking. This would be totally disrespectful to the leader of this organization, but Sabbac who already knew who was coming, and knowing her behavior, didn't mind one bit.

"Sir, Sabbac. I did what you asked me to do, and I don't see my reward. I made Vandal believe I was with him, while I infiltrated the executive ranks. I stole weapon designs and such in the final fight. And I killed the orphanage people brutally as YOU asked me to. I deserve my reward and I won't leave without getting it"

The voice was none other than Harley Quinn's.

She had disappeared on the battlefield mysteriously and no one had seen her. But this was deliberate. In reality, Harley was Sabbac's mole in The Light.

Vandal thought he could use her craziness as a plan to lure Edgar. And he was right. It worked wonders. But what he never expected was that Sabbac would have contacted her earlier and put her to work as his informant.

After all, who would think that someone as crazy as her could work faithfully for anyone. Even Vandal had to promise several things to get her to work for him.

The thing about killing the orphanage people and the words written in blood

//All those you love will die//

In reality, was a warning from Sabbac to Edgar that he would take revenge. Starting with the people he loved the most.

Harley followed his instructions to the letter. Now, many of the things thought to be 'lost' in the Chernobyl war were actually lying with Sabbac.

And, now Sabbac had been able to retrieve Doomsday. Simply put, if they thought he was finished, they were sorely mistaken. When he faced Edgar next, he would be ready.

Harley would work for him devotedly and without hesitation because Sabbac had an advantage that neither Vandal, nor anyone else with any vague promises, could change Harley's mind. Namely, the reward she was asking for.

"You're right, Harley. You've earned a reward. You can go into the room" Sabbac said as he pointed to a wooden door next to him.

Harley was about to run excitedly, but Sabbac stopped her.

"But, remember, only 10 minutes. No more"

"Pfttt, you're such a spoilsport. But it's okay"

With that, Harley entered the room. The room was dark, with only a lamp shining right in the center, and only a chair was visible in one corner in the room.

Seated, was a person whose facial features could not be seen because of the shadows of the light. The person was playing with a deck of cards. When he noticed Harley walked in. He stopped playing and smiled.

"Harley, my dear. You're back!"

"Yes, Mr. J. I am back. And, I'm not leaving your side anymore"

The light filtered a little revealing the features. The Joker was grinning maniacally as he looked at Harley.

"Shall we play...?"



In Themyscira, Hippolyta and the Amazons were counting the number of sisters killed in this war. They had more than 200 dead. It had been a hard raid, but necessary.

If The Light won. They would go to recover the island sooner or later. Hippolyta had to think about the future. Fighting was necessary. However, that didn't make it any less sad. Every name of every Amazon fallen in battle was being engraved and immortalized in the hall of heroes. Each would be recognized for her bravery and leadership.

They had won.

The only thing they didn't know was what they were going to do with the prisoners. Diana had not yet visited her with news from the outside world. She did not know what was going to happen in the future. 

She felt it. Winds of change were coming, bringing an uncertain future to everyone. And she didn't like that one bit.

However, her thoughts were interrupted when an Amazon came running at high speed to meet her. She carried a large book in her hands. And from her sweat, and labored breathing, it could tell she was one of the few Amazons who wasn't athletic. Her name was Alexia. Younger sister of Artemis. And an Amazon who didn't like to fight.

However, her mind was her greatest virtue. She was the smartest of the Amazons and the keeper of the vast library they had. However, this is not what she ran for. But for a more pressing issue.

"My queen, sigh, finally, sigh, I find you"

"Alexia, take a breath, and relax. I can't understand what you want to tell me"

Alexia sighed heavily and her breathing began to control itself. Once she calmed down, she said to her

"My queen, something very bad has happened"

"Tell me about it, Alexia"

"You put me on the job of monster quantification. Cataloging and quantifying all the monsters that came out of the underworld released by Circe. I did the quantification and the 1235+ monsters have been recorded and recovered. However, one prisoner is missing!"

"Who is it?"




"Ares….Ares has escaped!"

In World War II, the gods versus the Titans clashed. Zeus gave his life to kill Ares, however, against all odds, Ares had survived. However, he had been left very weak. The Amazons locked him up in a prison in the underworld. And that is why he was being heavily guarded.

His injuries were supposed to be such that it must have taken him many more years to return to his peak of power and be able to free himself. However, Hippolyta and the others had been wrong. And the current conflict, coupled with years of fighting between heroes and villains, had brought Ares back to a considerable power.

And with Circe opening the gates, he had escaped.

Hippolyta's only thought on hearing all this was.




My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (9 chapters ahead)

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