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Chapter 114: To wrong future

(Titus's POV)

Deep within Japan, nestled amongst ancient mountains, resided the Aozaki clan, a lineage steeped in the mysteries of magecraft. Their patriarch, a man of wisdom and foresight, discovered a perilous path leading to the very heart of creation, the Root. This place, where all things begin and end, held the key to True Magic, an ability of unimaginable power.

Naturally, the clan's heir, Touko Aozaki, a prodigy gifted with exceptional talent, was chosen to embark on this perilous journey. However, at the eleventh hour, the path was bestowed upon Aoko, her younger sister. This unexpected decision ignited a smoldering jealousy within Touko's heart, setting the stage for a conflict that would echo across the snowy nights.

Fueled by this burning envy, Touko stormed the Kuonji mansion, a place where ancient magic intertwined with the lives of its inhabitants. Here, Aoko found solace in the friendship of Alice Kuonji, a descendant of the last pure witch, and Soujuurou Shizuki, a solitary figure with an uncanny knack for understanding the unseen.

The sisters clashed under the pale moonlight, their magical powers clashing in a whirlwind of spells and fury. It was during this chaotic dance that Soujuurou intervened, his unorthodox skills proving a match for Touko's monstrous familiar. But fate, it seemed, had other plans. In a moment of blind rage, Touko struck Soujuurou down, extinguishing his life.

Aoko, consumed by grief and rage, unleashed her own dormant power, the "Magic Blue." This enigmatic magic, unlike any other, was not about rewinding time, but rather negotiating its flow. In a desperate gamble, she made two fateful exchanges.

First, she bartered ten years of Soujuurou's past memories for ten years of her own future. This sacrifice aged her mind, transforming her into a woman of twenty-seven while Soujuurou, miraculously alive, regressed to a child of seven. Her hair, once raven black, blazed with a fiery red, a testament to the power coursing through her veins.

Secondly, she reversed the five minutes leading up to Soujuurou's death, sending his demise hurtling into the unknown future. This act of defiance, however, came at a terrible cost. The very fabric of time strained under the weight of her intervention, threatening to unravel the delicate balance of the universe. Mankind, for now, remained safe, but the echoes of Aoko's actions would reverberate through the ages, casting a long shadow over the future.

Thus, the Witch of the Holy Night was born, not in a blaze of glory, but in a crucible of sacrifice and despair. This is the legacy of Aoko Aozaki, a story whispered on the wind, a cautionary tale of power, loss, and the enduring bonds of love, even amidst the ticking clock of eternity.

(AN: I made an effort to condense the story's plot. If there's still any confusion, feel free to watch OtakuDaiKun's YouTube video on the lore.)

The heroine of the story, Aoko, walked beside me, her usual white t-shirt clinging to her like a second skin. Even the loose fabric couldn't conceal her curves, a testament to the same artist who drew the legendary Scathach.

"Is that the gist of it?" I asked, trying to summarize her story.

Aoko groaned, a flush creeping up her neck. "How the heck do you know so much about all that?"

I smirked. "As your resident f-boy, it's my duty to be well-versed in your every detail. Otherwise, how can I fulfill my role as your glorious bedwarmer?"

My playful insult sent the fierce Aoko blushing like a maiden. "Don't you dare!" she hissed, lunging at me in mock fury. I sidestepped with ease, leaving her to chase me playfully.

"Oh come on," I laughed, sticking out my tongue, "I'm older than your entire life span!"

Our playful chase led us to the Kuonji mansion, Aoko's childhood home and the setting for her bittersweet high school memories. Today, we weren't here for nostalgia, though. We were on a mission. We needed to find Alice, Aoko's old friend, who might know the whereabouts of the elusive Soujuurou. Before she reversed the time contract, costing him his life, Aoko wanted one last glimpse of him.

"Nervous, Nee-san?" I teased, sensing a flicker of apprehension in her gaze. It had been a while since she'd seen her old friends.

"Not at all," Aoko declared, forcing a grin. "Don't underestimate me, brat. I've weathered far worse storms than a reunion."

I chuckled, remembering the gruesome details of her original story, where she'd been shattered into a bloody mess, her shattered bones making even the brave Soujuurou faint.

With a confident knock, I announced our arrival. The door creaked open, revealing not Alice, but a tall man with dark brown hair, around Aoko's age.

"Soujuurou?" Aoko gasped, a swirl of emotions clouding her eyes. It was clear his presence stirred dormant feelings, not romantic, but perhaps a nostalgic ember of old friendships.

"Aoko Aozaki?" Soujuurou greeted her, but before he could answer, a small child peeked out from behind him. "Papa, who are they?"

Aoko's blood turned to ice. Soujuurou wasn't just here to visit.

"Actually, I'm married to Alice," he said gently, "and this is our son."

The news turned Aoko to stone. Her world, already teetering on the edge of time manipulation, had just shattered.


"Pfft! Hahahaha!" A burst of laughter erupted from my lips, echoing across the cafe like a mocking echo. My gaze landed on Aoko, who slumped across her seat, looking like a deflated balloon. "I can't believe you got friendzoned so hard, girl!" I cackled, barely managing to choke back a snort.

Six years ago, Soujuurou had stumbled into the arms of Alice, and in a whirlwind of passion, they created a child. What began as a fleeting encounter blossomed into a happy life, leaving Aoko, who harbored a secret crush on Soujuurou, drowning in the bitter pool of unrequited love. Not only was he married to her best friend, but he also had a child, while Aoko remained a solitary maiden in the vast ocean of relationships.

"Shuddup!" Aoko croaked, her voice thick with tears, and offered me a feeble swat on the head.

"Alright, alright, I get it," I conceded, my grin softening. "Sorry for the insensitive poke. Cheer up, okay?" I offered a pat on her back, hoping to offer some comfort.

Aoko met my gaze, her eyes flashing with a spark of defiance. "Idiot, you really think I was pining after that oaf?" she scoffed, but seeing the amusement lingering on my face, her shoulders slumped. "Fine, maybe I had a tiny little something for him," she admitted sheepishly. "But what really stings is Alice, that brat, having a whole family while I'm stuck playing third wheel." Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. "Sniff... You have no idea how it feels!"

"Actually, I do," I confided, my voice turning somber. "My friend's pregnant, about to pop any minute. I'm married myself, but..." I trailed off, the weight of my own frustrations settling on my chest.

Years of marriage to Rin, and yet, our intimacy remained curiously unignited. Sure, we'd kissed a few days ago, my hands roaming her body like a map explorer, but sleep had claimed me before the grand finale. We were both just searching for the right mood, the final click.

"But at least you're married!" Aoko wailed, her tears overflowing once more. "I'm just..." her voice choked off, replaced by a fresh wave of sobs.

I pondered for a moment, contemplating my next move. A mischievous smile formed on my lips as I resolved to make Aoko mine.

"Huh?!" Surprising her, I pressed Aoko against a tree and began to unfasten her jeans. She looked at me, a mixture of confusion and astonishment evident in her eyes.

"Nee-san, even if Soujuurou has feelings for you, I would still fight for you." I smirked and in next moment, I beneath her underwear, my fingers finding their way to her most intimate area between her legs, gently caressing her delicate petals

"What on earth are you doing?!" Aoko blushed, her eyes glaring at me. We were in a park, surrounded by a few onlookers. "Aahn~!!" Attempting to break free, she let out a moan as I thrust my finger into her untouched sanctuary. She quickly covered her mouth, seemingly unnoticed by those around us.

"No need to worry, I've cast an illusion spell. We can indulge in some naughty fun," I smirked, sliding my fingers deeper inside her. Despite the ease with which my fingers penetrated, I knew she remained pure, judging by the amount of moisture she released.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Aoko wrapped her arms around my neck, forcefully sealing my lips with hers.

'Heh, an amateur,' I thought to myself, grinning internally as I decided to intensify the pleasure.

"Mmm!" Aoko's eyes grew wider as my finger dance intensified. I not only explored her peach, but also her upper hole. Meanwhile, my other hand journeyed from her back and settled on her breast. Lifting her t-shirt, I discovered her melon at its fullest. While she may not have been as impressive as Scathach, she was undeniably attractive!

With sealed lips, fondled breasts, and explored holes, Aoko savored the moment. Eventually, she released a handful of fluids.

Panting heavily, Aoko leaned her chin on my shoulder, her face flushed. "Thanks," she rasped.

I smirked, licking my finger. "No sweat, I had fun too." My grin widened. "Hmm, fish flavor."

Aoko snorted, then sighed, adjusting her jeans and bra. Taking a deep breath, she walked on, her crimson hair swirling in the wind, her figure seeming forlorn.

Turning, she met my gaze. "Titus," she said, her voice thick with emotion, "I can't... I can't kill Soujuurou."

I fell into step beside her, my eyes searching hers. "We both know they're aware, right?"

I'd explained everything to Soujuurou. He was heartbroken to leave his child and wife, but for humanity's sake, he accepted reversing time. After all, he owed his life to Aoko. Why fight her for it? That's how he saw it. Alice, ever the dutiful witch, understood the inevitability of loss and agreed, albeit with sadness.

"They're still my friends," Aoko continued, her voice trembling. "I can't just destroy their happiness..."

I felt a pang of understanding. In her shoes, I'd do the same for my friends. Who wouldn't?

Approaching her, I offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Nee-san. Soujuurou won't die. I bound his soul to the Moon Cell. He'll be safe."

In the Moon Cell, even if one's physical body perished, their essence could continue. Soujuurou might be a materialized projection, but he could witness his child grow up.

It's just that I missed a chance to 'support' a single mother. -_-

Aoko's eyes widened, then softened with relief. "Thank you," she whispered. "I don't know how I can ever repay you..."

I rolled my eyes and placed my hands on her hips.

"Oh, you can repay me in various ways," I said with a smirk.

She was momentarily speechless but eventually surrendered, grinning, "You are one hell of a mischievous guy." And so, we indulged in some more 'enjoyable' activities.


"I'll see you later," I told Aoko Aozaki in a chamber, standing without a stitch. The room was a specialized space from where I could transport anyone to the past or future. Since Aoko wasn't a heroic spirit in Moon Cell like Shirou, she had to be teleported directly into the timeline, while I could just dreamshift.

Afterward, I strolled over to Olga Marie, who was at the computer entering data. Since we were using Moon Cell, she would be monitoring this entire journey.

"Teach, you're quite the pervert," Olga Marie glared daggers. Yeah, she had observed us when Aoko and I were occupied with some 'play.'

"Sorry," I scratched my head, a bit embarrassed. I just hoped she wouldn't turn into another Artoria. "Anyway, I'll be going in. I'm counting on you to monitor us."

"Leave it to me, teach," Olga smiled. I then reclined on the nearby sofa when a notification appeared before me.

[False dreamshift in the future timeline begins.]

[Creating dummy reality...]

[Process successful.]

[Registering 'Aoko Aozaki' as dummy servant...]

[Process successful.]

At that moment, a clock-like object formed over my head before absorbing my consciousness inside.


"What in the actual fuk?"

My eyes twitched as I took in the bizarre world we had entered. A European setting, floating islands, women in power, flying ships, and mecha robots... Yeah, I think we stumbled into the wrong universe.

Load failed, please RETRY

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