Unduh Aplikasi
37.28% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 22: Low Tyde

Bab 22: Low Tyde



 "The Horde have taken more territory in the past month than they have in the last 6 months." General Juliet announced. "If they continue to expand at this rate, they will be at Salineas in 8 months, Plumeria in 12 months, and Brightmoon in 18 months."

 "What are the main reasons why this sudden change has occurred?" Queen Angella asked.

 "New technology that seems to be becoming more advanced every few weeks and a new Second in Command is speculated with our spies being unable to mention their name as a program seems to have been linked to whenever their name is mentioned in specialized messages.

 The only clues they have been able to send through is 'the pair with eyes of the moonrise and sapphire and grace of gymnasts.'" Juliet read off.

 "Tigra and Catra." Adora immediately answered, drawing everyone's eyes. "Tigra's eyes have always been the early yellow from moonrise while Catra's eyes are of moonrise and a sapphire."

 "And the gymnasts?" Bow asked, wearing a grin that Adora couldn't understand why he had it.

 It reminded her of too much of the looks she received from Lonnie in the Academy.

 "Tigra's always been flexible enough to outdo those that you call 'gymnasts.' Heck, Tigra and Catra could likely have outdone them in Year 5 or 6."

 The people gathered could only blink at that, as Adora doesn't like to exaggerate that often when it came to the duo.

 'It doesn't do anyone good if I embellish what they can do now that they are in high commanding positions.' Had been her reason for the past few months.

 "Right. We'll just place either Catra or Tigra as the Second in Command."

 "Catra." Adora spoke again. "Tigra, while she would like the position, likes being able to fight personally more. If it kept her back in the Zone doing paperwork, she would likely want to be replaced in a few months. Also, Catra likes being respected and sees power as respect."

 "There's a bit to unpack there." Netossa muttered to Spinnerella.

 "But, getting back to the main purpose of this conversation," Juliet brought everyone's attention back. "The other reason is actually Force General Tigra-"

 "They both got promoted?" Adora accidentally interrupted. "I expected maybe one of them but-"

 "Adora, dear," Angella spoke up. "Perhaps we should let General Juliet finish before asking more questions?"

 "Uh, right, your majesty."

 Juliet gave a small, grateful nod to the Queen before continuing.

 "Force General Tigra showed off strength not seen from the Horde in quite a long time. They've never been able to go against the Princesses in a straight fight, even near the end of the previous Alliance. Back then, it took a force of nearly 300 to rival the strength a single Princess could provide on the battlefield. With the Alliance? The Horde couldn't muster a force big enough in a short amount of time to out power them.

 But now? Tigra has shown strength consistently enough to match a Princess, sometimes multiple, in a fight by herself. We all know of Bolt of Lightning. Before the Battle of Brightmoon, She-Ra and Queen Angella were the only ones capable of stopping him in a fight. He and his small group are a faction that the Horde had to keep an eye on due to their power and variety of skills.

 However, Tigra has shown that, within 2-3 months, she grew from someone Bolt could easily beat alone, to someone that Bolt lost to while being helped by three of his companions. He has received an injury that leaves him off of the battlefield indefinitely if he can not get something to replace the leg he lost.

 With her public display of strength by destroying the Barrier of Brightmoon, her speed in outclassing Bolt, and consistent capability of fighting Princesses, Tigra has certainly raised the morale of the Horde to levels not seen since the ending of the Alliance.

 Should Tigra continue what she has been doing, it is suspected that the Horde will win this war within 3 years. 2 years if the Horde decides to go full power and leave nothing but carnage in their wake." Juliet reported.

 "So we need to remove Tigra from the war effort." Mermista summarized.

 Adora must have let something show on her face if Mermista's eye roll said anything.

 "Adora, Tigra is an enemy, regardless of your past relationship. As of now, Tigra is a soldier who has caused the death of several of my soldiers and has taken a few of my towns." Mermista narrowed her eyes just slightly. "Tigra is an enemy of Salineas."

 Several small gasps could be heard, confusing Adora.

 "Is that something major?" Adora asked Bow.

 "To have a Princess, let alone the one ruling the Kingdom, declare someone an enemy of a kingdom, they are not welcomed in the kingdom period. Not even if the Princess Ball was happening in that kingdom." Bow explained. "Only the ruler of the kingdom can undo such a statement."

 "I still don't get it. Tigra is a part of the Horde. The Horde aren't welcomed anyways."

 "Adora, dearie," Angella caught her attention. "What Bow is trying to explain is that, should Tigra ever leave the Horde, she still would not be welcomed in Salineas. Even if she joined the Rebellion, she wouldn't be welcomed until Mermista took back such a statement."

 "Oh. I can see how that would be bad."

 Adora imagined how the Alliance would be if Frosta had decided to ban her from the Kingdom of Snow based on how her interaction with her had almost gotten her kicked out of the Princess Prom.

 Granted, Catra had ruined the end of the Prom, but the details didn't matter.

 "So, any tips in capturing her?" Perfuma asked.

 The war room door opened, drawing everyone's attention.


 Bolt walked in with a crutch and a figure in a dark blue cloak right beside him.

 "Sorry I'm late."

 "Are you sure you can be here, Bolt? You were just majorly injured."

 "What, this?" He gestured towards his missing leg. "While this will keep me back for now, that doesn't mean I'm out of this war just yet."

 He made his way to an empty seat and sat down while the other person stood by his side.

 "So, Tigra?"

 "Yeah. Any tips for if we have to fight her?" Mermista asked, sitting straighter for some reason.

 "I'll say what I've noticed and ask Adora if she can shed some light on them."


 "You did grow up alongside her, correct?" Adora nodded. "Then maybe you can explain a few things."

 "First off, Tigra the Magicat's potential and growth is monstrous. When I fought her outside of Terra, it was as if I was fighting a green soldier as a commander. See how they fight and teach them a little. I didn't have to get any bit serious until she drastically increased her speed." Bolt looked at Adora.

 "No real explanation. She's always been able to do that, I think. She never used it until after I left and became She-Ra."

 Bolt nodded before continuing.

 "Second, come the Battle of Brightmoon, Tigra had suddenly been able to use lightning magic at the level I gained 12 years ago. A full 8 years of working with lightning magic at that point. She could use a bastardized version of my Lightning Armor. It wasn't completely right, what with her efficiency and strength of her electricity, but still capable of increasing her speed. 

 She went from using only fire in our previous fight to being able to use Lightning and Fire at a level that she definitely couldn't have learned in a short amount of time without a teacher."

 "There's only one person in the Horde who could have taught her anything about magic of that level."

 "Shadow Weaver." Angella stated with disdain in her voice.

 "She wouldn't." Adora told, her voice as strong as steel, causing a few raised eyebrows.

 "Can you expand on that?" Netossa asked.

 "Shadow Weaver would never train Tigra and Tigra would never be taught anything from Shadow Weaver in the way of magic. Not after everything that she has done to her."

 "Like what?" Spinnerella asked.

 Adora remained silent though.

 She wouldn't expose what Tigra had gone through to those that she didn't even know.

 Not if it wouldn't help Tigra survive in any way.

 "Then how would she have learned so quickly?" Bolt cut in when it became clear that Adora would not answer that question.

 "Experimentation and training. Tigra trained her fire magic since she was a kid and training is practically a hobby for her. Combine the two and Tigra's ability to have more free time for training due to her positions, she could improve quickly."

 "Alright. After Tigra finished our fight, she finished it with one sentence to me."

 Bolt leaned forward with his hands under his chin.

 "'Immune to electricity.' She stated that after all my electrical attacks seemed to have had no effect alongside my electric claws going through her, yet she continued acting as if nothing happened to her."

 Bolt turned towards Adora.

 "Has she always been immune to electricity or is that a new thing?"

 Screams of an 8 year old Tigra echoed in her head.

 "No. Tigra hasn't always been immune to electricity."

 She noticed that Angella seemed slightly concerned but Adora shook her head lightly.

 Bolt nodded in thought before looking at Adora again.

 "Is there anything else that we should be worried about?"

 After a moment, she spoke.

 "Tigra is either learning or has already learned Ice magic as well."

 "What kind of magic?"

 "She can create an armor-like state made of ice. She used it before slamming into a wall hard enough to create a shape of herself but popped out of it and walked it off with the only comment saying that it would be a bruise."

 "Ice Armor." Bolt muttered in surprise. "How long-"

 "Recent." Adora cut him off. "When I left the Horde, she only knew Fire. When Perfuma, Glimmer, and I met her near Plumeria, she only increased her speed with what the sorcerers claimed was Haste. As far as I know, she hasn't used Ice until I met her and Catra again in the Ruins. As for Lightning, she could do that Lightning Armor thing at least since she helped Glimmer and I escape."

 "You didn't think to mention something like this before the fight?" The blue cloaked woman - based on their voice - practically accused.

 "I'm sorry, it's not like we had to prepare for an invasion within 12 hours of when I returned and didn't see Bolt until he was already fighting Tigra." Adora stressed. "Tell me, when was I supposed to tell him? Before or after his claws were through my childhood best friend's chest?"

 The woman took a step.

 "Posei!" Bolt declared, stopping her. "Adora would not have known in any capacity that my attacks would have nearly no effect on her. And don't hold any animosity she has for me against her. It would have been worse than what you are feeling about me losing my leg."

 Posei grumbled before stepping back.

 "From what's been pointed out here, there's one obvious fact," Bolt addressed everyone. "Tigra needs to either be taken out of the war or away from the Horde."

 Everyone started muttering about various ideas.

 "Tigra doesn't care about the Horde." Someone voiced, drawing everyone's attention.

 "What do you mean? She's constantly fighting for the Horde." Frosta pointed out.

 "No, she's not fighting for the Horde." Adora continued to deny.

 "What is Tigra fighting for then?" Perfuma asked.

 "Tigra has a strong need to protect those she cares about before anything. It is her drive to get stronger; get faster; learn magic. Everything she does seems tied into increasing her ability to protect her chosen few."

 "'Chosen.'" Spinnerella spoke. "Tigra mentioned how instead of marriage, they have something called 'Choosening' or something close."

 "Choosing." Adora corrected. "A small matter involving two or more people who announce to the Horde Lord that the other or others are who they are pledging their allegiance to first."

 "That doesn't sound very popular." Glimmer pointed out.

 "You'd be surprised." Adora contradicted. "While Hordak prefers loyalty to the Horde first, he also cares about knowing where everyone's loyalties lie. If one tells him where their loyalties lie first and foremost, he can make small compromises between them."

 "I didn't imagine that Hordak would be…understanding of that." Glimmer admitted. 

 "He still needs their loyalties to the kingdom." Bow pointed out. "If they couldn't be with those they care for most in the Fright Kingdom, they'd likely try to go to the Rebellion, where it is easy to do so."

 "So we need to get her important people over to the Rebellion's side, or at least out of the Horde." Bolt summarized.

 "Easier said than done." Adora admitted. "The ones that Tigra cares for are our old squadron: Lonnie, Rogelio, maybe Kyle, and especially Catra."

 "Does she not care about you anymore?" Bolt asked.

 Adora hesitated.

 "She does." Bow surprisingly spoke up. "Compared to how she fights regular soldiers and you to how she fights Adora, she tries to injure Adora. Whereas with normal soldiers and you, it seems more like she's trying to get rid of an obstacle."

 "But she only injured Bolt." Juliet pointed out.

 "Because I did the same to her." Bolt pointed out. "I could have simply killed Tigra at Terra, but let her live out of seeing another one of my race for a long time. She likely may have done the same to me as a way of repaying what I did to her."

 Adora held her tongue from saying that that made no sense.

 Tigra would have seen Bolt as an enemy, not someone in the way. Tigra wouldn't have just let Bolt live without some kind of reason.

 While admittedly cruel in taking away Bolt's legs, thus making his speed useless, Cruelty is not one of Tigra's main traits.

 Strong, Action, Improvement, Speed, and Fighter are words that describe Tigra the Force General.

 But Protectiveness, Reassuring, Listener, Helper, and Caring would describe Tigra the Magicat, the one that grew up beside Catra and her.

 From the Ruins, Tigra had always been protective over them, even at the age of 7.

 Before Adora could fall back into memory lane, Angella asked a question.

 "Adora, what are our chances of convincing those that she cares for to leave the Horde?"

 "Rogelio, a Lizardperson, and Kyle will be the easiest to convince to leave the Horde. Lonnie will be hard, as she wants to become a Force General but could be convinced in the future."

 Adora winced lightly.

 "Catra…Catra wants to become a Horde Lorde."

 "She wants to lead the Horde?" Bow asked for confirmation.

 "It was a dream the three of us shared. We wanted to be the first trio to rule the Horde. I would have dealt with the people, Catra would have dealt with the kingdom, and Tigra would have dealt with the kingdom's defense and offense."

 "But Tigra's real dream is about protection?" Bolt clarified, getting a nod from Adora. "So we need to just find a way to remove Catra from the Horde."

 The door opened again before a soldier walked in and saluted.

 "My Queen! Moonshifter discovered news important to the Kingdom Salineas."

 Mermista sat up straight again.

 Angella nodded to tell him to continue.

 "It's been decided that a Force General is being sent to capture Tyde with a force of 150, including up to three Force Commanders."

 "With that many Force Commanders, they intend on holding onto Tyde until reinforcements arrive." Adora pointed out. "We can-"

 "I'll go." Mermista cut off. "These woods need as many of you here as possible until it gets fixed more. I'll contact my guards to meet me there and prepare for an invasion."

 "I will be coming along." The blue cloaked woman declared.

 They turned to Bolt, who only rolled his eyes.

 "Yeah, yeah. I'll make sure to get plenty of rest while getting in contact with old friends about helping with my situation."

 They nodded before Mermista and the figure quickly made their way out.

 "Moonshifter?" Adora asked.

 "A spy we have in the Horde. While we can't speak about their backstory due to being unable to be 100% sure that the Horde hasn't found a way into our tech with all of their advances, their cover is good. They aren't part of the direct forces so we don't have to worry about our forces having to fight them but they are still an important part of their military to know certain things."

 "How many spies do we have?"

 "Brightmoon has 4 official spies. All of the kingdoms have a total of 14 official spies."

 The fact that there were likely more did not escape Adora.

 Nor the fact that they likely have a few spies themselves.




 Tigra pinched the bridge of her nose with her eyes closed before breathing out.

 In front of her, stood the two Commanders she had asked for, but there was a third person.

 "I asked for Force Commanders Lonnie - congrats on the promotion - and Serena. Why are you here, Lucy?"

 Lucy crossed her arms as her eyes narrowed.

 "You're heading to a Salineas controlled city."

 Tigra eyes opened, but were narrowed.

 "And how do you know that? You are not part of this operation and as such, you shouldn't know about that yet."

 "Did you really expect over 100 people to keep quiet about this? Especially in their own kingdom where they weren't told to stay quiet about it?"

 "First off, it seems I'll have some soldiers to reinforce about staying quiet about their missions." She growled/grumbled out to herself. 

 "Second, this isn't Scycis. Thus, you don't need to come along. We have a lot more towns to take for the Horde while the Princesses are still being distracted. We need as many Commanders, Captains, and Settlers as we can spare. 1 Captain, 2 commanders, and 4 Settlers are needed to keep a conquered city for more than 3 months."

 A Settler is a group of 20-30 Horde soldiers who will be stationed at a conquered city for a designated time frame. Afterwards, the soldiers are slowly brought back depending on the amount of Horde controlled territory around the city.

 "Third, I am your Force General, Force Commander." Tigra bit out. "While I will accept criticisms as we are in a proper place for them, don't think that you can demand to be taken somewhere."


 "Nothing. You were already going to be assigned for training duty for the graduated Cadets for two weeks, but you've just extended it to a month."

 Lucy opened her mouth to argue, but stopped as Tigra's glare depended.

 "Would you like 2 months?"

 With nothing being said, Tigra let her glare lessen.

 "Lucy, I need combatants, not someone who will run off for revenge."

 "Didn't you get revenge on Weaver?" Lonnie pointed out.

 "In a controlled environment where dozens of lives wouldn't be at risk for my actions." Tigra pointed out the differences. "When I did it, it only involved me, Catra, and Weaver. Catra was only involved because she was there and also being attacked."

 "Lives of the many versus the few?" Serena seemed to inquire.

 "Time and place." She corrected. " When it is time to go to Scycis, I'll try to get Lucy to come along. While revenge may not fix everything that has already happened, it stops it from happening again."

 Tigra shook her head lightly.

 "Regardless, you are dismissed, Force Commander Lucy."

 Lucy appraised her before nodding.

 "Very well, Force General."

 Lucy turned around, her black cloak fluttering from the movement, before walking away.

 Tigra waited for the door to slide shut before turning to the duo.

 "Now that that is taken care of, let me get back to the details."

 The two of them stood a little straighter.

 "You two and I will be heading to the Salinean City, Tyde. Resistance is all but guaranteed. The difference is the level of combat. While we believe the Princess of Water will be occupied with the Forests with the other Princesses at the moment, we don't know the complete level of force needed to take it.

 As such, each of you will be taking control over several squadrons each. You will both be in charge of roughly 120 soldiers total with me taking over my own 30 soldiers. You two will be leading the assault with Lonnie coming in from the west and Serena coming in from the east. My squadrons will come from the south.

 We are to take Tyde with as few losses as possible while dealing as little damage to the city itself as possible. Understood?"

 "Yes, General." Both of them replied.

 "Get your things together. We leave in two hours. Dismissed."

 Serena immediately left while Lonnie stayed behind.

 "How are you liking your position?" Tigra asked.

 "It's alright. All I'm doing is leading a few extra squadrons." Lonnie shrugged. "How are you doing?"

 "Well, I didn't know that I decide when to go out on missions, so I likely already have a strike with Hordak. Other than that though, I'm being compensated much more and my bosses are only Catra and Hordak now."

 "Speaking of Catra, have the two of you finally talked since the dance?"

 Tigra tilted her head slightly.

 "I…didn't think we had anything to talk about. Though, Catra did say we would need to talk but I wouldn't like it about a month, month and a half ago." Tigra remembered.

 Lonnie shifted her stance to lean slightly to her left with her arms crossed while shaking her head.

 "Lord, how haven't either of you talked about your relationship yet?"

 "I mean, there's nothing for us to talk about." Tigra shrugged. "Besides, Catra's too busy right now to even bother with something like that."

 "And you're not?"

 Tigra shrugged again. "I mean, not really. I just don't see myself choosing anyone at this moment."

 "Really? Anyone?"

 "Anyone who would choose me ." She rolled her eyes.

 "You really think she wouldn't choose you?" Lonnie asked in disbelief. "Catra, the girl who only really hung out with you and Adora whenever she could? The girl who has been with you since you were five? The girl who actually fought a few doctors while you were in the medical center after you collapsed in her arms? The girl who is constantly checking on any missions you are sent out on without her? Who has to, unknowingly, check what mission caused multiple soldiers to come back and likely hope it wasn't yours?"

 Tigra looked to the side, taking in some of the new information that she likely wasn't meant to know.

 'Relationship - Catra.'


Catra: 148 [Family], 48 [Chosen]


 'Relationship limit - Family.'


Family relationship status starts at 0 right after reaching 100 in [Friends]. It stops at 149, one point before [Chosen]. At which point, it is only updated once the other person admits to themselves and/or you that they choose the other. Once it is updated, it may adjust to any value between 0 to 250 in [Chosen].


 "Lonnie, just drop it." Tigra asked. "I need to get ready."

 Tigra turned and walked away.

 Lonnie watched before pinching her nose.

 "They're useless." She muttered. "Guess we'll have to do something to help."


 Tigra sat at the front of one of the skiffs before activating Shadow Mask as it covered her face, leaving only her golden scleras as the only visual cue of telling how she was feeling.

 'There is about a day left before we arrive at Tyde at the speed we are going. In that amount of time, I plan on mastering more of whatever is in this book and potentially creating more Fire spells, seeing as I have a 4x EXP bonus with those.'

 However, she didn't just stop at Shadow Mask.

 'That will be mastered within the next two hours, at most. May as well work on Ice Armor.'

 So, that's what she did.

 She sat at the front of the skiff before ice surrounded her body while the ice in front of her face seemed to be almost like black ice.


Shadow Mask mastered!

For mastering Shadow Mask, WIS increased by 2 and Magic Control increased by 5%.


WIS: 205→207

M.C.: 90→95%


Ice Armor gained 177,600 EXP!

Ice Armor leveled up! LV 37 → 56

[Ice Armor LV 56 (4224/11200) - Creates a set of armor around the user in ice. The more magic imbued into the spell, the more damage it can block. At MAX MP, it reduces damage by 50%.]


Ice Resistance gained 222,000 EXP

Ice Resistance leveled up! LV 57 → 74

[Ice Resistance LV 74 (10020/14800) - Reduces damage from ice attacks by 74%. With Iron Body, this is increased to 80.5%]


 That was in two hours.

 Two hours of sitting still and keeping a black mask in front of her face to the point that, even with the reflectivity of the ice, her lower face couldn't be seen as it was shrouded in darkness.

 Tigra released that spell before reaching into her bag, which contained a few things for the mission.

 Her communicator, a couple of rations, a few canteens, some drywood, and a black book.

 She pulled out said book before opening it and flipping a few pages before one page glowed before flipping over.


'After reaching this point, I gained enough control over shadow magic to start really experimenting. After several testing, I discovered Shadow Ball and Shadow Spy.

With Shadow Ball, I can condense my magic into a sphere of shadows and shoot it outward. It appears, however, that most of its strength draws from either nearby shadows where it was created and from the shadows upon impact. Thus, making it more destructive during the night than day.

Shadow Spy allows one to create a 'living' shadow that one can look through. The more created, the harder it is to look through certain ones. Thus, I used a magical cauldron to make the process easier.'


New Spells learned!


[Shadow Ball LV 1 (0/200) - By creating a ball of shadows, you can shoot or slam it into a target that deals a base amount of damage that increases based on the amount of shadows around. Note: Light magic can cause the damage to be reduced.

Damage: (INT*3+WIS*2)*Magic_Control. 2094 Shadow Damage

MP: 50 MP ]


[Shadow Spy LV 1 (0/250) - By imbuing shadows with your will, a command, and magic, they practically come to life. While these can not physically hurt people enough to be used in combat, they are excellent as espionage. Afterall, who would suspect the very shadows as listeners?

When used, they take an amount of MP to create and use 10% that amount every hour of continued use. When you want to know what information they have acquired, it will take 5/LV minutes for every hour they have watched. When mastered, it will be 1 second per hour.

Maximum Amount: 4.

MP: 100 to make, 10/hr]


 'Interesting. And very useful.'

 Tigra focused before attempting Shadow Spy.

 She saw the shadow being casted near her begin to…shake. A mixture of shaking and convulsing before it began to take a shape.

 It stretched out before it seemed to grow four small legs, a long tail that curled over its body, and two yellow eyes staring back at her.


 She made a shadow cat.

Shadow Spy gained 200 EXP!


 Tigra pondered before looking at her MPR rate per minute.

Out of Combat: 828

In combat: 41


 'May as well put that to the test.'

 She focused more and pulled from her magic and the shadows around her practically swarmed to her before three more cats were created.


Shadow Spy gained 600 EXP.

Shadow Spy leveled up! LV 1 → 3


 'Let's see if I can give them commands mentally. The one furthest on my left, come closer.'

 Tigra watched all four of them before the one she singled out moved closer.

 'Yes. This will make it easier to send spies out without anyone catching where they are going.'

 She took a breath and thought about where she wanted them to go, seeing as she couldn't just send them to Brightmoon, with their barrier and their proficiency in light magic.

 Mystacor would be worse seeing as she doesn't know where it is, and that sending magical spying shadows to a place full of sorcerers seemed like a bad idea.

 'Screw it. From left to right, you will be addressed as One through Four. One, Two, and Three will go on ahead to Tyde and scout out their defenses and whatever they have ready. Four, you will head back to the Fright Zone and watch the new cadets. Watch for anyone trying to make a strange chance to get somewhere unnoticed.'

 It was impossible for there to not be spies in the Horde. Since the Horde had a few spies themselves, it would seem impossible for them to not have any themselves.

 Three cats melded back onto the ground before shooting out and connecting with shadows while the other hopped below them and shot into the shadows leading behind them.

 She watched as three pairs of yellow eyes practically vanished into the shadows.

 "Was that Weaver's spell?" Someone spoke up, making her fur bristle before flattening out.

 "One of them." Tigra confirmed. "Figured with her being powerless, what better way to get at her than learn her spells better and faster than she ever did."

 Lonnie sat down beside her, ignoring that she was still covered in ice.

 "It feels strange." Hearing Tigra's hum, she continued. "I'm a Force Commander now. I just feel like I'm supposed to do more. I mean, we're heading into a battle, but there's nothing I can do until we reach Tyde."

 "Heh, wait until you reach Captain rank. Same responsibilities with a few more added. Good pay raise and you get a designated amount of time off to continue your own training to prevent rust from building."

 The two had a moment of silence before Tigra's ears perked.

 "You know, since Catra and I were promoted again, we now have two empty Force Captain spots open."

 "Nepotism? Really?"

 Tigra rolled her eyes as she tilted her head to look at Lonnie.

 "Lonnie, even as a Force General, I don't hold enough power to just make you one. You either need the support of 3 Force Captains, 2 Force Generals, or the Horde Lorde to speak for you.

 Force Commander though, I have enough power to make up to 5 people be promoted. Obviously, there is a limit of how many each position can have at one point in time, but that's not the point."

 Tigra pointed her finger at her.

 "I know your skills, your strengths, your weaknesses, and I've seen your potential. All you've got to do is convince another Force General that you're ready for the responsibilities."

 Lonnie digested that information while Tigra smirked.

 "Same for you, Serena."

 A second went by before Serena stepped forward into view.

 "In the future, cover your armor if you're trying to eavesdrop on someone. The light bounced around and a shine came from your direction."

 She had noticed her around the time she spoke about how there were two spots open.

 "I'll keep that in mind for future references." She rolled her eyes with a smile. "But you're serious? You'll support both of us about trying to make us Force Captains?"

 "I don't see why not. You've kept the title Force Commander for over 2 years now."

 "You haven't seen me in combat yet, though."

 Tigra sighed before continuing.

 "Alright. You and Lonnie do well leading your squadrons and are able to take Tyde, then I'll support you. How does that sound to you?"

 Serena seemed to think before nodding.

 "Alright. That should cover the bases enough to prevent nepotism from coming up in future questions and I'll be able to earn the promotion and not just be given it."

 Tigra's eyebrow twitched while Lonnie held herself back from laughing.

 "Yes, that wouldn't do well."

 Tigra stood up.

 "Well, I'll be heading to my room for the night. I'll see both of you before you head out for the attack. Goodnight."

 "Night Tigra/General." Both of them commented.

 Tigra continued walking before reaching her room.

 She released a sigh before her form flickered with flames.

 She had activated Flame Armor at maximum MP to see how the armor still held up after not using it in combat too often anymore.


HP (normal): 3,700

HP (active): 47,120

Damage from contact: 1650/m, 200 on touch


 'While Flame Armor isn't the most useful anymore, not with how much Lightning Armor increases my speed and Ice Armor decreases damage, it is a good fall back spell.'


You could always improve the spell.


 'How so? I don't have that trait we were talking about a while ago.'


While I can't make a habit of this, I'll give you a hint.

Why are you comparing them?


 'Well, I'm trying to figure out which helps me most. I can't just mix them together. At full power, they would drain me of all of my magic in 20 seconds. Not to mention, I don't think I have the kind of control for that.'


Ah yes, I spoke too early for that comment then. Why, it would have been more appropriate if you had mastered just 1 more spell. That would likely have come to mind had you done so.


New Quest(?) discovered


A Reminder

The power of yours seems to have grown chatty and let something slip. Something seems to happen should you master one more spell and reach 100% Magic Control.

Reward: An update for magical spells

Failure: Never receive the update


 'Well, thanks. I guess?'


For what? I didn't do anything.


 'Alright then.'

 She wouldn't try to argue over something that the power didn't want to take credit for.

 She sat on her bed before holding her hand out in front of her and started to focus.

 'A handle of about two thirds of my height and about half as thick as my closed fist. Solid enough to hold and swing with plenty of momentum. A sharp point at the end with conductivity being plausible.'

 As her imagination and mentality started working on a blueprint of a spell, she began to think about what the intent is.

 'The handle simply needs to be strong enough to not break from the force. The blade section needs to be sharp. Sharper than a blade's edge. Any fire going through it should increase its piercing power.'

 A long dull red handle started forming, laying about 3.5 feet [1.1 meter] before a dark red topping piece started to form on the end of it. It started to take shape before finishing with a point at the end.


New Spell Created!

[Fire Spear LV 1 (0/250) - A spear made of fire and flames. Due to the creation of the spell, this spell is more focused on piercing than it is through regular combat. Thus, 80% of its damage is concentrated into the tip of the spear. While heavily downgrading the total damage, the tip will do 2x damage that a regular fire spear would normally.

Damage: [INT*3.4+WIS*2.4+DEX*1.8]*Spear_Bonus*Mag_Control*(0.2 or 2)

Damage: 559 or 5590 fire damage.

MP: 200 to make, 25/m]


New Skill Discovered!

[Spear LV 1 (0/150) - The art of utilizing a spear or spear-like weapon. Each level of this skill will increase the damage and ability of being able to use spear-like weapons, be they physical or magical.

Bonus: 1%]


 "Well, if that makes a new skill…I have a lot of new spells to create coming soon." She commented aloud, moving the brand new Fire Spear around to get used to its weight.

 While it isn't as heavy as the few spears she has picked up before and just decided not to use them due to not thinking about using every weapon available to her instead of just her claws and speed, it still had some weight.

 Magic isn't weightless but weapons made entirely of magic tended to be lighter than its counterpart.

 She stopped channeling magic through the spear and fell back onto the supplied bedding.

 'I should really look into getting more controlling spells. While these combat spells are good for now, I'll likely be in the Horde more often due to being a General. However, I did ask Hordak if I could continue to fight like I had been as a Captain. I'm a field fighter, not a behind the scenes planner.'

 "Ironically, I just don't have the skills for that."


But you have Strategy, Hacking, Programming, Security, Reading, and Writing. All of those could contribute to such planning.


 'Personal skills. I like combat. The thrill of seeing your worth with no way of being pushed aside as false. You either prove yourself strong, or you work to improve yourself. Anything else leads to death.'


New Quest Created!

The Lorde's Shadow

You proclaimed to not have the skills needed to be a behind the scenes planner, which would be needed as a ruler can not simply run into every battle, and your power has responded.

Objective: Level up Strategy, Hacking, Programming, Security, Reading, Writing, ???, ???, and ??? to Level 100

Reward: 5 skill points or 1 trait point awarded for each



 Tigra let out a groan at seeing that, but stared at the question marks.

 'Just how many skills am I missing?'


Theoretically, there are hundreds or even thousands of skills available to you. Most can be bought while a few can only be taught and fewer can only be learned.


You should look at the skill shop - new skill more often.


 Tigra closed her eyes and allowed herself to fall asleep. 


 "Vi, you don't have to do this. Please, don't do this alone."

 'Rey, I can't bring you with me. Not until I deliver Py'ra to where it is safe. If I'm caught, they'll take her and we will never see her again until she can't remember us at all.'

 "If you're caught, then you'll be-"

 'Just, take care of Silva, will you? I don't know when the next time you two will see us but I hope it will not be longer than a year.'

 "Promise me one thing."

 'We'll be safe.'

 "That's a given. Don't turn her into a mini you, okay? You're not the only one who helped create her."

 A faint laughter followed it.

 'Yes, I know. It took all three of us.' A faint pause. 'She looks so much like you. She's got your midnight ears and hair.'

 "She's got your eyes and black markings though."

 Tigra felt her hands be pressed lightly by something that felt like it could cover her entire hand with ease.

 "And your claws."

 'My claws are black?'

 "Vi, don't you remember?"

 'Oh yeah, they changed around 10 or 11, right?'

 "Apparently it mostly happens in the family around then, yes."

 Tigra could feel her head shift to the side before two light laughs greeted her.

 'Oh, she's going to grow into the habit of tilting her head, isn't she?'

 "It is one of Sil's best qualities."

 Another moment of silence.


 "Just…keep each other safe, alright? Silva and I can look after each other, but watch out for the Watchers. If you get spotted, they will send Retrievers."

 'I know. I've got the day picked when there should be less Watchers than usual. I've just got to say goodbye to Silva.'

 The dream returned to darkness with one last thing sticking to her mind.


 Vi'ra, Rey, and Silva.

 They felt safe.


Name: Tigra Py'ra Blureclaw

Age: 18

Level 56 (3080/14400)

HP: 3700 HPR: 740

MP: 2200 MPR: 828

SP: 1850 SPR: 370

STR: 84 DEX: 362

CON: 185 INT: 220

WIS: 207 CHA: 108


Skill Points: 5

Trait Points: 1

Upgrade Trait Points: 3

Speed: 50.1 MPH


[H2H LV (1)87], [Run LV 68], [Dash LV (1)75], [Blades LV 23], [Spear LV 1]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 71], [Sneak LV 48]

[Phys. Res LV 61], [Ice Res. LV 74], [Light Res. LV 3], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 5], [Magic Res LV 23]

[Program. LV 2], [Security LV 2], [Hacking LV 9], [Strategy LV 61]


Fire Step, Flame Armor, Flame Charge, Flame Fists, Fireball, Fire Dagger, Fire Arrow, Fire Sword, Fire Spear

Lightning Armor, Lightning Claws

Chill, Ice Armor

Darken, Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball, Shadow Spy

Haste, Heal


[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Huntress], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2]

[Lightning - Multiplies final DEX by 1.5]

[Smart - Multiplies final INT by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration - Multiplies all Regens by 2]

[Pyromaniac - EXP for Fire Spells is doubled]

[Fireproof - You can't be hurt by fire through natural or unnatural means]

[Electric-proof - You can't be hurt by electricity through natural or unnatural means]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One with Fire - Fire spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[One with Lightning - Lightning spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 8 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 5 seconds later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]


[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Iron Body - Decreases damage taken by 25% after resistances]

[Patient - MPR remains active at 5% while using spells continuously]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]

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