Unduh Aplikasi
30.5% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 18: Memories

Bab 18: Memories

 They must have been walking for nearly half an hour at this point. They passed rooms with nothing in them and a room with a waterfall , before they stopped at the last dead end.

 It was another wall with strange writing on it, like the entrance.

 "Another dead end!" Catra growled out.

 "Not exactly." Adora muttered. "Eternia."

 The wall glowed before sliding upwards, revealing it to have been a door and not a wall.

 The two of them looked at Adora, who shrugged.

 "Long story."

 Adora walked into the room with Catra behind her and Tigra bringing up the rear.

 The three of them could barely see anything until the pommel of Adora's sword started glowing a light blue light, yet the room still looked dark, even if they could now see each other.

 "Cool. You found the infinite darkness room."

 'Weaver would likely love this room.' Tigra hummed.

 "While you look around here, Tigra and I will go back and look around more…where's the door?"

 Tigra looked where they came from and, indeed, the door had gone missing.

 "Hey, I think I see something."

 Tigra turned back to Adora and spotted what she likely meant.

 It was a very faint red light near them with Adora getting closer to it.

 The two magicats were right behind her while Tigra narrowed her eyes at the light.

 Despite the light being right in front of her, she couldn't make out even the shape of whatever was making the light.

 Until the red light bursted out as a bright yellow light, making everyone close their eyes and shield their face from the light.

 When Tigra put her arms down and opened her eyes, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

 They were back in the Fright Zone.

 "What? But, that can't be possible."

 "What kind of game are you two playing?!" Adora accused.

 "Woah! I don't have any idea what's going on. It's impossible for us to be in the Fright Zone right now."

 Adora looked at Tigra, who only cocked an eyebrow.

 "I thought you would have learned by now that I don't like mind games."

 Tigra glanced around at their surroundings before seeing a slight movement on the wall nearest to her.

 She walked over to it and saw that the wall seemed to be…glitching? There were small movements on the wall, as if it didn't know if it was in the right place or not. She reached forward to place a claw on it, only for the finger to go through the wall.

 "It's a simulation." Tigra muttered. "Girls, it's like our old combat simulations." She called out.

 Yet didn't receive any confirmation from either of them.

 When she turned around, she didn't see Adora or Catra.


 Tigra walked forward before seeing the two of them with their backs to her.

 "There you are." Tigra started. "I had started to think-"

 "Does it look broken to you?" A high pitched voice asked.

 Confused, Tigra walked up to the two of them before her eyes widened.

 Because right in front of the three of them…were them.

 Specifically, when they were maybe 6 or 7.

 "It's not broken. Don't be ridiculous." Young Adora denied.

 "It's not ridiculous." Young Tigra argued. "We haven't actually broken any bones yet, so we can't compare it. Even if the nose isn't bone."

 "What is it then?" Young Adora asked.

 "Car-der-lidge." Young Tigra pronounced slowly.

 "Cartilage." Tigra muttered under her breath.

 Young Catra removed her hand and gave a small shriek at seeing blood on her fingertips.

 "I'm bleeding!"

 Tigra grabbed both sides of her face and looked at her nose.

 "You're not bleeding!" Adora denied again.

 Tigra moved Catra's head a little bit in multiple directions.

 "You're not bleeding , but you did bleed." Tigra declared. "You were bleeding at one point, but no more."

 "Why did you pick a fight with Octavia anyways?" Adora asked.

 "I didn't do anything. All I did was exist near her."

 "And scratch her eye badly enough that she can't see out of it anymore." Tigra added on. "Nice job."

 "Tigra, that's not something to congratulate."

 Tigra shrugged her shoulders.

 Adora reached out a hand. "Where is she?"

 Catra grabs the hand after a second before grabbing Tigra's hand with her other and leading them to another room.

 Once they stopped at a ledge, Catra pointed at Octavia.

 Octavia had green cyan skin, two arms, two legs, four limbs and a muscular build. She wore an orange and brown uniform with brown below-the-knee boots. Octavia has her left eye bandaged.

 "Hey Octavia!" Adora exclaimed.

 "What?" She asked, already sounding annoyed.

 "You're a dumbface!"

 Ocatvia snarled and let out a roar of anger before starting to stomp up the ramp.

 "Well, you got her attention." Tigra commented with a light laugh.

 "She's comin!"

 "Run!" Adora exclaimed.

 The three of them started running, still holding hands and laughing.

 The three kids continued laughing even after their forms changed back to their 17 year old selves.

 It took a few seconds for each of them to come back to reality and for Catra to let go of their hands, Adora's faster than Tigra's.

 "What was that!?" Catra sounded exasperated with this place already.

 Tigra looked for any kind of notification, yet there was nothing.

 No quest, sudden skill acquisition, or any kind of EXP for anything she already had.

 'It's purely mental.' She determined. 'And it must be completely tech based, as it doesn't seem like I grow resistant to just tech.'

 "This place is so weird ." Catra grumbled. "How can either of you deal with this kind of magic shit?"

 "Tech shit." Tigra corrected. "It's likely incredibly advanced tech that could be compared to magic, but it is purely tech."

 "Thanks." Catra threw an annoyed face at her.


 "I'm only dealing with this to find a way to heal Glimmer."

 "Do you need to?" Tigra asked, before continuing when Adora threw an annoyed look at her that time. "I mean, you mentioned her magic being disrupted. Can't she just…disconnect and reconnect with her Runestone?"

 Adora opened her mouth but nothing came out of it.

 "Are you suggesting that Sparkles needs to be turned off and back on?" Catra asked, a hint of a smile on her face.

 "I don't see why not. Then again, I don't know about the connection between Runestones and someone well enough." Tigra explained.

 They continued walking until Adora spoke up again.

 "I think I know why Tigra helped me escape, but why did you Catra? It didn't help you in any way."

 'Wrong. It hurt Shadow Weaver's reputation.' Tigra thought.

 Before she could give any kind of answer, Adora's foot slipped on a crack and started to fall backwards over the ledge before two hands caught each of her hands.

 Tigra on the left, Catra on the right.

 "Did you really expect us to just let Shadow Weaver erase your memories?" Catra asked.

 Adora did gain a small smile.

 "No, I guess not."

 They pulled her back up onto her feet before letting go of her.

 "Glad to know that you kept your faith in us." Tigra told. "Now let's keep going. I want out of here before something more harmful pops up."

 The three started to walk again before Catra shoulder bumped Adora.

 "It wasn't all bad in the Fright Zone, right? Surely you had some good memories, right?"

 "Of course. While I had the memories from you two and the squad, I just couldn't go back to the Horde after seeing what they have been doing." Adora waited a moment before knocking her shoulder into Catra. "Missed you two as well."

 "Wha, I didn't miss you."

 Tigra walked over to a wall and turned around to lean against the wall, knowing that a friendly argument would likely start.

 As she leaned back against the wall, she couldn't help but notice that something felt wrong.

 She should have hit the wall by now.

 Her feet slid out from under her before her back hit the ground with a light thud.

 "I really hate this place." Tigra spoke aloud. "Robots, memories, and fake walls."

 Adora and Catra jogged through the wall and they held out their hands.

 Tigra took both of them and let them pull her up.

 The ground around them turned into large hexagons that turned red with the ones further out being green.

 "Oh, come on!" Catra announced.

 A 12-13 year old Catra phased through Catra before the present Adora and Catra disappeared from Tigra's view.

 "Catra! Adora!" She exclaimed before the area continued going.

 She watched as a 12-13 year old Adora and Catra were sparring with staves. They wore the standard simulation chest piece that would change red and emit a buzzer noise if struck.

 Adora blocked a strike from Catra, causing electricity to crackle around the ends before Adora pushed Catra backwards before swinging the staff. 

 Catra moved to the side before jabbing her staff forward, Adora jumping to the side before they clashed once more.

 After another push, Adora started pushing Catra back with multiple attacks that kept making Catra back up.

 Tigra only watched on in slight confusion, wondering why she wasn't present in this memory.

 "I know I didn't skip any combat scenarios when it came to the squadron. I may have shown up late on purpose a few times, but I never missed one." She muttered.

 Catra eventually knocked the staff out of Adora's hand and went to strike her chest piece. Only, Adora had managed to catch the staff and throw Catra over her shoulder and onto the ground with a hard thump.

 "Owww." Catra groaned.

 "You okay?" Adora sounded concerned.

 Except, Catra took advantage of her dropped guard and knocked Adora's feet out from under her and went on the attack. She had almost managed to get a hit on Adora's chest once more, until Lonnie appeared and practically made Catra abandon Adora as a target if she didn't want to be taken out of their test.

 They have a brief skirmish before Lonnie jumps over Catra but leaves her chest piece exposed to an attack from Catra's staff, causing a buzzer to go off.

 Catra breathes out heavily before Adora manages to do a sneak attack by knocking Catra's staff out of her hands and landing the deciding blow against Catra's chest piece, signaling another buzzer before the area regains light, revealing a combat instructor and the rest of the squadron, Tigra missing though.

 "There's our winner." The instructor announced, ending the scenario. "Good job, cadet."

 Tigra watched as Catra walked over to Lonnie.

 "Thanks for ganging up on me."

 "Relax. I saw an opening and went for it. Just how you did moments before it."

 "Why couldn't Tigra be here?" Catra complained. "Usually she gets you three out quickly and it becomes a battle royale between us three before any of us could win."

 "Isn't she with Shadow Weaver right now?" Lonnie asked. "I still think something is going on between the two of them." Catra made a disgusted face. "Not like that. It's just…she gets called down almost as often as one of you three causes trouble. The only other person called down to her nearly as much is Adora, who we all know seems to have some kind of investment with her."

 Catra frowned lightly at that before looking to the side.

 "I'll ask her again later. See if I get anything besides the standard 'She saw me do something subpar and wanted to fix it.' Lord knows that it clearly isn't that simple."

 Tigra frowned at that, learning that Catra seemed to have caught on to the situation much sooner than she had believed.

 "So I'm not in the place of my younger self because I'm not here." Tigra talked to herself, moving through the room before ending up in the locker room.

 She looked around for anything that could get them out of the memory.

 "Lockers, benches, lockers, benches, mirror with red glowing-" She stopped before looking at the mirror to confirm what she just saw.

 "2 mirrors with six glowing orbs each." She confirmed before the simulation around her glitched.

 "Unauthorized presence detected. Security protocol activated." 

 "Just great." Tigra muttered.

 Two Spiderbots crawled out of the mirrors and screeched.

 She went to activate Lightning Armor just as something shot out of one and clasped around her wrist.

 Instantly, her Lightning Armor stopped before it could begin.

 She looked at her wrist and found some kind of bracelet with a red light on it. She reached to grab it, before another clasped onto her other arm.

 They suddenly pulled towards each other strongly before they stuck themselves together like magnets.

 She looked at her sheet quickly to see what she feared.

Tigra Age: 17

Level: 38 (3780/7500)

HP: 2860 HPR: 286

MP: 0* MPR: 0*

SP: 1430 SPR: 286

STR: 45 DEX: 167

CON: 143 INT: 143

WIS: 100 CHA: 44

*Status: Magic Blocked - Through some method, your magic has been sealed off and will not regenerate until the method is either removed or passes.

 "Just great!" She growled, her hands unable to move apart from each other.

 She watched the Spiderbots get closer as she tried to figure a way out of this.

 'No Haste, Flame Fists, Lightning Armor, Fire Charge .' She scowled at all of her options being taken away. 'Only thing I can still do is dash, run, and attack with my feet.'

 One of them opened their mouths and Tigra dashed.

 She still got hit by their adhesive tape and it started to wrap around her. She tried to tear it apart with her claws, but they were the first things that were wrapped and couldn't move well.

 The second one shot another device from its mouth before it clasped around her neck.

 "I know that you didn't just put a col-" Her yells were muffled by more wrapping and the one that wrapped her up started to drag her away.

 "Tigra!" She heard someone yell.

 She looked over her shoulder to see Catra running at her, only to stop to avoid being wrapped up by the other robot.

 Catra looked her in the eyes, just as she was pulled away into the darkness.


 Tigra's growl stayed muffled under the wrappings until she twisted her hand where it started to hurt. She continued twisting until her claws could touch the device on her left hand and kept stabbing the claw into the device repeatedly.

 It took a minute before she felt what she thinks is the locking mechanism break and her hands no longer stuck together, yet the magic blocking feature stayed in effect.

 She used her claws to quickly break free and stand on her legs, facing the Spiderbot, who had cut the bindings from itself, seeing as she had freed herself.

 It screeched at the same time she had dashed forward.

 She jumped over a swung leg and onto its back and managed to slash at its head twice.

5116 damage inflicted! 

 The Spiderbot bucked itself, throwing her into the air.

 She crossed her arms as a metal leg slammed into her and threw her a few feet away.

250 damage taken!

 Tigra landed on her hands and sprung herself backwards to kill her momentum and charged forward.

 Spiderbot opened its mouth once more, yet Tigra had been prepared for it.

 She jumped as soon as she saw something start to leave its mouth and soared over the green wrapping and shot her claws into two of its eyes.

5116 damage inflicted! 

 It screeched before it did something that she should have seen coming.

 It bit her in the leg.

350 damage taken!

350 damage taken!

 "I am not your food!" She yelled in anger, hitting it two more times again, taking out another one of its eyes.

5116 damage inflicted! 

500 damage taken!

 Tigra slammed her claws into where she assumed the hinges of its jaw were, hoping to get herself out.

4326 damage inflicted! 

 She seemed to have gotten lucky as it released her and she jumped backwards and took a look at her leg and winced.

 Her right leg had multiple bite marks that were bleeding.

 'I need to end this now so my regeneration can kick in and hopefully combat the bleeding I likely have.' She thought.

 The Spiderbot raised a leg and swung it at her.

 She moved, yet found herself shocked when it made contact with her side, sending her to the ground.

300 damage taken!

 "Damn, my leg must be worse than I thought. It's affected my speed."

*Status: Magic Blocked [∞], Bleeding - 5 HP/s, Fractured Thigh [00:27:38] - DEX is decreased by 20%*

 Tigra breathed in before dashing, wincing at the pain and the 40 damage she just took doing it.

 She pounced on its face and used its jaw as a brace and slashed at its head.

2046 damage inflicted!

2046 damage inflicted!

2046 damage inflicted!

400 damage taken!

 With her last swipe, she managed to slam her arm into its head just as it stabbed a leg through her side.

 The Spiderbot sparked before it fell to the ground and she did as well, holding her side and breathing slightly heavy.

 She looked at her important sheet.

HP: 650/2860 Regen: 100/m

 She laid on the ground as she felt her regen start to kick in now that the fight was over.

H2H gained 25,000 EXP

H2H leveled up!

[H2H LV (1)52 (9913/10400) - Increases unarmed damage dealt by 208%]

Physical Resistance gained 4410 EXP

P.R. leveled up!

[Physical Resistance LV 37 (318/3700) - Decreases damage from physical attacks by 37%. Due to [Iron Body], it is 53%]

1500 EXP gained

 She noticed a light occurring just below her head and could see…sparks?

 She grabbed whatever was on her neck and started messing around with it with her claws until she managed to break through the clasping function.

 Otherwise known as, stabbing through two points close to each other and dropping the device.

 When it landed on the floor, she finally saw what exactly it was doing.

 It was violently shooting electricity through the inside of it to where there was a bright yellow spot in the middle of the collar where her neck had once been.

 "Too bad that that won't work on me." She gave a light smirk.

 The smirk fell once she noticed that the area had started to change once more.

 Her eyes widened and her breath grew more rapid when she recognized what this next moment would likely be.

 Since it was the Black Garnet Chamber.


 She ran into a room with Adora right behind her.

 Any other time, she would have wanted Adora away from her. She didn't want Adora back in the Horde now. She doesn't want things to go back to normal.

 She wants to be recognized for what she can do, not go back to being under Adora's shadow.

 This isn't just any time though.

 Tigra had been taken and had looked… afraid .

 She didn't look scared like a kid or lost soldier.

 She looked like she was helpless. 

 Seeing her wrapped up in whatever capture device that these spider robots have. Catra could also spot what looked like a collar on her neck.

 Catra looked around in a hurry before her eyes narrowed on a destroyed robot.

 "Alright, Tigra's not captured." Catra sighed in slight relief. "That means that she can still defend herself."

 "Catra…we need to find her. Now." Adora sounded horrified.

 Catra made her way over before she inhaled sharply.

 Across the ground had been a good amount of blood, broken pieces of metal, and the collar that she had seen on Tigra.

 Catra got closer before it seemed to react and electricity suddenly came to life from the collar.

 They both jumped back slightly before looking around more.

 "Tigra may be able to defend herself…" Adora started.

 "But not for long if she is this injured. She could come into contact with another robot. One that may…"

 Neither had to say it, but they both knew how that sentence would have ended.

 One that may finish what this one caused. 

 Adora looked around before seeing something.

 "There." She pointed at a wall. "It's glitching just like how all these rooms have been when memories started playing."

 "Then let's get going."

 The two of them jogged into the fake wall before finding themselves outside the Black Garnet Chamber.

 "Great." Catra grumbled. "Maybe now we'll find out what Shad-"

 A scream of pain from within the Chamber cut her off and made both of them freeze and stare at the door.


 Catra steeled herself before walking through the door and further into the Chamber with Adora following.

 Catra could see a bright red light flashing further in and continued before freezing at the edge of the room as she felt her fur start to stand.

 "Catra? What is…No."

 Another flash of red went out with another cry of pain coming from a 15 year old Tigra. The Magicat's body seemed to curl inward and her hands seemed to spasm slightly.

 "Stop it!" Adora yelled out, moving in between them, yet it did nothing.

 The red lightning simply went through Adora and continued shocking Tigra, who had stopped screaming as all of her fur stood on end.

 After a minute , the lightning finally stopped, letting Tigra close her mouth from silently screaming. The red electricity jumped across her fur and off of her as her body trembled.

 Catra tried to touch Tigra's body, only for the body to suddenly change and appear in a different place.

 Tigra now appeared to be 12 years old.

 "So, why did you prevent me from participating in the squadron's test?" Tigra asked. "I know I could probably get away with not showing up, considering I'm a combat class ahead of them, but I figured you would want to have a test to see my capabilities?"

 "This is during the last memory we were in." Catra muttered in shock.

 "Yes, well, I've read some interesting papers."

 Both of them saw Tigra tense up, causing Catra's gut to drop.

 "A lot of the instructors believe that you'll end up placing as the highest cadet in the Academy of your year. You know, the place that belongs to Adora."

 "Was Shadow Weaver the reason why I was placed above her?" Adora whispered.

 "Surely, it was a mistake."

 Tigra gripped her hands tight enough that the two of them could see trace amounts of blood beeding on her fingers from her palm.

 "You want me to lower my score to be underneath Adora?"

 Shadow Weaver floated across the ground until she towered over the 4'9" girl. Her black hair floated over her as her eyes narrowed.

 "Want? No. I expect you to. Afterall, I already need to fix the mistakes you need to recorrect."

 "Mistakes?" Tigra asked quietly.

 "Why yes. You continued staying above Adora, Catra has nearly defeated Adora a few times in front of examiners, and Adora has been falling behind in combat classes."

 Tigra gulped lightly as her feet moved backwards before a red aura surrounded her and held her in place.

 "Now, now. Were you thinking of going back on your word? You said that you would take the punishment for your mistakes."

 "Her mistakes?! Two of those weren't even due to her!" Adora exclaimed.

 "'We'll get in trouble if she's not back.'" Catra quoted. 


 "It's something Tigra told me the night you left. About how we'll get in trouble for you being gone. At the time, I didn't think much of it, considering that Weaver just seemed more annoyed at the time." Catra then shifted her eyes back to the two from the memories. "But it is starting to look like Tigra may have been punished more than I thought she would have been."

 "But why? Why would-"

 The room lit up red once more, only this time, a younger voice started to scream in pain.

 The two closed their eyes and were forced to listen to Tigra scream for another minute before Shadow Weaver stopped again.

 "We'll be doing this in intervals for the next hour." The cruelty of the act terrified the duo. "If Adora isn't ahead of you by the end of the year, I'll extend it to 2 hours. Every year that you fail to return to where you belong, I will add another hour."

 Tigra looked up with anger in her eyes.

 "Is that clear, cadet?"

 "Crystal." Her ragged voice told.

 The two figures shifted again.

 "That was the year I got ahead." Adora whispered.

 "It was also the year that Tigra started meeting with Shadow Weaver even more. Lonnie and I made bets on what the reason was for." Catra was quiet for a moment. "Neither of us won that bet, based on what we are seeing."

 "Just…why?" Adora sounded heartbroken. "Why would she do something like this?"

 "Control." Catra answered. "Tigra would likely have graduated early if it wasn't for Weaver's interference."

 The next memory seemed to involve…

 "No, please no." Adora pleaded for once, seeing the small, cute form of an 8-year old Tigra.

 "I received an interesting report from the Academy." Weaver spoke. "Would you like to guess what I found so interesting about this report?"

 Tigra tilted her head to the side.

 "Is it that Catra, Adora, and I ended up with the top three fastest times?"

 "This was the first day of the Academy." Catra whispered. "That was the only time that Shadow Weaver pulled her aside for anything relating to times where we were the top 3."

 "How do you remember that?" Adora asked.

 "While there are few Magicats around today, it was widely known that we have excellent memories. I can remember as far back as a week before I ended up in the Fright Zone."

 "No." Shadow Weaver spoke, drawing their attention once more. "If there is one thing you strays are good at, it is running."

 The two of them easily saw Tigra barely holding herself from growling. The fur on her arms would raise and her jaw would clench. Her eyes showed fury the likes that an 8-year old probably shouldn't be able to show.

 "No, what I found interesting is that your time is ahead of Adora's time."

 "Well, it's like you just said. I'm good at running."

 The duo saw Weaver's mask narrow and they already knew what was about to happen.

 "She's been dealing with this since she was 8?" Adora asked, with little life in her question. "How did we not notice it?"

 "Because she didn't want us to." Catra answered. "There's no way that this could have been missed by accident for the past decade without planning involved. Either Shadow Weaver planned this in moments that we wouldn't question her injuries, or Tigra only showed herself once she was well enough not to draw questions she didn't want to answer."

 Unlike the other times though, they saw Tigra start to move and likely run away. The two could barely hold any kind of hope that she managed to escape.

 Only for that hope to be crushed as red lightning seemed to hit her instantly and cause her to collapse to the ground.

 "You have seemed to have forgotten that you have told me that I can be less gentle with you compared to other pests. After all, you and I both know that you have an advanced healing factor. You can heal from the damage I inflict on you through my attempts to recorrect your behavior in roughly 10 to 15 minutes."

 The duo were shocked to hear that about their friend.

 "If she can heal from this in 10 minutes at the age of 8…"

 "How fast can she heal now?" Catra finished.

 "More importantly, how many times did this happen if she needed to wait just 10 minutes?" Adora asked. "All those hours that Tigra's been gone…how many times did Shadow Weaver almost kill Tigra?"

 Another stream of lightning struck Tigra and continued for nearly a minute. For another minute, they were forced to hear the 8-year old Tigra cry out in pain. Were forced to see her small body spasm from the amount of electricity flowing through it.

 They disappeared once more.

 "Okay, that's it right?" Adora asked. "I can't think of any other moments earlier than that for her to get electrocuted."

 Catra stayed silent as a small detail jumped to the front of her mind.

 "Tigra reacted." She whispered.


 "Tigra reacted before Shadow Weaver threw lightning at her." Catra reminded. "She had already started to move away from Shadow Weaver. Tried to make room to react to the sudden red lightning."

 Catra snarled as she came to a conclusion.

 "That wasn't the first time Tigra had been struck with lightning from Shadow Weaver."

 "But…But she was eight !" Adora grabbed her hair with wide eyes. "Are you saying that Shadow Weaver-"

 The area changed once more, stopping Adora in her tracks.

 Right in front of them…stood 7 year old Tigra. The main difference in how they can tell them apart is that Tigra stopped wearing sleeves at 8 years old for a reason she didn't care to explain.

 This Tigra had red sleeves down to her elbows and gray shorts down to her knees.

 "I thought I told you to leave. Adora and your fellow pest have already left."

 "Only me." Tigra spoke, confusing Shadow Weaver. "Only hurt me. I can take it."

 "She shouldn't have ever said that." Adora muttered.

 "Oh? What do you mean by that?"

 "I heal fast. Anything you do, besides cutting my arm off, will be gone in about 15 minutes."

 "You sound like you've tested this."

 "You get hurt jumping around the Fright Zone." Tigra admitted. "So, I want to make a deal."

 "...Alright, what would I gain from this?"

 "An outlet of using magic without worrying about crippling someone. Lord Hordak won't know about you injuring a Fright Zone citizen as there will be no proof if you control the recordings."

 "And you?"

 "Adora and Catra won't get hurt. No magical punishments. No injuring them. Their safety."

 "Do you think you need to protect them from me?" Shadow Weaver finally asked, towering over the little magicat kitten.

 "Adora? No. She's part of the deal so that you can't loophole in a strange way. Catra? Yes. You don't care about us. If I guess, you dislike or hate us."

 Shadow Weaver seemed to think about it before she held out a hand and red electricity sparked out from it, making Tigra stare at it in slight curiosity and hesitance.

 "I will agree to it, should you last half an hour through this."

 Tigra closed her eyes while clenching her jaw before opening her eyes with resoluteness clear in them.


 Red light flashed once more and the scene disappeared quickly after.

 "Shadow Weaver…she…" Adora could barely speak.

 "She's been torturing Tigra for over a decade ." Catra growled out. "I thought she was just intimidating and could make you disappear. I didn't think that she was like this completely."

 "We need to find Tigra." Adora focused. "These events…they must have been traumatic and she just re-lived all of those."

 Catra nodded before they looked around for any signs of her.

 Nothing except a large walkway with no railing to stop someone from falling down into the deep darkness over the edge.

 Except, for a rumble and a sudden crash.

 They looked in the direction to see a figure roll across the ground and come to a stop.

 "Tigra!" Both shouted, running forward.


 She groaned as she pushed herself up with her right arm before almost falling back down, if someone didn't catch her.

 She looked over and saw Catra looking over her with wide, frantic eyes.

 "How bad?"

 Tigra glanced at her HP.

HP: 127/2860 HPR: -50

Status: Magic Blocked, Bleeding - 7.5 HP/s, fractured right thigh [00:17:58] - DEX*0.8, fractured left arm [00:24:27] - DEX*0.75 and STR*0.8, Concussion [11:23:57] - INT*0.6

 "Neva…been…worsh." Tigra slurred out.

 Catra tightened her grip before placing her down and looked over to the side as Tigra's vision started turning black slightly.

 "Adora! We need…now!"

 Tigra could hear the sound of Adora likely fighting the last Spiderbot she had been fighting for the past few minutes.

 It had snuck in during the memory room and had managed to get a good hit in before she focused on dodging the rest of its attacks while taking a swipe when the opportunity appeared.

 This had been the worst fight Tigra had been in. Though, it could be tied with Bolt, seeing as he appeared to have been messing around with her if his speed at the end said anything.

 Though, she couldn't access her magic and had a fractured arm and leg, making her slower than she should be.

 Tigra groaned as she looked at her HP once more.

HP: 71/2860 HPR: -52

 Tigra groaned as her eyes started to slip shut.

 "Hey!" A voice seemed to yell at her. "You…eyes open!"


 She could barely speak, let alone try to keep her eyes open. It felt like someone had attached weights to her eyelids and didn't have the strength to lift them.

 "Adora! She's…worse! Get rid of that…"

 Tigra blanked out for a moment before a yell reached her.


 She barely cracked an eye open and could only make out a blurry shape fly over the edge of the ground and disappear.

HP: 7/2860

HP: 5/2860

HP: 3/2860

 Tigra's eyes closed once more.

HP: 1/2860

HP: 0/2860

Phoenix trait activated!

 Tigra's body suddenly bursts into royal red flames with a loud noise screeching through the air before taking the shape of an avian.

 Tigra's eyes snap open and she feels the fire around her. The dull heat that she had grown used to. The, once yellow but now red, flickering as it came off of her body. The strength that felt like she could take anything thrown against her.

 Fire that she should not have been able to make.

 Acting on instincts, she tried to focus it like magic to her wrists, right where she could feel the cuffs..

 The bird-like shape quickly shrunk before flying towards her wrists. The fire seemed to condense itself until it seemed to glow so white that it blinded everyone and anything with vision on her.

 Tigra dropped back on the ground with her eyes practically on fire.

 The royal fire quickly changed into yellow lightning except for her right hand.

 She zoomed forward and struck straight through the head of the spider.

10201 damage inflicted!

 Tigra stood over the broken body of the Spiderbot before her spells wore off and almost stumbled, if it wasn't for Catra catching her.

 "You idiot!" Catra exclaimed, hugging her tight. "I…I thought you died !"

 Tigra did not have it in her to tell her that she did.

 "Let's…get home." Tigra spoke gently. "I need to heal and we need to get that crystal to Entrapta."

 Catra let go of her after a few moments, which allowed Tigra to look around before growing confused.

 "Where's Adora? I know I heard you speaking to 'er?"

 Catra looked over at the ledge and Tigra's stomach dropped.

 "She flew over the edge?"

 "The robot landed a hit while she was fighting it. She went flying over the edge. It turned its attention towards us, just before you…did whatever that was."

 Catra looked at her, worry still prevalent. "What was that?"

 "A failsafe." Tigra kept it brief. "In case I ever get too injured, it would release all of the magic inside of me as a large burst of fire. I used it to melt the cuffs on my wrists and as such, I could use my magic fully again."

 Tigra winced before placing her right hand over her body.

 "Speaking of being able to use my magic…"

 Tigra began using Heal to boost her HPR to a positive 602 for the next 10 minutes since Phoenix boosts her stats by 25% for 10 minutes.

 Tigra released a breath as she could feel her body starting to fix itself quicker. Since Phoenix restored her HP to 75%, she focused Heal to fixing her injuries, such as her fractures, quicker than they would otherwise.

H2H gained 15000 EXP

H2H leveled up!

[H2H LV (1)54 (3913/10800) - Increases unarmed damage dealt by 216%]

Physical Resistance gained 1200 EXP

 Catra helped Tigra hubble along for a few minutes before her fractured thigh fixed itself with her arm being right behind.

 Her concussion would likely be fixed by the time they returned back to the Fright Zone.

 "Do you think Adora's alright?"

 Catra held in a scoff. "She'll be fine. She's this She-Ra, remember?"

 "Not always. She's also Adora, the person who thinks she needs to fix everything herself. She puts herself last."

 Catra hummed lightly before they found a way out of the structure and made their way back through the woods.

 Tigra laid her back against the main part of the skiff as Catra started it up, watching Tigra while her eyes were closed.



 "...We need to talk soon."

 "...That doesn't sound bad, at all."

 "You won't like it."


 Catra soon pointed the skiff in the direction of the Fright Zone and they sped off.

 Catra and Tigra walked into Entrapta's "holding room" when Scorpia noticed them.

 "Guys!" Scorpia started with a smile before it turned to worry. "What happened? You're all dirty and could maybe use some help." Scorpia spoke to Catra before looking at Tigra. "And your outfit is all bloody with holes in it! Do you need first aid?"

 Tigra held her head and groaned lightly.

 "Scorpia, inside voice please." Tigra pleaded. "I've got a massive headache right now."

 Entrapta sprung up in front of her face with a machine pointed at her.

 A few clicks went by with no one speaking, with a strange sense of awkwardness hanging in the air.

 "Concussion." Entrapta spoke after the clicking stopped. "Either you were lying to get out of the predicament, or you have not experienced a concussion before. I suggest that you take some time to rest. Anyways, how did it go? Did you find something?"

 Tigra waved Catra forward, keeping a glowing hand to her head.

 It appeared that, while she couldn't completely heal the concussion, she could treat the symptoms and reduce the pain as long as the spell continued running.

 Catra handed the crystal to Entrapta, who took it with a gasp.

 "An intact data crystal!? I've never seen one so perfectly well preserved! Who knows what secrets this could reveal!"

 "What did I tell you!" Scorpia laughed. "Catra's practically the best friend you could ask for."

 Tigra took that moment to leave the room and head to her room, until a hand landed on her elbow.

 "You look like you could use some company, even if it's only for some presence." Catra quietly told.

Tigra let a weak smile appear on her face.

"I'd appreciate that."

Relationship with Catra improved! 93 → 98 [Family]

Quest [Rediscovering the Past] Completed

Objective: Retrieve First One tech

Hidden Objective: Defeat 8 Spiderbots

Rewards: Horde may gain access to First One tech, Entrapta relationship improve [25 →47 Friends], 3000 EXP | 2 trait points

Leveled up!

Level 38 → Level 39

10 points into DEX

Trait: [Fueling the Fire] purchased.


[Fueling the Fire - Damage inflicted through Fire Magic is increased by 50%. Affected Spells: Fire Armor, Fireball, Flame Fists]

Tigra Age: 17

Level: 39 (780/7800)


HP: 2860 HPR: 286

MP: 1430 MPR: 400

SP: 1430 SPR: 286


STR: 45 DEX: 184

CON: 143 INT: 143

WIS: 100 CHA: 44


Magic Control: 75%

Attribute Points: 0

Skill Points: 4

Trait Points: 1



[H2H LV (1)54], [Run LV 68], [Dash LV 99]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 71], [Sneak LV 47]

[Phys. Res LV 37], [Ice Res. LV 47], [Light Res. LV 3], [Magic Res LV 4]

[Program. LV 2], [Security LV 2], [Hacking LV 9]




Flame, Fire, Heat, Fanning Flame, Fire Step, Spark, Charge, Neuron, Flake, Freeze, Chill



Flame Armor, Ice Armor, Lightning Armor, Haste, Flame Charge






Flame Fists, Fireball



[Night Vision], [Magical]

[Obsidian Claws - Increases unarmed claw attacks to do DEX*2 + STR/2 while being increased by H2H's bonus afterward]

[Huntress - Multiplies final DEX by 1.25 and multiplies EXP for Dash and Run by 3]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2] 

[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Iron Body - Decreases damage taken by 25% after resistances]

[Patient - MPR remains active at 5% while using spells continuously and in battle]

[Primal Instincts - You're aware when someone near wants to harm you]

[Quick - Multiplies final DEX by 1.15]

[Smart - Multiplies final INT by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Enhanced Regeneration - MP Regeneration is doubled]

[Healthy as a Horse - Stamina Regeneration is doubled]

[Pyromaniac - EXP for Fire Spells is doubled]

[Fireproof - You can't be hurt by fire through natural or unnatural means]

[Electric-proof - You can't be hurt by electricity through natural or unnatural means]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[Phoenix Fire - Due to being revived by Phoenix, your yellow flames have changed to crimson without losing any power]

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