I really wanted information about the timeline I am in to plan ahead. Some droids could just access planetary transceivers, but civilians used a bracelet with holo function. As I am now living in a droid workshop it wasn't a big deal for Te'su to let me learn more about the module by learning with it.
With that I learned I arrived 10 years before the blockade of Naboo.
Prequel has a good environment for my growth in both aspects as a lot of droids and starships are produced, but the nearing war made me a little restless. It stressed me a lot at the beginning, but I tried to calm down.
With the money I got from Jaina I first go to Saq to pay the money I owed him and bought a few more clothes from him.
Then I accompanied Te'su to a small junkyard on the lower levels of the suburbs.
I wanted to practice my gained knowledge without the fear to break expensive stuff, that others wanted to earn money with. Especially the family that gave me a roof above my head.
So I bought a few motherboards, an old P2 unit and a bunch of small things I need, like cables, new wheels and electronic devices. I spent nearly 700 credits. The P2-unit was the most expensive, but a new one would cost 2.500 credits, so I saw it as investing in the future.
Te'su would let me use his tools, but said some things should only be used under supervision as he didn't want me to hurt myself.
I promised him to ask him if needed and began to craft.
The P2 was a forerunner of the new R-series. The biggest difference was its size which was more than double of its replacement with 2,2 meters.
So my first action was to get a ladder as I was to short to open its mainframe.
I worked mostly after closing time and learned a lot from my early mistakes.
It wasn't that different from assembling robots from earth, but the components were far more evolved. Those allowed a bigger storage on the memory chips, so more commands for a smoother work could be inscribed. The structure of the programming wasn't that great in comparison. Even after one month, I had a few ideas to improve the compactness with blocks, which would allow even more commands.
Using another programming language from earth would also improve security, as it was harder to hack into.
But that would be a lot of work and I was still in the beginning of understanding the assembling process.
So after two weeks I repaired the P2-unit to a satisfying degree. Now as J didn't had a use for it at the moment and could get a better astromech in the future, I decided to sell it. If I wanted to sell it myself, I needed a license, but Te'su was so friendly to give me a top spot at the front window to advertise it and would sell it for me. As it was sold a few days later for 1.500 credits, I wanted to give him a share, but he denied and said my very first droid was my work and my gain.
"But I'll take a future fee of 5%, how does that sound?"
"10% as I am also using your tools."
Normally haggling would look the opposite, but the family gave me a new home and I grew closer in the last couple of weeks, so I stated a fair prize.
"Sure, but in return I give you a discount on my parts.", he smiled.
"Deal.", I saymirk with him and in that moment even though he was of a different race, I felt like a boy building with his father in the basement.
My family back on earth didn't spent much time with me. That is a big reason why I didn't have a problem to go to MIT and research on holidays. I still had weekends with friends sometimes, but I wouldn't call my childhood a lovely one. I couldn't say why, but now I felt more appreciated than on earth.
Getting in this universe is really a gift for me.