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Haikyuu!! God of the Court. Haikyuu!! God of the Court. original

Haikyuu!! God of the Court.

Penulis: Asura_7uh

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter 1 : Tragedy

At the Morioka National Hospital.

"The kid's bleeding so much how could this happen?" Warden said as he was accompanying a kid on stretcher

"I-I don't know he fe-fell from the roof at the school" said an old guy with panic

That person was Coach of Karasuno High Ikkei Ukai as he was dragging the stretcher with the Warden.

After a while as kid's Parents got there and got filled in about the 'Accident', they were crying as they looked at the kid through glass window as they were trying to calm his mother the Door opened and the Doctor walked out of the room 

As they noticed the door Parents and Coach rushed towards Doctor

"H-How is he Doc?" 

"He is alright, Right?"

"Can we see him?"

As the series of question started Doctor with calm face 

"His left leg seem fractured towards he's knee joint and the wound towards his left hand are not that bad as his leg is but the worst part is that he is in coma"

As he completed his sentence an individual who is same age as Mr. & Mrs. Udai, wearing a brown formal coat came and stood next to doctor 

"Hi I'm Owner of this Hospital Shinto Jinja, You have my condolence for your son"

As they heard his words which fell on deaf ears as they were shocked as what the Doctor told them they went in the room as Mrs. Udai held palm of her kid, their face darkned as they looked at the Kid Tears were falling from Mr. & Mrs. Udai and coach.




"Good Afternoon everyone on today's news flash is about a High Schooler Third Year of Karasuno High Named Tenma Udai who known as Tiny Giant has gone through accident as he fell of the roof of karasuno high and coach of Karasuno Ikkei Ukai only said that he has gone into coma and some major injuries on his leg after all that most we can say is that his days as Volleyball Player are over ,at this point we can only hope for his recovery. As the Next news about a middle schooler who scored Top in AIEED Scholarship Apptitude Test Entrance Exam . . . . . . . . . . . . .  "As Watching Towards the screen a Orange Haired Kid seem shocked at those words as he just heard about his inspiration someone he look up to and wanna be like is in such state he went to bed but couldn't sleep But his determination to become the next Tiny Giant didn't Waver as he squeezed the pillow tightly and went to sleep


As 3 Years Passed and orange haired kid known as Shoyo Hinata played his first match against Kitagawa Daichi which he lost one-sidedly and met Tobio Kageyama and he swore to defeat him.

After a year passed and he got into karasuno high as he ran towards the volleyball gym to see the court Tiny Giant played he jumped with exitment towards front entrance and saw a tall white-haired figure, with his bag in his hands just staring at the court as he entered with his majestic jump white-haired one noticed and turn towards him, Hinata recognized as they are inn same class and he stood out with his white-hair well same goes for himself with his orange hair.

''Hi I'm Shoyo Hinata, Nice to  " As Hinata was about complete his talk a black-hared kid with height around 5'11'' entered gymnasium as shoyo turned towards him he immediately recognized and shouted 

"Ehhh Wh-What are YOU doing here"Hinata with his surprised expression said

That was Tobio Kageyama the one hinata lost one-sidedly as knows as King of the Court

After Fixing his face expression as he knew he was making a weird face he looked at kagemaya

"Yo-you may have forgotten me but i played a mat  "  Tobio cutting between his conversation said 

"I Know you though i don't remember your name" kageyama said with frown on his face

Hinata was in deep thought 'If this guy has joined in karasuno where i joined means i have to play with him in the team and that i won't get play against him' 

while thinking all that the while-haired individual was about leave from the back exit but stopped and looked behind as three student's entered gymnasium from same entrance as hinata and kageyama did the one on the right side was a average in height with slender build he has slightly thick eyebrows, light hair with gentle smile on his face, As on the Left side was a Shaved headed with average height with a scary face staring at the first years, And finally the last one in the middle with short dark hair and dark brown eyes he is not particularly tall among others but he seemed big up close he had gentle smile on as he looked at them

"Oh didn't expect to see firs-years on court right after the classes ended" right side standing  guy said with a smile

"I'm Koshi Sugawara, Third-Year and Setter for the team, It's nice to meet you" Sugawara said with a gentle smile

"Hey Hey Hey, are you first-years causing trouble here huh" Shaved headed dude said as walking  towards Shoyo and Kageyama

"Stop with that Delinquent face Tanaka" Said the black haired guy as pull him towards him with back of tanaka's collar

"Please excuse him he is Ryunosuke tanaka Second-Year, and i'm Daichi Sawamura Third-Year and captain of karasuno Volleyball Team"

As they completed their Introductions Hinata and kageyama did the same and those three noticed the white-haired kid at back entrance leaving

"Hey, are you gonna leave without introducing yourself, aren't you here to join the club" Sawamura said as he waved his hand to stop him

White-Haired kid stopped his steps and looked back

"I'm Izumi Saburo First-Year, As for the club I Haven't decided yet" Said with a calm gaze

"Oi Oi Speak respecfully towards your senpai" Tanaka said as he couldn't contain himself as he thought to himself 'He looks like those calm and cool dudes i have to protect Kiyoko from this guy, better put him in his place right now'

"Daichi is Team's Captain you know" 

"Well Yeah, He just introduced himself" Izumi said 

To tanaka that sounded like calling him dumb but before he could say anything daichi put his hand on tanaka's head 

"Stop with that face tanaka"

"And Izumi if you haven't decided yet which means you are considering it right so you can stay for now and if you decided you can meet me or suga here to fill application form" daichi said with gentle smile to which izumi just nodded and left which iritated tanaka but couldn't say anything as he was being overpowered by daichi,

"Hey, you are from kitagawa high right i watched you play before" said sugawara as looking at kageyama which got their attention

(A/N Then stuff went same as canon with a duel of hinata and kageyama which blow off Vice-Principle's Wig and got kicked out of the gymnasium then they challenge them for a match which got  them a 3v3 match to play on monday to get their termination off with 2 more first years and daichi himself and forthe third member of hinata and kageyama's team he told them to wait for a while)

At the teacher's staff room a techer wearing a green track jacket over his white shirt he is same height as hinata making him look younger than he actually is he has messy black hair and wears glass he is Ittetsu Takeda

"Takeda-Sensei these are the application forms submiited for volleyball club this year" said a girl standing next to his seat handing him the papers

"Thank you, Kiyoko" Takeda said as he looked at the beautiful girl who stands above average height, She has shoulder length raven black hair that she tucks one portion behind her left ear and wears a thin framed glasses with baby pink rims and bridge 

As takeda look through the list of applicants he had a saddened expression which kiyoko catched on

"Is something that matters sir" said with worry in her voice to which takeda just sighed 

"I have to make a call, you can leave now" To which kiyoko obeyed and left the staff room

"I think he isn't planning on playing anyomore" said takeda on phone with worried face

"Don't worry he love's volleyball he just needs time" said an old man with to reassure takeda on phone

"I'm worried Ukai-san" 

"Me too, if you meet him tell him to reach me"

"Yeah, i will"

At the hospital room an Ex-Coach of karasuno Ikkei Ukai had worried expression as putting down his phone he planned lie down as the door of his room opened and a dyed blode haired which were combed with headband, he also had 2 piercings on his left ear he had a fruit basket in his hands

"What's with that look old man are you hangry" Keishin Ukai his son said with a smile while showing his father basket

His father just turned his towards the window watching his father behaviour as he expected his father to nagg him about something got worried

"He didn't join did he?" said Jr. Ukai as he was certain what got his father so worried as to his question old man just shook his head to which he just felt sad


As the next day arise at karasuno high takeda who teaches japanese literature entered a classroom and looked over his class and notices a orange-haired kid with smile on his face and a white-haired kid with a emotionless face as they stood out the most in this class appeance wise atleast, Though Takeda keep staring at white-haired as he was asked 

"Are you Izumi Saburo?" His eyes had hope in them

As he had gentle smile on his as he saw him giving him a nod as stood from his place assuming he had some notice for him

"We-well It's nice seeing you all you can sit down izumi, you are not in any trouble i was just curious hehe" He smiled brightly to which whole classes attention got towards izumi including Hinata and Kageyama, Though didn't seem bothered by their gazes

'Who is he? He was at the gymnasium yesterday, i wonder if he joined the club yet?' Thought Hinata as he gazed towards izumi





Asura_7uh Asura_7uh

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