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93.87% Uchiha With the Nine Tails / Chapter 43: Tsunade's Fear

Bab 43: Tsunade's Fear

Around the time Enkai and his team were transforming Ancor Vantian, something else was unfolding in another part of the world.

In a vast Japanese traditional mansion, Tsunade lay in a restless slumber, her peaceful facade marred by the aftermath of her gambling spree last night. The scent of alcohol permeated through the air, emphasizing Tsunade's Lifestyle.

However, the tranquility was shattered by an ear-piercing scream that cut through the silence, causing Tsunade's serene expression to twitch with annoyance. 

The urgent footsteps grew louder, and louder; heralding the arrival of her faithful assistant, Shizune. With haste, the sliding door was thrown open, revealing Shizune's wide-eyed expression.

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune's voice trembled as she grasped Tsunade's arms, desperately attempting to rouse her from her slumber. Tsunade, still half-lulled by sleep, yawned and stretched lazily, her eyes squinting in the morning light.

"What is it, Shizune? Has someone come for a gambling challenge?" Tsunade inquired, her tone drowsy yet tinged with irritation.

"No, Lady Tsunade. There is a creep in the courtyard! He said things like 'Take care of me, Young Lady' with a creepy face!" Shizune's voice, tinged with unease, pierced the fog of Tsunade's mind. Her eyes widened with alarm as she described the intruder's unsettling words.

"What! Who dared to barge in like that?!" Tsunade's fury ignited like a fierce blaze within her. Her fists clenched with righteous anger, and without a moment's hesitation, she followed Shizune's lead, her steps heavy as she seemed ready to breathe fire of fury.

However, the moment Tsunade stepped into her courtyard, she was met with a sight that defied her expectations. 

Sprawled face-first on the ground was a man of imposing stature, standing tall at six foot three inches. His sheer size made him loom over regular people, instilling an innate sense of intimidation. 

His long, jagged hair framed his face, adding an aura of mystery to his already enigmatic presence. Beside him stood TonTon, her loyal ninja pig, ever vigilant in his guard.

Despite the man's face being buried in the grass, Tsunade felt a connection to him instantly. 

It wasn't his physical attributes that made him stand out; it was the barely visible yet, distinctive markings on his face. The familiarity struck a chord within her, stirring a mix of emotions – nostalgia, concern, and a hint of dread. 

Recognition flickered in Tsunade's eyes as she muttered her old teammate's name, "Jiraiya..." Concern etched lines on her features as she approached him. With practiced efficiency, she attempted to turn him over, but her efforts were met with resistance. A frown tugged at her brows when she realized he was clutching his shoulder through the layers of his clothes.

As Tsunade peeled back the bandages that enshrouded Jiraiya's form, her eyes widened in horror. The fabric, once pristine, now oozed a sinister blueish goo, accompanied by a putrid stench that invaded her senses, along with something else. Her breath hitched as her gaze fell upon the source of her alarm – blood seeping through the bandages, staining them crimson.

Tsunade's heart raced as her eyes locked onto the crimson stain seeping through Jiraiya's bandages. The sight of blood, once a familiar companion in her life as a ninja, had now become an unwelcome reminder of her past losses. 

The raw terror of that moment gripped her, squeezing the air from her lungs and making her voice tremble as she called out for Shizune.

"S-Shizune!" The name escaped her lips in a breathless, panicked cry. She recoiled in fright, her steps faltering, her own body betraying her warrior's facade. In that split second, the weight of the world seemed to close in on her, and the air grew heavy with the weight of her fears.

"Shizune, take him inside! Treat him!" Her voice, though shaky, held a desperate command. Tsunade turned away abruptly, seeking refuge from the haunting sight that had rattled her to the core. With hurried steps, she retreated into the sanctuary of her mansion, the echo of her footfalls a drumbeat of distress.

Once inside, Tsunade's mind became a tempest of conflicting emotions. Seeing Jiraiya had stirred a whirlwind of feelings within her – happiness at the sight of her old comrade, tempered by the bitter memories he carried with him. 

The laughter they once shared, the camaraderie they had known, was now overshadowed by the specter of her lost lover, Dan.

She wandered back to her living room, her sanctuary within a sanctuary, her hands trembling as she reached for the familiar bottles that lined the shelves. 

The cool glass was a balm against her fevered skin, but the alcohol couldn't numb the ache in her heart. Each drop that touched her lips was a futile attempt to drown the memories, to silence the ghosts of the past.

As she took another swig, the burn of the liquid seemed to sear away the pain, if only for a moment. She closed her eyes, allowing the intoxication to wash over her, dulling the sharp edges of her emotions. 

Yet, in the midst of her escape, a bitter truth lingered – she couldn't outrun her past, no matter how much she tried to drown it in alcohol. The room blurred around her, and she sank deeper into the numbness, seeking solace in the oblivion the alcohol offered.

Amidst the intoxicating haze that engulfed Tsunade, in another room of her mansion, Shizune worked tirelessly.

Her hands moving with the precision born of years of training. The quiet determination in her eyes contrasted sharply with the chaos that brewed outside her medical sanctum.

Inside their rented mansion, Shizune's skilled hands unwrapped the bandages encasing Jiraiya's deteriorating body. The sight that met her eyes was nothing short of a medical mystery – muscles and fat tissues liquefying, rotting away within him as blood ran through them. Each revelation deepened the furrow in her brow, a testament to the gravity of Jiraiya's condition.

Her mind raced through her extensive knowledge, trying to grasp the nature of this affliction. 

She considered diseases, curses, and every medical anomaly she had ever encountered, yet nothing matched the horrific degradation consuming Jiraiya from within. The frustration of her inability to diagnose his condition mounted with each passing moment.

Hours slipped away in the meticulous examination, every attempt to unravel the mystery met with a dead end. Shizune's shoulders sagged under the weight of her helplessness. With a heavy sigh, she conceded defeat. Jiraiya's ailment surpassed her expertise, leaving her no choice but to seek Tsunade's guidance.

Shizune rose from her crouched position, cradling TonTon in her arms; she made her way to Tsunade's room. 

Shizune, steadying her nerves, entered Tsunade's room, TonTon nestled in her arms, her small frame a comfort against the looming tension. 

The door slid open, releasing a flood of acrid fumes that assaulted her senses. For a moment, dizziness washed over her, but she steeled herself against it, refusing to succumb to the intoxicating atmosphere that hung in the air.

Tsunade's room was a stark contrast to the grandeur one might expect from the Senju Princess's residence. Instead, it exuded an air of neglect, darkness shrouding every corner. 

The feeble glow of the corridor light barely penetrated the gloom, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Scant furniture adorned the space, a low table the sole occupant, the room seemingly frozen in time.

Despite their nomadic lifestyle, their current dwelling, like many before it, was a rented abode, each new residence varying in décor from the last. And yet, it was the eerie consistency of Tsunade's choice that struck a chord within her.

Amidst the dimness, the true focal point became evident – stacks of sake bottles cluttered the room, a testament to Tsunade's coping mechanism. 

Their labels whispered tales of their high quality, a dangerous elixir according to any medic ninja. Shizune's gaze fell upon the alcohol with a mix of concern and sorrow, knowing all too well the demons her mentor battled within.

"Oh, Shizune, you're here," Tsunade's voice cut through the silence, the weariness in her tone belying her youthful appearance. Her hunched back added an air of fragility to her form, a stark contrast to the fierce warrior she once was. "Come, have a seat."

Shizune obeyed, settling on the opposite side of the table, her eyes meeting Tsunade's despite the haze of alcohol that clouded them. 

Tsunade, in her intoxicated state, poured another glass of the potent liquid, her movements surprisingly steady. She handed the glass to Shizune before refilling her own, a serene smile gracing her lips.

"Shizune, you look so stiff, relax and have a drink," Tsunade's words, though slurred, held a genuine kindness. The invitation was laced with a longing for companionship, a fleeting attempt to drown the sorrows that haunted them both.

Shizune hesitated for a moment, her gaze flickering between the glass and Tsunade's weary eyes. With a sigh, she accepted the drink, her fingers tightening around the glass. 

The bitter liquid burned its way down her throat, a sharp reminder of the world they inhabited – one where pain and solace intertwined in a delicate dance.

After a few moments of silent drinking, Shizune was about to say something, but then her eyes sharpened with a sudden realization. "Lady Tsunade," she began, her voice catching slightly. "You're not going to ask about Jiraiya?"

Tsunade's fingers tightened around her own glass, her knuckles turning white. The casual facade she wore cracked, revealing the worry that lingered beneath her eyes. "Isn't he fine after You treated him~?" she said, attempting nonchalance, though her voice trembled ever so slightly.

Shizune's eyes narrowed, suspicion clouding her gaze. "Are you... avoiding talking about him for some reason?" she probed, sensing the unease in Tsunade's tone.

"No, What are you talking about?" Tsunade responded, her voice sharp as a shuriken. "Fine, tell me what's his condition?" She forced a kind smile under her pupil's gaze.

Shizune's voice quivered with concern. "Lady Tsunade, I couldn't heal him. He's been inflicted with some form of poison I've never seen before, and it's killing him from inside," she confessed, her words heavy with the weight of their helplessness.

Tsunade's grip on her glass faltered for a moment, her hands shaking imperceptibly. "Is that so?" she whispered, her eyes wide with a mix of dread, familiarity and disbelief. 

She forced herself to pour another glass of saké, her hands trembling as she did so. The liquid spilled slightly, staining the table like a dark omen.

"Then inform Konoha," Tsunade ordered, her voice cracking under the pressure of the situation. "Tell them that Jiraiya is injured."

Shizune's voice quivered with urgency, her desperation evident in her eyes. "Lady Tsunade, Jiraiya's condition is dire. I don't think anyone in Konoha can save him!"

Tsunade made eye contact with Shizune, her expression stern and unyielding. "That's Konoha's problem. We have nothing to do with it."

"But-" Shizune's plea was swiftly cut off by Tsunade's firm tone. "No buts," Tsunade's voice was resolute, shutting down any room for argument.

After a heavy silence passed between them, Tsunade poured another drink, the liquid cascading into the glass with a hollow sound. "Also, Shizune, pack our bags. We will pay for this mansion for the next few weeks so they don't kick out Jiraiya, and leave tomorrow after you're done sending that message to Konoha."

Shizune remained silent, her eyes locked on Tsunade, waiting for a sign of empathy or understanding. "Shizune?" Tsunade's inquiry hung in the air, unanswered.

"At first, I thought I was overthinking, but you really are avoiding Jiraiya," Shizune's voice wavered, her frustration bubbling to the surface. She watched as Tsunade aggressively downed her cup of sake, trying to drown out the truth.

Ignoring her master's dismissive demeanor, Shizune slammed her hand lightly onto the desk, hoping to break through Tsunade's emotional barricade. "Jiraiya will die in less than a week, Lady Tsunade!"

"What do you want me to do about it!? I can't heal him! I can't stand blood!" Tsunade's outburst reverberated through the room. In her anger, she clenched her right hand into a fist, shattering the cup she held into dust.

"Heii!" Tsunade's unexpected outburst greatly startled Shizune. She shivered and clutched Tonton tightly in her arms, seeking solace in the comforting presence of her pet.

The next moment, the realisation of her emotional outburst hit her, widening her eye in shock. "I am sorry, Shizune. I didn't mean to startle you like that," she said, her anger now directed inward for her loss of control.

Shizune nodded quietly, her expression a mix of understanding and determination. With Tonton still cradled in her arms, she turned to leave the room. Just as she was about to walk away, Tsunade's voice reached her ears, softer now, laden with a heavy burden of guilt.

"That's Orochimaru's poison. It's a unique poison he learned from his summons. I am probably the only person in the world who can cure that," Tsunade confessed, her voice fragile with the weight of the truth.

Shizune looked down, her heart heavy with the knowledge that Jiraiya's fate rested solely in her crippled master's hands. 

"You can stop the spreading of the poison by applying the special ointment you make with saké. It might look like it's not working but it is. You just can't see it," Tsunade continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "Do that, and don't come in here for a while. I... I need some time to think."

Shizune, hearing her mentor's instructions, felt a glimmer of hope. A small smile bloomed on her face as she replied, "Y-Yes, Lady Tsunade!" With newfound determination, she closed the door behind her and ran off, carrying the weight of her master's friend's life on her shoulders.

As Shizune's footsteps faded away, Tsunade's lips curved into a bittersweet smile, a mixture of pride and concern etched on her face. 

"This brat…" she muttered under her breath, her voice barely audible. Her expression then shifted, settling into a heavy frown, her gaze involuntarily falling onto the necklace that adorned her neck.

The necklace was a relic, a precious heirloom passed down from her grandfather, the esteemed First Hokage, Hashirama Senju. 

It possessed a unique power – the ability to respond to anyone with Hashirama's chakra, enhancing their abilities manifold. After Hashirama, Tsunade was the one chosen to inherit it, a responsibility she both cherished and resented.

For it was also a cursed relic, a haunting reminder of her past decisions. 

Throughout her life, she had entrusted it to two of her closest companions – her brother and her lover, both of whom had met tragic ends. 

The weight of their loss bore down on Tsunade, haunting her with guilt and trauma. Ultimately manifesting as her fear for blood – a crippling handicap for any medic ninja, let alone the world's greatest.

Now, faced with the possibility of losing another dear friend, Tsunade found herself at a crossroads, torn between confronting her past guilt and the even greater guilt of potentially failing to save Jiraiya.

The dilemma carved a painful furrow into her soul, an unspoken torment that gnawed at her resolve.

"Damn it! If only Shizune were a few years more experienced!" Tsunade's voice carried a mix of frustration and regret as she poured herself another drink, the liquid amber cascading into the glass. The alcohol, potent enough to make even the bravest falter, seemed ineffective against Tsunade's turmoil.

She sat there in the quiet room, the weight of her decisions and the fate of her friend pressing down on her shoulders like an unbearable burden. 

With each sip, she delved into her thoughts, contemplating life, loss, and the choices that had brought her to this moment. 

The minutes stretched into hours, and as the first light of dawn pierced through the morning mist, Tsunade remained lost in her contemplation, seeking solace in the quietude of the moment while grappling with the enormity of her choices.

Then the door separating Tsunade from the outside world slid open, revealing Shizune, who entered carrying a tray of honey tea, snacks and a smile, TonTon trotting faithfully beside her. 

Shizune wore a warm smile as she greeted her mentor. "Good morning, Lady Tsunade. Did you sleep well?"

"No," Tsunade grumbled, her voice carrying the weariness of a sleepless night. "Just give me some tea."

Shizune obeyed, pouring the tea from the kettle. The liquid swirled in the cup like an eddy before settling, releasing a fragrant aroma that filled the room. 

Tsunade's eyes met the steaming hot tea, and she cradled the cup gently before taking a thoughtful sip.

As Tsunade savored her tea, Shizune sat nearby, fidgeting with anticipation. It had been a day since Tsunade had requested time to think, and Shizune's patience was wearing thin. 

Although she had little personal affection for Jiraiya, she understood the deep bond he shared with her master, and she knew one thing for certain;

His death, while being so close to Tsunade, would shatter her mentor irreparably.

After a moment of hesitation, Shizune mustered the courage to speak. "L-Lady Tsunade," she began, but Tsunade cut her off before she could continue.

"Shizune," Tsunade said, her voice carrying a sense of purpose. Shizune looked up, her eyes filled with anticipation and wariness.

"Prepare for an operation," Tsunade declared, her tone confident. A beautiful smile graced her lips as she stood up, her eyes alight with determination.

"My pupil, today I will teach you how to cure someone from Orochimaru's Poison!" Tsunade announced, raising her thumbs up in a gesture of encouragement.

With a newfound determination, Shizune's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and relief. "Yes, Lady Tsunade!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. The heavy burden that had hung over the room seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of purpose and hope.

In that moment, Shizune wasn't just thrilled for the opportunity to learn; she was genuinely happy for her master.

Tsunade, a woman burdened by her past and haunted by guilt, had finally found the strength to confront her demons. The prospect of moving forward, of not being shackled by the weight of her history, filled Shizune's heart with joy. 

It was a chance for Tsunade to unburden herself, to heal not only Jiraiya but also the wounds that had long festered within her own soul.

As they finished their tea, Tsunade rose from her seat, determination etched in her features. With a nod to Shizune, she left the room, her steps purposeful, ready to wash away the lingering scent of alcohol from her clothes. Meanwhile, Shizune set to work, her hands steady and skilled as she prepared for Jiraiya's treatment.

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