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77.77% American Fox / Chapter 28: 28

Bab 28: 28


In his office Mr. House look over the new blueprints for Liberty Prime. The prototype is being held in an army base where it's going under repairs and being rebuild from the old designs. The tech heads from Quark have already implemented several upgrades to his systems, including an almost complete redesign of his limbs and arms which has replaced old liquid-feed hydraulic systems with electromagnetic actuators. And are giving him a new power system to replace the faulty one that kept him from being activated in the first place. They're using the weapons designs of their own robot Big Guy to arm Liberty Prime as well as giving him armor plating to protect his joints and parts that in the original design were exposed. 


The entire city of New Tronic seems to be how his world should have been. It's so advance in atomic technology, with it being able to blend with his world's technology so seamlessly. Mr. House hasn't felt this kind of spark in years as he works with the scientists of Quark in improving on robotic and atomic technology, combining their worlds and what Spookhouse has found over the years. His company's robots aren't true A.I.s but run using powerful logic engines, with the discovery of the synths and other advance robots. Robco would be able to create robots that are fully self-aware. 


The 2 most advance robots he knows about and has access to are Roll and DR5. Roll being built by a Dr. Light who created cognitive circuits that gives all the robots of her world their personalities. Then there's DR5 who is so advance thanks to belonging in a galaxy where the civilization that created DR5 has been around for thousands of years and all technologies have been refined and reworked in all of that time. Not to mention with so many different races all living together, allowed many new outlooks to the same product to be seen and improved upon that one pair of eyes didn't see. 


But that has lead to problems of their own, with the fully aware robots having the same rights as organic beings. As yes there are laws that cover robots who are self-aware but with new technologies always being invented what happens to the robots that when they're outdated no longer can work the job they were built to do. So Mr. House just set that all the robots his company builds for the mass market be limited A.I.s so that problem won't come up. Sure there are still special orders but the robots won't be fully aware so that once they're outdated it won't be hard to replace them. He is interested in how Dr. Slate of Quark created Rusty who thanks to his emotion grid is just like a organic being. Where Rusty's child like emotions and how he thinks is embraced so that as he learns and matures he'll grow up like any other child. 


Mr. House went back to the blueprints for Liberty Prime and look over the new weapon systems. Quark is using the technology taken from robots found that are called Sentinels. Atmo-Sphere generate a life-support bubble to keep up to six human-sized life forms. This allowed them to transport living beings through outer space. The bubble is tough, but not indestructible. Energy weapons built into its forearms giving Prime different blasts settings, including but not limited to plasma, electrons, stunners and heat, that could be shot from their palms. Prime is also armed with a disintegrator that only worked with inorganic matter. Jets built into the feet allowing Prime to fly. 


There is also the giant robot Megas XLR piloted by that Coop fellow but from what the engineers sent to reverse engineer it. None of them have any idea how it even suppose to work thanks to all the customization Coop has done to it. Not to mention the controls of the robot is so complex that the only one who has any hope in even piloting the robot is Coop. (1) 


Mr. House putting the blueprints away and check on his other files. What most interest him is the technology from the crash spaceship from the Warhammer 40k universe has given him new ideas. He has been upgrading his personal cryonic chamber he kept in his secret room. The model would still link the subject's brain and consciousness with an external interface, but with him not having to worry about a war that would turn the world into a wasteland he has time to work on it. His plan now is to upgrade the chamber till he's an old man and be able to extend his life with it. He is also looking into other modes of life extending technologies so that he won't be stuck with only one option. 


Of course all of that cost money so, Mr. House has been investing much in building Las Vegas into the gambling center of America. Which has already started thanks to all the dam workers building Boulder Dam and all the businesses that are opening up to support the workers. There are already other casinos being built to compete with Lucky 38, with the strip beginning to take form. His workers and the guests who were in the casino at the time have either stayed or went off on their own. Which the ones with the job skills in demanded were quickly gobbled up by people looking for those skills. 


Thanks to Cookie Corners, Sunset Sarsaparilla a root-beer-type carbonated beverage that became a common drink in Las Vegas has been showing up again. One of the ex-workers of the Sunset factory before they were replaced by a robot workforce was working at Lucky 38 as a sever. After everything happen and him knowing how to make Sunset Sarsaparilla got Cookie Corners to try selling the soft drink and it was selling. Which is why Mr. House had invested into the new soda company which is paying off for him, it never hurts to have more then one income even if his robots are selling faster then they can be made. 


Speaking of which Mr. House has been keeping a close eye on the goings on with those robot animals that have showed up. He even has some in his lab where they're being studied. Machines made by machines with them being used to terraform the land from lifeless to fertile. So far Deigo Norton's group has been traveling around gathering information from the old ruins that have also appeared since the event. Its been a month since they stop the A.I. HEPHAESTUS and freed the other A.I. CYAN in Yellowstone, stopping the super volcano from going off and more of the killer robots being made. (2) 


He is very interest in learning what happen to the world that the robots came from and how the humans of that world transformed into primitive tribes. There are hints and pieces of what happen to that world and he like others want to know. The giant metal devils as the tribes call them are proof something bad happen to that world as the ones that have been researched on showed that the devils are mobile factories. That can take in organic matter and convert it into food and materials to build smaller robots who unlike the animal ones are purely made to be weapons of war. Spookhouse already made sure that the metal devils they have control of can't be reactivated by taking apart all of the power generators inside of them, so that there's nothing to power them. (3)




Norton Movie Studios -


Charlie watch as Gilda Broscoe talk with several actors on the set for the new movie being filmed. She was a famous actress before the Great War in her world, which she survived by becoming a Robobrain along with the other vault residents who were all either rich or famous. She and Keith Mckinney a fellow actor have been hired by him to be acting coaches for his studio. From what Charlie heard the married couple in Vault 118 are now working for Mr. House and the owner of the vault is turning it back into a hotel. The painter Santiago Avida is back to painting where he's selling cat paintings under an alias so he'll be able to fund his real paintings which are a niche type of painting right now as not many people are into those kinds of art. 


"Charlie there you are," Parker said finding her boss. 


"What's the problem?" Charlie ask.


"Your sisters Penny and Peppermint called about the musical they want to film," Parker said. 


"Oh right the Undertale musical," Charlie said.


"And Penny wants to use the other younger Penny as Frisk," Parker said.


"Really?" Charlie ask.


"Penny wants to have young Penny play Frisk while she plays Chara. Who is the narrator, so that it explains why Flowey thinks Frisk is Chara," Parker explains.


"Tell them that I'll have the work crews to start building the stages and other stuff we need for the musical," Charlie said. 


"From what, I heard your sisters want to take time off from touring," Parker said. 


"It's the reason why they're doing the musical. So they can preform their greatest musicals as films and export those out while they take a vacation," Charlie said. 


"They have been preforming for years non-stop now," Parker said. 


"I been on tours with them and they mostly take a few months off before they take off for another tour," Charlie said. 


"Also what's the news on the Russian prince coming over to stay with your mom?" Parker ask. News came out about the overseas education as it's being called for the crown prince, which is just an excuse for him to get to know the youngest daughter of the Nortons, Vanellope. 


"He can use the force so he's coming here to learn under Jedi mom and Rose. And mom knows that this is just another getting a arrange marriage with us. But at least but Vanellope and the prince be able to get to know each other first, seeing that both of them are too young for that," Charlie explains. 


"Oh yes, there is also something else," Parker said as she flips through her notebook. "Julius Caesar is coming to the studio in about 2 weeks."


"Oh yes he's going to narrator the animated documentaries we're doing on Roman life," Charlie said. 


"Why animated?" Parker ask.


"It's cheaper and we can show more then doing it live action," Charlie said. 


"He really gotten use to living in this world quickly. While those Gauls are still backwater," Parker said. 


"Caesar is enjoying not having to rule Rome anymore or lead the army that came with him and or deal with the Gauls. He now a public figure who goes to colleges as a speaker and written books about his life. He doesn't care what people think of him as he didn't leave anything out in his books, as he is from a savage past with different morals," Charlie said. 


"You really learned alot from your mom didn't you," Parker said.


"While Sunset is the one who wants the throne, me being the second oldest. I'm the backup seeing how the rest of the family aren't able to do what needs to be done as the head of the family," Charlie said. 


"Tell me about it. I seen your paperwork on your desk," Parker said. 


"I have to read and review reports about all the different businesses my family owns to help Sunset out," Charlie said. 


"People really don't pay attention to the amount of work that needs to be done when you're rich," Parker said. 


"Well the ones who actually work for their money like my family does," Charlie said. 


"Didn't your mom taught all of you to be modest with your wealth?" Parker ask.


"She did, even with the amount of money that she earned by the time me and Sunset came along. We only dress fancy when it's for a event or something special like a wedding," Charlie said. 


"Speaking of which I heard about how your mom has 3 kids tagging along with her that's with Diego," Parker said. 


"My mom is sent them back home as she doesn't want them to endanger themselves, while she travels with Diego," Charlie said remembering what happen with Miko and how it devastated mom. 


"They're the kids in shows that go and tag along in something like a fire fight and only because its a show do they come out alright?" Parker ask.


"That's right," Charlie said.


"So they're part of the Norton family?" Parker ask.


"Mom is waiting to see how they get along with Lincoln and Vanellope, seeing how they're all around the same age range. Mom doesn't want to take in kids who just can't get along with the rest of her kids. There been some kids who just couldn't get along with the rest of us," Charlie said. 


"Really?" Parker ask.


"Some of them thought its perfectly fine for them to be big bully brother or sister or be little brats to me and the others. Which mom quickly kick them out after we told her what's happening. Those kids couldn't believe that mom wouldn't take their side and believe them over me and the others," Charlie said. 


"Really they acted like in one of those tv shows where no matter what the bully will always have the adults on their side and people will believe them over people they know for years?" Parker ask. (4)


"That's right they just thought they would be able to do as they did in this world. Like there was an Eric Cartman who mom picked up when we found him alone on a road where his town of Southpark would had been. We quickly kicked him out and left him to walk to the closest town," Charlie said. 


"Wait as in that show Southpark?" Parker ask.


"I don't have to tell you why we left him if you seen the show," Charlie said. 




San Francisco -


Lincoln once again woke up to the alarm going off. But this time he's not alone in his bedroom. He's now sharing his room with Tom a boy that one of his mom's copies picked up. Who is sleeping on the top bunk bed. His sister Tara and the other girl Jade are sleeping with Vanellope in her bedroom. He and Vanellope were surprised when their mom broke the news of the 3 kids that Trucker/Rancher mom had picked up, were coming to live with them.


Lincoln remembered how because Diego was already almost adult when he was adopted into the family, that he really didn't had to get along with the rest of his new siblings, seeing how all of them were adults. With only Diego being still a child at the time and still living with mom. Well there is still big sister Sunset but seeing how she'll be the next empress after mom, it's expected for her to stay with mom to learn from her before she's ready to take the crown. He was the youngest member of the family, that was until Vanellope came along. 


His older siblings told him how all of them had to learn to get along with each other and told him to get to know his new sister. They told him not to worry about getting a brat for a new sister or a bully as mom doesn't just sign the adoption papers till she's sure that her new child is fit to be part of the family. They told him stories about how some of the kids mom had brought in, just didn't get along with the rest of them. Some of them were just bullies to them and expected mom to just accept it. Or they let their new lifestyle go to their heads and start treating others badly. Mom does give those children chances to improve themselves but when they either inflict physical, verbal and psychological abuse to the other children, is when she draws the line. Mom quickly kicks those kids out the door and put them into a home out of state so that they wouldn't be anywhere near the family. 


Ginger told him about this one girl, Dee Dee who while nice, kept on breaking her stuff while running away from her when she tried to stop her. Dee Dee once stole, Ginger's money right out of her hands to buy something, and when Ginger asks why she did so, she tells her point-blank, "You're  so small and weak that I could!" Turns out that in, Dee Dee's world she had a little brother name, Dexter who is super smart and Ginger reminded her of him and so she started treating her like she did with him. Which made everyone realized how much of a cruel, destructive jerkass, Dee Dee really is. When she's wasn't completely destroying her brother's life's work, she at times openly belittles, insults, humiliates, and abuses him for shits and giggles. Which she told them all about it was laughing it all off as a joke. Dee Dee couldn't understand what she does is wrong from not respecting others privacy, not breaking things for fun. Not to mention that whenever she meets someone like her she finds them as intolerable and inconsiderate as others find her. And when Ginger gives her a taste of her own medicine by doing what Dee Dee does to her, she completely loses it and confronts her, while ignoring the fact that she regularly breaks into her lab in her room uninvited and destroys it without a care for Ginger's feelings.


Mom quickly put her into a mental ward to treat her and make her realized what harm she was doing to others that she sees as only having fun. That had Dee Dee being shock till she finally understood what the Barbie treating her was trying to make her understand. Barbie learned that Dee Dee's parents just never said no and let her do whatever she wanted and praise her while not caring about what happens to Dexter. Which made her into having the mindset that she can do what she wants and not care about others. So using shock treatment till Dee Dee was crying and begging for Barbie to stop, only to be shock again. When she's ask if it's ok for her to break things for fun, which she kept on saying yes too, till she finally got the message. Which now years later Dee Dee has been cured of her delusions and has made peace with Ginger but had lost her chance of being a Norton. As mom won't have anyone who makes other family members miserable in the family, as she only adopts children she isn't stuck with troublesome children because they're family and she has to put up with them. (5) (6)


Which Lincoln was thankful that Vanellope was a little sister that he likes being around, unlike his old sisters in his world. She like playing games with him and doing things that he likes, with her doing things that he likes as well. He was excited when he learned that she came from a videogame and she shared alot of things about her world to him. And he taught her about how to live in this world and having fun as a kid in it.


Now that there are 3 new family members both Lincoln and Vanellope did their best to make them feel welcome. Lincoln like having a brother his own age, as Charlie is already living on his own and Diego simply wasn't interested in what Lincoln likes but still did his best to be a good big brother till he moved out. The only one left living with them is Sunset who is a great big sister who doesn't threaten to beat him up or use the fact she's the oldest as a reason to boss him or Vanellope around. And she can use the force, which allows her to just grab him and Vanellope making them float in the air. Which their Jedi mom also uses when she needs them to come to her or going somewhere with them. Which makes it impossible for either him or Vanellope to lie to their mom as she can sense them lying. Mom did show them how to have a strong mind where they can't be mind tricked. 


"Time to get up Tom," Lincoln said as he gets out of bed. 


"Alright," Tom said as he climbs down from his bed. 


Lincoln and Vanellope get along with their new brother and sisters great. With them learning things from them, like the skills that Tom and Tara have learned from their world of Kids Next Door. Which Lincoln and Vanellope know about thanks to some DVDs about the show. Tom and Tara admit to work for the show's main villain Father but only because they need the money to survive. Both of them being masters of disguise and espionage taught their skills to their new family. Which doesn't work in this world that well, as the disguises they come up with doesn't work on adults in this world, well besides Dan that is. 


As for Jade they learn about her world which does have magic but very few people believe or can use it anymore. They know about her show as well thanks to some DVDs too. But because of how their mom found her, starved and all but skin and bones, she isn't like the Jade in the cartoon. She takes less risks and doesn't take the lead like she did before. But she still teach her new family the skills that she picked up and tried at using chi magic that she learned in her world. Which doesn't work in this world. 


After getting dress and watering their glow mushrooms, Tom and Lincoln got out of their room to join the others for breakfast. It was Saturday so there was no school but they did have plans. They're going to go to the movies and see what's playing and then go to the arcade. They met up with their sisters as the exited their room and ran down the stairs to the bottom floor. Where their mom was already there waiting for them.


Barbie looks towards her youngest children who were all excited to go out and have fun with their escort for today, Crimson who is taking her daughter Lauren with the group, and Robert. She enjoys these moments with a house full of children once again. It was like it was only yesterday that her oldest children were running down stairs to eat and then run out the door. She talked with the rest of her sisters and they all agreed that this be the last time they will take in children to raise as their own. They now have 10 children now but there have been so many others who could had been but just didn't make the cut. 


The saying of you can't choose who you are born to but you can choose who your family is, is what she did when choosing who her children be. Barbie had tried to help the hard luck cases but because of how violent some of them were, they couldn't join the family as she had to think of the safety of Sunset and the others. She had a hard time in helping Sunset getting over and dealing with the issues that her mother did to her in her world. Then with the issues Charlie had with him by being put down all the time in his world. She could only imagine what her father would had done if he was still alive. Hell she was a basket case when he found her and help her and her sisters to work together, by getting to know all of them. But some of the children just refused to change to fit into this world, and had to learn the hard way that things won't just happen for them in this one. Not to mention she didn't want to get too attach to those who were just reckless because of how they use to be able to drive right into danger and be ok. She still has nightmares of what happen to Miko when she found her. 


"You kids have everything ready for today" Barbie ask them as the kids dug into their plates of ham and eggs.


"Yes we're ready mom," Lincoln said with his mouth full.


"Don't talk when you're eating," Barbie said not that her kids ever seem to listen.


"Morning," Crimson said as she joins them at the table with her daughter Lauren, followed by Robert who likes to be called by his middle name of Bob. 


"You two ready?" Barbie ask looking at the adults. 


"We'll keep an eye on the kids," Bob said. 


"And we'll be taking some eyebots with us just to be sure," Crimson said who has gotten use to working with the new robot guards. She's like using the eyebots as them being able to fly allows them to keep up with just about everything. 


"Vanellope don't be hanging onto the eyebots again," Barbie said.


"Yes mom," Vanellope said.


"Good girl," Barbie said enjoying the quite moments of her being just a mom to her children. 


She has a busy day herself, even if she can summon her sisters to help her. She still has lots of things to do being the empress and all. So many people wanting to meet her and not just one of her sisters after coming who knows how far just to see her. And so many projects she has a hand in to help people, like the projects she has going on in Mexico to help the people there. Her father did say he's a protector of Mexico which now falls onto her by giving them aid and helping them raise the standards of living there. She knows how much work it is but looking at her children before her. It's her job as a parent to make the world better for them. 



Author's Notes -

1 - Megas XLR is the only show that justifies the giant robot can only be piloted by one person. Seeing how Coop has custom the controls and systems to the point where he's the only one who has any hope of even knowing what anything does. While other shows where no one can just learn like how to drive a car. Is dumb when you say it out loud for the reason why and how no one can just make a robot that can be used by anyone who learn how to use it. 


2 - Traveling around unlike in games or in fiction doesn't work in the group being able to get around to one place to another in a couple of hours. Which in real life can take days to months depending on where you are and if it can be traveled by car. Not to mention even then there is a limited supply of fuel one can take with them when there aren't gas stations around. 


3 - Alot of problems with killer machines being lock away and being turn on again. Could had been avoided if their power cells, generators or whatever were removed from them. As I don't care how powerful a robot is if there's nothing to power it. 


4 - The whole people believing the person they just met over someone they have known for years, and only believe when said new person shows they're bad. Or that people will keep on falling for anything the resident bad guy comes up with, no matter what. Would mean that the mind set of people in that world setting would be pretty dumb. 


5 - I never like the idiot cast member who is only there to cause trouble. Dee Dee was only in the show to cause trouble and it wears thin and gets old quickly. And it's only in the later seasons that she was ever called out for what she did. 


6 - There is a reason why children who are problems who waiting for someone to adopt them, aren't a child that a family wants and them being in the home till they're adults and are kick out. 


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