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69.44% American Fox / Chapter 25: 25

Bab 25: 25


Sunset has been busy as she acted as the diplomat between the United States and the kingdom of Sundom. She's been staying at Meridian the capital of the Carja tribe who are ruled by Sun-King Avad. Sunset had explained what happen to his kingdom and the surrounding lands being brought over to her world by an event, which also happen to her years ago. The event was the biggest yet to happen since the founding of Spookhouse, with just about every force user being able to feel it happening around the world. 


Sunset and Avad have been having meetings with people both from his kingdom and the United States. There's a lot of work to be done for the kingdom of Sundom to apart of the new world they found themselves in. The metal shards that they used as money couldn't be used anymore but they could be exchange for scrap metal and the robot animal's bodies do have alot of valuable metals of copper, silver, and gold. And the parts taken from the robot animals can also be used. She is also making deals with the merchants, nobles of Carja where her family's companies will be supplying them with goods and equipments. 


Roosevelt and Avad have been talking about how to handle having the kingdom to be integrated into the United States. With talks of being a reversion being thrown around. Or like how mom handled the issue with the native Americans land having been taken away, she simply brought the land rights and gave it to the tribes that were pushed out. With her being the owner of the land the tribes won't be taken advantage of by the Indian Department who's staff are known for stealing and selling supplies that were meant for the natives. The natives who live on the lands that are owned by the Norton's live better thanks to Barbie investing into their communities, building homes, utilities like power and water plants, creating jobs by building farms and factories. Which made the Norton family to be loved by the tribes.


Now Sunset is facing her own problems in having a region from other world with the natives of different tribes who live in a world with robot animals. Sunset could ask for help but she wants to show that she is able to handle things like her mother can. She has been preparing herself for this all of her life. None of her other siblings have been training themselves and pushing themselves like she has in taking over after their mom no longer is able to do what she does for one reason or another. 


And while Sunset is busy handling the politics side her sister Lila and Naruto have been learning about the culture and customs of the different tribes. The tribes being use to having to deal with people from different tribes were doing better then most in getting use to different cultures. Both of them and other Spookhouse agents have been doing what they can to get everyone settle down upon learning they're no longer in their world anymore. Not to mention having to deal with the robot animals that still attack people and the then there are the bandits who found easier prey to steal from, on the most part as many people are armed and the bandits mostly never seen a gun before. But they quickly figured it out as they have long range weapons that are like guns. With some stealing guns from one source or another.


Weapon smiths are looking over the weapons that the Carja are using and rearming them with more modern weapons. Which are basic small arms of 10mm pistols and combat rifles made from Mr. House's weapon factories. The soldiers are being trained to be able to use the guns, with the rifles being equipped with bayonets allowing the soldiers to still be able to use the skills they learned using their halberds. 


"Mr. House wants us to find any tech that can control the robot animals," Naruto said as he joins Sunset on the bed of the room he's been sharing with Sunset.


"The only thing I have seen so far are lures," Sunset said. She had just change into her night clothes which is just a shirt and shorts, instead of those clothes that her sister Lila somehow gotten a hold of that was too revealing and lacy for her taste. Just another thing on her sister's and her mom's list of things to do, to get her and Naruto together. "Besides that woman Diego picked up Aloy seems to have a way to control the robots."


"True but that controller needs her to make contact with the machine to control it," Naruto said.


"That Aloy seems to have gotten into many things while she's been wandering around. There that Oseram inventor from that settlement of Free Heap, Petra Forgewoman who made the Oseram Cannon that she showed off. Aloy had helped her and her village as well as several others," Sunset said. Seeing the weapon in action got her to put Petra into contact with arms companies that her family is connected to, so the cannon could be worked on and improved on. 


"You think she's a main character?" Naruto asked as that happens time to time. Someone appearing who in their world things just seemed to centered around them, which in this world doesn't work anymore. 


"A young woman who was found outside of a metal door and is seeking her who she is, with her connection to a woman from her ancient past. Yeah she has all the makings of one," Sunset said. 


"With Diego and his group finding her and being dragged along for the ride," Naruto said. 


"Not to mention Trucker/Rancher mom joining up with them and having picked up three more kids," Sunset said. Thinking of the many times that her mom had done this in the past, adding more members to the family.


"Looks like you're going to have 3 more younger siblings soon," Naruto said. 


"It happens," Sunset said. "Mom just finds us and takes us in, when we connect with her and not ruin things."


"How many kids could had been your little brother or sister but didn't?" Naruto asked. 


"Oh of the ones that, I have personally seen... I would guess about 20 or 50 of kids who could had been part of the family but for one reason or another didn't. And those are the ones that didn't get really close and just didn't had what made me and the others special to mom. Or just ruin things by not thinking ahead, like Lisa Simpson," Sunset said.


"You mean from the cartoon?" Naruto asked. 


"Yes and while she was nice she still acted like she did in the show. Being a soap box Sadie and got on everyone's nerves because of her always wanting to be special and have the moral high ground. Not even thinking about the situations that people are in like, her wanting to stop cows from being slaughtered even if it means the farmer will lose their farm and people starve. And unlike with her family me and mom didn't had to put up with her, we left her in a home that one of mom's copies ran and has grown up from what she use to be," Sunset said. 


"So were there anyone you and mom just left to fend for themselves?" Naruto asked. 


"That be Sam Manson who in her world was a Goth and a vegan. It was only me, Charlie and mom just after we were voted to be the royal family. We were going on a royal tour thanking the people for voting for us when Sam appeared. And after she found out that she wasn't in her world anymore and in the past one from her time. Mom tried to help her but she just ruin things by sticking to how she acted in her world. She only ate grass and dirt because she wanted to be special but because of the lack of iron pills and other supplements couldn't survive on that kind of diet. Which she shoved down everyone's throats along with everything else, with her taking great offense to anyone doing what she does to others, because while it's ok for her to do it it's wrong for anyone else. We left her after she ruined a event which she refused to take blame for, and she had to learn the hard way of how things run here without mom protecting her anymore. I have no idea what happen to her and don't want to," Sunset said. (1)


"You really didn't like her?" Naruto asked.


"Unlike how her world works, people didn't just bend backwards for her. I don't like people who are condescending and feel morally superior when imposing their point of view. With the mindset that everyone is obliged to take only their feelings into account when doing or saying something. That they shouldn't have to adapt to the world, it is the world that must change and mold itself to their needs only. The sheer idea that what she could get away with in her world, doesn't work in this one. Was just too alien of an idea for her to get. Well while she was with us that is and once we left her behind she had to deal with it herself. I think it finally dawned on her as we left her in the town with supplies and some money to survive on her own," Sunset said remembering the look on Sam's face on the review mirror of the RV as they drove away. 


"Never made a bond with either of you?" Naruto asked.


"Seeing how we're all adopted making a bond is the key thing to get mom to take you in. All Sam did was cause trouble at rallies by shoving the issues down people's throats which cause the rallies to fail or the issue forgotten because of what Sam got into motion. Not to mention how me and Sam just fought all the time that we were together. Unlike with other families where mom would had to just put up with it because we're her kids, and Sam was only with us for about a month before we had it with her. Not to mention she was 17 and I was about 8 or 9 at the time, it wasn't hard for mom to choose which one she'll be keeping. Especially when she caused the last rally she was told not to interfere with, cause the crowd to turn into a mob where police had to be called in and I got a black eye from the fight that broke out from between the two different groups. And the one thing that mom hates is when one of her kids are harmed because of someone's action and that, Sam refused to admit that her way of doing things isn't how to do things in this world especially for the culture of this world, unlike hers in her world's time. So mom just gave her some handouts before leaving her," Sunset said. 


"Not much point in taking her in and raising her like she did you and the others," Naruto said.


"She just refused to change her ways and thought she was always right, not to mention acting so high and mighty all the time that she was with us. She just thought of herself as the most important person in the room and that everyone should listen to her. That riot she started was a rally for better working conditions for slaughterhouse workers for both black and white workers, which Sam went on stage and began shouting about eating meat is murder and caused the tension that was already there to be lit," Sunset said. 


"Wait she's the one who started the slaughterhouse riot?" Naruto asked. 


"Yup she did and the final straw that cause mom to cut ties with her. I never understood how she thought that just because she was rich in her world, it still made her important in this world. I act like that but at least with how I hold myself up being high and mighty is because I actually do things instead of just shoving it in everyone's faces expecting them to just act as I want them to. Mom taught me how to be a ruler and meet in the middle instead of just wanting everything. Unlike the princess she never acted as a mentor who expected me to figure things out by myself and uses tricks. While Sam just acted as a spoiled rich woman child who only could lived the lifestyle she wants because of her rich parents making sure she wouldn't have to face the consequences for her actions," Sunset said. 


"Your mom is your mom and not a teacher," Naruto said. 


"Leaving my world was for the best. If I didn't I wouldn't had mom in my life or our family," Sunset said. 


"Reading about how I would had turned out to be if me and Kurama hadn't come to this world, makes me glad too. Having two godparents who only entered my life when I was almost done growing up which I would had cared for someone to be my family and parents who cared more about others then me. I would had to earn the love and respect of a village that never cared about me. I will never be that selfless hero doing everything to save people who only care because I'm the only one who can do anything important," Naruto said. 


"You exchanged that life with two deadbeat godparents for Teddy who has lived a life that's straight out of an adventure book in what he has done," Sunset said. 


"Yes he and his family took me in and I have been doing what I can to replay it. Unlike back in my world," Naruto said thinking of what he learned. "Even with me becoming the leader and having a family. I still ended up like my parents, not being much of a dad for the two kids that I would had have with Hinata."


"Well that girl only hides behind things and never talk to you till years later. I don't see why she ended up with you when she hardy interacted with you," Sunset said. 


"Yeah at least with us we have been interacting with each other for years and gotten to know each other," Naruto said.


"Yeah and thanks to a better diet you're much bigger then you are in the book. Not to mention more well adjusted then you would had been in your world," Sunset said. Naruto when she first saw him was when he was around her age at 9 when her mom took her to see the giant fox. There she met Naruto for the first time and they been seeing each other whenever they were in the same place. Her sisters have been telling her how Naruto is a hunk and that she should get him before someone else does. 


"Yeah you grown as well," Naruto said. Remembering when he first laid eyes on the orange skin girl all those years ago. Who has grown into a beautiful woman, with him hearing how she's a sex goddess from some of his fellow male coworkers. A perfect fit hourglass figure, with wide hips and a bust that made many women to become green with envy. 


"It's the reason why so many men are trying to woo me," Sunset said. She didn't like how often men would go and try to woo her, especially the ones who are much older then her. "But I do scare them off."


"You can crush things with your mind," Naruto said. 


"My telekinesis is much more powerful then it was back in ponyland," Sunset said who normally uses her powers for things like lifting heavy objects  for mom when they were traveling along and building materials when she was fixing their home. In fact she helps out in places that she visits by quickly lifting heavy objects that would had taken machines and much time to move. Many building projects she had helped in the many cities that she visits and with people waiting for her to show up when they know she'll be coming to their city to help save cost. 


"With how your family has talents or powers there been lots of nobles and royal families wanting to have members like you," Naruto said. 


"I heard of that already," Sunset said. "The Russian royal family is making big waves in how the crown prince while weak in body has force powers and being trained by Baba Yaga of all people."


"The jedis think she's a force witch. And from what we have discovered she has her own kingdom by the looks of things with advance technology and has many different races under her rule," Naruto said. 


"And now she's working with the Russian royal family and the crown prince is being sent here for oversea schooling. Which is just a excuse for him to be housed at the palace and be with Vanellope so that our two houses can be joined together," Sunset said. 


"Well people have been trying that sort of thing with you and all the older ones. Your mom is still being wooed to," Naruto said.


"Mom isn't that old and how all of her copies are in their primes, it isn't hard to figure out why she's still on the market," Sunset said. "With how powerful and rich my family is, all of us are being hit on by so many people, so many invites to royal events in other countries and nobles."


"Well you're not on the market seeing how you said that I'm yours," Naruto teased.


"Oh shut up," Sunset said as she lifted up all the pillows of the room with her mind to bury him underneath them. Then she froze as something struck her mind from the sheer force of the pressure. 


"Sunset?" Naruto asked worried. 


"No, no, no, "Sunset said as she knows what she felt for that split second. Something that only one of her mom's copies can use, who is from a grim dark future world. 




In Space -


The Adepta Sororitas, also known as the Sisters of Battle and formerly as the Daughters of the Emperor, are an all-female division of the Imperial Cult's ecclesiastical Adepta known as the Ecclesiarchy or, more formally, as the Adeptus Ministorum. The Sisterhood's Orders Militant serve as the Ecclesiarchy's military arm, mercilessly rooting out corruption and heresy within humanity and every organization of the Adeptus Terra. There is naturally some overlap between the duties of the Sisterhood and the Imperial Inquisition; for this reason, although the Inquisition and the Sisterhood remain entirely separate organizations, the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas also act as the Chamber Militant of the Inquisition's Ordo Hereticus.


The Adepta Sororitas and the Sisters of Battle are commonly regarded as the same organization, but the latter title technically refers only to the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas, the best-known part of the organization. The Sisterhood serves as the Ministorum's only official military force because the Decree Passive laid down by the reformist Ecclesiarch Sebastian Thor held that in the wake of the Age of Apostasy's Reign of Blood in the 36th Millennium, the Ecclesiarchy cannot maintain any "men under arms." This command was supposed to limit the power of the Ecclesiarchy by preventing it from maintaining the massive armies of the faithful Frateris Templar it once used to abuse its power from the 32nd to the 36th Millennia. However, the Adeptus Ministorum has been able to circumvent this decree by using the all-female military force of the Sisterhood's Orders Militant.


The chapter of Battle Sisters had been on board The Shield a Viper-class scout sloop. (2) Two Canoness Preceptors both leading 1,000 Battle Sisters each along with the ship's crew made up of members of their order who came from their home world of San Leor, were going to Terra to take part in an upcoming event. The final stand of Holy Terra against the Tyranids, a swarm bigger then any of the other swarms had appeared in the galaxy and devoured everything in its path. 


Smaller branches broke off taking care of anything that might stall the main branch from its target, Holy Terra itself. As for the sloop it's one of the handful of ships that escape the fall of San Leor and the Two Canoness had been several ranks down the line of command but with so many deaths, they suddenly found themselves the only ones left and were given their ranks by one of the few surviving leaders of their order. Both were young and their soldiers are mostly made up of young trainees and young girls who can barely hold up a bolter. They're all that's left, and all ships are being called back to Holy Terra as the swarm had broken through the last line of defense of the solar system. Everyone who could hold and fire a bolter were being called in to fight.


Both Canoness Preceptors, Tayson Right the eldest and Maria Quilt the younger of the two both stood on the bridge of the ship. All they could do as they traveled through the warp was to wait. Both had seen their soldiers and with most of them being young girls, their fighting strengths is more then half of what bodies they have to work with. That was if they even had the equipment and supplies to armed them that is. They don't have much fuel left either and once they make it to Holy Terra it be a one way trip. Other ships weren't so lucky as they simply were too damaged from battles or just ran out of fuel, trapping them in the warp. All they could do was pray to the emperor to guide them to him. 


"We're coming out of the warp," the captain said, who was nothing but a cargo ship captain before his ship was destroyed during the invasion of San Leor. And he and his surviving crew ended up being the crew of The Shield which was still in the repair bay when everyone who were left alive fled the planet. 


They came out of the warp above Holy Terra just in time to see the Tyranids swarm slammed right on top of the royal palace, where the emperor laid entombed on top of his golden throne. It didn't matter how many ships were firing everything they had even ships that still had weapons that could burn entire worlds, the soldiers manning and firing weapons both large and small on the planet's surface. The main branch of the Tyranid swarm lost millions in seconds as the human defenders threw everything and themselves at the billions and trillions and countless others that made up the swarm. It didn't matter as they swarm through it all and crash right on top of the palace, to kill the head of the Imperium of Man.


A scream rang out as the Navigator screamed as he like every other psykers felt a massive backlash as the light from the golden throne disappeared. Psykers all over the galaxy did from the massive shockwave from the death of the emperor of mankind. With ships still in the warp being trap inside as the light of the emperor disappeared leaving them either prey for what lives in the warp or them taking their chances coming out of the warp, either into unknown space, or inside planets or stars. 


Both Right and Quilt felt their hearts breaking seeing the death of their emperor before their eyes and before they could give out orders for them to join the hopeless battle to take out as many Tyranids as they could. A hole open in front of the still speeding ship and disappeared into it, totally going unnoticed as the remaining humans of the Sol system threw themselves at the swarm. 


The Shield appeared over the same planet but not the Holy Terra they just saw. Which they couldn't do much as the ship went out of control as it fell towards the planet below. Falling towards the middle of the United States. As for the event that sent the ship to the new universe they found themselves it. It allowed the psychic backlash from the Emperor to be felt long enough to make everyone aware of something big had happen for those who could feel it. (3)



Author's Notes -

1 - Never liked Sam and her only acting different to be special and how she has double standards for what she can do but her only two friends can't do. Sam is also from a world where Danny never became part ghost and where she never became friends with him. 


2 - Viper-class scout sloop

Hull: Raider

Class: Viper-class Scout Sloop.

Dimensions: Approximately 0.95 kilometers long, 0.25 kilometers abeam at fins.

Mass: Approximately 4.9 mega tonnes.

Crew: Approximately 7,500 crew.

Acceleration: - 6 gravities max sustainable acceleration.


3 - There is no warp or chaos in American Fox just like how there isn't any magic. The Chaos Gods if they appeared in American Fox would lose all of their powers and be mortals and once they're dead there is no coming back for them as there is no warp or anything for them to reform in and nothing like that.


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