Unduh Aplikasi
12.5% Dragon in Marvel / Chapter 6: Portals, Training and a Long Day, Part 1.

Bab 6: Portals, Training and a Long Day, Part 1.

It's early in the morning and I've been hit with a genius idea that almost became a regret. Here's what I'm thinking, Jean Grey is a telepath, which means she can control people with her mind among other perks, Jean Grey can use telekinesis, meaning that she can move things with her mind among other things, Doesn't this mean that she is only missing a lightsaber to be a Jedi? 

I'm not trying to reach out for nothing here, I know among the myriad of things I can do I can also be a jedi, but sadly I have no connection to a "force", my abilities are born from either my abnormal soul or the void "poisoning", don't get me wrong I'm better than a jedi, after all I can shine, but I lack a certain connection to a mysterious force to be a full fledge jedi, but... Jean Grey is connected to a mysterious force, the Phoenix FORCE, and about the lack of a lightsaber... HAHAHAHAHAHA... Not on my watch! Of course among the totally necessary various personal items that I developed in the void there are several "lightsabers", because if you call yourself a Pro-Isekaier you need a lightsaber/flaming sword.

I did have some trouble replicating the veracity of the lightsabers, specially the light part. I don't know how to make a kyber crystal, I'm pretty sure that those are not a thing in this multiverse, so in the end I got creative, my lightsabers are basically super condensed plasma contained in a energy field sabers, not a catchy name I know, they can cut through anything that melts at a lower temperature than 5778 K (10 000 F) the temperature at the surface of the Sun. Which means that in this universe unless the metal is magically enhanced my sabers can cut anything, sadly they produced no sound, you know no "vvvrrrrmm", and that CAN'T be, so I added some sound effects to them. HAHAHAHAHHA!... Well I will have to part with one or two of them to have my own padawan, but sacrifices must be made for my greater good. 

I better start my day, I have so much to do before 10am, for one I have no staff and I've been keeping up this mansion on my own with my TK, and that's okay but I want a young master type of life, I want my own super butler named either Alfred or Sebastian, I want some killer maids with overqualified skills. I got the mansion, the toys, the money, the power, the shine but I'm lacking the minions. But that is a problem all on it's own, I bet that if I start hiring I will get, 3 hydra agents, 2 shield agents, 5 black widows, because I will fall into temptation, 1 skrull, 2 demonesses, succubus of course... again because temptation, 1 vampire and Deadpool, somehow, so I don't want to try my luck, I could probably grow some androids, but I'm trying to keep my anthropomorphic tech back on Halo... WAIT! The Widows!... I could save them from General Dreykov and hire the ones that have no place to go, I bet they have some sort of maid/attendant training so that will save me the trouble of training them, I have details to figure out but that is a good plan as any. Lastly I'm lacking a Sebastian/Alfred, but Where can I find one? There's no Alfred Pennyworth on Marvel and Jarvis is already serving the Starks or possibly dead. I will also need a Head Maid, she's got to be deadly, overqualified, a few confirmed kills under her, preferably hot and hopefully with some powers/skills.

"Little Spark please check if Natasha/Natalia Romanoff/Romanova/Alianovna is active and if she is, since when."- After all I don't know if this is the MCU widow or the one that's been active since WWII.

"Acknowledged...: Natalia Romanova, current known alias, active since 1943, currently working as a freelancer."- So this is comic Widow... "Any relation or contracts with SHIELD or Nick Fury?"

"Acknowledged...: No direct relation, a few contracts in the past, none in the past decade."- That's good, I don't want to remove her from her Avenger's path and decrease even further the chances of this universe of making it out alive. I should be able to hire her to complete the training of the widows that will be stopped midway because of my early rescue, that will be an awkward conversation to have, but this is better than her finding out later on her own and accusing me of slavery putting at risk my day-to-day persona.

I still will need a head maid and a butler... mmmmmm... Yeah I can't save them without having someone to manage them, I was never good with kids... OOHHH!!!!! Yes! There's him! Bucky Barnes! I bet if I free him from the brainwashing I could get him on my good graces, sadly he is no Alfred, but that's okay is the representation of the role that matters. Two birds in one shot! I remove enough power from Hydra to hinder them, but not so much as to send them on the proverbial kamikaze path, and I get a butler, who, I might add, will have a metal arm. I have some spare metal prosthesis on Halo, because...just in case I needed them for reasons, that will be about 60 times better, that will be a nice sign-in bonus and I bet I can ask him for some help with the little windows' training. Okay I got my butler but I'm missing a head maid... There's Emma Frost, who can as well do some psychic scrying just to make sure that my staff is not thinking about betraying me, but I don't know what happened to her after her encounter with the X-Men...

"Little Spark, give me a quick profile for an Emma Frost, last known location, Cuba"- Normally this girl becomes a successful business woman but I don't know what happened after the clash with the government and the Hellfire Club.

"Acknowledged...: Emma Grace Frost, 54 years old, on the run from the United States of America and The Hellfire Club, last known location, California."

"The Hellfire Club? Who's leading it?"- That makes no sense, after Shaw's death she should have been able to absorb the rest of the club, well she and Selene Gallio.

"Acknowledged: Current leader is Sebastian Shaw."-What? How? That guy died... Unless he didn't... Is it resurrection? No who would even resurrect him? A clone? But then which one died? The original or the clone?

"Little Spark did Shaw had any contact with the Essex Clinic, before or after the encounter in Cuba?"- That deranged pale fucker is the only one that could have help him as far as I know.

"Yes Master Chief, according to my previous investigation, he should have been in contact with the Essex Clinic long before his apparent demise. The "new" Sebastian Shaw emerged less than a year after his death, chances of the first Shaw being a clone are about 77.97%. It's possible that the individual known as Nathaniel Essex, or one of his clones, alerted him of the plan of the X-Men, there's a chance that he sacrificed his clone to gain some advantage out of the ordeal. There's also a chance that he planned to absorb the energy of the clone, should it managed to succeed. It's also possible that the new Shaw is a clone that's being handle by Nathaniel Essex. There are other possibilities but these are the most likely correct."

This is both good and bad, having one crazy clone fetishist is enough, but that means that Emma is for the grabs! I think she has a hard on for educating kids, so I can lure her with security and when I have a replacement for her I could fund her a school, heck if she wants to be queen on the halo it would be better for me, that way she can manage any people that would be residing there, though I wonder why she didn't contact Xavier for help.

Okay with this I have my staff problem about 80% solved, a quick flight by the Halo and I will have my lightsaber collection with me. My other problem is mobility, for the sake of convenience, I need some Within-Realm portals, I think I will have to say hi to the Sorcerer Supreme, I wonder which one will I get. I prefer the bald lady with the time stone, the bald dude with the soul stone I know little about.

"Hey Little Spark, look for the location of Emma Frost and remind me to pick her up after Jean's training. I think Bucky Barnes is somewhere in Russia but if you can get his approximate location that will make my job easier. Thank you very much!"- It's time to visit some bald wizard person!


From above New York's Sanctum Sanctorum, I could feel the energy of the Time Stone in use, meaning that I will likely deal with the bald lady. I flew down, dressed like Anakin Skywalker with a lightsaber at my left and right, of course I use two, after all I'm a Pro-Isekaier, like all Pro-Gamers we dual wield, knocked on the door and awaited for master Wong. 

"Hello, How can I- I-"- He stopped looking confused at my eyes before looking at my horns. Shit! I forgot these guys deal with demons for a living. Though I don't have the presence of a demon so I should be safe. Is what I thought before being shot with an eldritch blast.


"Fuck! What's with shooting me in the face before talking?!"- Of course the blast just dispersed the moment it touched my face, energy manipulation for the win!

"Demon! What brings you here? What gave you the courage to step in our sanctum?!"- Sure like any regular demon will have the balls to knock on your front door and then have some tea while answering your questions after you blasted his face!

"You stupid wizard! Do I feel like a demon to you!?" *Tremble* - I was getting mad and the whole building was trembling because of my presence. SHIT! Breath in... Breath out... Don't kill the idiot by mistake... Breath in...He stared at me for two seconds before calming down, but not lowering his guard.

"Look you idiot wizard, I'm here to talk with the Sorcerer Supreme!"-By the looks of it she was affected by my presence as well since she is no longer playing with the Stone.

"...?"- Why is this idiot looking at me like that? Should I send him to space? No this idiot can open portals so What's the point? The only place I can send him is to Noona's but I bet she'll clap my cheeks afterward, not worth it, or is it?... No, no, no, focus!... Maybe I should send him to the Sun. Before I decided his punishment I heard the bald lady from further inside the building.

"Master Wong, let our guest in... unless you want the sanctum to disappear, or the planet."- After he opened the door further and I could walk inside I laid my eyes in the face of someone who has seen some shit and Hardship, with capital H. Her face looked like the face of a first year sorority girl that spent her last study night before the finals partying, had to do a few miles long walk of shame and now her whole future depends on this one test. Shit! What happened to her? I can't feel Dormammu on her, so maybe she took Odin's offer for the apples of Idunn, but if that's the case why does she look like she's been stabbed by Kaecilius and is telling me that her life ends here?... Ah! The Time Stone!

"You poor lady! You look like no matter which future you saw every single one turned out to be shit at the end!"- When I said that, it was like the dam could hold no longer and the accumulated desperation of billions upon billions of failed futures flooded her eyes. Poor lady, having to experience so many futures without finding a single successful path must be worst than having to wander the void alone for eons. Wong didn't know what to do when he saw his master look that filled with despair. I bet the whole order saw her stressed out but never at this palpable level before. I did what I would have liked to hear during my time on the void. So I walked to her hugged her and said:

"Don't worry! Because I am here!"- Thanks for your wisdom All Might; and I didn't need to eat someone else' hair for it, thankfully. At first she stood still, but then she cried and cried and hit my face and chest. I bet that if I had not been a dragon those eldritch enhanced fists might have killed me. After calming down a little we moved to her study. Where we could talk without interruptions, cough cough Wong, little bitch.

"So Ancient One... Should I call you that?"

"You can call me Yao."- Even that sounded filled with despair. 

"Hello Yao, My name is Aragorn Abner, you can call me Aragorn. I'm the pseudo-cosmic entity in charge of this universe. Nice to meet you!"

"Pseudo-cosmic entity?"

"Yes, you could say I'm a cosmic entity in reserve, or a trainee cosmic entity." 

"...And What do you mean by being in charge of this universe?"- With apparent confusion on her face.

"This reality is what we call a Doomed Reality. Basically so many things happened, or will happen, that prevented, or will prevent, the birth or facilitated the death of positive influences that it's basically impossible to save it. The negative causality reached a point where only an external positive or neutral influence is able to destabilize the equation, balancing it to it's natural neutral state. Normally realities like this one are reset back before the breaking point, but since I, a neutral influence, have been employed it is cheaper, energy wise, to have me fix this place. I also needed a place to live, and to avoid going over the threshold of power I couldn't be assigned a dimension of my own, so I was assigned this reality as my home/test."- She looked into my ever changing eyes as if looking for something for about a minute before she let out a long sigh and said:

"So no matter what choice we took we were doomed to fail? That's both reassuring and depressing. We took so many sacrifices, so many difficult decisions and it was all doomed because somebody fucked up everything since long ago."- I imagine that it might looked like that from her perspective.

"Not really, If you and every other positive influence out there had not held the line back this long then this reality would have been reset long ago and I would be looking for another place to live in. So I can only say, Thank you! For holding out so long and for the sacrifices that were made! You can rest assure that I will help and do my best from now on because I don't want to reset my home."

"... *Hick*...*Sigh*... Thank you for your words."-It was as if the weight of the universe was lifted from her shoulders, which is certainly accurate on this case.

"You can keep the stone, with my presence here most if not all of the futures that you see with it will be flawed. On another note... I actually came today to observe how you guys make portals. My portals are too overqualified for jumping within a realm hehehehe!"- I was a little ashamed of that to be honest.

After explaining a little bit about my plans and learning how to portal, I went back to my mansion, it was almost time for Jean's lessons and after that I will have to go head hunting my new staff. I think Yao might be able to teach my maids some sorcery, imagine if maids could warp to wherever they are needed. I could have a maid wait for me on the mirror dimension all the time and she could warp out when needed, better than ninjas huh?! 

I went home for my bike, well even if I can warp around it doesn't mean that I don't enjoy riding my bike, and drove to Xavier's mansion. I didn't have to wait long for the front gate to open. When I got to the front of the mansion the cast of the previous night was there, except for Xavier, along with a few new faces I could recognized. I could see Bobby Drake, Kurt Wagner and Illyana Rasputin, kid version of her...mmmm I don't see Rogue around so I guess she hasn't joined yet. I got down from my bike and I could see Logan interested in it, I mean it's one of a kind, ahead of it's time, so I would be interested if I were him as well.

"Hello! Good morning to everybody! Nice to meet the new faces, my Name is Aragorn Abner!"- I said looking at the new kids in the crowd.

"Nice bike, bub, I've never seen one like that before."-Logan looked positively curious while saying so.

"You bet! I build it my self. It's 100% Alien tech, I used some tech from the Kree and the Nova corps. It's faster than any commercial airplane, and you need certain physique to be able to enjoy the ride and survive the G's."- Hehehe. This is one of my personal creations, at least the inside. I'm very proud of it. But... everybody is silent, looking at me wide eyed.

"...Yes? What's wrong?"- Weirdos, say something.

"Aliens are real?"- Kitty asked.- Ah Shit! I forgot this is not general knowledge right now. Well the whole Ms. Marvel/Skrull/Kree incident already happened so maybe only the government knows about aliens, and the people in the business of information.

 "Yes! Aliens are real of course, some have been on Earth before, some still are."- When in doubt, play it cool... And then divert their focus to something else.

"Hello Jean! I brought you a present! Here, come choose one for you! Do you know Star Wars?"- I said pulling a briefcase from one of the marbles in my pocket. In it you could find different types of lightsabers personally design by me and inspired by The Culture. 

"Yes I know Star Wars, kitty made me read it and watch the movies with her. Are you trying to ignore a certain topic of conversation?"- The little Hermione said, acting as if her eyes didn't sparkle the moment they laid upon my master pieces. 

"TCH! Do you want a lightsaber or not?"- I feel like The Culture is not being appreciated enough here, these uncultured swines. I opened the lower level of the suitcase and showed her even more options to choose from.

"A LIGHTSABER?"- Shouted Kitty.- 'Maybe she should be my padawan, take a look you fire starter little bird, that's how you should act.' I sent to Jean while looking at her with mirth. I could see she was trying to act cool and shit, but this is not the moment for that!

"Yes Kitty! A fully functional lightsaber, capable of melting most things on Earth, including adamantium."-I said while looking at Logan who was suspiciously getting closer to my bike.- Does he think he can steal it? *Humph* He'll probably have his balls shocked the moment he tries my ride.

"Can I have one?"-Hohoho Kitty you just gave me the push I needed for my little padawan to fall onto the dark side. 

"Well Kitty, given the fact that my supposed padawan doesn't seem interested in it you can have hers."- I could see the shock and betrayal on Jean's face.- 'So what are you going to do? Little padawan, Will you let your friend take what's rightfully yours? or Will you succumb to your true desires and claim you new partner for life?'

-HAHAHAHAHA I could hear her pride braking up little by little.

"Who said I wasn't interested!?"-Jean shouted with outrage.-'UAHAHAHAHA Where is the collected queen bitch from before? HAHAHHAAHHA'- I could see Jean growing red and redder by the seconds; so fucking fun to tease!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"-I could not resist any longer and started laughing out loud. 

"Aragoooooorn! You bastaaaaard!"-She shouted like in a fight against her childhood friend/rival at the foot of a waterfall with the statues of your ancestors witnessing your clash. At that of course I laughed harder.


*VROOOOMM* You could feel everything trembling, surprising considering that most of Jean's telekinetic ability was crippled, possibly thanks to the professor, her telepathy was trying to blast my brain through my ears. But I was stronger than her, while her friends were trying to calm her down and deescalate the situation, I kept laughing it off.



"Jeaaaaaaaaan Calm downnnnn!"-Kitty. Jean's telepathy was starting to affect others.

"Aragorn SHUT UPPPP!!!"-Ororo. -I would if I could, but look at her cute face all squeezed in anger and embarrassment. 


"SCOTT, ORORO, BOBBY BLAST HIM WITH ALL YOU'VE GOT!"-Logan. -Logan that won't be enough to stop me, UAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, try all you want mortals!-


It was even more intense than the fights I saw of these guys against Apocalypse.

*BOOOOOOOM*-And then IT happened.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! MY BIIIIKEEEEEE, YOU BASTAAAAAARDS"- I shielded myself or course, but in the process I lost my self in mirth looking at Jean's face and forgot to shield my bike.

"HE'S DOWN! STOOOP!"-Logan commanded, before walking to my side and kneeling next to my defeated figure looking at the pieces of my bike.

"*sniff**hic* She was barely 2 weeks old! You monsters!"-Logan looked in pain, the same as me, and gave me a hug, a man-hug.

Everybody was silent, staring at the pieces of my bike, while Jean came back to her senses and at least had the decency to share our moment of silence while looking ashamed and mourning my bike. 

"What happened here?"-Asked the professor who interrupted the heartrending scene. 

"Erm Professor, I don't know, Jean shouted, Aragorn started laughing, Jean got angry, Logan ordered Scott, Bobby and Teacher Ororo to blast Aragorn and apparently Aliens are real. I'm confused as well."-Kurt.

"Don't worry, bub, I will foot the bill for a new one."-I looked at Logan in the eyes and said:

"Not even this country could foot the bill for a new one."- Bitch please! 

"... ... Ermmm a favor no questions asked in the future?"- I looked at him thinking about it before a face splitting grin showing all of my draconic teeth came to face, grabbed his hand in a handshake and said:

"Deal!"-While manipulating the energy in the atmosphere to make two lightning bolts hit my horns, I dispersed some of the energy but let a few volts pass through the handshake. He looked at my me with apparent terror and said:

"What did you do?"

"Heheheh a soul pact, if you think the desecration of my one of kind ride can be pardoned without consequences then you are mistaken. If you fail to honor your part of the deal then your soul shall be mine."- Bullshit! HAHAHAHA soul pacts or any type of magic is useless on my soul, the lightning is just a dramatic effect, but... won't my future widows appreciate a centuries old trainer? HAHAHAHAH, I left Logan in the floor looking like he just lost his baby, aimed my hand to the rest of my bike before grabbing the pieces in a barrier and fired a plasma breath at it, with assistance of some energy manipulation.- Better not leave any pieces of alien tech laying around. After that I looked at my chick padawan and said:

"So? Are you going to pick your lightsaber now? I need to start training you soon, I have some appointments in the afternoon." -She looked flabbergasted at my immediate change of humor.

"Is that it? You are not mad with me?"- She looked frightful. 

"Off course not little padawan, Logan is the one at fault and he will foot the bill as he said, also I have 3 more different versions of that bike back on my Halo."

"WHAT THE FUCK BUB? Wasn't that one of a kind?"- Logan.

"Yes it was! It was the only black one that I have, hence one of a kind."- Said with a shit-eating grin.


"Ermm yes Aragorn, sorry about earlier, I will pick my lightsaber and we can start my training."- I could see that she was also having fun about the situation with Logan. She went to the suitcase and after carefully observing the sabers available she picked one that looked like the handle of a katana, the cord was black and green while the guard was made of a reinforced alloy of gold and adamantium, it looked like a blackened gold, and was shaped like a flame. She turned it on and it made a satisfying sound *Vrrrrrmmmh*, -All my hard work paid off-. The blade was pure white withe occasional crackles of white plasma around it, It looked ethereal.

"Woahhh! Are you sure I can have this? Isn't it valuable?"-She asked without removing her eyes from the blade. She wasn't the only one, every body was looking at her and the blade with envy and curiosity.

"Yeah is no problem, I have a lot of them, I made these for personal use."-Besides I will need help from probably Kitty, for her training so I can use these as bribe, after all I know Kitty is a man(?) of Culture.

"Ermm excuse me Mr. Abner but can I have one as well?"-Kitty asked with some terribly concealed hopefulness in her eyes.

"Mmmm I will make you a deal for one. I need someone to help me with Jean's training. My mind is too abnormal and even if I let Jean read it she will be lost in it, same as with the professor, so I need a normal mind to help me with it; but you have to let Jean use her powers on you. I will instruct her first, and for this first session is just me and her but tomorrow I will need your help with it. So what do you think? Your privacy and personal life for a lightsaber of your choice?"-I would probably take it. I'm a Pro-Isekaier after all, I would also take the famous three wishes without thinking about the consequences as well. 

"DEAL! I want one of the purple ones! Those must be limited edition or something!"-Yeah I forgot Samuel L Jackson's famous purple saber is not a thing yet, probably will not be either. 

"Sure take you pick!"-She picked one that looked like Yoda's but with a purple blade, it kind of looked good with her, sort of appropriate, I think she combines with purple, if that makes any sense.

"Mr. Abner are you sure that it is okay to give those to the girls?"-Huh? The girls with super dangerous powers who could kill thousands or more before being stopped? This guy is probably the weirdest of the people here. 

"Why Professor?"-Really why? They even come with a kids safety, digital print verification and various other security measures. After all I don't want the girls to blow up their fingers while playing with them. -The girls looked dispirited after listening to Xavier, tch what a party pooper.

"These are dangerous weapons and in the hands of teenagers it could prove even more dangerous."- A safe argument but... isn't like 70% of the people here more dangerous than my sabers?

"Well that applies to their powers as well, don't you think so? After all in this school even a firearm is useless against like 70% of the people here, the lightsabers are close range weapons, so technically they are safer than Scott over there that has no off switch."- I mean the sabers are useless against most people on this crazy universe.

"You can think of them as Swiss army blades, useful in lost of situations, potentially dangerous but hardly ever a danger, it's more of a functionality tool."-hahahaha except these babies are Aragorn guaranteed, if it needs cutting it WILL cut!

The professor still looked unconvinced and he was about to cave in when mister trigger happy decided to butt in.

"I also think those are a danger to others professor, maybe you should confiscate them until they can handle them better."-Again another sound argument if it was not for all those disgusting thoughts of yours I can feel. I can't even with this alpha young master, he is not even the cool type of professional young master. I looked at him and my eyes changed to red, putting everyone on edge, I raised my hand at him, and formed a portal on his feet. *KYAHHHHhh...* HAHAHAHAHA I love Yao, I should give her a Lightsaber, maybe a yellow one.

"What did you do?!"- Asked the professor. Clearly not happy at all about what I possibly did to his minion.

"Just send him to the other end of the property, the other side of the mansion. I don't like him, be grateful that he is not on the moon. You should also check his mind, there's something wrong in there."-I said my piece allowing no arguments, but I bet that this baldie either already knows or won't take my advice seriously enough, but that's a problem for Jean to deal with, after all my chick padawan will need challenges to grow up. I looked at the girls that were looking at me with stars on their eyes and said.

"Jean we will go to my place to train, there's too many people here. Kitty that saber is locked to you and only you, don't let anyone use it. Bye bye everybody, once I finish some work on my place I will invite you for a barbecue or something. Logan I will probably cash my favor in a few weeks if my plans work out."- I opened a portal to my mansion and walk through it with the little padawan. 

Once I closed the portal I asked Jean:

"Jean, let go of your hold of your telepathy and tell me if you feel any minds around here."

"Like fully let go?"

"Yes! I want no interruptions I want to see if this range is enough, if not I will take you to another place."-She closed her eyes and then I felt her mind pulse before stopping, she looked in pain and said:

"Ughh... Yes I can feel the guys on the school and a city close by."

"Okay, it is wider than I thought, no problem I will take you to a place where you won't feel any minds except my own."-Of course Halo, the ocean will probably call for Namor or one of it's inhabitants and any other places I don't know about is a risk of awakening the next demon lord or the one that was sealed in the past because it was unkillable, that is the type of messed up place we live in, even Antarctica has the savage lands. Besides Halo is just a secret to keep from the general populace, in the future for the people in the know, it will probably work as a nuclear deterrent, not that I need one, but prevention is best.

"It's not a big secret so you can tell other friends about this place, but only friends, don't talk about it to others. Pinky promise?"-I said while showing her my promise finger.

"Okay, pinky promise!"-For someone that looked like she was about to end the world before, this girl switches gears like Toretto, maybe is all that crazy shit that's going on with her mind. I will deal with it later. One step at a time, for now I will permanently close that fucking back door on her mind.

I open a portal to the "porch" of my house in Halo, she walked through it and lost her shit, even her cripple emotions lost their shit.

She was standing on my crystal porch, my house was built next to one of the many waterfalls that had kilometric falls, you could perfectly see the valley and capped mountains in the distance, straight in front of her she could appreciate the curvature of the Halo, on her left you can see Earth and on the right you can see the Moon. She stood there for about 10 minutes just enjoying the view. You could even see the city(?) in the distance where most of my robots stayed and where most of my air force was landed. 

"Hey Little Spark can you give access to the house functions to Jean Elaine Grey?"- The cute spark came from behind us and that broke Jean from her daze. She just looked curiously at the floating spark. 

"Acknowledged: Miss Grey has been given visitation rights"- This brought confusion to Jean's face, after all she couldn't read the mind of a machine; so she didn't expect anything from the glowing ball.

"Alright! I got some portals that work well with the energy on The Orb, I will work something out so that you can link it with brother eye and portal guests in in the future."

"Thank you Master Chief, I wait for the upgrade."- Said the little spark before floating away. 

"So Jean, try again, to feel any minds around us."- But she didn't, she just looked at me like if I was an idiot. A common trend these days. Maybe I should check on my social skills one of these days.

"...??? What!? No! No! No! First, What's this place? Where are we? Who are you? What are you? What was that floating thing? What is going on?"- Jean.exe has stopped working.- But she was okay with the cosmic avatar thing, isn't that more shocking than my halo?

"We can talk about that but first we have to fix some problems on your mind defenses. After that well I can answer all the questions that you want."

"...Ughh is just something after the other! You promise?"

"I do my Fire Padawan!"

"Ok So I just push my telepathy as far as I can, right?"

"Yes! Go for it, full force! It's just you and me, and several inorganics here"

She closed her eyes and I could see her psionic presence wash all around Halo, spread a little to the edges and spread to the sky; until she could not do it further without forcing herself. She looked at me relaxed, freed like you normally do after some toilet time during a taco night. 

"There's really no one here."- She looked kind of melancholic. Maybe she was thinking about how it was before her awakening.

"There isn't anyone organic here, just you and me!"- I said with evident pride while I remember my Spark.

"Okay Jean! So your mind defenses are laughable, basically inexistent and worse of all the professor has a backdoor in there. I'm not sure about what type of shit the professor and you have been doing in there, but that stops now, if someone fucks with your mind they can fuck with mine. I won't allow that! I will kill the professor if I have to to get rid of that backdoor. Luckily for him, extreme measures are not needed. I needed you to relax your hold on your telepathic powers in order to close that gate in your "defenses", otherwise I would have hurt you. You're an empath so you can tell that what I'm saying is 100% the truth, so pay attention to the next statements, okay?"

"Emm Okay."-There was panic, anger, sadness, more panic and lastly she focused on my words. 

"#1 I don't want to hurt you, #2 I have no need to lie to you because the link we share goes deeper than familiarity, you can tell my location, mood, and when you get stronger you would be able to read my thoughts and use my mind as a psionic back up in case you're killed among several other perks. #3 I will protect you and have your best interest in mind always, again from yesterday on, harming you is equivalent to harming me, no one except my work friends can get away with it. #4 No matter how painful it get's from now on if you need to fuck up something or someone let me know, if you need to fix something or someone let me know, if you just want to come here and relax let me know, Jean I can't have you bottling up emotions and then going all dark Phoenix on me. Do you have any questions?"

"Hehehe yes, What's a Dark Phoenix?"-She said chuckling, happy about my previous statements. 

"Dark Phoenix is when you loose control of your powers because of your repressed emotions a Dark Phoenix can vaporize a planet."- I said with no emotions on my face so that she could understand the gravity of the situation, but my eyes started shifting between black and blue, afraid and sad of thinking about a future where I need to kill the fire padawan.

"..."- We looked at each other's eyes before she took a deep breath and said:

"I'm in your hands Aragorn, please help me."

I brought my forehead to hears until our foreheads where touching along with the curve of my horns. I looked in her eyes and said:

"Close your eyes, breath in... breath out... breath in... let me in!"- I poured a fraction of my mind in hers through our link and slammed shut the backdoor that bald fucker left. Then I moved away slowly after analyzing all the seals that we will have to work on later, but not before reinforcing our link. This way I will know if someone tries to mess with her again. 

"Ok Fire Padawan, it was not so bad was it?"- Well for me, for her... she looks like she is having a fever. She is blushing and I'm pretty sure that that's not female lead blushing. More like COVID blushing. 

"Relax Jean! It will pass on, my mind is very, very abnormal, you can't handle it all for now, so I just sent a fragment to fix the door shut-in and to reinforce our link. Now I will know if someone is messing with you. As of now the link will also allow you to pull some of my psionic energy in case that you overexert your self. Think of it as a back up, all you have to do is think of our link and you will know what to do. Can you try it? To make sure it works?"-I will also protect her from mind magic, that shit is nasty. 

"*huff*...Yes, so I just think of the link and done, right?"- She closed her eyes and immediately I could feel her pulling from her side of the link.

"Woah it feels like an ocean!"- Well Fire Padawan, yours is like a planet of water.

"You should have more than that in the future, but if something happens don't hesitate to use mine. Now onto the annoying topics. You have some seals in you, memories and emotions, don't push and try to break those seals now, it's dangerous so we will do it after you rested for the night. Kitty will help us on your training with regular minds after that. So tomorrow we will do the hard part, but if you are unstable after the first seal then we will rest until we can work it out and move to the next one, ok?"- She looked a little frightful, angry, confused and sad but there was some hope in her eyes, I guess even with all those seals she still recognized that there was something wrong with her. 

"...Yes, thank you Aragorn!"- She is definitely exhausted, better to let her take a nap before sending her back.

"Come on Jean, you will take a nap before going back to the mansion."- I said after I walked into my house. I guided Jean through the house so that she could know where the important places where, like the gaming room, arcade room, cinema, bowling alley, go-carts racing room, indoor pool, tennis court and of course the bathroom, after that I stood with her in front of a room with her name on it, little cutie Spark probably wants more people around, since I never ordered it to do this.

"This is your room, Spark prepared it for you. Everything in there is yours and you can use the rest of the facilities as you please. If you need anything just call "Spark" out loud and it can get it for you. Just relax and sleep, you don't need to hold you telepathy back, I will go back to Earth, I have some dealings to attend to, but just ask Spark to call me when you are ready to go back. Or better yet use our link, that works too."- She looked thankful and happy, before heading inside the room. and closing the door.

"I need to go hunt for a Head Maid! Spark did you get her location?"

"Yes Master Chief, she is hiding in a sub-urban neighborhood in San Diego, apparently she is playing as the wife of a family man that lost his wife a few years back. That's why it's proving a challenge for the Hellfire Club."

"Ah I see! Smart! She takes the place of someone that technically exists, so you just erase the date of death from the system and manipulate everyone into thinking that "she" never died."- Sick but smart, besides it's not like she is harming anybody. 

"Alright Spark, show me the coordinates."


High above in the sky, you can find me hunting for my mantis (Head Maid), stalking her cicada (widower) unaware of the oriole (Shine Dragon, Man of Culture, Pro-Isekaier) behind her. I took my sharpie and notebook, found the box that said "Hunting the Mantis stalking the cicada" and checked it. It's my list of things to try, I know everybody has a list, at least people of culture do, like your list of powers to ask your ROB, of tech to have, of girls for your harem, of people to kill, I'm talking about Danzo Shimura, Shou Tucker, Norman Osbourne, The Joker, anyone can get what type of lists I'm talking about. I luckily, if loosing my whole universe can be counted as lucky, am checking some of my check boxes on my lists. 

Emma has a nice thing going on here, but honestly I would loose myself in the farce, like I'm the type of dragon that is skillful in everything I do, so I would loose my self in the lie (believing the lie myself), I would probably fall in love with my target of manipulation, so I strive to always be true to my self. It's one of the things that I learned in the battle of the Black Gate, back when things were simple, just me versus all the creatures of the void. I waited for Emma to be alone and for her husband to go get some beers with his friends, once alone I enclosed her room in a barrier first. I could already see her panicking once she couldn't feel anything outside of the room, I opened a portal and walk out the other end in front of her. She immediately tried to invade my mind. *tch* *TCH* *TCH* Now I'm going to have to wait until she can't take it anymore and decides to escape.

Heh! She is more resilient than the baldie; about 3 minutes more so far, that's surprising, not gonna lie.

Psyche invasions work both ways, normally I don't take a look at people's minds but Emma's is damaged, well not damaged more like scarred, so I'm curious, let's take a peek!... I wonder why this looks familiar... Oh! That baldie bastard! Looks like the reason why she didn't go to Xavier for help was because he wiped his person of her memory. No wonder she was fighting both Essex and the Hellfire club on her own. I bet it was awfully confusing when both the government on your previous boss are hunting you and the only thing you remember is zilch! Nada! Shit! Xavier was definitely less experienced back then. This is a shit job, like done with the hands of Edward Scissorhands. 

On a side note she is still sailing in the sea of my mind, Damn! I want her even more as my head maid now! Also I wonder why she looks no older than 30 when she is about 50~60 years old now, could it have something to do with her mutation, or is something like with Black Widow and Captain America... So interesting... Oh! She is out! Out cold!... Yeah she spent too much time in there, that's not healthy...

Ok I don't have all day, I still need to steal a Super Soldier, return my fire padawan before curfew and possibly plan the mass kidnapping of my new staff. 


"Emma Frost! Snap out it! Wake up!"-Her eyes are fluttering I guess it won't be long...

"*Gasp* *Huff* *Huff*... Where am I? What happened?"-Looks like she doesn't even remember what she did.

"Hello Emma Frost! You tried to use your telepathy on me and got lost in my mind. Ring any bells?"- She is looking at me totally out of it.

Oh! There we have it, terror and disgust. Not gonna lie, having this bombshell blonde looking at me like that feels complicated, not going to say how but I rather go back to keeping my mind pure with thoughts of my sweet Noona. Yes that's a smart decision! 

"What the fuck are you? And what do you want with me? Who sent you? Was it Sebastian?"- Yeah now there's only anger.

"In order, I'm a Dragon, I want you to work for me, I sent my self, It wasn't Sebastian."- I looked at her expecting some praise for a job well done, but she is fuming now. The Fuck? 

"You are the same as him! You want to use my powers and then hunt me down! You piece of shit!"- I guess that in her situation I would think the same. 

'Ms. Frost, I'm a better telepath than you will ever be. Why would I need your lousy telepathy when I can use my own?'-I said to her directly bypassing her mind barriers in the way. It a form of telepathy that it feels like someone is shouting on your ears, instead of the usual civilized telepathy.

She clutched her head, took two minutes to calm down and then looked at me like a hurt puppy. -Ugh lady! Calm down! Why is she looking at me like that, that look is doing things! Let's think of Noona! Yes Noona is what I need now!

"So what do you need me for, Sir?- Shit she is looking at me like I'm going to pimp her up to some old bald bastard.

"Ms. Frost, I don't know what you're thinking about, but I need a head maid for my mansion."- Okay now she is looking utterly confused.

"A maid? Why not hire a professional one?"- How do I explain to you that I don't want spies in my home, yet that I need someone to take care of the little spies in training that I will willfully bring to my home? Makes sense? No... But this morning it did >:( Damn it!

"Well... I needed a head maid that I knew was no spy... because I will kidnap some spy children in training... because if I hire some regular staff chances are that I will get more than just spies... so having you help me fixes the problem... since I won't have to keep mentally screening everybody that works for me every day... you could do it for me... I know I said I don't need your powers,... but..., can you help me? I can basically get you anything you want, short of bringing someone from the dead."- Yes this hiring pitch could have use some work, instead of hunting the mantis I should have studied my hiring pitch, now I feel, look and am being looked at like an idiot.

"...What the heck?"- Yeah sorry about that lady, I know I followed a totally sane train of thoughts that guided me to you as an option, but now, now I sound insane. 

"Look you can say no, nobody (organic) knows I'm here, so if I walk away nobody will know about you playing house from me. But I can really get you virtually anything. Like I could fix your memories, I could end Shaw for you, Essex will take some work because he keeps dormant clones and shit like that, but I can still get him for you, money is no issue, I could make you a queen of my territory if you want, I could give you power, immortality, or what ever you believe you need and/or want. The job is not that difficult, you will be my head maid, for as long as I get a replacement as competent as you, you will take care of the girl-soldiers that I will kidnap later and just make sure that they do their job properly without divulging any of my secrets."- Haaah there I said it!

"How am I supposed to believe you? and What territory are you talking about?"- 'Also what about my memories, is he talking about the blanks I have that somehow lead the government to my ass?'

"Mmmmh Good point, I can show you my territory but I would wipe your memory about it if you don't take the job, so how about I fix your memory problem as a show of good faith? It would take less than a minute and a shit load of pain."

'Okay how can someone look good hearted while saying that they will cause untold amounts of pain? But this might be my only chance at knowing what happened to me; and this psycho is way stronger than me so it's not like I have a choice, after all nobody with a mind like that is a normal person, or human for that matter'-Emma

"Ok I agree! If you fix my memory problem I will first take a look at your territory."-'Afterall I always wanted to be queen and I quite liked everything he offered.'

"Nice! Let me touch your forehead and we will be good to go."- I touched her forehead sent a tiny bit of fragment of my mind and scanned the damage. Yeah baldie messed this up. This goes this way, this part is botched, that part goes with this one, ok now we glue everything back together, shower some psionic power here and there, synchronize the frequency with her own, strengthen her mind a little and done! She is now an omega level psychic!

"ARGgH BaStARd IT HUUuUUuRTS!!!"- I did say it would hurt, didn't I? She started to convulse a little, ouch! there's some blood leaking from her nose.

"Shu Shu Shu, aaahmmm aaahmmm you're almost done"- I said softly while cooing her.

"I'Mm nOT A BABiy YuU PIECe OF SHIT! SHUT UP"- There there let it out Head Maid, soon you'll be thankful. 

After 15 minutes of suffering she finally calmed down and had to go the bathroom in her room, she needed to clean her self, yeah blood and fluids, she didn't pee herself, nobody saw anything anyway, my Head Maid will keep her honor impeccable. 

"That bastard wiped my memories and fucked my life! He even failed to kill Sebastian!"- Yeah I would be angry too, angry enough to forget my previous pissing show, never trust that baldie.

"To be fair, he killed a clone of Sebastian that Essex provided. So I bet that at that time he believed that Erik Lehnsherr killed Shaw."

"What does this Essex has to do with everything? I was for some time at the Essex clinic but after I escaped I never encountered them again."

"Mmmh well probably because Nathaniel Essex likes to work from the shadows, he is the one helping Shaw, sometimes providing personnel, sometimes just info. He has a cloning fetish, so there's a chance that Shaw and/or Essex already has/have a clone of yours working for him/them. Given that you stayed in one of his clinics."

"A what?! What the fuck?!"

"*Sigh* Looks like I won't be getting a butler today..."


Hello Everyone!

Sorry about not writing the past days, I'm in my parents home, visiting, and as you know parents live usually about three mountain ranges away from society. Long story short, there was a storm and we lost electricity for about 24h and that messed my schedule up.

Next chapter is about the Hellfire club and bucky. 


ExistentialVoid ExistentialVoid

Thank you for reading!

As always please keep enjoying my work!

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