Unduh Aplikasi
43.54% Streamer in the Omniverse / Chapter 50: Mission and Kamado.

Bab 50: Mission and Kamado.

I didn't accept the mission instantly. Whether I liked it or not, I was "The Streamer." So, I waited for the stream chat to fill up, as there were only about a hundred people at the moment.

I don't think it'll take long for most viewers to arrive, as I had warned yesterday that I would accept a mission early and go to another world.

I'll wait for about an hour, then, after that, tough luck for those who don't show up.

While I waited, I pulled up a chair and lay down, enjoying the morning air, the first rays of sun bathing my skin.

I let my thoughts wander for a while, mainly to the recent events.

A few days ago, when I was searching the goblins' bodies, I remembered something: if my past self had remembered to grab the bank door, my shield.

Fortunately, I did, and moreover, I had also stored Grongir's body.

The body wasn't in a pretty state, as it seemed to have been broken in half, not cut, but literally as if something had forcibly torn it apart...

Even though I didn't remember much, the fog of pain consuming my mind at that moment, I wasn't a genius to assume that it was my hands that had broken the goblin...

Interestingly, I also noticed that not even Grongir had a "Travel Space." None of the goblins did. Something I had to look into later for the reason.

At the same time, I used Analyze: Item on Grongir's cloak and had a nice surprise. It wasn't Grongir's magic that made him fly, it was the cloak.

To be more precise, it was the combination of Mystical Symbols, the material the cloak was made of, and the material the ink was made of.

First, the Mystical Symbols. It was a complex matrix, not painted, but sewn into the fabric, the threads used in the sewing being different from the rest of the cloak fabric.

The cloak itself was made of a normal material, linen, but the threads that composed the matrix were made of silk. Not normal silk, but silk made from spider silk... A spider I knew, both from the game and from reading about it in the bestiary I had picked up on the first day here in Terraria.

Wall Creeper... it was basically a normal spider, non-venomous, its differentiating factor being that they built nests underground, unlike other spiders that preferred to stay alone.

And of course, how could I forget, the offspring of this species hatched from eggs about ten centimeters long, where the male grew up to thirty centimeters and the female reached just a little more than that... about six to nine meters.

Not much, right?...

Interestingly, even though these spiders built nests that occupied entire cave systems and had the strength to easily split an elephant in two, they were still popular, or rather, their silk.

The silk of this specific species was an excellent material for making clothes, being resistant and very comfortable, and it was expensive, expensive, and rare, as the spiders could not be bred in captivity.

Something about them made it so that when bred in captivity, the silk they produced lost much of its quality, and most importantly, the most important, its mana conductivity.

Their silk was one of the best types of mana-conductive threads, used to make clothes for the wealthy mages of the realm.

So, it made sense why the runes had been sewn using this silk. When it came to making Mystical Symbols on clothes, it was the best option.

Then there was the ink in which these threads of silk had been dipped.

I thought it would be something absurd like ink made from the feathers of a harpy, or feathers of a thunderbird, if they existed, but no.

The ink still used feathers, but feathers from normal bird species... many, many bird species, about a hundred.

In the end, since I didn't have both the ink and the silk, I ended up not worrying about the cloak. Of course, I had its matrix, since I had used Analyze: Item on the cloak, but without the rest, I couldn't fix it.

I also wanted to go on this mission soon, as it was something quick, so I ended up ordering both bird feathers and silk from Gilbert.

From what he told me, he should be able to get the feathers in about a week, as his daughter, Robyn, had many of the species in her shop, and the silk would be something more complicated.

From what he explained, the only place that had a reliable "production" of this silk was a city in the north, near the mountains, and by production, I mean a nest of these spiders that they had managed to contain but at the same time still wild.

I would have set fire to that thing, but what can you do, I wasn't them.

So, it would take more time for him to get the silk, about a month, which was still an excellent time, as I hadn't been able to find that stuff anywhere.

I even asked Dylan if his family had it for me to buy, but he told me they were out of stock, so much so that his sister had gone on a mission near that city where this nest was, taking the opportunity to get as much silk as she could.

With Dylan having nothing, and Gilbert also having none, my contacts had basically run out, so all that was left was to wait for about a month.

It wasn't much time, especially since I had several other things to do, so it wasn't that bad...


A curious thing, Stark, who was the person who "dug around" the most in the stream, had found something new that came with the stream update.

Music, the stream had music. Both I and the (MODS) could play music, but only the ones that existed in their world.

So, I ended up spending the last hour listening to AC/DC, courtesy of Stark, who had found this feature. I also chatted a bit with the viewers who were coming in, especially Ruby, who was telling me her "adventure."

[(MOD)RedHuntressLive] Then I looked at Torchwick and said, "Don't even try to escape again, this time you won't get away!" Then it was tcha! and bam! Penny, my new friend, also helped! It was so cool!... Too bad Goodwitch gave us detention after that... (Emote of a happy and sad Little Red Riding Hood)

[YellowHuntressLive] I won't lie, it was really cool, especially since we discovered this robbery totally by accident, as we had gone out to shop and ended up losing the last Bullhead back to Beacon. (Emote of an animated yellow bear).

[(MOD)WhiteHuntressLive] I still think it was a foolish, risky idea. As much as the containers belonged to my family, it was better to have waited for the authorities than to jump into the middle of the shootout! (Emote of Snow White pointing a finger at a black cat).

[BlakeHuntressLive] I had to know why the White Fang was working for someone like Torchwick! Of all people, why him! And you say it was a foolish idea, but you were the second to jump, right behind me, when you found out it was your family's freighter. (Emote of a black cat looking back at Snow White).

[(MOD)GeniusBillionairePlayboy] Frankly... I feel sorry for the teachers at your school, they must have a very good health and psychologist plan, dealing with teenagers is already... Well... dealing with teenagers. Now, dealing with teenagers with superpowers? I feel sorry... very sorry...

I felt sorry too, especially for this Goodwitch. Every time Ruby talked about her, this woman seemed more and more stressed.

And also, Goodwitch... that name, along with the emotes the girls had, painted a strange picture.

Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, Snow White, and now the "good witch" herself. Everything revolved around fairy tales, even their enemies... Grimm, the Grimm Brothers...

They had said that the name of their school director was Ozpin too... Oz... Goodwitch... Wizard of Oz... Ruby's eyes sparkled like magic...

Everything in this line of thought smelled to high heaven, especially since I felt that some information was missing, something important...

I kept my thoughts to myself, as they were all theories, but still, I wished I could go to their world as soon as possible; I felt like shit was about to hit the fan, just didn't know when or why, but it would be soon...

At the end of this one hour, the (CHAT) had about a thousand people, not even half of my current viewers, but still, a good number of people.

Even Rin had joined the stream, something I didn't expect, since she wasn't a functional human in the morning, but it seems that the fascination of seeing the "Second magic" was motivation enough to make her wake up, even though she had already written about ten words wrong...

I got up, stretching from the time lying down, and sent the sofa to the inventory.

I had already prepared everything, even a "cure" for Tanjiro's father, the Purification Powder.

I had asked Dylan if he could sell me some, as I only knew him who could do that. I found out then that it was an exclusive recipe of his family... and considering that in the game, the one who sold this powder was the Dryad, it wasn't hard to figure out why.

Dylan didn't charge me in the end, just told me to be careful on my trip, and that when I came back, we could do a second mission together, since the first was kind of a fiasco, the second would be better

I agreed, of course, but still, I felt like he had jinxed us. I even commented on that with him, making him realize and agree that it had been a poor choice of words... Well, that was something for future Dylan and Devas to deal with, so I won't worry about it now.

I waited a few more seconds, enjoying the sun and the morning breeze. Then I closed my eyes and accepted the mission.

In the next moments, when I opened them again, I was no longer in "my" clearing, but on a snowy mountain, with bare trees, the ground covered in snow, and the sky overcast.

I quickly put on my cold-weather clothes and, with a thought, "activated" the Mystical Symbols I had painted on them, making my body warm.

It was a simple matrix that was self-sustainable, as it cost almost no mana... Or would it be, since the mana in this world was even scarcer than the mana in HOTD.

It was strange to leave a world filled with mana like Terraria, only to come to this one, with so little. It felt like the air was dry; it wasn't a comfortable feeling.

Especially since I could feel another energy in the air, one that I was unfamiliar with. It wasn't mana, I'm sure, it seemed more... elusive? In a way... Well, it didn't matter much now.

The first thing I did after putting on the clothes was to look around and walk slowly in the snow. There was a lot of snow, to the point where I had to change my shoes to specialized ones for walking in the snow.

After walking for a few minutes, following the Mini-map, I reached what I thought was a road or trail, judging by the village I could see at the foot of the mountain. I think I was right.

Before I could decide whether to go down the mountain or not, to go to the village, a yellow dot appeared within the three-kilometer detection circle on the Mini-map.

Interestingly, it was coming in my direction, descending the mountain along the trail. So I ended up waiting to see who it was.

As I suspected, it was someone I knew, a boy wearing a light blue hood that partially covered a burn scar, a scarf, and a striped haori, green and black.

He looked to be about thirteen years old, give or take a few months, and carried a basket of charcoal on his back.

Tanjiro Kamado, the last son of the Sun.

The boy seemed to notice me from afar, sniffing the air as if he had smelled something just before turning, looking at me.

I could see that he hesitated, for some reason, before walking in my direction.

"Good morning, sir." He was the first to speak, stopping a few meters away from me and giving a slight bow.

"What are you doing on this trail in the morning? I've never seen you around here before, where are you from..." He looked me up and down quickly, especially my clothes, which must have been something totally strange to him.

It wasn't a hostile question, as it seemed pure curiosity, and given that I was totally foreign compared to the Japanese, it was an expected question.

"Do you want a summary or a complete story, kid?" I asked Tanjiro, who approached, looking at the village along with me. "And you, what are you doing in the morning with a basket of charcoal on your back? A charcoal burner?" I asked.

He answered almost instantly, turning to look at me.

"A summary, would love to hear the full story, but as you noticed..." He pointed to the basket on his back. "I'm going to sell the charcoal; my father has been very sick lately, so it's my job as the eldest son to take care of the family." He seemed sad and proud at the same time.

That was good; Tanjuro was still alive. I was afraid for a moment that he had already died, but since the boy beside me wasn't wearing hanafuda earrings, I thought that wasn't the case. Good thing.

This meant that I could still learn the Sun Breathing from Tanjiro's father and that there were at least a few months left until the Kamado family massacre. I could change things then.

"Let's do this..." I pointed to the basket of charcoal on his back. "How much would all of these charcoals be?" I asked.

The boy widened his eyes slightly and repeated my question, as if he hadn't heard it correctly.

"How much would all of these charcoals be?"

"That's what I asked; I'm glad my Japanese is still good." I commented lightly, my voice playful.

I didn't even know Japanese; that was the funniest part.

Tanjiro shook his head, as if to adjust his thoughts. "Are you sure? It would be about thirty Yen in total." He said hesitantly.

Frankly, I had no idea how much that was at this time. It should be around the year nineteen twelve or something. The economy on the planet wasn't the best, especially since we were in a rural area.

Well, I was going to help his family anyway. Let's do this... I put my hand in the pocket of my winter coat, and from the inventory, I took out a small bag with some silver and gold coins from Terraria.

"Here, take it." I tossed the bag to him, and he reacted quickly, catching it in the air. "I don't have any local currency; would this do?" I asked, keeping my face serious.

When he opened the bag, I could see his eyes widen, practically turning into two saucers on his face.

Before he could refuse, I waved my hand and said. "Accept it, treat it as help. You said your father was sick, didn't you?" I asked rhetorically.

Tanjiro hesitated, looking at the bag and then at my face quickly before reaching out, returning the bag of coins to me.

"I can't accept this, sir. It's too much for just this basket of charcoal. I won't deceive you like this!" He said with a serious, determined face.

Of course, he would do that.

Tanjiro, whether he liked it or not, was a good person. Someone who, even against monsters that ate people, still pitied them and got sad for their deaths.

He wouldn't be someone who would "take advantage" of someone.

"Let's do this..." I took the bag of coins back. "I need a guide; I'm new to these areas, as you could tell." I pointed to myself. "I was looking for a man named Tanjuro, do you know him?" I finished asking.

Tanjiro widened his eyes again before nodding in agreement. "Yes, that's my father, do you know him?" He asked, practically forgetting about the coins.

"Yes and no," I replied. "I heard some rumors and wanted to see if they were true, but personally knowing him, no." By "heard some rumors," I meant that I watched him in an anime. "Can you take me to him? Or is there any issue?"

"No, not at all." He quickly waved his hands. "I can, no problem, just as I said."

"Great! Let's go then!" I interrupted him, as he probably would say something about selling the charcoals or something.

Without hesitation, I started walking, ascending the mountain along the same path Tanjiro had come. I could hear the boy's steps behind me, so I turned around, finally introducing myself.

"I forgot to introduce myself. Pleasure, I'm Devas." I gave a slight bow.

Tanjiro, who still seemed confused by all the happenings, did the same. "Pleasure, Mr. Devas, my name is Tanjiro Kamado."

With that done, I resumed walking, Tanjiro's steps following mine.


POV: Tanjiro Kamado.

Devas-san was a strange someone... But he didn't smell like a bad person.

When I first smelled him, he emitted a dangerous scent, but at the same time, the most human scent I had ever sensed, if that somehow made sense. I could almost smell his emotions.

It was overwhelming. I hesitated to get closer; I had never smelled emotions like this before... Still, I ended up going to him.

He didn't seem like a bad person, and the smell didn't either; my nose didn't lie.

Talking to him, I found out that he was as strange to me as his clothes. I had never seen clothes like that, but then again, I had never seen someone who looked like Devas-san.

It was obvious he was a foreigner, but he wasn't like any I had seen before.

He was probably noble, maybe, since he casually threw a bag of foreign coins made of silver and gold. I knew they weren't fake; my nose could smell it; they were real gold and silver.

And he knew my father from somewhere too, a rumor, he said... What rumor, I wonder... I still needed to sell the charcoals, but I guess that could wait.

"Do you want to hear that story still, Tanjiro?" My thoughts were interrupted by Devas's voice coming from in front of me.

"Sure, we still have a few minutes until we arrive." I perked up, paying attention to his words.

I'll tell the story to Nezuko and the others later; my siblings loved stories...

"Well, there are two places where I came from, actually." He slowed down, walking by my side. "The place I was born, and the place where I'm living now. Want to hear about which one?" Two places? Did he have to move or something?

"Why did you move? Did something happen? You didn't like your home?" I wanted to ask, but I hesitated; it would be rude.

"Hmm..." He hummed for a moment. "Let's say yes, I got a new job in the place where I'm living now." I looked up, seeing his face. He seemed amused by something, like an internal joke.

I noticed now that he was tall too.

"I'll tell you about the place where I'm living now then, since you seemed interested." He thought for a few seconds, as if deciding what to say, before starting.

"Have you ever heard those stories from the past, kingdoms, empires, surrounded by walls and nature?" He asked me. It was a rhetorical question, as he continued without waiting for my answer.

"Terraria is like that, a place that seems to have come out of a fantasy book." When he started talking about this place, Terraria, he had a cheerful scent, but at the same time bitter... Why?

"The first time I went there, frankly, I thought I was dreaming. Everything there seemed more alive, the plants, the nature. In a way, everything seemed more real..." He let out a small laugh.

"A place that seemed like an illusory dream was more real to me than any place." He fell silent for a few seconds before continuing.

"I ended up reaching the kingdom through a forest, walked for some time, but still, it was worth it since it gave me one of the best views I had ever seen. The walls of the kingdom in the distance."

I only noticed because I was paying attention to him, but he looked to the side quickly, as if reading something, before continuing, with a slight smile on his face, a happier one.

And speaking of that... a kingdom?!

"The walls of Terraria are enormous, I'll tell you, almost a hundred meters tall, made of stone and steel. Imposing, but still, for me, the least impressive part of the place."

I interrupted him, as I had a question.

"It sounds like a beautiful place, but why do you seem somewhat... sad? When you talk about it?" This question had been consuming my thoughts for some time already.

His scent was cheerful when talking about this place, but still, sad.

He stopped, his legs freezing for a moment before he started moving again.

"I didn't go there by choice, Tanjiro, I was kind of forced to take that job, for... reasons that aren't so important now... I won't lie, in a way, I love Terraria, with all my heart..."

But he also hated the place; it didn't need to be said for me to understand.

"But what about the place where you were born?" I asked. "Couldn't you go back there after a while and return to Terraria again."

I almost had to cover my nose with the smell that came from him.

It was a mix of various emotions: anger, sadness, bitterness, hatred, happiness... but one stood out; the scent emanating from him was mainly of loneliness.

An overwhelming loneliness that just by being close to Devas-san made me want to run back to my mom and dad and hug them... How?

How could someone have emotions like this? I had never managed to smell emotions like this before, especially something so overwhelming and strong like this feeling...

I snapped out of my little reverie with Devas's voice; only then did I realize that I had stopped and was looking at his back.

"I can't go back there... not anymore..." He sighed, waving for me to move. "The place where I was born has a certain... rule, let's call it that, that prohibits certain things, and I ended up acquiring one of those things without even realizing..."

Before I could ask what it was and why such a stupid rule existed, he pointed ahead.

"I believe that's your house, isn't it?" I looked ahead, and indeed, it was; he had good eyes... I could barely see it from here...

"Come on, I'll finish telling this story if you want more later..." He quickened his pace again, walking in front of me.

I didn't know why, but for some reason, his back seemed very lonely...


POV: Devas Asura.

I almost spoke too much... I ended up getting distracted, my thoughts leaking unintentionally.

I didn't want to open that can of worms now, not when I had so many things to figure out. First, I needed to focus; I had seven days to at least grasp the basics of the breathing technique.

The stream's (CHAT) had commented on my speech, asking what I was talking about... Interestingly, the people I knew, who knew what I was talking about, didn't say anything, respecting my silence.

I had already had a brief conversation with them before, when the stream had not even twenty people, but still... Well, it doesn't matter.

I sighed, stretching my muscles as I approached Tanjiro's house.

Interestingly, the first person I saw when I arrived wasn't Tanjiro's mother, Nezuko, or the rest of his siblings, but his father.

From what I remembered, he should be around twenty-five years old, but he looked older, much older.

He resembled Tanjiro, mainly in the shape of his face and eyes, but the rest didn't, maybe it was in the past, but now, the man seemed to be knocking on the doors of hell.

He had sunken eyes, his skin looked dry, and he was thin; I could see his bones marking his skin... But still, even with all that, somehow I knew that man was dangerous.

Not as if he could kill me, he was far from it, but my instincts told me not to underestimate him, that he could hurt me in some way...

It seemed like a joke, a guy who looked more like a corpse, sick, and almost dead, could hurt me?

But that's what my instincts were telling me, somehow, even in this deplorable state, Tanjuro Kamado, still somehow, could hurt me...

Frankly, this just made me want that breathing technique even more... But I had a question...

Why the hell was this guy outside the house in this cold!

Knowing you're going to die is one thing, everyone will, but accelerating the process was just foolish!

The man noticed us quickly, turning and looking first at me, then at Tanjiro, and turning his gaze back to me.

Interestingly, he didn't have the suspicion I thought he would; he just nodded and stood up, waiting for me in front of the house.

Tanjiro ran ahead while I walked calmly, observing the rest of the Kamado family doing their chores around the house and yard.

I could see what looked like a younger Tanjiro, only with black hair, chopping wood just to the right. He probably was around ten or eleven years old.

Next to him, a younger boy and girl, both probably not older than ten, carried the cut wood logs to the house.

By the side of the house, through the window, I could see an adult woman, the Kamado matriarch, in the kitchen, cooking something I couldn't see.

And on the other side of the house, sweeping a room that was probably the living room, a girl who looked about twelve or thirteen. I knew her, Nezuko.

And playing near her, a little boy, the youngest in the family, probably about three or four years old.

Overall, it was a harmonious scene, a family helping each other, surviving a cold winter, everyone playing their part...

I sighed lightly... I was going to do this already, but now, I'll make sure they move to another place, close to the demon slayers... I won't let Muzan destroy what I was seeing...

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Tanjiro, who was waving for me to approach.

I went to him, who was next to his father, Tanjuro. The Kamado patriarch was the first to speak.

"Good morning, traveler, Devas-san, isn't it?... My son said you heard some rumors about me and wanted to see me. What is it about?" He commented, before seeming to remember something.

"Forgive my lack of manners." He made a small bow with his head as he introduced himself. "I am Tanjuro Kamado, the current patriarch of the Kamado family." Shortly after finishing the sentence, he coughed a few times, bending his body as he brought his hand to his mouth.

I could see there was a bit of blood on his hand, which he quickly hid so no one would see, yet both of us knew that Tanjiro had smelled the blood, especially by the worried expression on the boy's face.

"Not for much longer, perhaps..." He commented, with a slight smile on his face.

A morbid joke, yet it was my kind of joke; laughing at your own misfortune is the first step.

Before Tanjiro could reprimand his father for saying he was close to dying, even if it was true, I commented, taking advantage of the moment.

"Can I come in?" I pointed to the house. "I have some things I'd like to discuss with you." I could see that the man was a bit confused, and he became even more so when I showed him the empty palm of my hand.

Of course, until I pulled a "Purification Powder" pill from the inventory, along with antibiotics.

"I think I can make you continue being the patriarch of your family for longer than you expect."


POV: Devas Asura. (Omake-Canon?: I really don't know about this one, let me know if you want it to be canon or not, I can continue this "mission" if you like.)

"Full house, won again." I heard Stark's voice coming from the mushroom-shaped hologram in armor.

We were playing poker, using one of the games from the stream, me, Stark, Dumbledore, and Fukasaku.

I can only say that either he was the unluckiest person ever to set foot in Terraria, or Stark was cheating.

Since the table was the actual stream, which didn't allow cheats to happen, I already knew the answer...

"Never in my life have I seen someone so unlucky in poker..." The cactus-shaped hologram with a wizard hat, representing Dumbledore, commented.

"I second that. I'm not very used to card games, but still, I think I've only seen this kind of bad luck in that friend of Jiraiya-san." The sunflower-shaped hologram with a frog tongue commented.

Being compared to Tsunade by Fukasaku was something sad... very, very sad...

"Come on, I'll spin this damn roulette then." I sighed as I stood up from the table. We were playing in "my" clearing; they weren't really here, just these holograms they could "control" with their phones.

We had played a few times since there was kind of an "Intervention." Since they, in this case, everyone from (CHAT - FATE) and many people from (CHAT) in general, said that I don't rest enough, and I'll end up overwhelming myself...

Stupidity, my body could handle it, and my mind even more.

But I wanted to test these games, so I ended up accepting... should have declined, since I literally lost every game!

It wasn't mathematically viable for this to happen, it made no sense, but it happened.

In the last game, Stark came up with the idea of using the other feature that came with these games, a "punishment roulette." It was basically a normal roulette, but I could put some things there myself.

An example was: Do a thousand push-ups, do a thousand sit-ups, run ten thousand kilometers. And so on.

But the cool thing about this roulette was that it had the stream options, which were more... diverse...

[(CHAT) chooses a mission (Safe)]

"Damn! Of course, it would be this!" I sighed.

This was one of the options; the stream gave a list of worlds to (CHAT), which I couldn't see, and they chose.

Of course, I only left the (SAFE) option enabled, which were worlds where I could survive with relative ease... God forbid they end up choosing something like FATE (NOTES), Worm, or something worse...

"YES! DAMN! HOW I WISHED IT WOULD BE THIS!" The mushroom shouted, Stark letting his joy out into my world...

"Hurry up before I change my mind, damn it, I wanted to get the paints and go on that trip with Gilbert and Dylan, it's two weeks to Winterhord..." I wanted those spider webs, whether I liked it or not...

"Kirkrirk!" The shadowflame agreed with me, slightly emerging from the necklace on my chest.

The little guy had become cooler after "that."

"I'll make sure it's a good world, don't worry!" The iron mushroom commented. "The stream still gives a description of them! How wonderful!"

It didn't take long for the votes to start, Ruby's team and Stark's team competing to see which world I would go to.

I don't even know if I should be happy to see that Ruby's team was winning... anything could happen.

In the end, I didn't know if Stark had bribed people, but he and his maniacal minions ended up winning, narrowly, but still, they won.

I stood up, watching the portal appear in front of me. Of course, I could just not enter and forget about it, but whether I liked it or not, I trusted Stark.

Obviously, I knew that world would have something that would annoy me in some way, especially the way Stark seemed cheerful in (CHAT).

But still, it wouldn't be anything harmful, and it would probably help me.

Anyway, I only had three days in that world, it wouldn't change my schedule much anyway.

Taking a step forward, I felt the "World" spin around me before stepping back onto the grass.

I had appeared in a dense forest with many animals, if what I heard was true.

It didn't take even five seconds for the bushes behind me to rustle, and something jumped out.

Two wolves, or they looked like wolves, as they were made of wood. Their bodies were vines and tangled branches.

"What the hell kind of world did I end up in?" I commented, but (CHAT) was silent, Stark having activated the no-spoiler option in (CHAT). The only messages being his own, laughing like a maniac.

Of course, I could just turn off this option, but it seemed like a well-thought-out prank, so I'll go along with it, let's see how far this goes...

If I see any sparkling "vampires," I'll blow everything up in a twenty-kilometer radius, and when it comes to Marvel...

I shook my head, dispersing my thoughts.

I had been standing for some time, waiting for these "wolves" to attack me, but curiously, they just stood there... no, were they trembling? What the heck?...

They were indeed trembling; when they saw me, they stopped growling and started shaking, their branches and leaves swaying rapidly, as if they were scared?...

"Boo!" I shouted lightly, which curiously made the two wolves in front of me practically "fly" with the speed they ran away into the forest...

Alright... fauna... or were they flora? Well... cowardly, if I can put it that way.

I didn't pursue them, as at the moment I was about to do that, I noticed something...

"Stark... what the hell is going on with the moon?!"

Why did the craters on the moon look like a unicorn?...


(I'll post the chapter today, on Sunday, because tomorrow, Monday, I have an exam, so no chapter tomorrow!)

Yay! I liked the way the conversation in this chapter was written, and I already have this mini-arc practically ready, with an ending that I really liked.

Now, onto the chapter.

Devas now has a "supplier" with Gilbert, the merchant, playing this role.

He remembered to take the weapons, the "shield," and Gringor's body, especially the body, with the cape.

About what's happening in Rwby... many things have changed, many haven't, many got worse or better?...

About this northern city, I have plans for it, and for the path to it, both being something I found very cool when I created it in my head.

Finally, Kimetsu.

I chose this world because, if you pay attention, the breathing techniques are ridiculously strong, but at the same time, not.

Seriously, Yoriichi was basically hypersonic at one point when he fought against Michael Jackson, all using just a normal human body and a technique he was born knowing how to use, as the Breath of the Sun was how he naturally breathed.

The guy was a damn monster, to the point that if he had been born in another world with a higher power level, he would be a complete demon...

That said, Devas will have some problems with the Breath of the Sun, especially as the Kamado family knows it, Hinokami Kagura.

Funny how the first technique he learned for himself was a dance to praise the gods... Amaterasu specifically, but you get it. (Before anyone worries, I have something planned for it, don't worry).

As for the Kamado family, they are still alive, from what I researched, Tanjuro's death was a few months before the appearance of Mich-Muzan, so a lot can change.

Now, one thing I noticed that some people commented on.

About katanas: I don't like this type of weapon, I don't deny that it has a cool appeal for fighting, with various combinations that are fun to "watch," but still, it's not feasible for Devas.

He will use a katana a few times, but still, his main weapons are more varied things like two-handed swords, longswords, spears, halberds, etc...

It's Terraria, what won't be lacking are weapons.

As for the scars, he lost them because it made sense, given the amount of vitality he "ate" and the way his body worked.

But I have plans for him to "recover" some, after all, there are thousands of ways to prevent regeneration, in Terraria specifically, I have a "Boss" in mind... Well, no spoilers, but I loved this fight I created, especially the context of it.

As for the Omake... it's a joke I came up with, a funny but serious scenario in my head, after all, curiously, many worlds have things stuck on the moon...

I wrote a lot, so good night and good reading to everyone!

PS: Comment if possible, what do you think of two specific worlds:

About League of Legends (Runeterra) in general. (Region of the world not specific, it can be any, Shurima, Freljord, Noxus, Demacia)

About DanMachi, before canon, about 2 months before the rabbit appears in Orario. (You know him, if you think he'll have Falna, you're wrong...)

These two worlds, I have plans for them because I know "a lot" about them, and I think they are worlds that people like to read, and that will make sense for the story, for the way it is progressing in general.

They have many equipment, weapons, challenges of Devas level and higher, waifus...

But mainly, Gods, many Gods, weak and strong... I have 2 possible first meetings of Devas with a deity...

Well, comment there, give your opinion!

PSS: If the chapter has changed language, sorry! I left the computer on, and Google ended up translating everything automatically to Portuguese, I didn't see it and ended up saving parts of it like that, I've already corrected it, sorry for the mistake!

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