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45% Ron weasley : The lion / Chapter 18: ch 18

Bab 18: ch 18

"That is good news, my boy. Very good news."

Looking upon the old wizard now I couldn't help but think. He's tired ...of everything.

I just finished accounting my tale of my latest trainings with Harry. Of how Harry was not at risk of being possessed and that the recent developments were his own skill, nothing more.

"I should have told you sooner, you've been worrying." I said aloud without even thinking. It has been almost a week, after all.

"You'll learn, sooner rather than later, that life is full of worries." Dumbledore responded from his slouched position in his worn chair in his office. "This was but another."

I nodded, knowing that same fact from my previous life, even if I never saw a quarter of the age of the man I saw in front of me.

I turned to leave, convinced that our conversation was cut short.

"I am not sure that Harry has given us the full truth, or perhaps, that he himself does not know the full truth."

I turned around and for the first time since we started the meeting our eyes met. Immediately I felt the probe on my mind. I calmly deflected the probe and it slid off of my shields as if we were two magnets forcing themselves away from one another.

I didn't respond, instead I waited for him to continue like I knew he wanted to, nor did I make a big deal of his probe.

"Your defenses have improved." He commented. "With the connection ...deepened, I would say, it is very possible that his is being influenced by Tom, without either of them knowing." Dumbledore continued. "My observations make me believe that it is subtle things, like Tom's talents becoming Harry's talents."

"Observations?" I questioned.

"First, it is his ease with manipulation. That, I would say, is the greatest indicator of my theory. Second, His magic use in the first meeting of your new group. He is obviously using spells found in the Black Library. And finally, you tell me his skilled with legilimency?" Dumbledore laid all of the evidence out for me.

I thought about it for a moment, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

I don't really see it. I thought to myself.

"Is there anything we can do about that if you're right?" I asked.

"Not much, I'm afraid." Dumbledore answered. "Occlumency must become a priority, to limit it. Then all that we can do is guidance."

I agreed with him but didn't tell him what I was thinking. I didn't tell him that I didn't see the problem with having the same talents of one of the most dangerous wizards to ever live. I didn't tell him that him and I, also shared talents. I didn't tell him that it was our decisions that made us who we are, not our talents.

But when I went to walk out without saying anything else, I'm sure my silence told him everything he needed to know about my thoughts.

"Are you going to do anything about our newly appointed 'High Inquisitor'?" Dumbledore called out.

"She hasn't done anything that I truly care about, to be honest with you, Headmaster." I responded truthfully as I turned around once again.

He nodded in acceptance and I continued. "I will pay her a visit to see what her next move is, it's obvious that she is only moving pieces on her board, gauging the waters."

"Good." Dumbledore said quickly. "I was afraid you would act rashly and play your cards too early."

"As long as the DA is kept alive, I do not care what she does to the school. I will teach them everything they need to know." I told him.

He raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "Enlighten me, Mr. Weasley." 'What can you teach them, that the school can't.

A grin broke out across my face.

"How to learn."

"I just can't get it." I heard Neville cry out from behind me.

I turned back to the fourth year girl I was helping. "You've got it down. Just keep practicing and you'll have it mastered soon, someone else needs my help."I told her as I turned around to deal with Neville.

He had just sat down in a chair on the side of the room after his outburst, and his anger was deflating from him as he exhaled.

I sat next to him in one of the chairs we pilfered from some unused classroom on another floor. "What's the problem, mate?" I asked.

"I've cast it before, I know I have, perfectly. I just can't get it to be consistent." Neville answered.

That is normally a lack of focus or … My eyes fell to his wand and I kicked myself. ...his wand. How the fuck did I forget about that.

"Let me see your wand." I told him.

He handed it over and I was met with a wave of coldness, wrongness. My own wand hummed in my left hand in response to the intruder. I handed it back to Neville.

"You've taken good care of it since you bought it from Ollivandor's, yea?" I asked trying to get him to tell me it was his father's wand. I couldn't think of an excuse for my knowledge since I wasn't sure of him mentioning it in conversations around me before.

"I have taken good care of it! But I didn't buy it from Ollivandor's. It was my father's wand." He answered.

I acted surprised. "And it's compatible with you?" I once again asked.

"Compatible?" Neville gave me a look of confusion.

"Let me expand. When my wand touches my skin, my magic rolls into it without conscious thought. It feels ...like a part of my own body has returned home. And it purrs. Do you have a similar experience when you touch that wand?"

"No, it feels a bit ...cold, and warm at the same time. It doesn't feel like that at all." He answered.

I clapped my hands together, acting happy with myself. "Well then that settles it, you are not compatible."

He got angry. "I am compatible!" He exclaimed and I forgot about his attachment to it.

I held my hands out in surrender. "Ok, ok."

He calmed down then and I used that opportunity to expand. "I am not my father, Neville. My father is a good man. He provides for his family and he loves what he does, he's happy."

I pause because he was now looking at me. "There are aspects of him that I strive to have in myself. But I dislike many things about him, and honestly, I don't want to be like him. And that's natural! We were born in different times, have different interests, and different experiences."

I realized I was going all over the place and should have articulated this better. "What I'm trying to say is that it's ok not to be your father. We all have to walk in our own shoes, mate."

"That wand is hindering your magical performance." I finished pointing at the wand in question.

He gave me a look that told me he understood what I was trying to say.

"It's the only thing I have left of him, besides a vegetable." Neville said, showing his anger still brimming under the surface.

"I understand but I'm sure if he could, he'd tell you to be your own person and then he'd tell your grandmother to stop trying to make you a clone of him. Parents want their children to be better than them, afterall." I finished and I stood up noticing another student having problems.

"Now, tomorrow is Saturday. Go to Mcgonagall and floo your grandmother to take you to get a new wand. Don't ask, tell her and if she gives you lip, tell her you are not your father." I told him and walked away.

The group has almost doubled in size and it's only been three meetings. I thought to myself as I watched everyone walk out.

"They're getting better." I commented to the one person still left in the room.

"Nothing like us." Harry shot back from his seat.

"That's not fair, they don't expect to fight in a war soon." I answered quickly. "The motivation isn't there."

"Hermione knows, and while she is doing better, she still doesn't have the drive to do anything besides memorize textbooks." Harry responded, revealing that he might have been trying to get her to train with him.

"Her faith has always been in authority, she doesn't see the need to learn anything more than they teach her." I told him what I have always thought about her studying tendencies.

"How hasn't that faith been broken yet? After all the teachers and the lies from those with 'authority'?" Harry asked using his fingers to quote 'authority'.

"It just might be after this year." I answered him.

"Might be too late then."

I sheathed myself fully into her depths and felt her legs shake. I withdrew myself fully and repeated the action each time her walls tightened around me to draw out her orgasm. Fluids gushed around my member as her walls simultaneously tried to push me out and pull me in at the same time.

Her left hand clenched into a fist next to where I held her arm behind her back, using it for leverage with my thrusts.

Fleur's moans escaped out of the pillow I had her face buried in and bounced off of the walls of her apartment.

Three. I thought to myself, keeping up with her orgasms.

My thrusts became more forceful with purpose as I finally seeked my own release, content with her pleasure. Her right hand reached out to the headboard to stabilise herself as I pounded into her.

She continued to mumble in french and with a squeal, she came again, finally sending me over the edge. Our hips met with force once more and I released into the deepest part of her with a grunt.

She milked me for all that I was worth and when it ended I dropped like a puppet with his strings cut.

We laid there beside each other, breathing heavy for a moment and regaining our bearings.

"You are a beast." Fleur mumbled looking at me.

I turned and found her lips swollen because of my treatment of them. I smiled at her for the compliment.

"It's not fair." Fleur continued. "I am a Veela, and older! I am supposed to be more skilled than you."

I laughed louder then. "It's a man's job to please his woman." I told her as if it explained everything.

She shuffled around in the bed and laid her head on my chest as she leg swung over to snuggle me. My left arm pulled her close and I momentarily noted how perfectly her body fit next to mine.

"Mmmm…" She moaned. "...you definitely do that."

I kissed her, hard which resulted with another moan. Her left hand trailed down to my lower body and grasped my growing member.

I love being younger again. I thought to myself and my body responded to her touches even after just releasing.

She broke off the kiss and her lips and tongue traveled down my torso, bringing me to full mast even before she wrapped her perfect lips around my cock.

She swirled her tongue over the tip before engulfing my girthy, above average member with her lips.

She worked me over like a professional, using her hands to stroke when she slid it out of her mouth.

Dear God. I thought as I did my best not to cum right then and there. I have done a lot of thinking on just how she got her significant skills and still had yet to find an explanation.

She withdrew with a long lick from base to tip and stood up on her knees, looking down at me with a smile.

"My turn." She said as she moved to straddle me.

I slipped in without resistance, wondering if it was my seed or her womanly juices, I decided it was a combination of both. Her walls tightened around me and I once again wondered if it was voluntary for her or if it was an influence from her heritage.

I'm ruined for other women. I thought as she worked me over without even moving yet.

"And I am ruined for other men, love."

Did I say that out loud?

She nodded in response and I realized I really was talking outloud. She laughed and dropped down to kiss me, I responded passionately.

I refuse to go down without a fight. I told myself as my hands started moving.

I put pressure down with my nails right under her left shoulder blade and dragged them slowly down to her hip, a spot I discovered would unravel her our first night together. Her hips ground into mine and she squeezed me subconsciously with a moan.

I smiled as my other hand grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled slightly to tilt her head. I pulled out as much as I can from underneath her and started slow purposeful thrusts. With her head tilted, my teeth found her neck and bit lightly enough not to leave a mark but hard enough to produce the desired effect.

She moaned even louder then and her hips moved to meet my thrusts. I continued to bite around her neck as we met our hips over and over again. I felt her about to unravel around me.

"No!" She exclaimed, determined in not losing.

She sat up so that she could get away from my mouth, thinking she was safe from my manipulations of her body and put her hands on my torso as she increased her thrusts.

She was wrong as one of my hands reached up, wrapped around her throat and applied pressure to the sides to decrease the blood flow but not air flow. The other hand pinched her perfect nipple as she continued to grind against me. I did all of this while matching each of her thrusts in sync.

Knowing she lost the battle, she came with another squeal and drenched my lap in her juices. She continued to grind against me to draw out the orgasm and my hands continued their treatment of her. She finally came down and started to ride me with more purpose as she ripped my hand off of her throat and pinned it down.

I grunted without thinking because of my upcoming orgasm.

Fleur heard it and acted, jumping off of my lap suddenly. Her head dropped as her mouth wrapped around me and continued her actions from earlier.

I stood no chance and had one of the best orgasms of either of my lives. I was lost to pleasure as she drained me dry with her mouth and hands.

Only when I started to soften in her mouth did she stop her actions and I realized that both of my hands were on either side of me gripping the sheets and mattress beneath me.

Holy shit, I finally found my match. I thought to myself. It only took me traveling into another universe/dimension.

"Wow." I said aloud.

Fleur laughed as she crawled up my body and laid in the same position she was in earlier.

She's a swallower. I realized absentmindedly. And a freak. My mind continued.

I reached down to grasp her jaw and kissed her once again, not caring of our shared juices in her mouth.

"I love you." I told her as we separated.

"Je t'aime aussi." She mumbled as she laid her head down on my chest.

"You have made me ruin the sheets ...again." She told me.

"Perfect way to start the day." I told her noticing the rays of light streaming in through her window.

She moaned in agreement. "I'm going to be sore all day."

We lay there for another good ten minutes without moving and just as I was about to get up and start the day, there was a banging on the door.

I got up quickly and found my wand on the bedside table as I prepared myself for anything. I walked out of the room and towards the door without any clothes on, deeming them unnecessary for now.

"Fleur!" A woman's voice called from outside.

I met Fleur's eyes and couldn't help but take an appreciative look at the perfect nude body in front of me. I snapped myself out of it and sent her a questioning glance.

She gave me a smirk and replied. "Hold on, maman! I am not dressed."

My heart dropped and my eyes widened in fear as I heard Fleur address her mother. Then I schooled my features so that Fleur didn't think I was scared to meet her family.

My body started moving back to the bedroom to get dressed and I heard Fleur's mother say something else in french.

I swiftly got dressed and then felt a wave of magic wash over me. I recognized it as a 'homenum revelio'. Fleur threw on a baggy shirt that looked a lot like mine, and then some underwear before

There goes any hope for escape. I thought to myself as I walked back into the living room as Fleur opened the door.

In stepped a woman that looked to be in her mid thirties, dressed fashionably. In fact, her outfit screamed wealth. She had an otherworldly beauty that matched her daughters.

She locked eyes with me immediately, knowing that I was here because of the spell. I gave her a small smile and nod as hello. Her face gave nothing away as her eyes roamed over my form, judging me.

She turned back to her daughter. "It reeks of sex in here."

I held back a snort but Fleur didn't. "Well you did come unannounced." Fleur answered, not fazed in the slightest.

They are sexual 'creatures' after all. My mind supplied and I immediately berated myself for the word 'creature'. I knew I didn't view her that way but my pureblood upbringing showed itself.

"I take it you forgot about our shopping date, then?" Fleur's mother said.

Fleur's face dropped as she realized she did indeed forget.

"I am Ron Weasley." I said as I walked up to them, trying to take the heat off of Fleur.

"Apolline Delacour." She responded holding my gaze. "Why don't you go get dressed. I didn't take that international portkey to this country for nothing, dear." She said breaking off eye contact and facing Fleur.

Fleur did as she asked and winked at me as she passed by. I smiled in response.

"What is your intentions with my daughter?" Appoline asked once Fleur left the room.

My wand found its way into my hand I cast a subtle charm that would make sure Fleur would only hear whispering if she tried to listen in. Apolline's eyes moved around our form as if she could see the magic working.

"I will marry her, one day." I answered truthfully as possible. "With you and your husband's permission of course." I added at the end to be respectful.

"Ah, so you two have been at it for a while?" Appoline said and I realized she didn't know as much as I thought she did.

"Something like that." I answered evasively.

She looked at me once again and her eyes focused. "You are the boy she took to the Yule ball? And the boy who helped her during the second task of the tournament." She said this with a smile.

"Yes mam." I answered, my past life influencing my speech as I tried to show her respect while not bristling at being called 'boy', even if it was true.

She was about to speak again when Fleur entered the room again, dressed in robes that were more expensive than the ones she normally wore. I dropped the charm so that she could speak.

"Ready, maman?" Fleur asked.

"Of course." Appoline said as she walked to the door to give us space to say goodbye.

I grabbed Fleur and gave her a kiss to remember me by. "I'll see you soon. I love you." I spoke softly to her.

"Je t'aime aussi." She stated loud enough for her mother to hear.

I winked and apparated with a 'pop'.

A door materialized in front of me, melting out of the wall. I walked door as soon as it was done.

I walked in to my normal study room, determined to get something to do. I sat down and finished all of the homework that I had due within the hour. I knew I would turn in something that would result in outstandings across the board.

Once I was done, I found myself with a rare moment of free time. So I did the only thing I could think of.

A book dropped onto the table in front of me and I recognized it as one that I had yet to open but the room always wanted to provide.

Fuck it. I thought as I picked it up and looked at the cover.

'Et Elementals'

Untitled, of course. My mind supplied as I eyed the cover and realized I couldn't translate it.

I opened the book and realized that there was no introductory paragraph or text that usually accompanied old tomes. Instead the first page read 'BASIC'.

I turned the page and found 'incendio' on the first page. There was a paragraph of writing that appeared as latin at first and before my eyes the writing unraveled and translated into english. It was of course the most basic of fire conjuration spells, the text below it also gave multiple situations that the spell would be appropriate for.

Never seen a book with a built in translation spell. I realized and immediately I treated the book with more respect.

The second page had the spell 'aguamenti', the most basic water conjuration spell. The paragraph also showed the most appropriate situations it should be used in. It was very insightful.

I decided to flip through the pages and I saw multiple spells to conjure fire for different purposes. There was a spell to control existing water sources, a spell to raise a wall of earth, a gust of wind, and more.

I started flipping more and found the advanced section towards the back of the book.

The first spell was 'Protego Diabolica', the same spell that Grindelwald famously used in France. I turned the page once more, finally realizing the book was worth its weight in gold, possibly more.

The next spell read 'Fulmen', and it was described the incantation and wand motion to summon a bolt of lightning that one could direct towards an opponent. At the bottom of the paragraph there was a small excerpt.

'Fastest known traveling spell.'

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened at the gold mine in my hands. I felt a slight modicum of fear and excitement as I realized there was one more page. My curiosity got the best of me and immediately I was assaulted by a drawing of a dragon made of fire. Underneath it read the name of the spell.


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