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20.31% The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross) / Chapter 65: Chapter: 65

Bab 65: Chapter: 65

Chapter: 65

Sif didn't know how to feel right now. She was watching a being she thought extinct face off against her realm's greatest weapon. Not only that, but the not-extinct winged woman was holding her own against the Destroyer. 

"Woo! Go Layla!" "Kick that evil robot's ass!" "Layla-Layla-Layla!"

Then there were all the mortals who were cheering loudly as they watched the fight. At least they had the sense to stand further back lest a stray blast hit them. Although that may also have been the twelve-winged angel's doing. She could sense him casting some kind of boundary ward that kept the mundane people from getting any closer to the dangerous fight in front of her. Although, Sif was starting to question just how dangerous this fight truly was. Especially when the other two angels with even more wings than the one facing off against the destroyer didn't seem to be worried for their friend at all as she fiercely battled.

A few hours earlier, Sif was training with the Warriors Three when Loki of all Gods appeared before them and asked for their help. They were all skeptical, of course – as they should have been, but then he mentioned the help was for Thor. According to Loki, Thor was powerless on Midgard and was in the process of being taken advantage of by the mortals there who were supposedly attempting to glean all of Asgard's secrets from him. In their haste, they didn't even question his words and rushed off to save their crown prince. It was only upon landing and seeing the crowds of Midgardians celebrating in the streets and openly worshiping their prince – as they had for thousands of years – that Sif realized Loki had tricked them. She had no idea why he wanted to do such a thing until a bit after they arrived; the destroyer followed after them. From the path it took, it was heading right towards them. Loki had somehow gained control of Asgard's weapon and sent it after them! Was he trying to kill his own brother!?

That was when the most unexpected thing happened before Sif's eyes. A Fallen Angel of all things – a being thought long extinct by her people – appeared before the destroyer and started fighting it. Not only that, but they were evenly matched. Such a thing shouldn't have been possible, for it was a weapon designed to kill gods – at least that's what she'd been told. Now, as she watched the six-winged Fallen Angel deliver a powerful spear-stab to the destroyer's torso, Sif was not quite sure what to think.

"Nice, it's been a while since I've seen any of Asgard's famous war golems in the field. They might not be very powerful, but they sure do look cool. Gotta hand it to Buri, the guy really had the taste of a true mecha otaku." The twelve-winged Fallen Angel commented. Sif only understood some of those words, yet from what she just gleaned, the Destroyer was created by King Odin's grandfather, King Buri. She was not aware of that fact. He also seemed to be under the impression that Asgard had more of them for some reason when everyone knew the destroyer was one of a kind…


Across the distance, the now EIGHT-winged angel–and when did that happen? – Summoned forth a massive spear-like construct of dark purple light! Layla flew above the destroyer, dodging its powerful heat blasts before slamming the spear down right on top of the war golem! The ensuing blast was so powerful that all the sand within dozens of meters was turned to glass.

"Our little Layla certainly has gotten stronger. Who'd have thought she'd advance to high class in a little over a month. That kind of speed is almost unheard of!" The ten-winged angel stated. "And to think she gained another pair of wings mid battle too!" 

"Damn straight!" Azazel added. "That was some crazy anime powerup shit right there!" He laughed out loud.

"High class? What's that?" Sif heard the human female – who held Thor's current affections – ask. Sif wanted to hate the woman for stealing away Thor, but she knew the truth for a long time now. Thor just plain wasn't interested in her. They had tried courting a few hundred years ago, but he quickly lost interest, and their relationship never went anywhere meaningful–much to her and his parents' disappointment. After all, Sif had basically been raised in the palace to be Asgard's next queen. Frigga herself had given her many lessons on ruling and court politics. All that turned out to be for naught though, as it seemed Asgard's future queen might end up being a mortal woman…

"I would like to know what high class is as well." Thor said. The twelve-winged Fallen – Azazel as he introduced himself – gave Thor a troubled look. One he shared with the other female Fallen, Penemue, who looked to Sif to be the older sister of Layla.

"You don't remember power ranking class designations?" Penemue asked. "They were pretty much universal though…" She trailed off. 

"Thor, I have a question for you," Sif heard Azazel say. "Do you know who I am?" He asked Thor with a serious look.

Thor nodded in confusion. "Of course. You are Azazel, Layla's older brother. You are also the leader of the fallen angels, according to her." Thor said, to Sif's surprise. He was king of the fallen angels? But he acted so casually with everyone! Sif was surprised at how different Azazel was from the hard and stoic King Odin. Sif also noticed that Thor's answer did not satisfy Azazel.

"Yes, Thor. Layla is correct, but you and I have met a bunch of times before now, you know. Don't you remember that time 1100 years ago!? We both got drunk and decided to do a panty raid of Vanaheim's royal palace?" Azazel said.

"What!?" Sif exclaimed in shock.

"Thor! You absolute dog you. I didn't know you had it in you, my good man!" Fandral commented. Sif was also unaware of such an event ever transpiring. Although her memories of events from such a long time ago were… fuzzy for some reason.

"We did!?" Thor asked in surprise. "I feel like I should have remembered that…"

Sif didn't like the frown Azazel was sporting as he seemed to be examining Thor closely. "Yes you should remember that. Especially, considering the beating we got from the goddess Freya when we'd been caught. We almost started a new war! Man, your sister Hela was absolutely pissed... How is she anyway? That woman had legs that went for days…"

Sif's confusion hit a peak. Who was Hela? What was Azazel talking about?

"I say, my good man. Are you sure you have the right Thor?" Fandral said.

"That's right." "Hmph." Hogan and Volstagg added.

"I don't have a sister." Thor said with a confused look.

Sif noticed Azazel was going to comment, but it was surprisingly the mortal Jane who spoke first. "What do you mean, Thor? Hela, the goddess of death, is really famous in Norse lore. I knew Loki apparently spread a bunch of lies, but there's no way he made up an entire goddess, right? She's supposed to rule over Helheim after all." She finished. Sif felt her head start to throb in pain as she listened to the mortal's words. Thor along with the warriors three looked the same.

"Damn, this thing can really take a beating." I muttered as I impaled the Destroyer with another light spear. It barely seemed to do any damage. In fact, I think the Destroyer was absorbing the magic in my spears to heal itself, as they were quickly fading away every time I stabbed the thing. I used 'Observe' on the knockoff 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' mecha.

[Destroyer - LvL 16. One of many magic golems created by King Buri of Asgard to fill the ranks of his armies. This is a generic model with no special modifications.]

What the hell did that even mean? Generic model? There were more of these things in Asgard? I thought they only had the one. My pondering was interrupted as its faceplate once again lowered, and I had to dive out of the way to dodge another heat blast. The beam missed as it veered off into the desert and turned all sand it hit into glass. I whistled at the power of that blast. It was easily in the lower ranges of high class in power. The only thing that held this robot back from being truly dangerous was how slow it was. It barely moved faster than the average human could. It sure could take a pounding, though. I had been fighting against it for almost ten minutes ago and not really doing any permanent damage. I figured this was as good a time as any for my 'unexpected' power-up.

[Name: Layla of the Fallen]

[Title: Angel of Hope]

[Level: 7]

[HP: 3100→4100]

[MP: 610→800]

[Vigor: 110]

[Strength: 25→30]

[Intelligence: 61→80]

[Luck: 20→25]

[Skills: Observe 2, Angelic Mastery 3→4, Acting 3, Light Manipulation 4→5, HP to MP conversion]

[Perks: Never Tell Me the Odds, Mana Siphoner]

[Drawbacks: Sin of Lust]

[Available Free Stat Points: 30→0]

[Skill Up Point: +1]

I used all of my available free stat points and raised my strength and luck by 5 points respectively and my intelligence by 19. That was enough to push my MP finally to 800! I felt a rush of power flow through me as I once again underwent a familiar evolution. Another pair of wings sprouted from my back as I reached the peak of high class with a set of 8 wings to show for it!

[Angelic Mastery has leveled up to 4! → You can now bestow angelic blessings onto others!]

[Light Manipulation has leveled up! → You can now reabsorb your light constructs to regain 50% MP!]

[Observe has leveled up! → You can now see HP and MP of targets!]

I dismissed the prompts even as I smiled at all of them. They all seemed incredibly useful! For now though, I still had a fight to win and could get back to them later. I used my upgraded observe on the destroyer to try and figure out what was going on with it. I had impaled with over 20 Lightspears at this point with nothing to show for it. It was incredibly irritating–not knowing if I was doing any real damage or not!

[Destroyer -HP: 5000/5000- 

-MP: 3400/4000-]

That was annoying information. The damn thing was absorbing the magic from my light spears to heal itself! It seemed like if I wanted to take this thing out, I'd have to do it in one shot! At least I had the power and mana to do that now. I called forth what I would have previously considered to be a titanic amount of power as I spent 200 MP and summoned a light spear that was bigger than ten of me put together. It must have been a comical sight to the onlookers to see a girl like myself hefting a light spear the size of a minivan over my head. I dodged the latest slow-moving blast from the robot before returning the favor and hurling my gigantic light spear at the damn thing! The ensuing blast was truly something to behold!


[-500 HP!]

I was a little too close for comfort when all that compressed Light magic ended up exploding nearby. I was sent hurtling into the now completely glass landscape around me! I didn't care though, as I was too busy laughing from that awesome explosion! I just wiped out a whole football field's worth of area with a single attack! Let's see the robot bastard survive that!

[Destroyer Defeated! You have leveled up!]


A/N: What infinity stones did Odin have when the Celestials attacked in my story? Power, Space and Mind. None of those would have allowed him to restore Asgard as only Time or Reality could do that. Odin didn't know where either of those, or the Soul Stone were.


Read 10+ chapters in advance over on my Pat.reon. 

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Bab 66: Chapter: 66

Chapter: 66

I could hear the crowd of hundreds of people cheering for me as I descended from the sky and landed in front of my family and Thor's group. I let out a sigh of relief that the normal human crowd was back so far. Azazel had clearly set up some kind of boundary while I was fighting the Destroyer to keep them all from getting too close. Having people cheer me on was amazing, but at the same time, exhausting. I also know that people can tend to act really stupid when in crowds. There's a very high possibility a lot of people could have been caught up in that fight and ended up as accidental casualties due to their own stupidity had my brother not intervened. 

"That was very well done, Layla. I'm proud of you." Penemue said when I set down in front of them. My eight black wings vanished as I touched down.

"And congratulations on becoming an eight-winged Fallen. That's quite an accomplishment." Azazel added.

Thor stepped forward with excitement yet concern on his face. "Your victory over the Destroyer was most impressive, Lady Layla. I can't help but question why it was even here in the first place, though?" At this point in time, Thor had not been given any inclination that Loki wanted him dead.

The beautiful goddess Sif stepped forward and then proceeded to explain that Loki had sent them here just hours ago and informed them that Thor was in danger and had been captured by the mortals who wanted to pry the secrets of Asgard from his mind.

"What?" Thor exclaimed. "The only immortals I've even spoken with are Lady Jane and her friends. Other than that, I spent most of my time with Lady Layla and her family, who are higher-level beings like we are. Who could have been so dastardly as to put my brother under such misconceptions and then try to have us all killed? Was it the Frost Giants? Have they once again infiltrated the heart of Asgard?" Thor asked with indignation. At this point, I felt kind of bad for him. The answer was staring him square in the face, yet he loved his brother so much the thought of being betrayed by him never so much as crossed Thor's mind. That was the same way I felt about my two siblings standing next to me, oddly enough. They had gone out of their way to cross time and space to try and recover me. They stepped through a portal having absolutely no idea what was on the other side with no hesitation… Maybe once upon a time, Thor and Loki would have had that relationship, but it appears to have long since soured with only the latter having realized that.

"Something must clearly be done about this situation." Thor said. "We must return to Asgard at once and remedy this."

"Thor," Sif said solemnly, "you are correct, but I'm afraid that you cannot return with us."

"What!? "The hell he can't!" "That's outrageous. If he's not going then I'm staying here with him!" The three Asgardian Tagalongs all shouted in outrage. Sif didn't seem particularly upset about that last remark as she told them that they should stay with Thor. Something about her tone made me believe that she was not quite as close to the three men as she was portrayed to be in the MCU. 

Thor let out a sigh in resignation when he realized that Sif was right. "No, I'm afraid that Lady Sif is correct, my friends." he said to the Warriors Three. "I have not been able to regain my powers yet, which means I am not worthy of yet returning to Asgard in my father's eyes. I will stay on Earth temporarily until that day." The three of them didn't look happy to hear his explanation, but they relented and nodded in acceptance. They agreed to stay and guard him until he could regain his powers. Thor then turned to me. "Lady Layla, you have proven yourself to be a trustworthy friend as of this point. Might I beseech you to travel with Lady Sif back to Asgard and see what is occurring on my behalf?"

Thor wanted me to go to Asgard in his place. That was a lot of trust for him to put into someone he just met yesterday. 

"Hah, of course she'll go. In fact, we'll all go. It'll be just like the good old days when we used to crash the Mead Halls during their biggest celebrations." Azazel cut in. There was a gleam hidden in his eye that told me that the famous Mead Halls weren't the only reason for him wanting to go to Asgard. I seemed to have missed something important that had occurred here during my battle with the Destroyer. I'd have to ask him later. I did still want to try the Mead Halls though… Asgardian ale was legendary for a reason.

"If you three are coming, then we must make haste. I have no doubt that whoever sent the Destroyer after us will now be making other plots after this one has failed. HEIMDAL, OPEN THE BIFROST!" Sif said before she yelled out to the heavens. It appeared that she also didn't have the heart to break the news to Thor that Loki had betrayed him, or maybe she wasn't quite as certain as I was. I did have the burden of meta-knowledge after all.

[Maybe she just thinks Thor's an idiot who won't believe her unless the truth is shoved in his face.]

...That could also be a possibility.

I almost expected for nothing to happen after Sif called for Heimdall, but to my surprise, the sky immediately darkened as the Bifrost began to form in the sky above us. It seemed that Heimdall had not been attacked and impeded at this point.

I stared into the rapidly forming clouds before a beautiful beam of rainbow light slammed down on top of us. And with that, we were off to Asgard. Thor, along with the Warriors Three, had chosen to remain behind with Jane. That was probably for the best because the Warriors Three were pretty incompetent from my memories and would probably have just gotten in our way.

The rainbow lights continued to flash all around, and I let out a gasp as I witnessed what seemed like an entire galaxy pass us by as we traveled far faster than the speed of light to our destination. Within the Bifrost, so many amazing things were rapidly flashing before my eyes that I couldn't even hope to comprehend them. Eventually, the experience ended though as my body jerked suddenly and my feet returned to solid ground. When I looked up, a dark-skinned man in bright golden armor was staring at our group with a look of trepidation.

"Welcome back to Asgard, Lady Sif… and guests." Heimdall greeted us. 

"Heimdall!" Azazel exclaimed as he spread his arms wide with a smile. "It's been a minute, my good man. We need to grab a drink sometime and catch up. Are the taverns of Asgard as glorious as I remember?"

Heimdall turned his head to the side. "Hello again, Azazel. The taverns haven't changed but you might find that Asgard has undergone some changes since any of your kind have last been here…" Heimdal said. 



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