"The King was of the opinion that he was the only one playing this real life game of chess, he thought that he had the greater power in the battle through which he had decided to crush the First Princess. That was the biggest mistake he committed, he underestimated his opponent and the power that his opponent holds.
The King's reasons for fighting the battle were petty but the First Princess stepped into the battle for love. The one who never loved anybody truly knew not of the power that love holds. The King didn't know what a person in love can be truly capable of.
While he tried to use the Crown Prince thinking that he was the First Princess's weakness, the King ended up making the situation difficult for himself as the Crown Prince wasn't his wife's weakness, but the greatest strength and motivation."
So, I wrote this like within 1 and a half hour and now my head is spinning! It's like I was running too fast and them slam, I had to stop so suddenly and now I am making no sense.
So, bye! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!