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Bab 4: A Part Time Job

"This is the place." Fuutarou whispered as he looked at the building in front of him. He had received directions from Gyatsu to find the man who will solve his problems after training with him.

Now he was standing in front of a shop. Its name was S.S MOTOR and it is a bike shop. S.S MOTOR was a bike shop that housed numerous motorbikes of various brands. It had the CB250T on display in front of the establishment.

"A motorbike repairing shop, huh? Let's hope they accept kids working here." Fuutarou wondered to himself as he entered the shop. He heard a bell ring as he entered it. No one was in the shop, there were only motorbikes laying around the place.

Fuutarou decided to wait. He looked at the CB250T and approached it. He wrapped one of his hands on the handlebar of the bike.

"Hey, that's gonna be a present for my little bro when he turns thirteen. So I would appreciate it if you can leave it in perfect condition. "

Fuutarou jumped as he looked at the person who appeared and talked to him out of nowhere.

The person talking to him is Shinichiro Sano and he was the founder and First Generation President of Black Dragon. Now he is the owner of the motorbike shop S.S MOTOR.

Shinichiro had unkempt short hair similar to the color of his dull black eyes. He was slim, six feet tall(182cm), 31 years old and had a heart-shaped face. His lips were thin and he was seen smoking a cigarette.

Despite running a motor shop, he was never seen wearing a uniform and opted to sport casual clothes instead.

He wore a pearl white shirt, light wash jeans, and a pair of slip-on shoes for footwear. He had a jacket wrapped around his waist. He had a silver chain dangling around his neck.

"What's a kid like you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home doing homework?" Shinichiro asked with an amused expression. Fuutarou pointed at him.

"Um.... Who are you?" Fuutarou asked. Shinichiro smiled at him.

"Sano Shinichiro, owner of S.S MOTOR. I'm weak to women, weak in fights, but hella reliable. How about you, kid?" Shinichiro asked him while blowing out smoke from his cigarette.

'Holy shit! He's the Sano Shinichiro?! The guy who founded Black Dragon with dad and three other people?!' Fuutarou shouted in his mind while maintaining a cool front.

" I'm Uesugi Fuutarou and I'm 11 years old." Fuutarou introduced himself with a stoic expression. Shinichiro widened his eyes a little.

" Uesugi? Now where have I heard that name before? " Shinichiro wondered while rubbing his chin and having a thinking expression.

"Um, my father's name is Uesugi Isanari. He helped you and three other guys create the Black Dragon in his youth." Fuutarou revealed, Shinichiro widened his eyes and looked down at Fuutarou.

" Oh really?! So you're his son then. What are you doing here?" Shinichiro asked him. Fuutarou narrowed his eyes.

" I know this is kind of a sudden request Shinichiro-san but.... " Fuutarou suddenly bowed down to Shinichiro, surprising the older man.

" Please let me work here, Shinichiro-san! I want to help my dad pay off the debt! I'll do anything! Even cleaning the toilet so long as you pay me!! " Fuutarou declared. Shinichiro was so shocked that the cigarette in between his lips dropped to the ground.

" Huh? "



" So you're telling me, you wanna work here to help Isanari's financial difficulties he's facing. And instead of going to school and studying hard, you opted to come here and ask for a job?" Shinichiro asked Fuutarou while they were both sitting on chairs.

"Yes." Fuutarou replied to him seriously. Shinichiro suddenly laughed heartily while slapping his feet repeatedly.

" Hahahahahaha!!! You're a pretty stupid kid! Did you inherit your father's stupidity or something?!" Shinichiro joked while he laughed loudly. Fuutarou gritted his teeth, wanting to punch Shinichiro in the face more than ever for insulting him and his father.

"I'm serious man! I wanna help my father's situation! I don't wanna waste my time just sitting in school and studying! Studying hard, entering a university, getting a good job....that's gonna take ages! It's boring as hell too! I don't wanna live a boring life! " Fuutarou shouted back. Shinichiro just hummed while looking down at Fuutarou.

"Do you even know how to fix a motorbike?" Shinichiro asked him. Fuutarou shook his head.

"I don't! But if it means making your job easier, then I'll learn how to." Fuutarou answered with a look of determination in his yellow eyes.

"Are you sure? Learning how to fix a motorbike ain't an easy task ya know. "

" I don't care, I will force myself to learn. " Fuutarou replied seriously. Shinichiro sighed and palmed his face.

'I know that expression very well. It's Isanari's 'Never Giving Up' look. Looks like little Fuutarou here inherited it too.' Shinichiro mused.

"Fuck, I'm gonna regret this aren't I?" Shinichiro whispered before looking at Fuutarou and grinning at him.

"Alright kid! From now on, you're a part time employee of S.S MOTOR.! Since you have school, you'll only work here part time!" Shinichiro declared. Fuutarou bowed his head.

" Thank you, Shinichiro-san! I'll work as hard as I can! Please take care of me!! " Fuutarou thanked him. Shinichiro patted his shoulder.

" I hope you live up to the task, kid. If you're his son, then I expect great things from you. " Shinichiro muttered. Fuutarou looked at him.

" I won't let you down! And also, my dad runs a bakery and he makes cupcakes and cakes! It's really good! Do you wanna order some? "

" Eh, sure why not. What flavors do you got? "



" Hey dad, I got new orders of cupcakes for you. " Fuutarou told Isanari as he arrived at his father's bakery.

" Big brother!! I missed you!!" Raiha greeted Fuutarou cheerfully. Fuutarou smiled as he knelt down and hugged her.

" Hey, Raiha. I missed you too. Did you have fun? "

" Yeah, I did! Dad taught me how to make cupcakes!" Raiha explained happily as Fuutarou patted her head and held hands with her.

" Who ordered the cupcakes?" Isanari asked him as Fuutarou handed him a small piece of paper containing the order.

"The order is from Shinichiro-san. He said he was friends with you. Is that true?" Fuutarou asked Isanari. Isanari froze as he heard Shinichiro's name.

'How the hell did that encounter even happen?' Isanari thought but he quickly shook it off. He grinned nervously at Fuutarou.

" Y-yeah, I knew him in my youthful days. We were really good friends." Isanari replied while reading what Shinichiro wanted to order.

" Oh, and here's the payment from Master Gyatsu." Fuutarou added while handing him the ¥16500 Master Gyatsu gave him. Isanari hummed as he counted money.

"Here's ¥5500 for you. Spend it when it's necessary." Isanari advised as he handed Fuutarou his cut. Fuutarou smiled and nodded.

"Thanks dad. I'll take Raiha home now. You better come home on time or you'll be eating dinner on your own while we sleep!" Fuutarou demanded, prompting Isanari to laugh and pat his back.

" I will! I will! Don't worry. See you later, son! "

" Yeah yeah."

Fuutarou waved his father goodbye before he started walking home with Raiha holding his hand tightly.

"What do you want Raiha? Do you want a doll? Do you want something to eat? Your big brother is feeling pretty rich right now." Fuutarou offered. Raiha smiled at him.

"I want a storybook please! Then I want big brother to read it to me when it's almost bedtime!" Raiha requested cheerfully. Fuutarou nodded.

"Then let's go to the bookstore. You can only choose one storybook though. I'm rich, but I'm not that rich."

" Okay, big brother!"

They arrived at a small bookstore and entered it. Although the store was small, it was full of books stacked neatly in rows and rows of bookshelves.

Raiha ran off to find the storybook she wanted while Fuutarou walked around with a bored expression on his face.

He took out a random book on the shelf and read the title of it. "'How To Be A Great Teacher'. Eww! I don't wanna become a robot." Fuutarou made a disgusted expression as he quickly put the book back on the shelf.

"You know what, I'll just go to the junkyard later. Maybe I'll find something interesting there." Fuutarou whispered as Raiha approached him with a storybook in her hands.

Fuutarou small and went to the cashier to purchase the book. After doing so, the two siblings went back home while holding hands.




Tuesday morning. Fuutarou was wearing a maroon hoodie with shorts ripped jeans while holding an empty plastic bag.

[Taekwondo: Lvl 3

A Korean martial art involving punching and kicking techniques. Current Belt: White

Increased attack speed by 10%]

'This skill is a little special. The system said that as I advanced through the belts, the benefits will increase. ' Fuutarou thought while making his way towards the junkyard. Although it was a setback, this made Fuutarou more motivated to get stronger and stronger.

"Here it is, the One Piece. The greatest treasure of them all...." Fuutarou whispered sarcastically as he entered the junkyard. The junkyard had neverending mountains of junk in it. The only thing preventing the junk from flowing into the streets was a wooden wall surrounding the junk.

'No one ever enters here. As my dad would say, one man's junk is another man's treasure. Let's see what kind of treasure I find here.' Fuutarou grinned excitedly as he looked around the place for some treasure.

After a while of digging and throwing away things Fuutarou found useless, he still hasn't found anything.

Fuutarou sat on the ground and sighed. He looked at the mountains of junk in front of him.

"Why are you hiding from me, treasure? I can put you to good use, I can be an even better owner than your previous owners could ever be." Fuutarou muttered seriously. He then looked to the ground on his left. He widened his eyes in excitement, something had caught his eye now.

" Oh baby. It's even better than passing the school's midterm exams....."

To be continued.....

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