Unduh Aplikasi

Bab 5: The New Norm

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

- Author Note Start-

It's as you can see, Another chapter. Goddamn, I'm on a roll here! Also, don't get used to it! As they say, the more you expect! The more you get disappointed! Now that's just pessimistic of me. alrighty, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and it's up to par in quality, interest, etc... Stuff.

Don't have to tell you, but feedback/ideas/CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM/opinions help. Notice how the constructive criticism part is in all caps? That's because that's EXTRA nice to get.

Well without further ado, onto the chapter!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

*Indicates an action being done. for example... *Cough* *

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

-Story Start-

-4 Years Following The Nine Tails Attack-

-Third Person POV-

We see a young boy around 38 Inches in height. Short brown almost black spiky hair decorates his head and his eyes color a dark shade of green. All worn on white nearly tanned skin. Wearing a small Nara clan shirt and pants. Tailor-made by the Aburame Clan.

The boy is currently laying down beside a tree, making himself comfortable under its shadow as he gazes at the clouds. His face, the picture of absolute bliss.

Who is this boy?

It's non other than Akira Nara. Our protagonist.

-Akira POV-

The perfect chilly breeze, not too cold just the perfect temperature and quantity.

The shade blocks out the pesky sun rays.

The feeling of having done all your daily obligations.

Yes, I a 4 Year old have obligations. Be patient I'll be getting to that shortly.

*Ahem* Continuing on!

The feeling of Nature... That needs some work considering I'm in the house's garden but it'll do!

Ahhh, Freedom! Now this, is what humans are meant to do. No worrying about the troubles of life, about training, about guests and their toddlers pulling my hair and trying to play with me or about Aunt Yoshino's incessant nagging. The last one especially gives me the shivers.

Just you, and only you. Relaxing. Sounds wonderful doesn't it?

I can confirm that statement to be the complete and unfiltered truth!

*STEP* *STEP* *STEP* *STEP* The sounds of footsteps getting closer, the distinctive sound of feet making contact with hardwood make it incredibly easy to hear even from a distance.

And so, my peace is disturbed.

Thankfully, I've set up countermeasures for such occasions.

Activate Protocol 3: "I am asleep, so don't bother me." Long descriptive name subject to change. I close my eyes before the new arrival has a chance to take a closer look at me.

"Akira." A squeaky and tired voice calls out my name.

It's close to me. 8 feet away more or less.

I of course ignore the voice. I'm asleep.

"Akira..." The voice repeats, this time with a hint of suffering and irritation.

Now that's not a sound a fellow 4-year-old should be making!

"What is it Shikamaru? If you need help doing your chores now, you should have done them earlier! So don't throw me under the cart because of your procrastination." I open one eye to be met with a standing Shikamaru in front of me. (Chibi Shikamaru if you need help imagining his look.)

I glare at him as I point an accusing finger at him. My response came with an embarrassingly squeaky voice as well.

Hard to get used to that voice, but my manly pride can take it!

"*Sigh* No, Mom is calling for you, she said she needs your help in the kitchen." He responds laxly to my accusation. Leaning on the tree, like it's the only thing stopping him from falling to the ground and taking a long nap.

You might be wondering, how Shikamaru, a genuine 4-year-old, can sound just as exhausted as your average Japanese salaryman. Well, Firstly, he's a bonafide genius, it has some kind of effect. Secondly, he's a Nara. And most importantly... His mother is Yoshino...

Back to me being pissed off.

"Again?! I did my kitchen chores today!" I roar out my displeasure like the child I am. Gotta stay in character after all!

Definitely not a genuine reaction whatsoever. I am an adult. If you combine the ages of both my lives. You get the point.

"Choji and Ino are coming with their families to visit again, it's our turn to be the hosts this time." He explains neutrally.

"It's a drag I know." He responds to the bitter look that formed on my face.

"*Sigh*, let's just get this over with," I respond tiredly as I get up and pat myself off of any dust. It's important I do that. If Miss Housewife notices a speck of dust in the house because of me. It's kitchen duty for a week! Can't be having that.

"I won't be coming with you, I have to feed the deer with Dad," Shikamaru tells me in a tone that doesn't sound much different than a man who's just been tortured.

Saying those words in that tone of his coupled with his squeaky tone never fails to amuse me. Not gonna lie.

"Pfft, fine I'll cya later." I chuckle at him as I begin to make my way toward the garden's door and inside the house.

At that, we separate to do our involuntary stuff.

-Short Time Skip-

I find myself in the house's kitchen, it's quite the stocked and neatly organized kitchen I'll admit.

Especially when you're the one who needs to reorganize, clean, and bring it back to its original state following an entire feast's worth of cooking!

I'm not mad... Just a little angry.

Anyways, while I wash the cookware clean I'll elaborate on my daily life nowadays and what's been going on so far! You know I love to give these status reports!

Akira Status Report Start!

Firstly, As you may or may not have noticed. I'm adopted.

In the custody of the Nara Clan Head, Shikaku Nara, my uncle. I've been living in their house all this time and it's been fine and dandy so far. I'm lucky to be their relative, else I'd have to experience the Konoha Orphanage firsthand, rumors of that place aren't all pleasant. But that could be a result of the blonde menace's presence.

Back to the family!

Shikamaru's an abnormal child. It's at least comforting that he isn't hyperactive like normal children and we can just chill without him trying to play with me. Unless it's shogi. He's rather passionate about that game. Even as a 4-year-old.

Shikaku reminds me of, my... Deceased father, in his chill and reliable aura. Though somehow, he's even more of a lazy asshat than my father.

And saving the worst for last... Yoshino. If I looked up her name in the dictionary, it would be synonymous with EVIL! The banshee commands children like soldiers! Her screams are so guttural and scary they'd spook the Nine-Tails itself! Other than that, she's a sweet lady when it really counts. Which is rare. But it happens. Nevertheless, the sins outweigh the virtues in this case...

Secondly, We have a routine.

Yes, 4-year-old children have a routine. It might be my Earthly morals and mentality that are making me disgusted at this, however, it's probably a regular thing here. It seems clan children begin training at 4 years old, and before that, we are forced to help out here and there with odd small chores. Discipline and all that. Child soldier mentality and all that wholesome jazz.

Then again, my only cases of evidence are Me, Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino in regard to child training so I could be dead wrong here. In terms of games, it's a little more messed up. Every single game here has an underlying and sometimes murderous purpose. Hide and Kill? Treasure Hunt? Oh and don't get me started on Smoke Bomb Soccer, I don't even know why smoke bombs are publicly available items. That children can use...

To sum it up, I'll explain my routine as of now:

Wake Up, Breakfast, Train, Chores, Relax, Learn, Lunch, Relax, Train again, Relax, Dinner, Sleep. and that's about it for my average day.

Simple and yet impressive for a 4-year-old if I do say so myself. Much more productive than my life back on Earth... Now I just sound pathetic. Though the really pathetic thing is forcing training onto a 4-year-old's schedule, I'll let it slide as a world cultural difference. For now.

I'm sure you've noticed, but when in doubt, going with the flow indeed helps.

Do take caution though with that technique, when used negligently you may end up on the street without a job. Or so Auntie Yoshino tells me.

Silly Auntie, My future career choice pays quite the sum! I'm going to be a paid Mercenary! Glory to Konoha!

I'm losing it, aren't I?

Thirdly, my training. So far, as we're only 4 years old, there has been absolutely no mention of Chakra. But there are preparatory exercises Uncle Shikaku has been putting me and Shikamaru through.

Meditation and other focus-based exercises and games. Primarily meditation though.

And training isn't really anything fancy right now, it's simply physical training not much different than on Earth.

Pushups, sit-ups, and a LOT of running.

There are some differences though. Like we have to train by running through and attempting to dodge dirt thrown at us. If there's no one available to train us, we take turns in running and throwing dirt at each other.

It's simple but quite effective. We've only recently begun the training so it's a work in progress.

Fourthly, About the Ten Shadows... I've unlocked it. That's right, rather anticlimactic isn't it? Let me explain

It happened around 2 months ago...

-Flashback Start-

-2 Months ago-

It's me, Shikamaru and Shikaku laying down at my deceased mother's favorite spot.

We relax, under the shade of the tree and indulge ourselves with the lovely view.

He brought us here, specifically me though, to explain that this was my mother's favorite spot and show it to me. Truthfully, I already knew about it, but I played along. It was a touching gesture nevertheless.

As I was in the middle of my cloud gazing picking out shapes with Shikamaru.

"That one looks like a Turtle," Shikamaru says at a turtle-shaped cloud, pointing at it.

A sudden burst of information came flowing into my mind.

My eyes open wide in shock at the information overload.

"Hmm? Akira you alright there?" Shikaku notices my wide-eyed look and questions me with concern.

"I only pointed at that cloud that looked like a Turtle?" Shikamaru expresses his confusion at my reaction to his turtle cloud. Wrong conclusion.

I blink once, I blink twice.

It stopped.

"N-No, I'm fine, just remembered something," I respond halfheartedly as I try to process what just happened.

"If you say so..." He relaxes immediately at the confirmation of not having to do any work or providing help. Lazy uncle indeed.

Shikamaru merely raised an eyebrow at my weird reaction.

But, there's something new in my mind.

The knowledge that wasn't there.

Is that...?

"Heh-HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!" I burst out in hearty laughter, the first of its kind in this life.

At my outburst, Shikaku and Shikamaru look at me with bewildered gazes, as if I'm a stranger.

"Akira...?" Shikamaru calls my name hesitantly, having never seen me like this before.

"O-Oh, Haha, sorry! It's just, I saw this cloud and it looked funny to me! HAHAHA!" I barely choke out an explanation in my laughter.

"Alright... Crazy-Akira." Shikamaru reluctantly accepts my halfhearted excuse as he gets back to his more productive endeavors. Cloudgazing.

This... Is way too anticlimactic. Just like that? Really?

I wasn't training, I didn't achieve some kind of revelation. I didn't get stabbed to death, only to proceed to cheat it by regenerating my wounds and going on to announce myself as the honored one. Hell, I haven't done anything Chakra related yet.

So tell me why...

Did I just unlock the Ten Shadows?

All the basics about the Ten Shadows are in my head right now. Arrived in an instant like some express billionaire food delivery. On a silver platter.

The Techniques to initiate the exorcism ritual of EVERY SINGLE SHADOW are permanently ingrained in my mind.

And most importantly, instinctual knowledge. That I can summon the Two Divine Dogs. Handsigns and all.

Absurd! How does that even work? How do completely foreign knowledge, techniques, and so on get ingrained in my head when I'm conscious?

What stomps me, though, is the fact I have absolutely no idea how it functions and the intricacies behind it.

Sure, I know how to DO it. But I don't know WHY it does it.

It's as if God came here and just slapped those techniques into my head and how to activate them, without providing explanations on WHY they work.

It's the equivalent of the simplest answer to a complicated question. Here's an example.

Why does an elevator go up?

"Because I clicked on the button of a higher floor, therefore, it goes up."

But that's not the whole answer, is it? You can go into more DETAIL.

"The elevator has cables, functions on electricity, the button is merely an input channel etc..."

Do you see what I mean?



-Flashback End-

And that's how I got it.

Weird right?

Well, I might have been initially pissed off at the lack of details. But upon further thought it might be just how the technique originally works and how it worked for Megumi.

Then again, I've decided to not look a gift horse in the mouth and be thankful it is unlocked now. And not when I'm like... 15 or something stupid. Or that it would've provided me with minimal knowledge.

All in all, the moral of the story is not to be a greedy bastard.

Have I tested it out yet?

Despite my initial lack of patience in wanting to try out literal superpowers.

I've grown as a person! and decided against doing such childish acts.

Just kidding, there are a couple of reasons really.

Most importantly, I lack the chakra to summon them, for now.

Yup, it's a: "Not Enough Mana" situation indeed.

Trust me I tried. I Fell unconscious, was questioned, and had to bullshit my way out. Though I am getting closer. Depending on whether we start chakra training or not. I'd estimate 1-2 years. A shame really but what can ya do?

The second reason is simple... In hindsight, are there any risks in showing my new power? I'm well enough aware that this is a power unique in this world and one of a kind, which may prove dangerous. I lack knowledge of what kind of excuses I can use to hide its existence.

One idea I had in mind is from the toad summon thingy Naruto had signed in the series. I could just say I signed a contract with the Shadow clan or something like that. That's the main excuse for now.

Of course, if I have to choose between hiding my power and not training it in comparison to training it and the world knows of it. I'd choose the latter.

But, for now, I can't actually use it and it's just dangling in front of me, teasing and mocking me that I'm too weak to use it.

I do my routines, I train and hopefully, I'll become strong enough to have a good and enjoyable life in this world.

My goals are still really unclear. A good and enjoyable life is a rather general thing as well as getting stronger. I'll figure it out eventually though, they are not bad starting points in my opinion.

"AKIRAAAA! GET OVER HERE NOW AND HELP ME SET UP THE TABLE!" The household banshee cuts me off from my motivational monologue, once again.

I return a squeaky roar

"COMING!!!!!!!!!" I yell out as I pause my dishwashing for now, beginning to make my way towards the large guestroom feast table to help out Auntie.

-Author Note Start-

How'd I do? Leave some feedback! I respond promise!

We seem to have arrived at the first Childhood (The previous arc was baby/reincarnation arc) chapter! There will be about 1 more chapter or maybe 2 at most before we move on to the Academy arc!

The next chapter will showcase a bit of the training Shikamaru and Akira are going through, it's been explained and it's nothing special but I hope it'll prove entertaining.

Any questions, reviews, suggestions, or feedback would be appreciated! (They make me a better writer for your enjoyment. *Wink* *Wink*)

I enjoy responding to you all!

Have a good day/week.

Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day people!

-Author Note End-

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