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47.05% Floating through the multiverse / Chapter 38: Machinations

Bab 38: Machinations

The Great Sept of Baelor, located in King's Landing, was the grandest and most prominent temple devoted to the Seven Gods. This sacred place of worship was a magnificent architectural marvel, a testament to the faith of the people of the Seven Kingdoms.

The exterior of the Great Sept was a masterpiece of white marble and alabaster, adorned with intricate carvings and reliefs that depicted scenes from the holy texts of the Faith of the Seven. Tall spires and graceful arches rose to the heavens, the tallest of which housed the massive bell known as the "Great Baelor," a symbol of the faith's grandeur.

As one entered the sept, they were greeted by a vast central nave with soaring columns, each representing one of the Seven. The vaulted ceiling painted with vibrant frescoes displayed the gods in all their divine glory. Shafts of colored light filtered through the large stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns upon the stone floor below.

Rows of pews flanked the central aisle, and a sense of serenity filled the air, punctuated by the soft murmurs of prayers and the echoing chants of septons and septas. Pilgrims and common folk alike gathered here, seeking solace and guidance from the gods.

At the far end of the sept, beneath a towering statue of the Father, the highest of the Seven, sat the ornate Iron Throne, a reminder of the faith's connection to the ruling powers of Westeros. It was here that important ceremonies and declarations took place, and where the Most Devout, the highest-ranking clergy, convened.

The High Septon, a man of middle age with a portly frame, was a figure of great reverence and authority within the Faith of the Seven. His rotund figure was draped in richly embroidered robes of white and gold, symbolizing his purity and devotion to the gods. His raiment was adorned with intricate patterns representing each of the Seven, displaying his connection to the divine.

In the solitude of his chambers or within the hallowed halls of the Great Sept, the High Septon would often be found deeply prostrating himself in fervent prayer. His bald head glistened with sweat as he knelt before the towering statues of the Seven, his hands clasped in supplication.

His face, though marked by the rigors of his holy office, bore an expression of solemnity and devotion. His eyes, once sharp and discerning, now held a serene and contemplative quality, as if he were in constant communion with the gods he served.

The High Septon's voice, when he spoke in prayer or delivered sermons to the faithful, resonated with a deep, resonant timbre that carried the weight of divine authority. His words were often sought after for guidance and wisdom, and his proclamations held great influence over the faithful throughout the realm.

But now he remained completely still , as if petrified by something. He remained unmoved for a few seconds , and then...slowly...he started laughing...

The High Septon's laughter, once a symbol of serenity and piety, now erupted into a wild and unhinged cacophony that echoed through the sacred halls of the Great Sept.

It began as a low, throaty chuckle, gradually rising in volume and intensity until it became a maniacal gale of mirth.

His portly frame quivered with each convulsive wave of laughter, and his face, once marked by solemnity, contorted with an unsettling mixture of glee and madness.

His eyes, wide and unblinking, shone with an eerie light as he continued to laugh, the sound reverberating off the marble walls.

The faithful who had gathered in the Sept looked on in stunned silence, their faces a mixture of awe and terror.

The High Septon's laughter seemed to defy reason and comprehension, leaving an indelible mark of unease upon the souls of those who bore witness to this inexplicable transformation.

It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a facet of the High Septon's character that had remained hidden, locked away in the depths of his being.

The laughter, both disturbing and mystifying, continued to echo in the hallowed halls, a stark departure from the solemnity that had once defined his presence.

The Great Sept of Baelor, once a bastion of serene devotion, had become an enigma, its hallowed halls now filled with a strange dichotomy of laughter and prayer. The septons and septas who had gathered within its sacred confines seemed to have succumbed to a peculiar duality, their actions ranging from mirthful laughter to fervent supplication.

As some of the faithful joined in the High Septon's unsettling laughter, others knelt in fervent prayer, their voices rising in harmonious devotion to the Seven. The contrast between these two states of being, laughter and piety, created an eerie and surreal atmosphere within the grand chamber.

Since the Night of the Living Dead, a night seared into the memory of all who had witnessed it, the septons and septas had displayed behaviors that defied explanation. It was as though they had glimpsed the divine and were now caught between the realms of mortal and deity, swaying between moments of divine revelation and inexplicable merriment.

In the face of this mystifying transformation, the faithful who came to the Great Sept for solace and guidance found themselves grappling with a profound sense of disquiet. The hallowed ground that had once been a source of unwavering faith and tranquility now held an enigmatic allure that defied understanding...






Negary pov :


'What a bunch of weirdos' I thought as I slowly flew towards the castle.

I just whispered to a few of them "The prince is the chosen one" (using magic to produce sounds since I'm kind of a ghost) and they were acting as if I've handed them the Holy Grail.

Especially the High Septon.

The dude seemed normal but he was actually a religious fanatic...who would have thought?

My earlier stunt with the moving corpses , religion EXPLODED in popularity , and with rumors going around the prince was blessed by the gods , so did my own popularity.

That's gonna be useful later...

As I soared through the city, my soul sense came alive, giving me an unusual perspective on the bustling streets below. King's Landing, a place known for its intrigue and politics, was a treasure trove of unique experiences.

I couldn't help but chuckle at some of the sights and sounds.

Down the road, in a crowded market, I sensed a melodramatic argument between two merchants. One was selling fish, and the other fruits. "My apples are the juiciest in all of Westeros!" proclaimed the fruit seller. The fishmonger shot back, "Well, my salmon could beat your apples in a swimming contest any day!" It was a debate for the ages, and the shoppers couldn't decide who had the upper hand.

In a nearby tavern, I overheard a jovial bard entertaining the patrons with a song about a knight who mistook a cabbage for a dragon and valiantly attempted to slay it. The laughter of the audience was contagious, and everyone around joined in the merriment.

As I flew over a park, I sensed a particularly grumpy squirrel berating a group of pigeons for trespassing on its turf. The pigeons cooed in apology, but the squirrel was having none of it. "This is a squirrel's kingdom, and you're just visiting!" it scolded, chasing them away in a flurry of fluffy tails.

Even the city's pets seemed to have their own drama. A pompous cat strutted down an alley, its tail held high, while a group of alley cats exchanged gossip about the latest fashion trends in fur and whisker styling.

Yeah , I could understand animals now...

It happened two weeks ago when I was practicing my greensight.

Quite underwhelming but we're getting there...I'm sure I will be able to mindfuck people while traveling through time sooner or later...

As I drew near the imposing walls of the Red Keep, my senses honed in on a vibrant and robust soul emanating from one of its many rooms. This soul was like a breath of fresh air in the midst of the stone-cold fortress.

It felt as refreshing as a cool, mountain stream cascading down a lush, green valley. Each ripple of this soul's energy was akin to a gentle breeze rustling through a verdant forest, carrying with it the invigorating scent of pine and earth. It was a presence that held the essence of untamed wilderness, a stark contrast to the calculated machinations of the castle.

.....What the fuck?....

Wasn't Leaf meant to be hiding from soul-eating gods? Why the hell was she broadcasting her presence as such?

And then I understood...She was not broadcasting at all...She was actually hiding.

The mana she emitted turned into a kind of surrounding bubble, making my soul sense unable to feel her presence from further away.

It was as if she was a tree...in the middle of a forest.

That's why I couldn't feel her presence until I got close...

That's a cool technique...And it's weird that I wasn't able to detect it until now.

Did I have a breakthrough with my soul-sense?


But they can wait for now.

'Let's see what my smol (soon to be) subordinate is up to' I thought and then phased through the walls of the castle, going straight towards J01's bed chamber.

There I found the little wood ghost hovering above my body , seemingly in deep meditation.

"Nobody disturbed your body while you were away , but I still expect to be compensated" She said with her usual emotionless tone.

"Now now , aren't you a bit shameless, my little Pinocchio?"

"Stop using words I don't know the meaning of..."

"Sure " I said with a warm smile "Just teach me the Jamming technique you use to hide yourself from the gods"

At that , she went silent for a few moments , but then she opened her mouth and spoke

"I can try to teach you , but what are you willing to pay?"

How cheecky...You can't get any more benefits from me , little treeling. I already have a deal with the Three Eyed Raven.

"Don't you and the raven want all the help you can get against the Winter?" I asked her still smiling as if she didn't just try to rip me off.

"We do but....I want you to strengthen my soul..."

Her large, expressive eyes shimmered with a mixture of desire and apprehension as she spoke. Her delicate features seemed almost elfin, with high cheekbones and slightly pointed ears peeking through a curtain of long, wild hair.

And I smiled even wider...

Because it was time to make my pitch.

"Well , there's no need to beat around the bush then , my green friend. You only need to swear on your soul that you will follow my commands , and I will strengthen your soul as much as you want...I will give you strength like you never imagined.... enough for you to get your revenge against those that wronged you..."

As I spoke, my voice took on a haunting, hypnotic melody, slithering through the air like a serpentine whisper. It possessed a chilling, unearthly quality, resonating with a dark and seductive charm that seemed to weave a web of enchantment around Leaf's senses. Every word I uttered dripped with an alluring promise, like honeyed poison, drawing her deeper into my insidious embrace.

My voice carried an uncanny resonance, as if it were echoing from the depths of the abyss. It held a power that could both enthrall and terrify, leaving Leaf entranced by my sinister allure. The cadence of my words was rhythmic and bewitching, each syllable a subtle caress, a temptation that promised power beyond imagination.


I wanted the little treeling on my side in the game to come , if it wasn't obvious.

Besides taking a pawn away from the Raven , I also stood to gain a helpful subordinate.

She could use her tree magic well even when her soul was on the edge of turning into dust , and now , with her 10man soul , I bet she could take down a few dozen men without issues.

I gave her a few chores in exchange for me strengthening her , trying to make her addicted to it , and I seemingly succeeded.

She was even willing to control the corpse of a dead girl and give Eddard Stark a cryptic message a week ago , despite the fact that this practice was taboo for the children of the forest(or at least, that's what she told me).

Leaf stood there, her features contorted in a struggle visible only to those who looked closely. Her verdant eyes flickered with uncertainty, caught in a battle of choices that waged within her heart and mind.

On one hand, there was a palpable longing in her gaze, an undeniable pull towards the temptations my words held. The promise of power, and the allure of revenge tugged at her very soul. Her lips quivered as if they wanted to part and utter consent.

Yet, on the other hand, there was a resolute strength in her stance, a deep-rooted conviction that fought fiercely against the temptation. Her brow furrowed, and her jaw clenched, as if she were gritting her teeth against the seductive call of my voice. Her fingers twitched, as if yearning to grasp a weapon that wasn't there.

"I....will think about it..." She said , her voice shaking just a bit.

"There is no hurry of course. Take all the time you need." I told her as I slowly petting her on the head.

'Huh , unexpectedly soft'

She seemed so thrown off by my sudden show of affection that she just gaped at me for a bit , before just sighing and shaking her head.

I didn't give a duck though, and kept on petting her. Damn , I miss my dog...

"Please stop..." She said as she tried to escape my petting, but was just too fast and strong.

Damn , I love my 500man soul...

"*Sigh...*" she struggled for a bit and then resigned herself to her fate...and just allowed me to pet her.


You will make a good subordinate.

We might still even make a best girl out of you...if you make yourself a bit more human looking...

"What the hell were you doing earlier though? I felt a huge burst of energy coming from your direction."

'Hooh?' Are you learning bad words , my young padawan? I'm so proud of you...but to answer your question , I was wasting a week's worth of mana...

"I was training " I answered simply , and before she could ask me to elaborate, the door to the chamber opened and in walked a maid.

"Good morning, Prince Joffrey" she said while bowing. "The small council is holding a meeting right now and I was tasked to inform you , in case you wish to participate"

The small council, huh... Wasn't it around this time that they decided to try to poison Daenerys?


Neither the king nor his hand are currently in King's Landing though.

They left towards Vale just after Littlefinger's execution, to check if his accusations towards Lysa Arryn were true.

"Lead the way then" I told the maid , now with my flesh golem equipped.

'Let's put the fear of god in some nonbelievers...'





A.N :





Hell itself.

None of it mattered.

Even if the earth would crack open and shallow him, or the skies rained fire down on him.

Even if he had to fight endless battles, or endure hell itself.

Even if his own Ki tried to kill him, and even if injuries long past got in his way.

Even if the whole world stood in his way, and even if he had to fight it all by himself.

Even if he needed to crawl, and even if he had to walk over a bridge made of the corpses he left in his wake.

No matter what, no matter the cost and no matter the struggle, his end goal remained the same, and he would reach it, even if he had to do it with his bare teeth."

-Fuzen ( Kenshi - Danmachi fanfition )






Stat changes :

Greensight - almost novice.


Those stored skills will be absorbed sometime in the next few chapters.

I might also start posting one chapter every two days because I need to be careful on what I write as not to make any inconsistencies with earlier chapters.

We are closing in to 100k words after all.

Though, if that will be the case, I guarantee the quality and word count will go up.


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