Two days had passed by the time Xiaoyun finished writing the treaty and handed it over to Gantian.
Xiaoyun, in the end, decided to follow through with his intention of just allying with Yiming rather than directly annexing them into being directly administered.
When Gantian returned to Luoping with a return letter from Yiming, Xiaoyun let out a sigh of relief as he read the letter.
In the return letter, Yiming was extremely thankful for the food supplies that he had sent along with Gantian when he traveled back to Shaoguan.
Yiming was also very thankful for Xiaoyun's choice, as the letter revealed he still needed time to convince the officers to follow his command, which would have been hard if Xiaoyun had been the de facto leader since he had no military background.
At the end of the letter, Yiming promises to join Xiaoyun's faction when he gets everything sorted out.
Sorry for the lack of editing over the past two weeks. But I had been hit with almost three midterms. Just one more month, and I'm done with the winter quarter and can go back to editing old chapters.
Oh, right, the code for this month. It is <ABDHYYHKWHZNFPJGB>