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Chapter 4 - Danzo's methods

''This is the latest information Danzo-sama'' a figure dressed in black handed Danzo a scroll. They were currently at Danzo's office while only a single candle burned to light the room.

''Good work, I will make sure to reward you for your effort'' Danzo nodded and the figure disappeared into the darkness.


''Fools! I gave them so much information, yet they couldn't kill a single team? That old coot will surely know there is a traitor in the Senju's!'' Danzo smashed his desk in anger, he couldn't move against the Senju's in the open since Hiruzen would surely have his head if the clan of his teacher was destroyed despite his kind nature.

'The only way to do it is to cut off any possibilities of them having a proper heir'

That was Danzo's solution, however.....

He walked to his cabinet and grabbed a book filled with notes, ranging from the color white to yellow, to red, to black.

Many where white or yellow, some were red and only 3 were black.

Danzo opened his book and went to the third black label which showed the following information.


Name: Sukuna Senju

Information: Potential High, Potential Senju Heir

Missions: 12 D-Ranks, 16 C-Ranks, 1 B-Rank (Mission raised from D to B due to complications), 1 A-Rank mission (Raised from C to A due to complications)

Registered Kills: 96

65 Bandits

27 Genin

4 Chuunin

Registered skill: …




'His talent isn't on par with Itachi's but he is doesn't have to grow up during a war.... Who knows what will happen if that brat gets the chance to grow up' Danzo gritted his teeth.

''Dammit, I could've gotten rid of that mole and the heir. Then there would be no way out for the Senju's but to die out''


''Good, just like that''

''Like this?''

''Yes, just like that child. Take it easy''

''But grandma, I want more!''

''Easy child, give grandma some time''

Currently, Sukuna was standing on his hands with weights strapped to his body. His body was constantly moving to do push-ups while listening to his grandmother rambling on techniques.

This continued for another few hours before it was already pitch-black outside.

''Let's call it a day here child, you just came back from a heavy mission after all'' Marani said to Sukuna who was covered in sweat but still raring to go.

Sukuna looked at Marani who looked visibly exhausted despite doing nothing except talking, her told her to go home several times but she just brushed over it with a smile.

''I will ride you home grandma'' Sukuna said while getting behind her wheelchair.

Marani didn't say anything and just enjoyed the moment. This was one of the few enjoyments had she left in life after her husband, children even grandchildren died.

She only saw Sukuna as true family despite not being truly related, the rest of the Senju were all overly respectful towards her to consider them as family instead of clan members.

It wasn't weird considering that in her prime she could give the Second Hokage a run for his money and all the things she had done for the Senju.

''It's weird how all of these roads are so deserted now'' Marani said as she looked at the streets inside the compound.

The Uchiha and Senju compounds were unlike the Hyuga compound, the Hyuga compound only held the Main and Branch family with some servants.

The Uchiha and Senju on the other hand, were like small village inside a ''village''.

The Senju's were even more open than the Uchiha and recruited normal people into their compound, inviting them to have businesses inside AND outside the village.

''I will bring it back grandma, I promise'' Sukuna said with a cold and determined voice which made Marani laugh lightly before she started coughing in pain.

Sukuna hastily got in front of her and asked if she was alright, Marani just explained that she was tired, so Sukuna quickly brought her home.

Sukuna handed her to the servant at her house and stood there while watching the servant drove Marani into the house.

After standing there for a good five minutes, he finally turned around and walked away with a heavy heart.


As the sun rose and Konoha was coming to live, Sukuna was already training.

11 Shadow Clones were doing various activities, 5 were meditating, 1 was busy reading the Shadow Clone Jutsu Scroll that Grandma Merlin gave him, 1 was busy swinging sword coated in Wind Chakra and 4 were sparring.

As for the main body? He was currently testing what his body was currently because of his bloodline awakening, although he didn't have Wood Release yet, he had the opportunity to get it!

As Sukuna started trying to intake Chakra, he finally realized how absolutely broken his bloodline was.

His Chakra Veins seemed to have strengthened to an ungodly amount, his meditation was at least 3 to 5 times faster than before.

He kept inhaling chakra for the following hour until one of his clones interrupted him, since he only had a certain amount of Chakra, he could only leave his clones for so long unless he recalled some of the clones that meditating as well.

He dispelled the Shadow Clones and flipped his right hand,


[Sukuna Senju] (11 Years old) [Genin]

[Bloodline] Senju (Partially Awakened)

[Strength] 40 > 77

[Agility] 37 > 42

[Endurance] 23 > 58

[Physical] 29 > 42

[Chakra Pool] 6.521 / 6.633 > 6.752 (High Genin)

[Chakra Control] 51 > 53 /1.000


[Taijutsu] 37 > 43 / 1.000

[Ninjutsu] 26 > 31 / 1.000

[Genjutsu] 27 > 28 / 1.000


[Wind Element - (Beginner)] Usable in combat

[Lightning Element] - (Untrained)] Requires 100.000 Chakra to unlock

[Wood Element] - (Untrained)] Requires 1.500.000 Chakra to unlock


{Top 3 Techniques}

[Shadow Clone Jutsu (Forbidden)] Beginner – Costs 425 Chakra to summon a clone, needs 45 Chakra per hour to keep the clone active.

[Mystical Palm (A-rank)] Amataur – Can heal small internal / external wounds and can stop bleeding

[Wind Force (B-Rank)] Amataur – Coates something with Wind Elemental Chakra, giving it more penetration force or sharpness.


(AN: Inept / Beginner / Amateur / Advanced / Professional / Perfection)

''I increased my max Chakra Capacity by almost 120 in less than 6 hours??'' Sukuna looked at the small mirror in shock.

'Normally it would increase by around 10-30'

Sukuna looked through the other increasements with an obsessed grin, he didn't know how this Jutsu ever got into his brain and neither did he care. The only thing he knew is that he was born with it.

Seeing his Mystical Palm being able to heal small internal wounds too now was great, since he wasn't able to learn Nature Chakra yet, he was depended on this skill in fights for healing.

'Why is my physical strength growing so much though? In less than 2 days I doubled my physical strength'

Sukuna kicked his feet at the ground a few times, his weights were getting too light already. He was already carrying 900 kilograms per ankles, wrist and even his shirt was filled with weights.

Although he wasn't at Lee's level who carried 4600 Kilograms per ankle, he never fully focused on Taijutsu.

Sukuna activated his Shadow Clone Jutsu and made 14 clones, since his Shadow Clone Jutsu progressed he was able to make 14 clones that could keep active for almost 3 hours!

'I should mainly focus on Taijutsu and increasing my Chakra Capacity. Let's use 7 clones for my Chakra Capacity, 3 for Taijutsu, 2 for Wind Force and 2 for sparring to integrate my new memories into my battle prowess and Mystical Palm Jutsu'

Sukuna moved his hands and made 14 Shadow Clones, the clones instantly understood his intentions and wasted no time. No matter if it was a clone or the main body, they were all obsessed with increasing those numbers.

To be honest, Sukuna only had gotten limited knowledge from the man. The man wasn't obsessed with the series about his world.

Although he certainly thought it was weird how his world was merely fiction in that man's world, he wasn't foolish enough to keep pondering about it, why worry about situations you can't do anything about?

The man himself was someone who led his army into the battlefield, over, over and over again. Although the woman had given him his memories, there was only things that fit in that man's world which wasn't appliable to his in most of the times.

Stuff like Recon, Sniping, Shooting Ability were all great things to have. He couldn't use 99% of the skill because he didn't have a sniper or a machine gun or even heat scopes.

What he did have though, were Shurikens that required insane accuracy, a sword that required prediction, a scouting ability that required being undercover and hiding his existence.

As Sukuna was busy scanning through all the memories from the man, his clones were busy training. Marani didn't come by that day, neither did his mother or his father so he just spent all day training.

As night fell, Sukuna's eyes were growing hazy. His mind tired after the studying of all the memories, but atleast he finally sorted out what he needed.

His mind was spinning with so many questions, but most of all.... He thought of something interesting, something very interesting yet if he acted upon that though....

Then he could truly be called the biggest scum on the earth.

'But if it works.....' Sukuna's eyes shone with a dangerous light as he stood up and went home, this plan needed careful consideration and planning.

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