Opening his eyes, Nexus saw the bright light of Campfire before him.
He was now in Body of a new Born Vosaris, being held by his mothers arms.
He can heard a soft humming coming from her as if comforting him.
"Such a warm feeling" he thought.
It was a pleasant experience, for the first time in a billion years nexus felt something other than the pulsing energy within him.
It was the Comfort of his mother giving him the feeling of warmth.
At this moment nexus Observe his surrounding with curious eyes.
He was in a cave judging from the smooth Stone on the ceiling and Walls encompassing him like a dome.
All sort of items, tools, and furnitures can be seen through out the Cave.
From his limited vision He saw that there were other people on the Caves, each and every one of them like his mother carrying their own babies.
They all huddled up around the campfire basking in it's warmth.
It was surreal seeing the life of the Short and bulky humans around him, if it weren't for their breasts showing he would've thought they were male's instead of females.
It was like a dream but Nexus knew that it wasn't.
It's been 4 months now and nexus has been used to his new environment.
Like always his mother and the other mothers Will wait for their mates to bring them food.
Which usually arrives in the afternoon or evening.
While the men are busy hunting and the women are foraging, the mothers Will stay in the Cave to nurture their younglings.
It's a great Tactic the Vosaris have used for generations in order to better survive the harsh and ever changing environment.
Ensuring the survival of the species.
Currently his mother and the others are resting after making clothes for the tribe using the various animal hides and Bones from the previously Hunt.
It's also to quell the hungry mouths of the babies which includes.
Sucking on his mothers breast, drinking the protein it produces in order to grow big and strong.
And suck well he did knowing that upon reaching the age of five he will be tasks to forage along with his mother, a rather dangerous task.
And on his tenths birthday he will start hunting as part of the coming of age ceremony.
Growing strong and healthy body is crucial for his plan, there is so much more to do but for now he needs to develop well.
Nexus was now the biggest and brightest baby in the Tribe, he was a striking child due to his never before seen Golden eyes.
It was a unique sight but they didn't thought much of it, there are animals out there who had the same eyes so it must be just a blessing from one of them.
It's in the Vosaris beliefs to accept certain uncommon features shown as a blessing.
And very often it does ends up becoming One, if it doesn't, well it's more of an effects from some herbs probably, there are those who experience pain and Even deaths after eating unknown herb's or any other thing thats unknown to them.
After all in their minds only the God knows everything and they don't.
Moving on, his father was the current leader of their Group which compose of 257 people.
His mother was the the second wife or the Concubine of his father, Having two females mates is normal for Vosaris but only leaders do it because they can afford to, there are other cases of Vosaris that aren't leaders having two mates so its not entirely leaders who do this.
With a full stomach nexus finished sucking the milk from his mother and felt drowsy soon after.
He was tired from all that looking around, so he slept, peacefully in his mothers arms.
(4 hours later)
Waking up from his nap, nexus was greeted with the sight of his mother eating some sort of Berry.
His stomach grumbled telling his need for Food, he was hungry.
On his mother side sat a man, his face was rough looking and had different scars through out.
He had a fine Beard and had a bald Head, his body was buff and strong and his well develop muscles can be seen clearly.
No doubt Caused by his years of hunting in the wild, an experience man for sure.
This of course is his father, from what he can gather, lor seems to be his name, well that's others call him, by saying "lorrh.
He doesn't really know if it's his actual name or not, in fact he doesn't even know if they have language that's actually audible and not just grunts and sign signals.
His mothers interaction with the other seems to show that they have but he can't confirm yet.
What's important right now is that his hungry and needs to drink his mothers milk yet again.
To get his mothers attention he cried which his mother heard and quickly pick him up from the leather bed where he slept, and proceeded to feed him.
His mouth suck the Milk and his tongue tasted it, his stomachs grumbling stopped and started digesting.
Very soon he was done eating.
"Hah his sucking it like an alphac" his father jokingly spoke to his mother.
Looking at him child greedily sucking his mates milk, he can't help but wonder how he got such a child.
"Yiv, Do you think it has something to do with the Messi's blessings?" He asked.
"It could be, I've heard from Elder lan that it may be the reason for his behaviors and Shiny eyes" she answered.
"After the ritual last night it was confirmed that our son have been blessed by the great Messi's" sge added
"So gah is blessed, how delightful!" He exclaimed.
With his thoughts confirmed, Lohan his father gathered up the animals they've hunted and ask for them to be cooked.
"Today is a happy day my friends,my child have been blessed, not just by any beast but by the Great Messi's!t" he shouted.
"Ready the food, for tonight we shall celebrate this blessing!" He added.
The peoples cheered him on as he spoke.
joining him they all shouted.
"Let us Challenge the beast and gained their blessings, eat their meat and give us strength for fighting"
In the year XXXX ASA an ancient Cave was discovered, on the ancients Cave they discovered something Truly Spectacular.
Records of cave paintings where shown revealing an ancient legend.
On the Eve of the Early spring a child was Born.
A child unlike the others, born with Golden eyes, the first ever seen through out the Vosaris.
His or her name lost to time with his legend only remaining.
The Legend of a Great Being has started.
It was the first ever record of ancient legend regards this so called " Blessed by Messiah".
Though no more leads where found regarding it and no one knew exactly what it's about.
Stuck away into a Folder, It was simply left on the bookshelf to be forgotten.
As they venture through the Dark Cold space.
Not knowing thay it holds the answer to their deepest questions.
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