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Bab 56: Marcy-less War (July-September, 1913).

New Great War: China and Russia]

Yuan Shikai, for all the things he had going for him (a relatively loyal military force, British-German support, etc.), fell extremely fast due to various factors against him, including himself, the instability of China at the time, the Russian invasion of the north of the country, etc.

A weak government that was shrinking extremely rapidly once Russia attacked and started the second revolution in the south, led precisely by those that Yuan Shikai had replaced (Sun Yat-sen and associates).

On July 9, the armies of the Russian Empire entered the city of Beijing, under siege prior to this.

With the loss of this important city, the Empire of China government suffered a huge loss of legitimacy and support in various parts of China (if Yuan Shikai had not already done so ...).

Several of the members of the Yuan Shikai government died or joined the Russian occupation, such as the Beijing police force.

The small government of Yuan Shikai barely remained in central regions of China, where the republic in the south was aiming to crush it.

It was to be captured by the Russians, or to be captured by the Republicans. Neither would be pretty, since Yuan Shikai was not that useful to either side.

July 12, the Russian Empire through its influence, armies and treaties, began to support the separation of Shaanxi province from the rest of China.

With the Empire of China still in existence in central parts and the Republic of China still far from the game, this was relatively straightforward.

A mixture of ambitious, local military and Russian assets were very useful for this separatist project.

The same process was repeated in Shandong and Henan shortly thereafter.

Meanwhile, on July 16, Yuan Shikai committed suicide before being captured by Republican troops.

The last remnants of loyalists would be defeated or surrendered on July 21, marking the end of the brief Empire of China and the return of the Republic of China.

With this, the forces of the Republic of China and the forces of Russia met at the border ...

Germany and the Imperial Federation tried to influence Sun Yat-sen with a variety of promises, and it is true that the more nationalistic parts of the government supported continuing the war with Russia, but Sun Yat-sen declared an armistice with the Russian Empire and its allies.

Sun Yat-sen had long been in contact with the Russians and intended for China to be peaceful with its neighbors, due to widespread poverty and instability in China.

Peace and reforms were needed, not war.

Since July 21 the discussions were already a bit difficult, the Russian Empire wanted the Republic of China to recognize the Russian sphere of influence in northern China. That is, the states that Russia had helped to become independent through various methods:

* The Ma Clique (Qinghai, Ningxia and Gansu).

* Henan.

* Shaanxi.

* Shanxi.

* Shandong.

* Capital territory (Tianjin, Beijing and Hebei).

In return Russia promised in secret clauses that China could obtain Yunnan and Hainan from Germany and the Second French Empire, once both empires would fall (which seemed soon).

This was a painful request, a continuation of the Century of Humiliation.

Leaving the territory of Beijing would mean a huge loss for the Republic of China, the capital had an important vital infrastructure for the possible future governments of China.

The objective of Russia was the domination of northern China through allied governments, based on small regions or ethno-cultural lines (linguistic, religious, etc). Shandong and therefore the capital territory, were vital for a domination of the nearby waters and the eastern territory of the occupation.

Russia was not exactly in the best position, if millions of Chinese peasants were fed up, they had little chance (you should never upset a peasant too much).

But at the moment, they had incomparable strength against Sun Yat-sen's Republic of China.

The first thing that was accepted was the separation of the Ma Clique, they were relatively remote territories and that the Republic could accept losing.

So Russia basically offered more financial compensation in exchange for a peace treaty, handing over some objects trapped in the occupied territory, low-interest loans, forgiving some debts from China, etc.

Russia simply had the economy to do this, in the long term they planned to integrate North China into the Russosphere through economic development.

There was a lot of foreign pressure on a separate peace, on the one hand the Allied Bloc (with Japan and the USA supporting Russia) and on the other the Berlin-London Axis.

The month of August was important in these peace talks. Russia was recovering on its western front, Japan was continuing to advance through Vietnam, and the United States was successfully expanding its armed forces (expanding American reach with its allies).

On September 29, China finally accepted the peace treaty with Russia. One more humiliation for China, an important lesson for New China.

The government of the Republic of China withdrew from Beijing to Nanking (Nanjing), the capital of Jiangsu province.

It was difficult to know if the treaty was a peace treaty, or an armistice of years.


[Brusilov offensive]

The western front of Russia (European Eastern Front of the New Great War) began to change, the new minister of war Erich Georg Sebastian Anton von Falkenhayn had achieved an important change of strategy for Germany.

A miracle, practically speaking.

Falkenhayn switched to an offensive strategy against the Socialists in the west and a much more defensive strategy in the east, less interested in taking back eastern Germany.

In Falkenhayn's mind, if the war was delayed, Russia would be forced into a compromise with Germany for various reasons. Not so much military, but economic, diplomatic-international, internal, etc.

The problem was General Aleksey Brusilov, a brilliant general without a doubt and the biggest problem with Falkenhayn's ideas. The Germans still did not have a precise answer against the general.

Until they came up with one, break the chain at the weakest link.

On July 11, the southern Russian armies were encircled in Bohemia by forces of the German Empire, a difficult task in the Bohemian mountain ranges and operations in Silesia (rear flank of the southern armies).

Brusilov would have to answer, he could continue to advance without the southern army or go to support the southern armies. Both options would be expensive.

On July 20 (a week and 2 days later), the German troops under Falkenhayn's leadership gave a major defeat to the southern armies of the Russian Empire.

The Russian armies narrowly managed to escape, with heavy casualties.

Important personnel such as Army Captain Theodosius Aleksandrovich Veselago were killed, and logistics took a major hit.

Silesia became a major conflict zone again, parts of Bohemia were still controlled by Russian forces, but the operation was under threat from a German advance.

Falkenhayn soon left the German army to another while he went to discuss matters in Berlin, this victory catapulting Falkenhayn to matters of internal politics.

This was a major concern for him right now, despite the victory, the war seemed doomed ...

Brusilov immediately set out to save the southern forces.

The problem with the Brusilov Offensive was that it was overextended in its second stage, logistically there were certain problems and the German counter-offensive represented an unexpected counter-time that damaged the second stage of the operation.

The logistics were coming, but for a significant period of time, the Oder-Niesse line held by Russia was in great danger.


Pyotr Wrangel was riding through the desolate countryside, he had narrowly managed to save an important part of the southern forces, he and other commanders had made mistakes that cost many lives.

But the fight was not lost yet, that was a good thing.

The Black Baron immediately began to reorganize his men as he sought to rally the rest of his forces, preparing for the next operation or the arrival of aid.

In this, some saw Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky, in front of the man was an idol that he had carved with a little local help.

Some kind of wooden statue, colored with paint, had a bizarre and terrible nose, burning eyes, and a gaping mouth.

"What is the purpose of this?" Wrangel and his entourage questioned.

Tukhachevsky was kneeling in front of his idol, honoring him.

"This is Perun. The god of war and death, thunder and lightning. A mighty god." Tukhachevsky announced, with comic seriousness. Perun was the god of many things, including sky, thunder, lightning, storms, rain, law, war and fertility (and oak trees, specifically).

"You should stop wasting time with idols, we have a war to win." Wrangel announces.

"That is why I am doing this, the Slavs need a new religion. Merciless wars between people have been unleashed. That is why I will honor Perun every day." Tukhachevsky exclaimed as he got up. "There is Dazhbog, Stribog, Veles and finally, Perun".


Fortunately someone came to strongly assist the southern armies as Brusilov made his way, the Hungarian and Slovak armed forces invaded parts of southern and eastern German Bohemia.

This aid was vital to aid the Russian war effort in the region, helping the southern armies to save themselves and providing necessary military-logistical support to Brusilov.

With this, between August and September, the dizzying comeback of the southern armies began.

But not only because of the help of Brusilov and allies of Russia, it also happened by the commanders and forces of the southern armies themselves.

Wrangel had helped re-compose the survivors, and so was Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky.

Tukhachevsky had been promoted due to officer deaths, but then he began to show remarkable ability, he deserved his position.

He put the logistics and troops in order, he was not cruel but he simply lacked mercy, and once he was in command he demonstrated his ability to crush German troops (capturing several key cities, villages and roads) and organize logistics, technology, etc. .

Tukhachevsky succeeded in key initiatives for Russian 'revenge' against German forces in Bohemia, even successfully crossing several of the local mountain ranges to successfully finish off his enemies.

A key to Tukhachevsky's success was the local support he was able to garner, although he was strange, he was seen as a 'liberator' among the Czechs.

In record time, Tukhachevsky and Wrangel were putting Prague (defended by the German authorities) under siege, while Brusilov was going west of Bohemia to finish off German forces in the region (defending the flank of Wrangel-Tukhachevsky).

Hungary and Slovakia succeeded in occupying the southern and eastern parts of the region, guaranteeing that Bohemia would soon fall into the hands of the Allied Bloc.


[Russian Air Force]

August 14, the captain of one of the Kiev aviation detachments, Pyotr Nikolayevich Nesterov, makes a legacy of his own in various aspects of aeronautical history.

Nesterov was one of the first and main test pilots of Sikorsky's Russian Knight, Nesterov himself was an aircraft designer to some degree.

But the important thing is that with the Russian Knight, Nesterov was an innovator in aerobatics and aerial combat.

The loop and other aerobatics would be the development of Nesterov's theories-ideas, and he was one of the first to perform many of these aerobatics.

But not only that, Nesterov, in several of his missions on the Eastern Front (Western Front of Russia, between the Baltic and Germany), where he stood out for his courage in bombing and attack missions, was one of the first people to survive a clash between military aircraft.

But this blow was particular.

Nesterov used his plane to crash into an enemy aircraft, through indirect or direct hits, Nesterov basically invented a particular type of 'suicide attack' (although Nesterov survived, it was mostly luck).

Very similar to the later Japanese Kamikaze attack.

After returning and being duly decorated for his actions, Nesterov was able to devote himself primarily to the extensive training of the Russian air force in the southern Russian Empire (delving further into aircraft designs and theory).

Having then an enormous influence on the continuous development of the Russian Air Force, which in its early years drew much from the success of Nesterov's training.

Suicide attacks existed within the Russian air force, although they were not extremely common (more just attacks against enemy aircraft ended sometimes in direct clash). After all, you always need experienced pilots, not dead ones.


[Battle for the Mediterranean]

On August 1, the tables of the New Great War began to turn in favor of the Allied Bloc against the Berlin-London Axis in the Mediterranean.

British troops could no longer give much more of themselves to the threat of the Allied Bloc coalition, in operations led by Russia.

Greece was falling, China was about to get out of the war, Germany was in trouble, and so on.

Rear Admiral Alexander Kolchak and other members of the Russian Imperial Navy were beginning to force the British against the ropes with success.

Many British divisions had been dispatched, but in terms of logistical capacity and number of troops, the Allied Bloc had the upper hand.

* Advantage product of many allies and a large population available, adding all the participants.

Finally, on September 8, 1913, the battle for the Eastern Mediterranean came to a magnificent end for the Allied Bloc.

The Republic of Cilicia forces were able to capture Cyprus from British hands, dealing a severe blow to the British operation to seize the Suez Canal.

In turn, the Socialist Iberia was able to capture Gibraltar, which meant the need for reorganization and new planning for the Imperial Federation side.

Kolchak was then able to hit the British ships hard in the Peloponnese, the ports were mostly destroyed, but on land the stubborn British and Greeks held the line successfully.

The Peloponnese was sustained, with the dictatorship and the monarchy of Constantine I in power. While the rest of Greece became a democracy, with its capital in Athens.

Kolchak's plan was to put the Peloponnese under siege, perhaps starving a large portion of them.

Most of the Greek royal family were executed in the taking of the Republic of Greece, with Constantine I and a few others surviving in occupied Peloponnese.

For the moment.



July 1, the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg is celebrated, bringing together 53,407 veterans of the armies of the Union and the Confederate States.

This commemoration ends on July 6 (8 veterans died in this period of time).

July 2, Wall Street lobbyist David Lamar (the Wolf of Wall Street) avoids prosecution.

Lamar had repeatedly posed as members of Congress in telephone conversations, gaining certain advantages in business.

The Justice Department concludes that there is currently no federal law under which Lamar can be prosecuted. The United States Supreme Court had ruled that the members of Congress were not officials of the United States, but of the particular states from which they came (as a consequence, the federal law against "impersonating an official of the United States" , does not apply).

July 3-4, the Kingdom of Greece continues to lose to the opposition coalition and the Greek democratic revolution.

The German Empire's minister of war resigns, General Erich Georg Sebastian Anton von Falkenhayn is appointed as the new minister of war of the German Empire (under Kaiser Wilhelm III and Chancellor Paul von Hindenburg).

The relationship between Falkenhayn and Hindenburg was extremely complicated, the Chancellor wanted a decisive plan for a victory against the enemies of Germany.

Falkenhayn on the other hand, believed that the only way to 'win' was through a peace compromise with the enemy powers, after the defeats in the Brusilov Offensive and the German socialist revolution.

July 5, several riots are perpetrated among the mining population of Johannesburg (Boer United States), problematic considering how mining is one of the main industries in the country.

Of course the police respond reasonably ... by shooting at the miners at night, resulting in the death of at least 40 of the civilians involved (who had refused orders from the police).

July 7, successful movements of the Irish guerrillas in the Irish Uprising.

In southern England proper, many Irish people living in the region suffer violence and discrimination for the 'Irish betrayal' against the British Empire.

Northern England is a bit less troublesome, but the London government is already aiming to purge socialist elements against the Social Aristocracy (as happened in Australia and New Zealand).

July 9, the Russian army enters the capital of Yuan Shikai's Empire of China, putting an end to the main government bodies of the attempted dynasty.

Yuan Shikai, who was out of the capital for months, is in central China, without escape. The Russians to the north (chasing him) and the Republicans to the south (also chasing him).

July 10, is recorded in what is now known as Death Valley, California (USA), the highest temperature in the world

(later questioned for various reasons). About 56.7 ° C (134 ° F).

July 11, troops of the southern Russian armies encircled in Bohemian territory.

July 12, Shaanxi Province, with Russian backing, declares its independence from China.

Albert Einstein holds a full professorship at Saratov State University, Russian Empire. With this chair, Eintein also obtained an outstanding position in the fields of theoretical physics in the Russian Empire.

July 13, British crimes against Native Americans in Peru expand, both in severity and geographically, with the British-Peruvian occupation of Bolivia.

Native Americans receive various treatments, none particularly positive, the situation may include the extermination of parts of the population, situations similar to slavery, amputation of limbs, castration, etc.

The rich white elites of the countries support many of these acts of course.


(OOC: This is an actual photo of native americans under British Peruvian Amazon Company).

July 14, President Champ Clark and his government deny the possibility of arbitration laws for the railroad unions in this time of war.

Although the unions and workers are not getting what they asked for (which annoys them), it is not the best time for a national strike.

However in the post-war period, the trade union movements have many more demands on the government.

July 16, Yuan Shikai commits suicide before being captured by the Republican troops of Sun Yat-sen and his allies (Kuomintang and some other various southern Chinese parties)

.July 18, Shandong declares its independence with the backing of the Russian Empire.

July 19, Henan declare its independence with the help of the Russian Empire and their armies.

July 21, finally Doctor Sun Yat-sen, president of the Republic of China, conquers the last remnants of Yuan Shikai's Empire of China (the last 'loyalists' surrender).

With this are the borders of northern China (Russia and allies) and southern China (Republic of China).

July 26, several shots between the British-English authorities and the Irish rebels in the city of Dublin, more than 60 dead on both sides.

In the south, west and east of the island of Ireland, the Irish Socialists continue to have several successes in their guerrilla activities. However, the north of Ireland remains out of reach of the Irish separatists.

July 31, the women's suffrage movement began to gain strength in the United States, early 200,000 signatures began to be obtained in favor.

By 1917, 1 million have been collected.

One of the largest demonstrations in favor of female suffrage in the United States at the time.

August 1, the industrialization of Gran Colombia is reinforced under President Juan Vicente Gómez. Venezuela, where the president is a native, becomes one of the most developed parts of its oil sector.

Gomez is praised in Venezuela and Colombia, although he carries out various tyrannical and dictatorial actions in the Ecuadorian part of the country (he intended for this to integrate Ecuador into the country).

August 2, Iosif V. Stalin begins to absorb the Social Democratic Party of Finland (SDP, Suomen sosialiDemokraattinen Puolue) into the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.

The counter-offensive of the German minister of war (Erich Georg Sebastian Anton von Falkenhayn) and the Imperial Federation succeeds in defending the Netherlands and what remains of imperial Germany, from the socialist advance.

With this the British begin to make certain negotiations with Falkenhayn due to the situation of the New Great War.

August 3, Industrial Workers of the World supports small farm worker strikes in California. Riots occur between the IWW and allies against the police.

August 4, due to the re-opening of the Tehuantepec Canal, the United States seeks a diplomatic agreement with the Free Republic of Mexico.

Currently the United States is at a disadvantage compared to Mexico, in terms of pure diplomatic power in this matter.

August 6, the Imperial Federation conquers most of Algeria. With this hundreds of thousands of French are forced to escape, the central government of the Second French Empire included.

With this, the Second French Empire is reeling, on the verge of collapse due to British pressure in Egypt and West Africa.

And currently the Allied Bloc is preparing more for what they are going to do once Imperial France falls, and not preparing to save Imperial France.

August 12, the Oreo trademark is registered in the United States of America.

August 13, secessionist movements in Canton narrowly stopped by Sun Yat-sen's Republic of China government troops.

Stability has not come to China despite the defeat of Yuan Shikai. The diplomatic position of the republic vis-à-vis Russia is weakened.

August 14, successful maneuvers carried out by pilot Pyotr Nikolayevich Nesterov.

August 19, derailment of a train loaded with dynamite in the neighborhood of Tacubaya, Mexico City (Free Republic of Mexico). As a result of this, 100 people die in the working-class neighborhood of Tacubaya.

August 20, the first stainless steel productions in the world begin.

August 21, the Philippines definitively obtained its independence, led by President-General Antonio Luna with the support of the Berlin-London Axis.

The process is disastrous for many of the Japanese in the Philippine archipelago, but fortunately for them, they manage to survive in various parts.

Partly because the Philippines is rapidly falling into civil war, between the army and Luna's nationalists, against Isabelo de los Reyes's socialists and local factions.

* Even the army is not completely loyal to Antonio Luna ...

August 22, the center of Bohemia begins to fall in front of the advances of the armed forces of the Russian Empire.

August 23rd, the Den lille havrue (The Little Mermaid) statue by Edvard Eriksen, in Copenhagen, Denmark, is unveiled.

Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev first performed his composition Piano Concerto No. 2 in Pavlosk, Saint Petersburg. The complete version (full orchestra) will not be heard until 1917.

August 24, attacks on Irish and Indians in the city of London.

August 26, railroad workers in Dublin and nearby areas join the Irish revolution.

August 27, a meteor fell on the Sakonnet River, near Tiverton, Rhode Island, United States.

August 28, the Kingdom of the Netherlands (nominally part of Germany) founds the Peace Palace. Ironic name in the middle of the New Great War.

August 31, 50,000 Dubliners join the Irish Red Army against the Imperial Federation.

September 1, five southern provinces rebel against Sun Yat-sen's Republic of China, the Republican government responds with the use of the army.

Successfully crushing the revolt, but obviously tired.

Chinese forces cannot compete in terms of weapons and logistics against foreign forces at this time, the armistice with Russia is about to come to an end ...

September 3, the last pockets of British force in New England are wiped out (they have escaped, been captured or killed).

The Imperial Federation has succeeded in defending the Canadian border and preparing it for a counter-offensive by the United States.

September 4, a hurricane passes through North Carolina and Georgia (finally disappearing in the latter state of the United States of America).

September 6, Hideyo Noguchi isolates the virus that causes rabies.

A car passes over attorney Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The cousin of the writer Theodore Roosevelt Jr, dies.

(OOC: This day, OTL, US President Woodrow Wilson and his physician, Dr. Carey Grayson, were "almost run over by a streetcar" ... I saw my opportunity and took it to kill FDR).

September 7, Japanese conquest of central parts of German Vietnam, the north is close to surrendering and suffering a similar fate (being occupied by Japanese forces).

15,000 people protest against the war in Tokyo, fortunately there are 5,000 less than the previous protests, that's something.

September 8, various poems and popular music of the Irish Red Army and the Irish Revolution unfold.

September 11, Smedley Butler is successful in military operations for the liberation of La Hispaniola, but it will take time to fully do so.

September 12, Niels Bohr's atomic model is presented for the first time.

September 13, in a sign of goodwill and the new relations between the People's Republic of France and Russia, the French socialists manage to return the newly rediscovered Bell of Chersonesos.

The bell had been captured by the Second French Empire in the Crimean War, and was briefly lost during civil wars and revolutions. But it was rediscovered by the socialists in their cultural and industrialization projects.

* There are theories that currently say that the Bell of Chernesos was destroyed and what the Socialists delivered was an imitation, but all studies show that the Bell of Chernesos delivered was the real one.

The Russians put the bell in its original place. In the ruins of Chernesos Taurica, Crimea.

September 14, Lincoln Highway is advertised in the newspapers of the United States.

September 16, various problems between Europeans and native Africans occur in the Second French Empire (large parts of the northern African continent) and the Kingdom of Italy (Libya and Tunisia), both governments in exile in Africa.

* The Kingdom of Italy is not in the New Great War, but it is still an extremely poor country with social problems, which causes the anti-colonial movements of the natives.

The Kingdom of Italy survives because the rebels are few, but the Second French Empire is legitimately in trouble.

September 18, President Champ Clark prevents the Federal Reserve from being created.

British troops finally completely abandon southeastern Persia.

September 22, Universal Pictures releases the film Ivanhoe, starring William King Baggot in the role of Ivanhoe and directed by Herbert Brenon.

September 26, four days before the armistice of Russia and China ends. The separate peace between China and the Allied Bloc ends on September 29.

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