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63.76% Fate/Juggernaut / Chapter 44: 44. Two Giants

Bab 44: 44. Two Giants

(A/N: Hello everyone! A reader generated an image of what Godrick might look like! I don't know about you guys, but I absolutely love it! It doesn't have any of his scars or anything, but I don't really care, as I just love the picture! Also, I'm trying something new with changing characters view points. From now on, I'll be doing X Godrick X, or X Jeanne X. For those of you who listen to audio, please let me know what you think!)

X Godrick X

Godrick and the others walked into Shirou's house, where they discussed the finer details of the Holy Grail Wars.

In the discussion, they not only learned that Shirou had no idea what was going on, but they also learned that Saber was an incomplete summon.

Rin expressed her frustrations about not being the one to summon Saber, to which no one responded.

Godrick sat next to his mother, listening to her speak about all she had done after his death. She had gone to the north, and had found Mordred shackled to a wall in a fortress. She had been little more than bones, but she had recovered quickly in the months to come.

Morgan had locked herself in her tower, and Artoria didn't know what she was doing until she had forced her way into the tower, finding her sister experimenting with dark and evil magics.

She was later banished to the north, but not before poisoning Mordred's mind against Artoria.

As she told her story quietly to Godrick, she stopped before she told of her's and Mordred's final battle, fearing his reaction.

Godrick held his hand out to her, which she took before giving her a gentle squeeze.

She looked up at him, slight tears in her eyes as she remembered her failure.

"You know all this already, don't you." She said simply.

He nodded softly, followed by her nodding as well, before looking down at their hands.

"I failed her, Godrick. I failed both of you. I wish things had turned out differently." She said before a loud "CRACK" was heard in the room.

Artoria held the top of her head as she held back tears, looking back up at Godrick who had just chopped the top of her head with his hand.

Reaching for a pen and paper, he wrote her a simple message.

"You didn't fail us. We failed you."

He was still feeling as if he had failed her by dying. Vivian had told him that he was supposed to kill the Warlord. Not that he was supposed to die in the process.

She wouldn't lie to him right?

If he had been stronger, he could have survived and came back to his family. He could have stopped Mordred's rebellion, and stopped the two of them from killing each other.

He understood that he was not at fault for Mordred's actions, but he knew if he had survived, he could have stopped her.

If only he had been stronger.

"No, if I had fought the Warlord, none of this would have happ-" Artoria's words were cut off as Godrick pulled her into a hug, silencing her.

"I'm so happy you're here." She whispered, her voice trembling a small bit as she wrapped her arms around his thick waist.

He responded by giving her a gentle kiss on the top of her head before standing back up, and walking outside, leaving her to participate in the conversation.

He stood outside the house, arms folded, while Archer sat on top of it, looking out across the night.

He didn't want to get on top of the roof for fear of breaking it, and didn't want to have to bug Rin to fix it again.

A soft thud was heard next to Godrick, and when he looked to his right, Archer appeared next to him.

"So, Godrick the Knight of Ruin. That means that your mother is Artoria Pendragon, the King of Knights." He said looking into the night sky as well.

"Did you know your mother would be participating in this Grail War?" Archer asked, to which the Juggernaut shook his head.

Archer grunted to himself, but then stayed silent. After a while, Rin, Shirou, and Artoria, who was dressed in a yellow coat, came from the home, and started walking to the street.

"We are going to the adjudicator of the war, he is a little ways away, so let's get going." Rin said.

Archer disappeared, while Godrick walked next to his mother, dwarfing her in comparison.

Shirou looked at the pair, and asked. "So, you must have been a pretty big baby when you were born, huh?"

Artoria looked surprised, before looking up to Godrick.

"I actually found Godrick when he was about three years old. I took him in and raised him as my own." She responded.

"Oh…" Shirou said, turning back to Rin to continue their conversation.

After a while they came to a canal full of water where Shirou expressed concerns about not being able to protect the two women, to which Godrick gave a snort of derision, and continued to walk.

Shirou turned back to look at him, but got nothing but a scornful look from the Juggernaut for his troubles before turning back to Rin.

"Servants are supposed to protect their masters. not the other way around, dummy." Rin said, walking over to the railing at the water's edge. She looked over the waters as her hair blew in the wind, and Godrick caught Shirou staring at her.

"Come on, we still have a ways to go." Rin said, walking away from the small group.

A while later, they finally reached the church. Rin and Shirou decided to go inside, while the three servants decided to stay outside.

"So, is this a way to communicate?" Artoria asked, mimicking Godricks sign language after Rin and Shirou were gone.

Godrick nodded enthusiastically, crouching down to her eye level to begin teaching her.

She got the hang of it pretty quickly, though teaching her was slow, as no one like Fiore was here to translate between the two.

She had gotten down the basics when Rin and Shirou exited the church, followed by another figure.

"Ah, so are you the one that's been causing me so much trouble?" The priest said, looking at Godrick through the fence.

Godrick stood, eyeing the man with an unpleasant feeling. Something was telling him this man was bad news, and he was half tempted to rip him in two, but this wasn't his purpose here. He only needed to kill the snake Ivar, and then he could see Jeanne again.

The priest seemed to feel Godricks hostility, and held his hands up to placate the servant.

"No need for rash action. I just wish that you would keep the collateral damage to a minimum please." The priest said before smirking and walking back into the church.

Godrick found it curious that the priest didn't question his being here, meaning he knew of him to some level, and knew why and what he was doing here.

Turning around, Godrick walked away with the others before Shirou started speaking to Artoria.

"I've made up my mind." The boy said, holding out his hand.

"I will fight. And I hope that you will be by my side as I do." He said.

Artoria took his hand in hers while looking into his eyes.

"I will fight for you as long as I have strength in my body, or until my blade shatters." She said, a smile coming to her lips.

"Oh, how cute." Another voice said, cutting through the night.

Saber, Rin, and Shirou turned around, prepared to fight as another servant materialized next to a small child about fifty feet from the small group.

Godrick turned around, seeing a man as tall and as built as he was, standing behind the little girl.

The man wore nothing but a war skirt and a pair of bracelets on his wrists. He had long wild hair that was unbound, and held a massive axe-sword that looked to be carved from a slab of stone.

With a sigh, Godrick turned his back and began to walk away, knowing he shouldn't get involved in the Grail war. That was, until the little girl opened her mouth again.

"I never knew there was a servant who was a coward. Letting another fight in your place?"

Godrick stopped dead in his tracks, turning back slowly to look at the child.

"Coward?" He signed.

'Well shit.' He thought to himself. Now he had to get involved. One little fight wouldn't hurt… right?

His armor materialized over his body as he walked up to the little girl and the Berserker, who started walking towards him as well.

Stopping in the middle, the two servants stood face to face, their chests almost touching.

Steam shot from Godricks helmet, while Berserker's eyes and skin started to glow a shade of red.

"Holy shit." Rin said to Archer, feeling the power radiating from the two giants as they sized each other up, before suddenly, Berserker let his axe-sword go, letting it dematerialize as he matched Godrick in unarmed combat.

An explosion happened as the two servants moved at the same moment, smashing their hands together as they vied for dominance.

The ground shattered around them as they pushed against each other, though it seemed they might have been evenly matched before a burst of strength from Godrick curled Berserker's hands back little bit before he headbutted his foe causing them to disengage from each other.

Taking a couple steps back, both rushed at each other again before a loud "CRACK" was heard as metal met skin, and the two started to exchange blows with each other.

Godrick threw a left hook that Berserker blocked with his right arm, retaliating with a hook of his own that Godrick slipped, allowing him to throw his right fist into the servant's exposed left side.

Advancing, Godrick hit Berserker with his left fist in the face before his right found purchase in an uppercut that knocked the behemoth onto his back.

Taking this chance, Godrick advanced, only to be surprised when Berserker turned his fall into an attack by catching himself, and striking out with his left foot that caught Godrick on the jaw, before a dozen blows struck him as Berserker twisted in the air, agile as an assassin class servant.

Godrick caught himself before he could fall to the ground and threw a right haymaker that Berserker dodged, throwing his own into Godrick ribs that threw him away.

Landing hard, Godrick felt a couple of his ribs break from the full might of Berserker's fist, only for a smile to grow on his face.

Standing back up, Godrick had a thought that he wanted to try. He had seen how agile this Berserker was, and wondered if he could do the same.

Deciding now was as good of a chance as any, he dematerialized his armor, save for his leg armor. He now stood shirtless, wanting to fight on complete equal terms to really get a feel for how agile he truly was.

A burst of speed took Godrick in front of Berserker, who swung out with his right fist, only for Godrick to duck it, and smash his left elbow into his exposed stomach.

With his right hand, Godrick reached up and caught Berserker's right wrist , before bringing his left fist up into a vicious uppercut that snapped Berserker's head back again.

Standing, Godrick's left shoulder collided with the underside of Berserker's right arm, lifting him into the air before ripping him down, smashing into the ground again.

Kicking out with his right leg, Godrick smashed his steel clad foot into Berserker's face before jumping into the air and bringing his left down with all his might as he spun, picking up force.

Berserker ripped himself from the ground, and caught Godricks left foot, whipping him around to smash into the ground before spinning him at an incredible speed. He let him go and threw him into the sky before appearing out of nowhere to drive his right fist into Godricks exposed stomach, sending him into the earth at unimaginable speeds.

Landing, Berserker stood completely unharmed as he waited for his enemy to stand.

The ground shuttered as Godrick ripped himself from its clutch, standing as well, showing he was completely fine as well.

Looking around himself, Godrick noticed their battle had taken them to a graveyard that had been completely destroyed in their fight.

Looking over to the berserker, Godrick had to do a double take, as the servant seemed to be grinning at him.

Berserker held his right hand out, materializing his massive axe-sword as he continued to grin at Godrick, his pointed teeth glinting in the light of the night.

Godrick couldn't help but grin as well, as he reached down and picked up one of the slabs of stone that use to be a headstone.

Berserker's feet dug holes in the ground as he threw himself at Godrick bringing his weapon down on the man.

Godrick reached up with his left hand, and caught the axe-sword, stopping it. As he did, he brought the headstone up, and smashed it into Berserker's surprised face before using his incredible strength to smash the man's own weapon into his face as well, throwing the servant away from him.

In a burst of light, arrows started raining down on Berserker as Archer tried to help, only to have Godrick halberd bury itself next to him. The message was clear.

"Stay out of this."

Turning back to Berserker, Godricks head was knocked to the right as the axe-sword met his head, drawing the battle's first blood.

Catching himself, Godrick retaliated with a right haymaker that not only knocked Berserker from his feet, but also destroyed the rest of the graveyard and a chunk of the forest.

The shockwave knocked Rin and Berserker's master, who were battling nearby, from their feet, causing their magic to fizzle out.

Berserker stood back up and whipped his weapon around, but Godrick ducked under the blow, and threw a palm into the weapon's pommel to force it upwards.

Appearing behind the Berserker now, Godrick reached around his neck with his left hand and grabbed his foe's right wrist that was holding his weapon.

Pulling the arm towards him, he heard the arm pop from its socket, as Berserker let out a howl of pain that was cut short, as Godrick reached down with his right hand, and ripped the rock like blade that protruded from Berserker's elbow out.

Using the makeshift weapon, the Juggernaut buried it into Berserker's chest before letting him go, slamming his left fist into the side of Berserker's head, throwing him away to the right.

Godrick could feel Artoria nearby, waiting to step in to help him if he needed it, but the Juggernaut was content to let her rest and find a way to complete herself due to her imperfect summoning.

Godrick felt an enormous amount of magical energy build somewhere in the city before being sent his way. It wasn't fully a Noble Phantasm, but it had the power of one. It felt more like an incomplete one as it made its way over to Berserker, striking him as he stood back up.

An explosion that shook the area for meters around bloomed from Berserker's back before fading, showing him standing calmly in the center, the only wound on his being the deep cut on his chest.

In his right hand he held his massive axe-sword, while in his left, was the elbow piece Godrick had ripped and then impaled him with.

Holding out his left hand, Godrick absorbed the magical energy in the air from the pseudo Noble Phantasm, planning on using it in a blow that would shatter this Legendary servant.

Amethyst power radiated from his arm as he materialized his armor once more, prepared for his final confrontation with the Berserker.

Berserker appeared before him with his weapon raised, only for the Juggernaut to tackle him into the ground, grappling him.

The two fought for dominance once more, but Godrick quickly smashed his fist into Berserker's face over and over again, until he got the upper hand once more.

Godrick stood up, gripping Berserker by his long hair below him before driving his left fist down into his exposed chest, detonating all the energy held in his arm at that moment, blowing Berserker's chest apart as the resulting explosion destroyed everything around them for hundreds of feet.

As the dust and smoke settled, Godrick stood above Berserker's broken form, respect in in eyes as he gazed down on his fallen enemy. His eyes sharpened however, as Berserker's skin shined a deeper shade of red before her started regenerating.

Berserker stood once more, once again coming face to face with Godrick like their fight had never happened in the first place.

"Berserker, we're leaving!" A voice said, once again cutting through the growing tension.

The two servants turned to see the small child that was Berserker's master, panting slightly with blood coming from her hairline. Her clothes were a mess, and she had a look of fear on her face at being surrounded by so many servants.

At first she was confident in her Berserker being able to take out Saber and Archer, but that confidence had been shattered as she saw the fight with this other mysterious servant.

"Now!" She said slowly backing away from the crater the two were in.

Turning back to each other Berserker wondered if he would have to fight his way out, but that thought was cast away as the Juggernaut stepped backwards nodding as he did so.

Godrick reached up and removed his helmet to show his broad smile and as he turned away he nodded in satisfaction.

"Aren't you going to finish him?" Shirou said, sliding down the crater, coming to a stop before the Juggernaut.

He was brused and bloody from the explosion earlier, but he seemed to be fine.

Godrick shook his head, as this wasn't his fight. He only wanted to shut the little girl up, and let loose a bit against someone strong, which he did. Now that his purpose was fulfilled, he left the fighting to the participants of the Grail War, and would focus on his target to the best of his abilities. Though, Alaya had said that he could participate if he wanted to.

He would have to wait and see what the future brought.

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