Feeling a throb inside her mind, Tigress couldn't help but scratch her head before shrugging it off, much to Psyche's surprise, who almost lost his entire stamina just trying to penetrate Tigress's mind.
He hasn't even reached 1% of the penetration and he's already exhausted.
"W-what -haahh~ are you?" Psyche asked between ragged breaths, with clear indication of being exhausted.
Realizing that it was Psyche who she felt probing in her mind, Tigress marched towards him and looked down on him with clear disgust on his face.
"...I'm Tigress." She said before knocking him unconscious with a single punch.
[Four consecutive female heroes? Who are they? Are they related to each other? Does Lucifer know them? So many questions yet are left unanswered, maybe we could only cure our curiosities when we legalize heroes once again and have the chance to interview each one of them.]
"First, Lucius's female counterpart hero and now three unknown heroes who came out of nowhere? Don't they know that the government exists?" Inside the Parr household, Helen and Bob were watching the television with Helen giving out her own comment.
"Maybe...Maybe it's finally time for us to go back to being heroes?" Bob hesitantly said, while side-eyeing Helen, wanting to see her reaction and boy he wished he didn't said those words.
"WHAT!? What are you thinking, Bob! We can't go back to that way! We already abandoned it in exchange of this good life, remember?" Helen sighed exasperatedly, not wanting to hear what Bob just said. They sacrificed so many things just to achieve this peaceful life with their children and now, Bob wants to go back to the old way?
"....It's not a good life." Bob muttered under his breath, not daring to speak out loud in fear of his wife.
"Were you saying something?" Raising her eyebrow, Helen failed to hear Bob clearly.
"Nothing." Bob hastily replied, fearing for his wife's retaliation.
"I'll check the kids if they're doing their homework." Bob quickly stood up and came up with a good enough reason.
Ever since he got 'quarantined' by his wife, he can't find jobs anymore nor does his wife wants to as she suspects that he might use his job as a cover to do hero work again.
"...." Meanwhile, Helen just watched Bob's back as he leaves, contemplating about what he said.
She might not show it to her husband but there's also a small part of her that craves to feel being a hero and catching criminals again.
"Sigh, I should make dinner." Deciding to abandon these thoughts, Helen decided to make dinner to avoid such thoughts.
While the Parr household is busy with their own matters, Lucius was having another argument with his wife.
"Who are you to tell me to go back to the kitchen!?"
"I'm your husband, for god's sake!"
"You don't tell me what to do, I'm your wife, not your slave!"
"I'm not telling you what to do! I'm just reminding you what you're supposed to do!"
"We don't have enough information about them." Inside a dark office, a female figure with slight curves spoke to the person in front of her.
Although the room is dark with only a single window illuminating their shadow figures, it is enough to tell the outlines of their appearances.
One is a woman with good curves while the person she's talking to is shorter than her with his hair making up to his missing height.
"What do you mean, we can't find them? We have the largest and fastest intelligence network system in the entire world! I designed it myself!" The male figure complained.
"It's not that the intelligence network is lacking, it's just that these figures aren't registered anywhere. It's like they just appeared in this world out of the blue."
"...So, you're telling me that they're aliens?"
"That, I can't answer."
"....It looks like we have to approach them in the same old traiditional way, ain't that right, Mirage?"
"It seems so, sir. Should I approach them myself?"
"No, you handle the lady heroes. I'll approach this Lucifer myself, hopefully my persuasion skills hasn't gone to waste yet."
"Alright. I'll make the preparations."
Another week has passed and the four female heroes starts to rise in fame. This also means that the government have also increased their chase over them, to the point that they almost declared a martial law if it wasn't for the medias and countless citizens protesting against it.
No matter which universe you're in, the government always stays to be dumb and makes not so good decisions.
However, putting their aside. Tigress, Mavis, Rapunzel and Elsa has just beaten a supervillain that required the four of them to team up when they were suddenly approached by a white haired beauty with clear professionalism running through her face.
"Good day, heroes."
"Hmm? Are you from the government? Did they finally decided to reconcile?" Rapunzel was the first one among them to notice her and couldn't help but to make a joke.
"Please don't worry, I'm not from the government. In fact, I'm from an organization that is above the government in terms of power and technology, except for influence, sadly."
"Anyways, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mirage and I'm here to sincerely invite the four of you for a meeting in this place and time. If you're curious about it, let me just say that it will elevate your position as a superhero into something above and beyond. And WE will be helping you with that." Mirage casted a mysterious smile before walking away after leaving a simple package to them.
"...What should we do?" Rapunzel asked them while holding the package.
"What else but to tell Jin?" Tigress shrugged her shoulders, not caring about what the woman said or anything related to her. All she wants is to continue the hero work as she finally found something to keep her occupied and her thirst for battle in check.
At the same time as them, Jin just finished stopping someone from robbing a bank when a loud voice was declared from above.
"Greetings, Lucifer! It seems like this is our first time meeting! And I will tell you, I feel the honour just by being beside you." Turning his face to the skies yo find the source of the sound, Jin was stunned to see a short man wearing black and white latex suit with a large S on his entire front body. The most distinct on his appearance is his long standing hair that resembles similar to Vegeta's hair.
"....You are?" Pretending not to know him, Jin was interested in where this is going. Will Syndrome invite him to his secret island before secretly killing him with his Omnidroids?
If that's his plan then Syndrome would just make a very interesting individual to play with before Jin has to deal with JackJack once he's born.
"I am Syndrome! The one and only secret hero that hides in the dark!" Syndrome proudly presented himself, even going as far as giving himself a title that isn't actually real.
"Hero that hides in the dark? You mean villain, right? Only villain hides in the dark." Jin held his chuckle off as Syndrome froze from his words, realizing his mistake. He has been too caught up with his 8th grader syndrome that he almost revealed himself to be a supervillain.
"That's uhmm, my mistake. Anyways, putting that aside. I am here to offer you something that is much worth your while! In exchange of defeating and destroying a renegade robot on Nomanisan Island, I would be paying you a salary, something that you don't have as of now due to 'various' reason." Syndrome replied while shaking his hand at the end of his sentence, implying about the Super Relocation Act that is imposed on all the Supers in the entire world.
"That's all, the decision rests in you. If you have more questions, you just have to open this." Syndrome said before handing him a package of some sort.
Taking the package from Syndrome's hands, the secret supervillain took this opportunity to fly away with a salute.
"Hope you really consider, mister superhero."
"Well that's interesting. Hopefully, these Omnidroids could somehow quench my thirst of boredom before fighting the Gods and Angels." Jin chuckled to himself before deciding to finish his hero work for today and go back home.
Once Jin teleported back home, he coincidentally met with his women who were also clearing up their side and go home.
"Jin!" Rapunzel was the first one to react and jumped on him, hugging him like a koala and kissing his face like a chicken pecking its head.
"Alright alright, stop it. I assume you guys also received the package, right?" Jin assumes, considering that he's not the only active hero as of now.
As a matter of fact, Jin started to hear more about the other superheroes who are supposed to be in hiding or dead according to the original timeline where Syndrome uses them to test his Omnidroids.
But now, most heroes are still alive and you might be asking how Jin heard about them?
Maybe it is due to his interference which caused a butterfly effect that motivated all the hiding superheroes to come out and resume their hero work, giving further headache to the Government and those who are against the supers.
Due to this, Lucifer became quite a pillar among the superheroes, giving them inspiration to restart the regime of Superheroes and bring the world back into order.
But for now, Jin's focus is on Syndrome's invitation. Surely, Syndrome would make an interesting enemy to deal with, considering that Jin has been dealing with mediocre villains.
[Next Chapter: Ch. 186 - Omnidroids!]
You can visit my p@treon to read 15 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.
"This is it! Time to truly test the Omnidroids!" Back in Syndrome's secret hideout, he was chuckling evily to himself as he was already thinking that Lucifer and the other heroes are now dancing on his palm.
Once they visit his other hideout where a custom private jet of his will transfer them to the Nomanisan Island who turns out to be the island where his last secret base is located, under the guise that the island is surrounded by robots that went out of control and must be out down immediately.
This is originally Syndrome's plan against all the heroes in the world that he will invite just to test the capabilities of his Omnidroids and to further improve them if the heroes he invited managed to take it down.
"Where are they now?" Syndrome asked Mirage, his assistant.
"They're on the private jet now, I estimate 10 minutes before they arrive and land on the island. Any other orders?" Mirage asked while reading on her tablet.
"Hmm..... Blow the jet up." Grinning to himself, Syndrome suddenly had a great idea, which inflicted fear on Mirage, not knowing why Syndrome came up with that kind of idea.
"....May I ask why?"
"To separate them, of course!" Syndrome cackled madly making Mirage's eyes widened in surprise, finally taking notice of Syndrome's other side of personality.
"Once they're separated, we'll send each of them an Omnidroid that is designed for each of them." Syndrome said while tapping some buttons on his white metallic glove.
The screen behind him then lit up, showing five Omnidroids with each designated to the five supers, Lucifer, Master Tigress, Blondie, Dracula, and Snow.
The Omnidroid that is pointing beside the picture of Snow shows several stats, specially a cold resistant body and several flame weapons attached on its body.
The Omnidroid on Dracula shows a very large omnidroid that is covered in light metals, enough to manouvre easily without decreasing it's power while having a superior speed than the other Omnidroids.
The Omnidroid on Blondie is just a simple Omnidroid bot, the only thing unique on its is its sharp blades that can be seen on several tentacles.
The Omnidroid on Master Tigress is the largest among them, bearing heavy metals for it's heavy defense including several hot weapons attached on its body.
The last Omnidroid that is assigned on Lucifer is probably the most unique looking Omnidroid out of all of them, the Omnidroid is small but it looks more like a humanoid being covered in black futuristic armour rather than the fat ball Omnidroid that is assigned to the others.
"I personally designed these guys several days ago, which I believe is enough to deal with them according to the contingencies that I placed inside each other. If they can't deal with the supers, they will go kaboom! Strong enough to blast an entire building structure!" Syndrome loudoy declared while standing on his chair, showing how proud he is towards his inventions.
Meanwhile, Mirage simply stares at the screen with a hint of worry on her face before placing it with her usual monotone expression.
"This is my first time riding this Jet thing. Is it really fast like the internet say?" Rapunzel excitedly tapped her feet on the floor, wearing her usual costume to hide her identity.
Sitting beside her was Tigress, Mavis, Elsa and Jin, with Jin being in the middle of them.
"It is indeed fast, but Tigress and I can be faster than this." Jin shrugged his shoulders and replied, while unkistakenly flaunting his and Tigress's strength.
"Psshh..." Rapunzel blew her lips on him before leaning back on her chair, taking a few breaths in and out.
"Hey, do you think this is really a trap?" Elsa, who has been quiet since they boarded the plane, suddenly asked.
"Yup, trust me. If I were that Syndrome guy, he would definitely blow up this jet a few meters away from the island." Jin said with a relaxed tone, contrary to the contents of his words.
"Blow up the jet? This flying bird must've cost several dollars, right? Speaking of dollar, I wonder why they decided to put a value on a mere piece of paper rather than the gold."
"Mavis, to people like Syndrome, money is dispensable, what matters to people like him is their interests." Jin replied to Mavis's words.
"...Oh, so he's like my father then. He cares more about me and mom than money."
"Wrong, Mavis. Your father cared about his loved ones, he doesn't have any interests." Jin shook his head at Mavis's words. Comparing Syndrome to Dracula? It's like comparing water to oil. Both liquid but have an entirely different components.
"Anyways, it looks like we're here." Jin changed the subject and said, looking at the window where an island identical to the one he saw in the movie can be seen.
"It looks....quite plain." Mavis, who was excited at visiting an island infested with evil robots, were taken aback by its plain appearance, sure it has a volcano unlike the others islands but it is still not within her expectations.
She was expecting some kind of large city built by the robots, run by machines and infested with hundreds of robots.
"Maybe...The robots hasn't entered that stage yet? That right! Perhaps they're still improving and will soon take over the entire island!"
"....Mavis, did you watch the Terminator again before this?" Hearing the thoughts of Mavis and what she said, Jin plainly looked at her and said, making Mavis freeze and clumsily rub the back of her head.
"Hehe, I can't help it. Robots are so cool!"
"Sigh, avoid watching those kind of movies for a while, I'm afraid it might affect you mental-."
Before Jin could continue what he was supposed to say, his senses suddenly picked up two missiles heading towards their way
"Heh, so predictable. As expected of an average supervillain." Jin shook his head and looking at Tigress, Elsa, Mavis and Rapunzel's expression, he assumes that they must've already sensed the incoming projectile.
"Brace yourselves, girls. The pilot has already junped and abandoned the ship." Jin warned and then coated them with a protective barrier made by his psychokinesis except for Tigress as she has already made a chi barrier around herself.
*Boom!* x2
At the same time, instead of hiting the fuselage of the jet plane where they reside, the two missiles hit the two wings of the jet instead, causing the plane to start somersaulting towards the inhabitated island while at the same time, the friction caused by the speed and velocity of the falling plane started ripping the fuselage apart, exposing Jin and the girls inside.
"Can you all handle yourselves?" Jin asked them, normally he could've held themselves together and teleport inside the island with no harm but since he already came here despite knowing it's a trap, why not fully fall into the trap and have fun?
Jin might not be worried about their safety that much since he trust them enough, but he could still watch over then using several means just in case, so there's no danger happening.
"I'll go first!" Instead of directly answering Jin's question, Tigress directly jumped from the large ripped hole of the jet plane's fuselage, before eventually being swiped by the strong wind.
"Good, how about the othe-." Jin nodded his head at Tigress's enthusiasm before turning to the others when they all suddenly followed suit while saying their farewells to Jin.
"I'm second! Weeeee!" Rapunzel came second.
"I'm third!" Mavis also followed and transformed into a bat after jumping.
You might be wondering how Mavis could manage to stand in the sun despite it being her weakness?
Well, before coming here when they were exploring the human world, Jin has to coat her entire body using his chi in order to prevent the sun from burning her, which eventually led to Jin teaching her how to use chi and coat herself on her own.
Which is how she could now walk under the sun while having the same confidence as a professional model.
"Fourth. Take care of yourself, love." Elsa followed up but unlike the rest, she kissed Jin on the lips before jumping.
"...Heh." Jin shook his head at their antics though he don't mind Elsa's.
"There it is! They all jumped and separated! As expected of my plan! It worked!" Watching through the screen of the monitor, Syndrome's face was full of smile as he saw how his plan worked without a hitch, solidifying his mindset of being perfect inside Syndrome's mind, further feeding his ego once again.
"Sigh." Seeing his boss being like this, Mirage could only shake her hope and silently pray for the Supers's safety in the island.
She knows and has witnessed the scary capabilities of the Omnidroids that Syndrome invented. They aren't made to simply defeat heroes though sheer strength, instead they were invented to take search for the Superheroes's weaknesses and use it against them.
"Let's watch Master Tigress first, since she's the first one to land on the island." Syndrome said to himself while typing on the keyboard.
'He's already sending the Omnidroid assigned to Master Tigress as soon as she landed' Mirage whispered to herself. This isn't the first time Syndrome has done this, in fact he always do this whenever he finds an opportunity when his previous superhero victims falls to his lure.
At the same time, Tigress who just landed on the ground safely without any harm, was about to look around the island when her senses went haywire and a giant robot fell towards her from the sky!
[Power Stones = Author Happy]
[Next Chapter: Ch. 187 - Fighting the Omnidroids!]
You can visit my p@treon to read 15 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.
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