Deflecting one of the Jade Master's attack, Jin was overwhelmed by four masters attacking him at the same time.
'Okay, I regret coming here faster.' Jin said to himself in regret, thankfully the rest of them has finally arrived, along with Li Shen, who was being shown around by Po, despite fighting the Jade Masters.
Dodging Master Porcupine's arrows, Jin used a nearby wok to deflect the rest of the arrows before throwing the wok to Master Porcupine, who just took the wok head on, without suffering any injury.
'Well, they're made of chi, so I guess it's kinda impossible to hurt them.' Jin said to himself before rushing towards Master Porcupine.
*Swoosh!* x10
Dodging all of the arrows thrown at him, Jin arrived in front of Master Porcupine and was about to deliver a blow to his head when he was suddenly intercepted by two other Jade Masters.
"Annoying!" Jin exclaimed as he decided to take out the twin badgers first, their combos were not only annoying but also troublesome.
"Aren't these masters supposed to be dead like, a hundred years ago?" Monkey said I'm confusion, as he parried some of the Jade Master's attacks, however due to him babbling his mouth, he was caught off guard and was blasted away by Master Porcupine.
"Hah!" Arriving with a blast, Tigress blasted one of the badger twins in the air before Crane swiftly arrives and delivered a devastating wing attack on the Master Badger.
"Wings of Justice!" Crane yelled his attack, before using both of his wings to generate a wind wave strong enough to destroy an entire tree from its root.
"Woah! This is awesome! Quick! Give me someone to fight!" Po excitedly said, wanting to shor off in front of his father.
Hearing his request, Mantis decided to grant it, he fought off with the other Master Badger twin and threw him towards Po.
"Wohoah-uff!" Unfortunately for him, Po failed to show off as Mantis's throw was too fast and strong.
"Oops, sorry!" Mantis quickly apologized before being hit by one of Master Porcupine's arrows.
Emerging from Master Porcupine's side, Jin sweeped his legs underneath Master Porcupine before using a metallic stick to choke on Master Porcupine.
Staring at Master Porcupine's eyes, Jin saw that it was glowing in green, so he could already tell that Kai must've been watching him by now.
"So, you're the Dragon Warrior. Your Chi is impressive! I could sense your chi is very destructive! Hehaha, I can't wait to take your chi!" Hearing Master Porcupine talk with Kai's voice, Jin responded.
"And who are you?" Despite knowing about Kai, Jin obviously can't reveal himself, so he asked.
"The one and only, General Kai! The Supreme Warlord of all China! Master of Pain and Maker of Widows?"
"Who?" Tigress appeared behind him along with Monkey and the rest while in their arms were the Twin Badgers, without budging.
"Huh? You don't know me? Fine, it's only natural for Oogway to erase me from history. No worries, just wait for me and I'll make sure you'll never forget about me!" As soon as Kai finished stating his purpose, the three Jade Masters started shaking involuntarily before turning into wisps of green chi as it took off in the sky.
"Master, do you know about Kai?" Tigress asked.
"Kai....Kai....Kai..." Master Shifu seemed to be racking his brain and just when his face says something as if he finally got it, his expression suddenly turned bland.
"Nope never heard of him."
[A/N: I always liked this scene, it never fails to make me laugh.]
"He mentioned Master Oogway, so he's somehow related to him."
While they're walking back to the Jade Palace in order to know more about General Kai, Jin decided to not join them as he already knows who Kai is and how to defeat him.
Walking to the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, Jin sat on the ground while leaning on the tree. Questions were running inside his head.
Could he defeat Kai?
Unlike Po in the movie, who has the plot armor and the Pandas using their chi to help him, Jin doesn't have any of that, so what he needs is pure strength to defeat Kai.
Sure he could go to the panda village but would he surely be able to get their trust and belief like how Po did in the movie? Jin is sure that it would be hard considering he's not a fellow panda of theirs.
"Hey, peach tree. Do you think I could defeat Kai?" Jin then chuckled after asking the peach tree and as expected, he received no response, so he went back to thinking by himself.
'I could either try what Po did in the movie which is to take Kai back to the Spirit realm. However, the problem is, it would make it easier for Kai to defeat me there and take my chi.' Scratching his head in irritation, Jin knew he stand no chance against Kai unless he unlocks his Angel Bloodline or something.
As he thought of this, Jin's eyes suddenly widened in surprise.
'That's it! I just need to somehow unlock my angel Bloodline! If not, maybe Jin's devil bloodline should also work! But how?' Standing up, Jin started pacing around as he tries to think on how would he unlock his bloodline.
'Maybe I should increase my Jin Kazama percentage? I remember it was already in 84%' Jin then proceeded to inhale and exhale in order to calm himself.
'Okay, don't get too excited, Jin. First, I need to train my ass off before Kai arrives.' Just when Jin was about to leave to train, he suddenly heard a voice that he hasn't heard for months.
"Looks like you finally got your problem solved." God suddenly appeared while sitting on top of the peach tree.
"God? Oh how I missed your voice!" Jin sighed in relief. These few days he thought God had already forgotten about him.
"Don't be like that, I was just busy with a few things. There's this guy that decided to kill children with an axe, tsk tsk, it's quite sad how humanity has fallen." God then sighed and shook his head in disappointment.
"Well, I hope those kids are in good hands now. Now that you're here, can you tell me a way to unlock my angel Bloodline? I already found my inner peace but I haven't unlocked it yet." Jin was desperate to know.
"Sigh, if only you didn't get Jin Kazama's Template then you wouldn't be having this problem now. Your Angel Bloodline has long been activated, it's just that Jin Kazama's devil bloodline is interfering, both sides are having a clash and you need to make peace between the both of them." God said while pointing at his heart.
"Wait what?! But how?" Jin was shocked by the revelation as he asked.
"Search it within your soul and you shall find the answer you seek." God said before disappearing after Jin blinked.
"How the hell am I supposed to do tha-?!" Jin was about to throw his arms in the air when he heard Tigress's voice.
"Hey, Tigress? What are you doing here?" Jin asked as he gestured for Tigress to sit next to him.
Tigress did as he gestured before intertwining their fingers together.
'She's getting bold. I like it.' Jin thought to himself as Tigress started explaining to him about Kai and his past with Oogway.
"You should come with Po and his father. Li Shan will teach Po about Chi and Master Shifu requests to bring you along." Tigress said with a hint of sadness in her voice, as if not wanting to be away from Jin.
Chuckling, Jin tightened the grip between their fingers as he spoke.
"I'm going nowhere. I'm staying here with you. But let Po go with his father. Just in case I failed to defeat Kai, Po might be our only chance." Jin said with a slight confident smile.
"Really?" Tigress's face beamed in happiness however, realizing that she's not supposed to show excitement, she cleared her expression and asked.
"I mean, why?"
"That's because I'm 100% confident that Li Shan doesn't know chi." Jin smiled mysteriously before standing up.
"Tell Master Shifu that I would be staying, if you need me, I'll just be in the training halls." Jin said before leaving under Tigress's complicated and confused gaze.
"Don't worry about him, he knows what he's doing." Suddenly, Tigress heared a voice behind her.
Quickly turning around, Tigress was faced with God's smiling face while sitting on the same branch that he sat on earlier.
"Who are you! How did you reach this place?" Tigress assumed her tiger style stance while her eyes were squinting towards God.
"Me?" God chuckled before spreading his arms in a lazy manner.
"I'm God."
Reaching the training hall, Jin saw that it was empty so he decided to warm up first before testing his current limits.
"I have several techniques in my head that belonged to Jin Kazama. However, I rarely use some of it, right now I need to train with those techniques, Kai is my enemy this time, meaning I can't use any other strategies, only close combat fight." With that said, Jin then proceed to wear his gloves, which he only wears whenever he's on a mission or fighting someone.
Jin already knows the techniques and he's sure that he could perform them as if some kind of muscle memory. However, he can't simply rely on that, Jin wanted to familiarized himself on the techniques in order to use them to their potential in several situations.
"The first technique I should practice with is the Konshin Seikenzuki Technique, one of Jin's terrifying techniques." After skimming his mind, Jin came across a certain techniques that would not only train his body movements but also his lightning chi.
[You guys could search up Jin's Konshin Seikenzuki Technique or Avenger in English, it's actually a strong one that could take half the opponents health once you successfully executed the move.]
You can visit my p@treon to read 15 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.
It's been hours since Jin started training the Konshin Seikenzuki technique and so far, he could only release his lightning chi on his arm but he can't achieve the results that he wanted.
Several uprooted trees lay on the ground, some have the middle cut off while the rest have scorched holes in them.
"Hooohhh..." Stepping back, Jin's body straightened except for his left extended arm, which seems to be releasing a devastating red lightning.
The red lightning seems to be travelling from his left arm hroughout his entire body before heading towards his right arm that has already punched forward.
The poor tree in front of him not only got uprooted from the ground but a large scorched hole. Once the entire tree got uprooted, it travelled far back before colliding with another tree.
Unfortunately, the momentum wasn't strong enough to take down the second tree along.
"This should be the limit, not the one I wanted but it's the limit of this technique, I guess. It may look like not that much but according to my memories of the technique, that lightning chi wasn't just for show. It's the main force of the technique itself as not only it could destroy and fry their insides, but also disrupt their chi to a certain amount of time, making their chi unstable. It's a good technique to the likes of Kai who relies heavily on their Chi." Jin analyzed and explained to no one, as he likes to talk to himself.
"Thankfully, I mastered it in just a few hours, the only thing left is to famialiarize myself with it. And after that, I'll proceed to the next technique." Soon after that, Jin repeated the technique a few more times on other trees.
Looking at the fallen trees, Jin felt like he was hurting mother nature and earth.
"Maybe I could do that chi technique that gives your chi to others." Muttering these words, Jin held both of his hands against each other before inhaling and exhaling.
With his eyes closed, Jin focused on the chi inside his body, slowly harnessing it from its resting state.
He then opened his eyes and spread his palms forward, towards the little tree sapling in front of him.
At first, nothing was happening, no light appearing nor is the tree sapling growing, but Jin didn't give up. He maintained that kind of stance for a few more seconds before finally feeling a sense of calm and tranquility washing over him, especially on his palm.
With a humming sound, Jin's palm glowed in golden light along with the tree sapling who slowly grew that can be noticed even in the naked eye.
The little tree sapling who is only 10 centimeters in height, slowly grew from a sapling to a young tree.
The chi not only can give life to others to heal them but also help them grow like how the tree sapling turned into a small tree.
"Foooo~ I can't believe that took a lot of me. I could do at least 10 times of the Konshin Seikenzuki technique before exhausting myself like this." Jin said to himself in haggard breathes before sitting next to the young tree that he cast the chi technique upon.
An hour later, Jin's stomach made a gurgling sound, indicating that he needs food.
"Welp, it's time to take a small break to eat. But, Po and Mr. Ping are probably gone by now, so where do I eat then?" After contemplating, Jin decided to learn how to cook. After all, it doesn't hurt to try and Jin Kazama does know a thing or two in cooking food, albeit not as good as Po's noodles.
Standing up and patting his butt to remove the dust, Jin then takes his leave, walking back to the kitchen.
*Chopping sounds*
"Who's cooking?" Monkey said after walking inside the dinner room followed by Mantis and Crane.
"Me." Jin answered while putting the chopped vegetables on the wok.
"You know how to cook?" Monkey asked before sitting on the chair.
"I know a thing or two." Jin shrugs his shoulder before focusing back on the cooking.
A few minutes later, Tigress entered the dining room with determination in her eyes as the moment she saw Jin's back, Tigress smiled softly.
"Jin, can we talk?" Tigress asked after approaching Jin's back and hugging him from hug.
'Huh? Aren't I supposed to be the one to hug her from behind? At least that's what it says in some movies and novels.' Jin said to himself, though he felt he's the feminine one in the relationship.
'Well, I guess I'll just have to show her who's dominant in the relationship....in bed.'
Seeing how Tigress hugged Jin from his behind, Crane quickly dragged Mantis and Monkey outside without listening to their complains.
"What do you want to talk about?" Jin asked back after washing his hand and turning to face Tigress's smiling face.
"I already know." Tigress said.
"Know what?" Jin raised his eyebrow.
"About you and God."
(A few hours ago.)
"God? Why should I believe the words coming out of your mouth?" Tigress frowned at God's words.
"You don't have to believe me. I just want to tell you something about Jin." God said with a shrug.
"What about Jin?" Tigress squinted her eyes at God, ready to pounce on him if he moves.
"You see, Jin is an angel of mine. And I noticed his buried problems within him, even if he tries to hide it."
"What are you talking about? What do you mean by he's an angel?" Tigress got more and more confused.
"He's an angel that I sent on a mission, you see. That is to prevent a great war happening. His job is too heavy for him and I can't bear to see him fight alone." God lied through his teeth without changing expressions.
"What Great War? What is that? How come I don't know about it?" Tigress asked more as her confusion passes by, however she was worried the most in the 'Great War' as she thought that this 'Great War' is something that will occur in her world.
"It is a Great War that will shook the entire Multiverse. And yes, it involves your world and many other worlds. Jin's mission is to prevent this war from happening. But he can't do it alone, he needs allies that he could trust and rely on. Tell me, Tigress, who do you think I am referring to?"
Tigress was speechless as she realized that this 'Great War' was worse that she expected.
After a moment of thinking, Tigress stared at God's eyes once again and said, full of determination in her voice.
"Alright, what do I have to do?"
"Nothing much. Be strong and accompany him in his upcoming journey, trust me, having someone by your side is better than being alone." God gave his final advice before slowly disappearing, under Tigress's amused eyes.
Rubbing his temples, Jin can't believe that God would actually tell Tigress about him, though he's grateful to him for not mentioning his past life to her, he's not ready yet and probably will never be.
Though, he's amused by the lie that God made up, which is the 'Great War'.
[A/N: Just a question, I need your opinions. Do you want his women to know about his past life?]
"I'm ready, Jin. I will stay by your side until the day I die." Tigress said with a warm smile on her face that tempted Jin to kiss her.
Of course, Jin was tempted to, so why not give in?
"....That's a bit cringe but I like it." After giving her a deep kiss, Jin replied.
"It's all your fault anyway, you turned me into this." Tigress playfully punched him in the chest as she responded.
"Well, I don't regret it." Jin shrugged his shoulders and said.
"So, what do we do now? Kai is coming right? Is God going to help you?" Tigress then changed the topic and asked.
"Prolly not. He has helped me enough, and I'm sure he wants me to overcome this." Jin replied with a shake of his head.
"I just need to train and once I'm strong enough, I should be able to handle Kai." Jin assured her with a smile before proceeding to finish what he was cooking.
"What about me? What should I do?" Tigress asked.
"I want you to get strong, my little kitty. Just like what God said, perhaps I would need a strong ally in my journey." Jin smiled and said.
"Get strong..." Tigress muttered as she stared at her own hands before closing them into a fist. A new goal has appeared in her mind.
After eating what he cooked, Jin then proceeded to go back to training, however Tigress decided to join him.
"Have you practiced your chi?" Jin asked her while meditating on the ground. He's trying to harness the chi inside him and if possible, increase his chi reserves.
"Yeah, but I could only do the technique inscribed in the scroll." Tigress said before taking off her robe, leaving only her pants and a white bandeau that covers her cleavage.
Jin can't help but stare at her while gulping her saliva. During their make out session, he barely saw her breasts as it was covered under the water level, however now that he saw her entire breast, Jin's junior turned quickly hard.
Seeing Jin's stare at her breast, Tigress smirked in victory before straightening her back, fully showing the size of her bossom.
It might not be that big but Jin could still see her cleavage.
'It should be a B-cup or something.' Jin nodded his head like some wise sage.
[Next Chapter: Ch. 34 - Arrival of Kai]
You can visit my p@treon to read 15 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.
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