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48.52% Depravity to it's finest / Chapter 132: 18th year

Bab 132: 18th year

Time passed... 

It was soon going to be Alex's 18th birthday. 

Rachel sighed as she looked at her friends. 

Soon, she won't be able to meet them again. 

In last two years, she had done everything she could to find any kind of opportunities to grow stronger. 

Just for the day when she will need to protect her little brother. 

Eliza was the same, as she had cunningly taken over entire Church of Stars. Now even Pope was her lackey. 

Her mother Melissa had all Draconics in this World under her control. 

Seeing those majestic beasts tearing apart their enemies was always satisfying for Rachel. 

She could without a doubt say that, they will pass in their endeavor until her mother Melissa was on their side. 

As for their enemies... 

Daisy had grown too strong, as the 'Salvation' had become one of the main religions in the World. 

Rose and her Master were going stronger day by day. 

While, Ivy... That bitch... 

She had become the savior of Elven Empire by reshaping the Elven Empire. 

Her powers as well knew no bounds, as the only Deity in this World was supporting her. 

* * * *

Kitty was sitting on her seat while sipping on her tea gracefully. 

Her long shiny tail was cured upon her lap, as she looked at the beauty sitting across her. 

"Ivy It will soon be time, when we will part....Are you thinking about Master again? " Asked Kitty with a teasing tone. 

Ivy sighed, " What else do I have to think about. It's soon going to be an end of my stay in this World. "

Kitty nodded, " Yeah and now it's time to forgive yourself. Meet up with Master. "

Ivy replied, "I know, but I don't know how. I haven't talked to Master since I betrayed him. "

Kitty shook her head, " I understand how you feel. But Master won't be sad with you. He loves you. "

Ivy sighed again and then stood up abruptly, " Okay! We're leaving. "

Kitty was surprised, " What do you mean by 'We'? I just met with Master few days ago. We even shared a passionate night in each other's arms. "

Ivy pouted, " Don't tease me. I want to talk to Master. But as my sister you need to be with me. "

Kitty laughed, " I planned to force you to go there if you didn't agree. So, of course I'm coming with you. "

* * * *

Alex who was enjoying the time of his life, in his Palace. 

The Heavenly Harem Sect was going good. 

As women from all over the World had started joining the sect in hope of becoming stronger. 

At first Alex only gave chances to the women who he found interesting based on their beauty, talents and condition. 

But now the examination for the entrance was being conducted throughout the World. 

Where not only Commoner women but also fairies and princesses fought for the Chance to join Heavenly Harem Sect. 

It was all because of profits that this sect brought. 

Alex had made it so that he could control the Whole World. 

In just a year every organization, Kingdom and Empire in the World had an at least one representative of the Sect who held utmost respect and very high authority. 

As women knew the power and authority this Sect held, they started fighting for even a small chance to join it. 

And this is what Alex wanted. 

He wanted for the best Women in this World to become his and then he wanted for them to control this World for him. 

But just when Alex was busy thinking about World Domination, a beautiful young girl came to him. 

She was wearing a long white robe with blue borders, there was a special kind of badge attached to her more than moderate chest. 

This was the uniform of the Core disciples of the Sect. 

The girl respectfully bowed to Alex with hint of affection. 

All the Women in the Sect were said to be of their Heavenly King's, but all women knew that their Master had a lofty status and won't touch a women not worthy of him. 

Only Elders and the Sect Mistress were the one who had direct contact with their Heavenly King while other women hardly got even a chance to see him. 

The Core disciple girl was feeling happy, as she got to see her handsome and divine husband for the second time. 

The first time was when she was taken in the Sect after being saved. 

And now today, to deliver a message, " My Lord, the Godess Setsuna and Empress Liliana are here. They hope that you grace them with your divine presence. "

Alex who was just lazing around looking at things in the Palace after so long, nodded. 

"Tell them to come to my Chambers, " Said Alex. 

He then patted the young girl and gave her a very good cultivation resource as a gift. 

The girl was moved to tears and decided to keep this forever with her as the gift from her husband. 

Alex sighed, he had overdone things again. 

The Heavenly Harem Sect had become a really big success! 

He arranged Beatrice and Irina as Sect Mistress and Vice-Sect Mistress. 

While, he just lazed around fucking them and those women he took fancy to. 

But, as The Heavenly King.... Which he found very cringe now... He had to show some dignity. 

This created all this set up. 

Alex went to his room... 

He hadn't had a good talk with Ivy for a while. 

As for Kitty... She had somehow become a freakin' Godess. She was called Godess Setsuna. 

Being a deity had pros and cons, so Alex congratulated and gave her a lots of love. 

He wondered what were Kitty and Ivy here for. 

As soon as Kitty saw Alex, she jumped into Alex's arms directly, as she kissed his lips feverishly. 

Alex also responded to her as his one hand caressed her soft tail while other went inside her short skirt and fondled her panty-covered ass. 

Ivy blushed seeing this blatant perversion. 

Her Master was always like this, he never cared about others as he showed his love freely. 

Beatrice just smiled. 

Soon, Alex and Kitty separated, as he then looked at Ivy. 

"It's been a while.. " He said. 

"Yeah... " Replied Ivy nervously. 

Kitty understood that her sister was being nervous, so she quickly pulled Beatrice to her and said, " Master, I have something to talk with Sect Mistress. Can I take her with me? "

Alex nodded gratifyingly, " Of course. "

"Wait! I can't leave Alex alone wit---" Before Beatrice could complete her words, she was thrown on Kitty's shoulder like a sack of potato. 

In just a second they were gone with poof! 

Alex was amused, but he then sat down on his bed. 

"Do you hate me even now? " Asked Alex. 

Ivy shook her head, " I'm sorry Master... "

Alex just smiled wryly, " Don't be. We might have met in our previous life. 'The Game' seemed to be the reason of my and yours presence here. I couldn't find anymore information as something seems to be blocking my attempts. "

Ivy dejectedly said, " I am a bad women Master. I'm a bad slave and bad servant. I don't deserve you. I can't even tell you everything even when I wish it. But... Today, I want to take a next step... "

Alex looked at Ivy gently, he then patted at the place beside him. 

Ivy understood his meaning and slowly sat beside him. 

"We can always start all over. You're my women. You always were. You hated me or you may hate me even now, but understand one thing... I will love you in my own way, by making you mine and mine alone, " Said Alex as he slowly kissed Ivy's cheek. 

Ivy's body shuddered by that touch, but Alex held her in a place. 

She felt infinitely happy, hearing that her Master forgave her. She couldn't describe this happiness. But then Alex said with a cold voice, " Did you really think I'll say that? Hahaha. You will never change Ririko. You are here just so that you can escape from the greater evil. And that's what makes you beautiful. Your tenacious personality and your unending desire for freedom and superiority. I love it. "

"M-Master... " Ririko muttered in shock. 

Alex continued, " Did you really think, I'll continue loving you after you tried to kill me? How pathetic can you even be? You already lost your status on the day you betrayed me. Now, in my eyes you're only a slut to get fucked, nothing more. "

"I acted for those two years, just to make you fall for me completely. It made me nauseous everytime I had to act like a skirt-chasing idiot. But it was worth it, totally worth it to see this expression of disbelief and betrayal on your face, hahaha. "

Ririko was shocked, as she understood the reality. 

Tears flowed down her eyes... 

As she found out that she had already lost something she so wished for now, but threw away in the past. 

"M-Master, it's not true. I really love you. I didn't come here for that. I really didn't. Please... Believe me, I only wanted to apologize and leave, " Said Ivy. 

Alex wasn't surprised at all, " It doesn't matter, what you wanted. Because, from now on you will be my slave for real. "

As soon as Alex ended his words, his hands ripped apart Ivy's long white gown. 

He held her body roughly and threw her on the bed. 

"M-Master, I'm sorry. These are my real feelings... " Ivy wished for her Master to know it, as she knew that she will soon love Alex unconditionally. 

She didn't wish for Alex to think of her feelings as from a brainwashed women. 

"Who cares? " Alex just causally replied and tore apart her bra and panties, exposing her truly divine naked body. 

"Tsk Tsk, for a slut, you really got a nice body, " Said Alex as his hands fondled Ivy's soft breasts.

His hands sinked into those bunnies while his mouth fell upon Ivy's, who just obediently lied there to not make her Master angry. 

Ivy understood, this was her Place. She was just a slave that Alex had bought. 

She had gone insane from all the love he showed her, making her overestimate her own worth. 

"Ahh~ Master~ " Moaned Ivy while circling her limbs around Alex's body. 

Alex's clothes disappeared as they were made from his skill. 

His warm shaft touched Ivy's abdomen, who was having best orgasm of her life. 

This was what she searched for. 

To be embraced by the man she really loved. 

But Alex didn't think about anything, and then turned Ivy upside down. 

Her ass was now pointing at him. 

Alex had to stretch her bubbly buttcheeks to get a clear glimpse of her cute little asshole and pinkish pussy which was already wet. 

Alex didn't wait for anything and slammed his dick inside her pussy while touching her smooth back. 

The euphoric feeling of her thighs and buttocks was simply unimaginable, as they jiggled slightly with the each thrust of Alex's cock. 

It wasn't long before Ivy cummed again. 

"You're just a whore. My whore. Do not think of yourself as something more than a cumdump, " Said Alex as he slapped Ivy's soft ass leaving behind red handprints. 

Ivy just absentmindedly nodded while mumbling, " Ivy is slave of Master Alex... Ivy is happy to he Master's slave..."

After cumming two times Ivy wanted to rest, but she didn't dare to ask for. 

And Alex just kept fucking her pussy till he felt his own climax coming. 

"Take it inside and become my slave for eternity, " Said Alex taking hold of Ivy's smooth hair making her yelp in pain and pleasure. 

"Y-Yees... " Said Ivy, but next moment her eyes turned white as Alex gave a strong thrust to her womb and started emptying his balls deep inside her. 

Ivy's body started convulsing in pleasure as she involuntarily came for the third time. 

Her womenhood got marked with Alex's semen, which made her feel fulfilled both mentally and physically. 

"A nice fuck... I should have just cummed inside you then, as even if your character is trash your body is like a top prostitute, " Alex praised. 

Ivy who was on the verge of loosing her consciousness, replied with a shaky voice, " T-Thank you M-Master. "

Ivy's tone was laced with gratitude, affection, love, happiness and relief which Alex didn't miss. 

Seeing her exhausted body, he felt that he should not overexert upon her.

But he shook his head, she was not something he imagined. 

She was just a whore who should be used like a slave and personal prostitute, nothing more. 

After that Alex without stopping fucked Ivy till he cummed buckets inside her.

In the end, Kitty came back and seeing the condition her sister was in, she joined in the sex. 

But, in just some time, she the Only Deity of this World. The Godess Sestsuna as well became just like her sister. 

Beatrice and Irina also wanted to join, but they had found out something important. 

The armies all over the World were moving towards Avalon.

Beatrice was shocked, thinking what was happening there? 

But she could find nothing as she could only watch while being ready for any variables. 

The Avalon was the birth Kingdom of her husband, so she needed to pay special attention to it. 

"Mother, I'll go find out what is happening. We have some good connections with High Priestess of 'Salvation'. She has the greatest network throughout the world. So, she must know about this or... " Said Irina. 

Beatrice continued, " Or she's the one behind them. Let's contact her. "

In these last few years, Beatrice and Irina had become close. 

As they had met each other for the first time, it was hard to adapt. 

But slowly, as they both loved Alex, they became closer. 

After all they had done quite a few nightly activities together. 

They had both given their first times to Alex, as this also connected them. 

Beatrice let Irina leave to find Daisy. 

As she herself walked towards Alex's chamber. 

* * * *

Melissa stood upon her majestic draconic beast as she gazed at three women in front of her. 

"As I thought you really came The Witch of Disaster and my dear daughter Rose and also my the High Priestess Daisy, " Laughed Melissa with killing intent. 

Ryuuki, her Draconic beast, as well roared with majesty shaking whole earth.

Behind her other Draconics followed with their own symphony of terrifying roars which sounded like a cacophony for War. 

Rachel and Eliza as well were on the ground with army behind them which reached till horizon.

Rachel's party members all held a significant positions in different Human Kingdoms and organizations. 

Their armies were here in full support for Rachel. 

There were also armies of Kingdoms who had the Church of Stars as their main religion. 

All of them had tensed expressions as they looked at three women and two armies of death that reached beyond horizons on other side. 

Rose stood there beside her Master with a dark robe and tight leggings, the aura of death leaked out of her whole being. 

She wasn't called Witch of Death for nothing, as behind her stood an army of undeads reaching upto horizon. 

There were dead draconics, elves, giants, humans, beasts, beastkins in that army forming the deadly atmosphere.

And right beside them were standing a group of beautiful women, who looked like fairies from legend. 

They were actually fairies who served this World. 

As a Spirit Fairy, Alex's Master Flora was able to contact them and make them serve her as a superior species. 

The most lackluster looked the third army. 

It was being led by the High Priestess Daisy who was seating casually on a throne that was flying in the air. 

Behind her were the Guardians of several Kingdoms including human and other races. 

Their aura enough to bring shudder in the hearts of mortals. 

There was also an unending army behind her, which consisted of the beings who will devoutly leave their lives for 'Salvation'. 

But without a doubt her side looked weakest, only Daisy emitted an aura that could threaten these women. 

As for other people, Melissa, Flora and others won't even look at them. 

But just then a crack appeared in the air and this changed the complete dynamics of power. 

From the crack arrived Ivy followed by Godess Setsuna Or Kitty, then Empress Beatrice who brought chill to everyone's hearts just from her presence. 

After that a group of beautiful young women followed who stood behind Beatrice respectfully. 

Flora tsked, " How shameless to come here after bringing hell upon this world. "

But Beatrice just ignored Flora. She was here to fight by Daisy's side. 

So, both of them gave each other a small hug, making their alliance clear. 

The War of misunderstandings was soon going to start and this was just a start. 

Everyone was probing each other to see who held an advantage. 

Every women who loved Alex and had an inkling of this event had come here with their everything to fight for the one they loved! 

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