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69.87% Basilisk / Chapter 58: The safari has begun

Bab 58: The safari has begun

«I am not pleased with the vista here! Or, rather, with its virtual non-existence. Such was my initial impression of the situation on the far side of the gate, where there ought to be fox-like creatures and cannibalistic beings of interest to the Witch Order.

At present, I am surveying the territory belonging to the Kitsune enclave in the realm of magic through the medium of my illusory projections, which I dispatched ahead of my main force as scouts.»

Having translocated, a score of my phantasmal duplicates found themselves in a copse of bamboo trees completely shrouded in mist, the peculiar aspect of which was that the closer to the ground one descended, the denser the fog became, and conversely, the higher one ascended, the less dense it became.

When one of my phantoms decided to soar skyward and survey their surroundings, it became apparent that the higher they rose, the poorer the visibility became, not merely in terms of visual clarity but also in other spectrums of perception. Even at ground level, an ordinary person would be unable to discern anything within arm's reach. The density of various energies in the environment increased exponentially with altitude, creating an abundance of mana, psychic, astral, and elemental energies.

As a result, my perception was limited to the bodies of illusory clones that were comparable in strength to the strongest archimages. Standing on the ground, I could see no farther than ten meters, and when I ascended to a height of ten meters, I could not see anything further than a meter from myself — nothing at all!

This was a cruelty for someone who was used to feeling and realizing everything happening within a radius of ten kilometers around them. Here, I felt like an ordinary mortal with poor eyesight, who needed glasses, just like in my previous existence. I shivered with unpleasant memories of my past.

The worst part about having all this power was that it belonged to a rational being, not a result of releasing energy plans or exploding power sources. The background here was deliberately saturated with the power of nine-tailed beasts, ensuring that no one could go unnoticed here.

As soon as my ethereal presence crossed the boundary of the Kitsune's territory, the fox spirit, whose aura I had sensed in the vicinity, became aware of my presence. There was no need for further stealth, for under the current circumstances, any attempt at covert movement within the Kitsune's domain would have been futile.

I had already assumed my physical form, having learned the crucial lesson that awaited us on the other side of the veil was not the realm of Chaos but the realm of reality.

"I will be the first to cross over," I declared, "and after a minute, the rest of you will follow, unless instructed otherwise. My duplicate will remain with you while I am on the other side. If necessary, he will relay any updates on the plan."

Following a brief exhortation to Witold and the wives, who would convey my instructions further down the line and to those in the vicinity who could overhear, I prepared to depart. However, before following my clones through the portal, I cast a few illusions upon the eager students. It was only then, as the younger ones began to comprehend, that they realized we were not embarking on an exhilarating quest but rather entering a perilous conflict, where forces akin to those of legendary archmages would clash, if not more.

To truly master the art of magic, one must not merely engage their intellect but also their very essence, their very being, to feel the impact of these formidable forces. Only then will they comprehend with their entire hearts and souls the magnitude of the power they must strive for.

Having traversed the portal in my true form and finding myself amidst the dense bamboo thickets, I was able to experience the local ambiance with a depth and breadth that far surpassed my previous perceptions through the illusory faculties of my worldly senses. My power, even in its latent and contained state, extended my awareness to a radius of several kilometres, revealing a landscape that both exhilarated and unsettled me simultaneously. The prospect of bringing my students into this realm no longer seemed entirely appealing, for the thought of losing even a shred of my authority was unbearable.

What caused me to become tense was the realization that I sensed hundreds of signatures near the exit of the portal, where I had recently relocated, and all of them belonged to Kitsune Fae with seven tails! That is an extraordinary number!

No, I had no doubt about my own strength or that of my subjects. I was completely confident that we could swiftly eliminate all these seven-tailed individuals. However, the presence of so many seven-tailed creatures raised the question of how many nine-tailed beings there might be.

Of course, I assumed there could be a significant number of these creatures, having coexisted alongside other races since they arrived in the Earth-Magic world. In their history, they have managed to thrive and prosper alongside their neighbors. But to have such a large number of them at once? How many gifted and intelligent beings have they consumed since I could perceive so many guardians in my perceptual field? And these creatures are cannibals, delighting in devouring each other, thinning their own ranks.. It is a matter worthy of consideration, but it must be tailored to the specific context.

Hah! There we have it! It transpired precisely as I had anticipated. All of the beings within a radius of several kilometers that I had discerned simultaneously directed their attention towards me, corroborating my hypothesis that the entire energy field surrounding me belonged to a formidable kitsune, primarily designed to detect unwelcome intruders seeking to approach the foxes undetected.

Alas, even I, with my clones at my side, would not be able to cloak my presence in an illusion and evade detection by the nine-tailed foxes in a realm saturated with hostile energies. No, were I alone, my clones would not suffice to allow me to pass unnoticed here. To extend my concentration on illusions to such an extent that it would encompass my companions would be regrettable.. Alas, the veil of Morana, the enchantment I inherited from Iolanthe, and the most potent tool at my disposal for cloaking my presence, is limited to genuine souls, not their illusions, which are my clones.

What is there to do now? I have not yet revealed myself, but I may allow my aura to manifest. Of course, I will not reveal my full power, as I abide by the adage: "If you can count to ten, stop at seven." In my case, I will not even count to three. My aura has expanded to only fifteen percent of its true size, allowing me to cover several kilometers around me, pushing the energy of the nine tails outward. Unfortunately, the fog was unaffected. It is embedded in the fabric of the region as one of its inherent physical constants, alongside gravity and other fundamental forces.

Oh my goodness gracious! Had I been capable of sensing a few hundred seven-tailed foxes earlier, I could have detected the presence of eighty-six eight-tailed individuals in the vicinity.

With foxes having inhabited this land for millennia, its atmosphere is imbued with their essence, rendering it easier for them to deceive me in their favourable territories, resulting in my diminished sensitivity compared to neutral surroundings.

However, even the eight-tailed beings I encountered near me posed no threat to my subordinates, hence I allowed them to travel to my location through the portal. Precisely one minute after I arrived in the realm of the Kitsune, my consorts, apprentices, siblings, and witches had already joined me.

I did not require relentless guidance and oversight of my subordinates, as all the wizards who followed me were seasoned archmages who had endured numerous trials and tribulations, having lived in this realm for over a century. They were a well-established group, and among my two hundred vassals, they had worked together for a long time, forming a team that included triple stars and up to seven warriors. Previously, in such a formation, they had actively participated in the eradication of creatures and similar tasks in the service of the Order of the Dragon.

As soon as the initial groups of foxes entered the enclave, they swiftly dispersed across the territory, forming a tight perimeter in preparation for a confrontation. It was well known that the area was inhabited by numerous bloodthirsty Fae ogres, and the witches were well-prepared for such encounters, having a long history of hunting monsters.

Orders were given to the group: when engaging with foxes and neutralizing them, use lethal methods that do not cause significant damage to the bodies. The corpses of these creatures must remain intact. Upon eliminating the Fae, the bodies must be collected and taken with us.

That is what all my subjects are now experiencing in their minds. Have I mentioned that I aspire to imbue the gift of kitsune's material illusions upon as many of my subjects as possible? Indeed, I require the hearts of these beings to accomplish this task, and thus my concern. The stronger the creature, the greater the likelihood of acquiring their abilities through the consumption of their core power, their heart.

I have been contemplating the future of myself and those I hold dear, including my progeny. In order to foster a prosperous and harmonious familial existence for their benefit, I must cultivate an environment that fosters a diverse pool of reliable and esteemed partners, ensuring the well-being of each member and contributing to our collective happiness.

Thus, I am gravely concerned with the prospect of implementing an eugenic program aimed at elevating the genetic potential of my kin, transforming them into beings of exceptional caliber. My goal is to cultivate ideal followers, who not only emulate my virtues but also strive to surpass them in all endeavors. I seek individuals who share my vision and values, creating a symbiotic relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.

I am performing admirably in this role. Once they found themselves in a perilous situation through the portal, their initial instinct was to ensure my safety, followed by that of my wives and students. My own well-being was their primary concern.

If they possess a similar ability to generate material illusions like mine, then when my descendants decide to form a family with someone from the lineage of witches who also possess this gift, it will significantly impact our facility. Moreover, the next generation will further enhance and refine this unique ability in our lineage.

The witches were strategically dispersed across the territory in a manner that allowed them to coexist without interfering with one another while simultaneously safeguarding our immediate neighbors along the perimeter. Multiple cordons were established, with me, my wives, and my students positioned at the heart of our formation, in a region that was both concealed and well-protected.

"My lord, what are your next instructions?" Vold awaited my guidance and specific directives for our subsequent course of action as part of the larger contingent in enemy territory. These could not be provided earlier, as we required a thorough understanding of the initial data and local circumstances to draw any meaningful conclusions and, based on these, devise a strategic plan.

While the situation remains far from ideal, with limited new information available, there are still some insights to be gained.

We began to advance in that direction — I gestured with my hand, pointing it away from myself to the left, for it was there that I could perceive something of interest in this intricate wall of bamboo thickets.

There was a man-made stone staircase ascending, and nearby it, a particularly high concentration of eight-tails. I am aware that all witches, having attained the rank of master, at the very least, are adept in demonology; however, just in case, I shall remind everyone here that kitsune-fae prove ineffective against anti-demonic spells from the ancient Sumerian school.

The most effective counter-measures against them involve the use of weakening ōmyōji seals, which is not surprising given that Japanese mages have been engaged in a perpetual state of conflict with this race throughout the entirety of their history, allowing them to develop the most efficient means of combating these creatures. Additionally, spells from the realm of death magic prove effective. Be vigilant and wary, erect the strongest mental shields possible, and do not trust your surroundings.. The kitsune of the Fae are unparalleled masters of material illusion. These words may seem redundant or superfluous, but they were necessary to convey my thoughts. I could not have done without them, although even without them I would not have been able to do without Salazar's legacy. Even without an audience or listeners, he enjoyed rhapsodizing about magic, his own genius, and the general grandeur of his existence. He found immense pleasure in hearing his own voice echoing through the halls.

Moreover, all those present were in some way my students, wives, or even archmages like Bella and Sylvia. They were attending my lectures on illusion at the Citadel, which Alfonso read to them. It occurred to me that it was better to reiterate the important points aloud for my students' benefit.

"And now, ladies," I addressed the two young women, who stood frozen and fearful, the surrounding mist and oppressive atmosphere having done nothing to bolster their courage or composure. "While the grown-ups," I gestured towards the witch-like figures, "are occupied with their tasks of monster-hunting, it is imperative that you do not stray from the core of our party or take a single step away from my protective illusions. There is a possibility that I myself may be called upon to join the fray, so there is no room for foolishness or rashness. Stay close to my illusions at all times."

I received hesitant nods from my students, but they quickly regained their composure and even found the courage to respond. Then, we all set off towards the stone staircase that I could now see.

We proceeded relatively slowly and cautiously, either burning or destroying the bamboo thickets that impeded our progress, leaving behind a wide clearing of a hundred metres in width. After fifteen minutes of advance, we encountered our first encounter with the foxes.

There was no need for me to warn anyone of the ambush. My knights easily identified several foxes in the vicinity, behind whom were concealed groups of seven-tailed foxes led by eight-tailed ones. Three such ambushes awaited us, strategically positioned so that my advance guard would encounter them simultaneously. The foxes had meticulously planned our route, anticipating our formation, and positioned themselves along the entire line of contact between my fighters and the bamboo that we intended to destroy on our way.

It was necessary to clarify at the outset what the ogres had in mind. It was obvious to even the most obtuse mind that they could do nothing to us with such meager resources. Only an instant after the destruction of the three ambushes, which had not had time to even openly oppose us and thought they were still undetected, did I realise that they had simply been sent to their deaths to gather more information about our abilities and the extent of the threat we posed.

It is worth noting that the Kitsune Fae lack honour and valor, and there is no talk of unity. They are prepared to tear each other apart, and only the fear of retribution for not following the will of the most powerful in their group compelled these creatures to come forward and attempt to organise a «surprise» attack against us.

They staged three more ambushes for us in a similar manner, with only minor variations in execution. The second trap was three times more extensive than the first, yet we neutralized it swiftly without engaging in direct combat. We neutralized the creatures with long-range strikes, leaving them no time to react. However, the third and fourth traps featured only half as many attackers as the initial one. In total, there were eight foxes, all seven-tailed.

Only as we approached the stone stairway did I realize that the final two traps were designed to divert our attention and delay us slightly. The core of the foxes at that moment were organizing to encircle us for a subsequent attack from all sides. The foxes had already determined that we posed no threat and now resolved to risk everything and concentrate all their efforts in a single strike against us.

"Gentlemen, prepare yourselves," I said, addressing my students in particular, who were visibly impressed by the presence of anthropomorphic fox-like creatures the size of KamAZ trucks. I had demonstrated one of them to them, instructing them to hold onto one of its carcasses, before having it transported into the spatial pocket of an archmage.

Following my admonition, the young ladies regained their composure, and in that instant, the spectral flames of the fox clan descended upon us from every direction, only marginally less destructive than the fires of Hell. However, their assault did not yield the results the foxes had anticipated, and as soon as Koneki's resolve, bolstered by Maria's assistance, extinguished their illusory flames, the archmages launched an assault against the foxes.

With a single strike from my warriors, the bamboo grove once again fell into a state of tranquility, for all those responsible for the commotion had departed this world. While my fighters reduced the number of foxes to zero, Alfonso, accompanied by Iolanthe and a few other archmages, skillfully trapped the souls of the fallen foxes in a soul trap.

Neither the seven-tailed fox nor the eight-tailed one could surprise my subjects with anything. The potency of their illusions proved insufficient to deceive the perceptive senses of witches, who were able to discern material illusions with their keen perception. Indeed, the foxes possess little in terms of combat prowess. Their primary source of combat potential lies in illusions that fail to affect my warriors, as well as their superior physical abilities, which are far from negligible. After all, all archimagical beings began their journey towards the magical Olympus as simple fighters and melee combatants, previously known as chimaera-witches. It was only after their transformation that they became powerful magicians. These are essentially the innate abilities of these beings. Oh, yes, there is also the illusory flame, which can be described as ghostly or astral, depending on how you prefer, but against my subjects, it is ineffective, at least at their current strength level.. An archmage is not easily intimidated by such things.

"There is nothing threatening about this staircase; it is safe," Olaf stated, echoed with a nod by Koneca, literally voicing my thoughts on the visible portion of the stairs ascending and descending to an unknown height. Beyond the twentieth step, the fog obscured my vision, and my aura's reach, extending several kilometers ahead, failed to discern the end point of the stairway.

May spoke for the first time since our arrival in the kitsune enclave: "What do we do now? Ascend?"

I suggested, "Before we venture into the unknown, let us take a moment to rest, drink tea, perhaps something stronger if desired."

And indeed, why not? I mused, and without further ado, I articulated my wish for such an extraordinary outing. Oh dear, why does it seem that when May approaches, something compels me to speak and act in a manner befitting the image of Nurarihyon from the anime of my previous existence?

"Go for it!" I exclaimed, "I hope you have my beloved Avalonian with you." My twin's question was met with a chorus of encouraging looks from the nearby Archmages, including Markus, Vold, and Olaf.

This drink leaves no one unmoved, no matter their palate. And since recent times, the offering of a bottle of this beverage has been considered a great honor among the Knights of the Order. It all began with my wedding, when the highest leadership of the Order sampled the drink and fell in love with it. After that, they began begging me for more, under various pretenses, and, thanks to the counsel of the Order, they were able to share it with the rest of the influential Knights of the Order, most of whom are now present here.

However, seeing my thoughtful expression, Alfonso misinterpreted it and immediately started to explain himself.

"We shall not be inebriated!" exclaimed the elderly cunning gentleman, "and it is improbable that you would provide us with such an abundance of this nectar. We merely wish to savour the exquisite flavour of this exquisite beverage."

His words were met with a chorus of approving and supportive exclamations from the esteemed audience, who eagerly sought to partake of the drink without any further intentions.

With the majority in favour, within ten minutes, a delightful gathering had been organized. For some reason, my mind drifted to memories of the May holidays, when I, having ventured far from the city, required assistance in finding a secluded location suitable for barbecues and leisurely enjoyment. Now, before me lay a spacious clearing spanning several hundred metres, meticulously prepared by our collective efforts, where we settled in groups according to our preferences.

In general, my companions proved to be honorable individuals, and the fact that we were engaged in a combat mission did not deter any of them from partaking in a glass of the renowned Avalon ale, accompanied by a delectable portion of freshly roasted meat that was still sizzling from the coals.

Even the ladies among my students were able to momentarily escape the pressures of their duties and join in the general revelry of outdoor leisure, finding solace in such simple pleasures. As the saying goes, "When one eats, one cannot worry." This is a fundamental principle of human physiology and the workings of the human body.

For about half an hour, we indulged in the delicious aroma and flavors of the kebab, until I finally sensed a sense of satiety among my students, prompting me to give the order to disperse. Among our diverse company, it was only my students who required sustenance. We, as beings close to humanity, could go for extended periods without food, relying on our souls' production of mana and other forms of energy to sustain our existence.

During our period of rest, I became aware of a foreign presence, and much to my surprise, I discovered that I was unable to discern its nature through my senses. This implies that this entity represents at least fifteen percent of my overall power, as this is the level at which I have opened myself up to the world, extending my aura.

Since I cannot determine the identity of this observing entity, given my current state of awareness, it is likely that it possesses equal strength within the boundaries I have established. Nonetheless, the emotions of this being, upon realizing our annihilation of all foxes and our leisurely meal in the open air, remain a source of fascination for me.

Very soon, I shall be able to encounter this intriguing individual, and if so desired, I shall delve into the depths of their memory and extract the nuances of interest. Moreover, I must ensure that the next few creatures we encounter remain alive, as they will serve as our guides, providing us with insights into the local order and the broader context of our surroundings.

The manner in which the foxes were marked remains a mystery, but it appears that once their spirits were extinguished, their mental bodies were irreparably damaged. It seems that the only avenue for acquiring valuable knowledge from foxes lies in the direct exploration of their memories while they are still alive, rendering other methods futile.

"Gather round, friends," I declared to those who sat at the table with me within the materialized gazebo. "It is time to resume our journey and resume our mission of eradicating dangerous creatures."

My illusions were the first to ascend the stone staircase. After about a hundred paces, having experienced no untoward events, I followed in their wake, with the rest of our party in tow. I was loath to relinquish my position, but as the most senior, knowledgeable, and decisive member of our group, it was not possible to question my decision.

The very moment I set foot on that staircase, I felt an uncanny sensation. Climbing the first step only served to exacerbate my unease. With each subsequent step, this feeling of disquietude grew. Yet, there was no sense of apprehension or impending danger. Mmm... what could this portend?

We have been ascending the staircase for six hours now, and I have yet to reach the summit. Had it not been for the presence of my wives, vassals, and students, I might have abandoned the task long ago, unleashing my aura to augment my perception to its fullest extent. However, in this situation, discretion was paramount, as I had to conceal my true power from them. Something peculiar is afoot.

My apprentices, already fatigued, succumbed to my illusions, causing the young ladies to blush with delight and contentment. How many young women can claim to have been carried aloft by the Dark Lord himself? True enough, but they are unaware of it.

A subtle yet persistent thread of reality continues to tug at my perception, yet I cannot discern its true nature. It is not an illusion, that much is certain. The enigma remains unsolved.

What if it were? I expanded my perception to its utmost limits and focused my attention to the utmost degree on what was occurring, seeking discrepancies and discrepancies that might challenge the reality of what was happening. This is how one deals with complex illusions that overlay reality. However, I could not detect any particulars that did not fit my consciousness, so I began to examine reality through all available spectrums of perception, only to be astonished when I encountered a monstrous array of enchantments that belonged not to the realm of illusion, but rather to the very fabric of space itself. I was able to perceive them only because my perception had been expanded to the fullest extent. Due to the breadth of my vision, I was able to discern and recognize, in the astral manifestation of the stairway upon which we now ascend, the alterations wrought by the spatial enchantments, which were reflected in the mental-informational matrix of the structure, refracting its essence.

This man-made object in the astral realm had a profound impact on the staircase, transforming it into a Möbius strip. The moment we set foot on it, we became entangled in a closed loop, devoid of any discernible beginning or end.

Unless we were to dismantle these astral enchantments, we would be confined to this endless ascent, forever climbing without making any progress.

Oh, what a delightful design! What an ingenious creature conceived this trap. My admiration for the creator's ingenuity knows no bounds. Once again, my senses were awakened by the skill and craftsmanship of the master craftsman who created this masterpiece. Upon discovering a second bottom to the trap, I was struck by awe once more.

Now, I must ensure the stability of the space around my subjects and relatives with my powers, lest I lose them in the process of breaking the Moebius loop enchantments. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing some of my subjects to the void. After all, destroying the spatial constructs imposed on the astral projection of the ladder will release a vast amount of energy into the astral plane, causing a localized disturbance. The consequences of this on reality, the physical manifestation of the astral, are beyond my comprehension. It is an unpredictable phenomenon, and it is possible that one of our companions may be transported beyond Euclidean space, into a two-dimensional or even a one-dimensional realm.. I doubt that my archmages will possess the requisite expertise and fortitude to endure such conditions. In a two-dimensional realm, biological lifeforms cannot exist in theory; only energetic lifeforms are possible. Archmages, while not entirely biological, are also not purely energetic. Only I, my wives, and May — those who have already attained the ninth shell — had a one hundred percent chance of survival in this situation.

"All right, everyone, stop," I commanded. "I have discovered the reason for our prolonged ascent and lack of progress. Now, I must break the spell that maintains this spatial trap to ensure our safety. I will envelop all of you with my power, focusing on the energy of the space. Please do not hinder my efforts, and allow me and all spatial mages to release up to one-third of our power reserves. Fill the space around us with your own power, imbuing it with the intention of stabilization."

Naturally, I transmitted my command to everyone who had accompanied me here not merely through vocalization but directly into their minds. Thus, my words and demands were heard by all.

This was what perplexed me. I apologized, Master, for my confusion. Much like when Koneka, as a kitten, had failed to accomplish the task I assigned her, she now felt remorseful and ashamed, her head lowered and her fluffy ears flattened against her skull. She, the Goddess of Astral among us, should have been the one to resolve the issue. Her addressing me as "teacher" at this juncture indicated her profound guilt.

"Koneko," I reassured her, "I am not angry with you. No irreparable harm has been done. From this moment forward, both you and Maria must be utterly focused and serious."

Following my impassioned address, I unleashed my concentrated might, embodied in the very essence of cosmic energy, enveloping everyone present with its presence, as if erecting invisible struts that anchored each individual in the fabric of three-dimensional reality, ensuring that none were transcended into a realm governed by different spatial laws.

In the wake of this collapse, an immense surge of energy erupted, had it not been for my meticulous preparations, we undoubtedly would have suffered a significant loss among our ranks.

I cannot wait to encounter the enigmatic sorceress who has crafted two such remarkable pieces of magical artistry. I am referring to the illusion on the portal, designed to transport us into Chaos, and the endless staircase — both creations of the same extraordinary mind, of which I have no doubt.

After the tempest of cosmic energy in the astral realm subsided, we resumed our ascent. Within fifteen minutes, we found ourselves on a mountainous plateau, perhaps a circular tier surrounding the summit. However, it is still too early to draw any definitive conclusions, as the area remains shrouded in impenetrable mist, with a relatively flat landscape dotted with sparsely scattered stunted trees for several kilometres around.

Naturally, foxes awaited us here — quite a number of them, perhaps a hundred, all possessing eight tails. I am certain that there are also nine-tailed creatures awaiting our arrival. These are formidable opponents, even for my most powerful archmages, and a single entity of such power could potentially pose a fatal threat to me.

Dear friends, we are facing at least a hundred and eight foes here, and the possibility of encountering a nine-tailed beast is quite high. So, be prepared for any eventuality! Now, let us proceed.

In the order of march, as outlined in the plan for infiltrating the enemy camp, we advanced, and I sensed a concentrated attention, a palpable hatred, and an insatiable hunger from the direction we were approaching.

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