Elliot Poole, aka Vanish. He was basically the Reaper's version of Flash or Quicksilver. One of them, anyway.
Even though {Fates} were considered unique, their effects naturally overlapped because people had the same desires.
Of course, the ability to run extremely fast was one of the most common {Fates}. Just like being able to lift buildings, being indestructible, or having a giant dick.
Accepting that Friday would die soon, I prepared Sunday to unsummon him.
Meanwhile, still using Saturday, I aimed my scope right above Friday's head. Vanish was a serial killer. He liked to use long ass knives to stab people in the collarbone.
Predicting that he would use the same M.O. on my soul avatar, I waited.
I switched back to Friday and shielded my collarbone with the HCAR. As I emerged from the foxhole, a lightning-fast object slammed into my shoulder.
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To God be all the glory!
Will return in May. Stay awesome everyone. Enjoy the read!