Excitedly, Sam hurried down the avenue, his heart racing with adrenaline. He felt the need to reach a safer place, so he quickly made his way there. A sense of unease washed over him as he became aware that someone might be following him. It didn't take long for Sam to guess who it could be, but he didn't let worry consume him. He knew they couldn't attack or attempt to kidnap him in this secure location.
Realizing the dangers of sneaking around, Sam decided not to delay any further. He reached out to Neo, asking him to teleport him directly using the link function. Neo replied promptly, "Okay."
[The link function has been activated.]
[Ghost Dungeon has been linked.]
[You are being transported to the dungeon.]
With these words, Sam found himself in the ghost dungeon. However, Sam hadn't even thought about engaging with the ghosts, so he summoned some skeletons and ordered them to attack the specters.
Well, How is this novel going?
Also thanks for buying the priv.