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9.52% Attack of the Lewd Monster Harem / Chapter 7: ALMH Chapter 6: The Royal Ball 18+

Bab 7: ALMH Chapter 6: The Royal Ball 18+

James awoke from his sleep, feeling rejuvenated. The weight of the past few days had lifted, and a sense of excitement stirred within him as he thought about the evening's grand ball. He rose quickly, eager to get ready. His thoughts lingered on Sasha, and he knew he wanted to make a good impression.

The palace was alive with activity as James left his chambers, bustling with servants and workers preparing for the night's festivities. The smell of freshly baked goods and coffee wafted through the air, giving the halls an added sense of warmth and comfort. He made his way to the dining room, where Sasha and the priestess, Yori Weshad, sat engaged in quiet conversation.

As James entered, Sasha glanced up, her cheeks flushing slightly. She had been speaking with Yori about something that clearly made her uncomfortable—probably about the topic of James needing to find more wives for the future of their kingdom. James smirked, enjoying the sight of her looking flustered.

"Good morning, James," Yori greeted him with a warm smile. Her voice was inviting, and her eyes sparkled with playful energy.

"Good morning, priestess," James responded, returning her smile.

"Please, call me Yori," she corrected, her tone light as she playfully bent her wrist.

James chuckled, "Alright, good morning, Yori."

The priestess continued, leaning in slightly, "My Lord, the king is about to make his welcome speech. As tradition dictates, you'll have the first dance with your chosen lady. If you plan on dancing with Sasha, you'd better act fast. I don't think she'll be waiting around for you all night."

James raised an eyebrow, catching Sasha's eyes for a moment. "Oh, really now?" he teased, glancing back at Sasha, who was suddenly very interested in the table's decorations.

Yori laughed and nudged James toward Sasha. "Go on, before some other woman claims your dance," she urged, her voice dripping with playful sarcasm.

James grinned, feigning indecision as he teased both women. "Maybe I won't pick her after all," he joked, casting a mischievous look at Sasha, who turned an even deeper shade of pink.

Yori gasped in mock horror, nudging him again. "You really are testing your luck, aren't you? I assure you, you will be dancing with her whether you like it or not," she teased.

James finally relented, shaking his head with a smile. His gaze softened as he looked at Sasha, who, despite her embarrassment, was stealing glances at him. "I choose you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Sasha, still blushing, finally met his eyes and smiled, bowing her head shyly. There was a warmth between them, one that neither could deny.

The preparations for the ball continued as the day passed. Sasha tried to focus on her duties, but she found her eyes wandering to James more often than she cared to admit. Whenever he bent over to lift something or helped move a table, her heart would race, and she would quickly look away, trying not to let her mind wander too far.

The sun dipped low, casting golden hues across the palace as the night of the grand ball finally arrived. The entire kingdom buzzed with excitement, and the atmosphere inside the palace was charged with anticipation. James, having dressed in his finest suit of gold and silver, stood before the mirror in his room, admiring the intricate details of his outfit. The winged collar studded with jewels gave him a regal look, and as he smoothed out his coat, he took a deep breath, preparing himself for what lay ahead.

James stepped out into the hallway, his footsteps echoing softly against the polished marble floors. As he made his way toward the ballroom, the sound of distant music and the lively chatter of guests grew louder. The moment he stepped through the grand doors, the energy of the room hit him like a wave. Hundreds of guests had already gathered, each adorned in luxurious gowns and finely tailored suits. Laughter, the clinking of glasses, and soft melodies filled the air.

The moment James entered, the room collectively turned to look at him. The women openly admired him, while the men seemed to size him up, judging their competition. A flicker of discomfort passed through James, but he masked it with a confident smile as he moved further into the crowd.

Just ahead of him, in the center of the ballroom, stood Sasha. Dressed in a deep crimson gown that shimmered under the grand chandeliers, she was an absolute vision. The gown's open back revealed smooth skin, and her long raven hair flowed down her shoulders in elegant ringlets. James's breath caught for a moment before he picked up his pace to close the distance between them.

He reached her, leaning close to whisper in her ear, "Hey, gorgeous. Fancy meeting you here."

Sasha turned slightly, her lips parting in surprise before softening into a smile. Her cheeks flushed as his words sent a wave of warmth through her. "Hello, handsome," she replied softly, trying to suppress the flutters in her stomach. "I was wondering when you'd find me."

James chuckled, wrapping an arm around her waist, letting his hand rest on her bare shoulder, his fingers brushing the strap of her gown ever so slightly. "I'll always find you," he murmured, his voice low and playful. "Especially when you're wearing something like this."

Sasha blushed deeply, glancing around to make sure no one was watching too closely. "Not here," she whispered, trying to keep her composure. But James's charm was working its magic, and she found it hard to resist the thrill of the moment.

Suddenly, the sound of trumpets filled the air, announcing the arrival of the King and Queen. The doors at the top of the grand staircase swung open, and King Herod and Queen Rosa stepped into the ballroom, their presence immediately commanding the attention of everyone inside.

The king addressed the crowd with a booming voice, "Greetings, my lords and ladies! Tonight, we celebrate new leadership and the renewal of our great kingdom. Our honored guest, James, has shown tremendous bravery and sacrifice to earn his place here among us. I am pleased to welcome him and all of you to this royal ball!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd, applause echoing throughout the grand hall. James felt a wave of pride, but as he looked down at Sasha, he could see that she was beaming up at him, her eyes filled with admiration. For a moment, it was as if the crowd had disappeared, and it was just the two of them.

As the applause died down, the king continued, "It is tradition for the first couple to take to the floor and open the ball. James, would you honor us by leading your chosen lady in the first dance?"

James turned toward Sasha, who looked at him with wide, eager eyes, a mix of nervousness and excitement painted across her face. Without hesitation, James took her hand and led her toward the dance floor. The crowd parted to make way for them, and as they stepped into the center of the room, the musicians began to play a slow, enchanting waltz.

Sasha's heart raced as she found herself in James's arms, their movements in perfect harmony with the music. The world around them seemed to blur as they glided across the floor. She had never felt so connected to someone, so perfectly in tune with his every step.

Their dance was flawless, and the crowd watched in awe. They moved gracefully together, as if they had been dancing their entire lives. Sasha couldn't take her eyes off James, feeling both exhilarated and slightly breathless from the sheer intensity of the moment.

But as they twirled across the floor, something—or rather, someone—caught Sasha's attention. Standing at the edge of the ballroom, in the shadow of a grand pillar, was a man clad entirely in black. His face was obscured by a black owl mask, and his dark attire made him blend almost seamlessly into the night.

Sasha felt a chill run down her spine as she realized the man was watching them, his eyes peeking out from behind the mask, cold and calculating. She couldn't place why, but something about him felt deeply unsettling.

James noticed her gaze had shifted and followed her line of sight, spotting the mysterious figure in the owl mask. His expression hardened as a protective instinct kicked in. "Stay close to me," he whispered to her, his grip tightening slightly.

Sasha nodded, her mind racing with questions. Who was this man, and why was he watching them so intently?

As the dance came to an end, the crowd erupted into applause once more, but Sasha's mind was still on the figure lurking in the shadows. She and James made their way toward the refreshment table, where they hoped to regroup and discuss what they had just seen.

But as they approached, the man in the owl mask moved, positioning himself near the wine selection. His presence was deliberate, as though he was waiting for them.

Sasha handed James a glass of wine, her eyes darting nervously back toward the masked man. She could feel the weight of his gaze on her, and a sense of foreboding settled deep in her chest.

As James and Sasha moved toward the refreshment table, Sasha's unease grew stronger. The man in the owl mask was now standing only a few feet away, his cold gaze lingering on them. His mask, an intricate design of a black owl, concealed his face, but his eyes—dark and calculating—followed their every movement. Sasha couldn't shake the feeling of being prey under his watchful eyes.

"Who is he?" Sasha whispered, her voice barely audible as she handed James a glass of wine.

"I don't know," James replied, his eyes never leaving the figure in black. "But he's clearly interested in us, and I don't like it."

Sasha took a sip of her wine, trying to maintain her composure. "Should we confront him?"

Before James could respond, the man in the black owl mask stepped forward, his presence even more intimidating up close. His movements were deliberate, almost predatory, as if he were stalking his prey. The guests around them seemed to sense the tension, many casting curious glances in their direction.

"Lord James," the man said, his voice low and smooth. "What a pleasure it is to finally meet the man everyone's been talking about." His tone was laced with an eerie calm, sending a shiver down Sasha's spine.

James straightened, his expression hardening as he addressed the stranger. "Who are you?"

The man chuckled softly, the sound cold and hollow behind his mask. "Who I am is of little importance. What matters is that I've been watching you both, and I must say... you make quite the pair."

Sasha took a step closer to James, her instincts telling her that this man was dangerous. She couldn't shake the feeling of something deeply unsettling about him, something dark.

"Watching us?" James's voice was firm, but Sasha could hear the underlying edge of anger.

The man in the mask tilted his head slightly, as if amused by James's response. "Indeed. You see, Lord James, not everyone here is thrilled with your presence." His gaze shifted to Sasha, his eyes narrowing behind the mask. "And not everyone is as loyal as they seem."

Sasha's heart skipped a beat as the man's words seemed to imply something sinister, something she couldn't quite grasp. She tightened her grip on James's arm, her mind racing with questions.

"Enough games," James snapped, stepping forward. "If you have something to say, say it."

The man's smile widened beneath the mask. "Very well. I suppose there's no use pretending any longer." He slowly removed his mask, revealing the face beneath—Mathias Cronch, a notorious troublemaker. His dark hair was slicked back, and his sharp features were twisted into a smirk.

Sasha's eyes widened in shock, and she instinctively took another step closer to James. Mathias had always been a thorn in her side, a man driven by ambition and jealousy.

"What do you want?," James said through gritted teeth, his anger barely contained.

Mathias's eyes gleamed with malice as he looked between James and Sasha. "What do I want? Why, I'm simply here to enjoy the festivities, of course. But I couldn't resist the opportunity to see how things are going between you two." He took a slow step forward, his eyes locked on Sasha. "It's a shame, really. A woman like Sasha... wasted on someone like you."

Sasha's blood ran cold at his words, and she felt James's muscles tense beside her. This was no longer a game—Mathias was openly challenging James, and it was clear that he had come to cause trouble.

"You've always been a jealous coward, Mathias," Sasha said, her voice low and dangerous. "But you're not going to intimidate us tonight."

Mathias chuckled again, but this time there was a darker edge to his voice. "Jealous? Hardly. I'm just a man who knows what he wants. And right now..." His eyes flickered with desire, his smirk deepening. "I want you.'

The audacity of his words sent a surge of anger through James. He stepped forward, positioning himself directly in front of Sasha, his protective instincts in full force. "You'll never have her," James growled.

Sasha, feeling the weight of the moment, knew she couldn't stay silent any longer. She was a general—a woman of power and authority—and Mathias's disrespect was unacceptable. She squared her shoulders and stepped forward, her voice ringing with the command of a seasoned warrior.

"That's enough, Mathias!" Sasha's voice cut through the tension, drawing the attention of those nearby. "You will not disrespect me, nor James, in front of our kingdom. If you truly think you can walk into this ball and insult us, you are sorely mistaken."

Mathias's smirk faltered for a brief moment, surprised by Sasha's boldness. But his arrogance quickly returned, and he scoffed. "Sasha, you're far too beautiful to be wasting your time with someone like him. You deserve better."

Sasha's eyes blazed with fury, and she took another step forward, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. "You forget your place, Mathias. I am not some trophy to be won, and James is not someone you can challenge with empty words. Leave now, or I will personally escort you to the dungeon."

"Never my pet." Mathias spat, his grin wiidening.

Sasha drew her sword before Mathias could even react and held it within an inch of his throat.

The crowd around them grew quiet, sensing the gravity of the situation. Sasha stood tall, her presence commanding respect, and for a moment, Mathias seemed unsure of how to respond. His eyes darted between Sasha and James, weighing his options.

Then he sidestepped and swung his sword and cut into James shoulder. Sasha raged in fury and struck him true. The power in her swing pushing him backward. He stumbled and fell backward, smacking his head on the hard stone floor.

King Herod's voice rang out from the balcony, cold and authoritative. "Guards! Seize him!"

The command echoed through the ballroom, and within moments, several female guards clad in royal armor approached Mathias. Their movements were swift and precise as they surrounded him, weapons drawn.

Mathias's smirk faded completely as the reality of the situation set in. He sneered at Sasha and James, but he didn't resist as the guards shackled his hands. "This isn't over," he spat, his voice filled with venom. "I'll be back, and next time, you won't be so lucky."

As the guards led him away, Sasha felt a wave of relief wash over her. She glanced at James, who gave her a small, reassuring nod. The tension that had hung over them for the past few minutes slowly began to dissipate.

"Are you alright?" James asked, his voice softening as he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Sasha nodded, though her heart was still racing from the confrontation. "I'm fine," she replied, her voice steady. "But I won't forget this."

"That's a nasty cut you have there." Yori admitted, pressing a cotton like material on his wound.

"Yeah, it stings a little. But, I'm just glad it's over." James said, sighing with relief.

"I think maybe you should get changed sweetie. Maybe take a minute to freshen up." Yori proposed to Sasha.

Sasha looked over to James and wanted him to give her an answer of whether it was okay or not.

James nodded and Yori helped Sasha to her feet. The two of them disappeared into the crowd and James sat back in his chair.

James pondered what could have happened if Mathias had hurt Sasha. His thoughts were suddenly directed up as he heard a clink sound. A hooded figure standing atop of the chandelier stared down at him.

"Found you." The figure called to him.

The crowd only had a second or two to react before several smoke bombs exploded and caused the ball room to fill with a thick layer of smoke.

"James!" Sasha screamed as she watched a shadow descend from the chandelier.

James felt someone grab him and suddenly he was hoisted up into the air. Before he knew it he was on top of the castle roof through a hole that was perfectly cut. The hooded figure, though small in stature, seemed to have more strength than they should have.

The hooded figure jumped off of the castle and a glider opened from their back allowing them to slowly descend down to a carriage. They entered the carriage and James tried to escape but the hooded figure blew a green powder into his face and he passed out.

The hooded figure gently set James inside the carriage and closed the door. They took a seat across from James, their eyes fixed on him.

The next thing James knew he was waking up from what felt like a really deep dream. Groggy still from the drug he tried to make out the figure in front of him.

The hooded figure began to speak to him, but their voice is masked by a raspy, mechanical sound. They seem friendly, but also oddly sinister.

"Hello there, dearie," the voice says. "I hope my little stunt didn't hurt ya too much."

"W,who are you?" James manages to spit out.

As if on cue, the hooded figure removes their hood, revealing a small, mouse-like woman with bright orange eyes and a mischievous smile. She's adorned with an ornately carved wooden mask, its expression a playful grimace and its eyes hollowed out holes through which her bright eyes can shine. She's wrapped in a green cloak and dressed in simple, brown clothes that blend into the darkness. On her belt hangs a small pouch filled with green powder.

The woman takes a seat across from James and smiles warmly at him. Her voice is sweet and soothing, though she speaks with a strange accent.

"I like to have a little fun now and again, you know," the woman explains with another mischievous smile.

"But I don't know what a handsome prince like you is doing out by himself this time of night."

"Who are you?" James asked, his voice still slightly raspy and groggy. The effects of the powder were fading now that he was getting used to it, but he could tell it made him slightly more suggestible.

James could sort of see that the figure in front of him seemed to be female. She had perfect glossy green lips that hypnotized him as she spoke.

"Oh, how silly of me," the woman said, reaching out for a piece of fabric and tying it over his eyes.

The woman tied the fabric over James' eyes and he could feel her lean forward and touch his shoulder. Her touch was soft and delicate, but it sent a tingle down his spine. He could feel the woman lift his chin slightly and her voice came out softly but still held a slight air of menace.

"Do you enjoy a little mystery?" she asked, her face still invisible underneath the hood. "Well, there's no need to be so frightened- it's just little old me."

The woman held a small vial up to his lips.

"Take a little of this," she murmured into his ear, her voice still soft and lilting, but with just enough edge to make James pause.

"You want me to drink that?" He asked, warily.

"It won't do you any harm. And it'll make the mystery of me a little less…confusing for you."

James took a moment to think about it, and then decided to take the offer and drank the contents of the vial.

James immediately felt a rush of vertigo as he drank the substance in the vial. The world began to spin and he felt his footing go, his vision was fuzzy and he found it difficult to focus. He leaned back against his seat as the woman's voice came out in a low, melodic purr, her voice still soft and lilting but now with a distinctly otherworldly charm to it. He blinked rapidly and tried to clear his vision, but everything was still blurry and the world was still spinning. The woman chuckled softly, her voice sounding almost hypnotic as she continued to speak to him.

The woman's voice was soothing, her words flowing like liquid honey and she spoke in a sing song cadence that James found difficult to resist. Her presence was enticing, almost hypnotic, and it felt like her words and her voice were pulling him into a trance.

"I'm here to help you, dearie," she cooed, the words falling from her lips in a musical cadence that James couldn't help but fall into. "I know you must have so many questions. Who am I?" she asked, her voice flowing like sweet syrup, "Why have I taken you?"

"No need to worry so," the woman whispered, her words coming out like soothing, syrupy tendrils that wrap around his mind. "I am here to guide you. To show you the beauty of the world... "

The woman's voice trailed off and James couldn't help but feel his eyelids getting heavier and heavier. He managed to force his eyes open and look at her, but he's started to feel himself slipping into the spell of her words and her voice.

"And help you along... " she continued, her words sending him deeper and deeper into a trance-like state.

"And help you along, on your great journey..." the woman continued, "My friends and I have been watching you for quite some time, dearie. We can see that you're different, that you are... special."

Her words continued to pull James deeper into the trance, her voice hypnotic as it washed over him. He can see the woman through a haze, but he can't make out her features. Her clothes seem to move and flow like liquid, swirling around her in a mystical manner. Her voice was hypnotic, his breathing slowed as he fell deeper into her trance.

Somewhere in the haze he could hear clothes coming off. The hood and cape falling to the floor along with the underwrappings.

The attractive woman walked over to him and slowly pulled down his pants. His dick springs free and she began stroking it. She whispered in his ear "you belong to me now" and bit his neck playfully.

He moaned softly and arched his back. She took control of his body by holding onto his arms tightly while she continued to stroke his cock. She looked deep into his eyes and said "I own you". Then she lowered herself onto his hard member and started riding him wildly.

Her soft milky skin felt good against his rough thighs. Every thrust milking his throbbing member, bringing him closer and closer to the edge.

"That's it darling relax and let me take you to heaven." She instructed him while moaning with pleasure.

A flash of Sasha's face makeed him remember his surroundings for a moment and he tried to buck her off. But the drug is too strong and she leaned into him and pinned him to the back of the seat.

"Tsk, tsk, you're such a naughty boy James. Looks like I might have to punish you." She taunted him, squeezing his member with her strong inner muscles.

The tighter she made it the harder it was to resist the bubbling feeling in his balls to release. The woman laughed as she could see him losing the fight, his resistance failing with every thrust and pump of her tight pussy.

He groaned loudly as she rode him faster. The speed and power of her thrusts threatening to bring him to climax at any moment.

"Give into me! You know you want to. Doesn't it feel good dearie? Are you gonna cum?" She teased him with her sweet and seductive voice.

James couldn't take it any longer, the pleasure had spread throughout his entire body. He could feel the pressure building at the bottom of his shaft. He wrapped his arms around her slim waist and started to thrust along with her.

She laughed at his obedience and pet his head lovingly. She then turned around and bent over the seat exposing her ass. She grabbed his cock and slid it between her cheeks teasing his cock with her soft and wet pussy lips. She took in his cock inch by inch until she had slid down to the base. As she fucked him doggy style she commanded him to "cum inside my tight little hole."

James couldn't hold back for another second, he felt his cum rising inside his shaft and gathering under the head ready to burst.

She smiled and says "exactly". She increased her speed while continuing to squeeze with her inner muscles to keep it nice and tight. It was like her pussy was milking his cock, forcing the cum out with a powerful suction.

In the heat of the moment the blindfold slipped off his face and he saw the beautiful woman riding him. Her silky green hair reached down to just above her buttocks and caressed the top of his thighs.

He moaned louder and louder as he looked into her orange eyes. She rode him faster and faster, and soon they were both on the brink of climaxing.

"Cum inside me! Fill my pussy with your cum!" She cried out in pleasure.

Finally James pushed his member in deeper and came inside her womb. His powerful spurts quickly filled her to the brim and then began to leak out around the hole. White cream covered her ass and James thigh as it dripped down from their orgasms.

The woman's breathing was rapid and heavy as she slid off of him and turned in his lap. She leaned in and passionately kissed him, their tongues dancing inside their mouth.

James felt the world become heavy again and his vision rapidly faded. The drug from the vial now reached its purpose wore off and was putting him to sleep.

Before he fell unconscious he noticed one last peculiar thing about the woman. She had long curled ears.

"An elf?"

***I hope you guys loved this chapter. I know I loved writing it. As of this chapter we are out of the tutorial and into the story proper. This is when the fun begins and James's adventure finally starts. Thanks again for reading and I will see you all tomorrow for the next exciting chapter of ALMH!***

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