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82.02% A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC) / Chapter 73: Chapter 66

Bab 73: Chapter 66

"You know…" I start, staring off across the living room blankly, "I knew you two were gonna do something, but I didn't think it'd be…this."

Both cat girls give muffled hisses at that, them being muffled because they are currently trying to sink their teeth into the flesh of my shoulders.

They can't break past the skin of course, but points for effort I guess.

Shirone briefly releases my shoulder to speak up with a displeased huff, "I'd punch you senpai, but you wouldn't feel it at all…unfortunately."

I raise my eyebrow at that, "And what makes you think I'd feel this instead?"

"You can feel our anger." She states plainly, before immediately chomping back down, hard.

…You know what? I still don't feel it, physically, but with the looks these two are giving me as they try and bite down, I think I can see what she means.

It's Kuroka's turn not long after Shirone bites down again, as she dislodges her fangs and moves to glare at me, "How did you even end up fighting all of them!?"

Shirone gives me a very pointed look as her sister asks the million-dollar question.

I sigh, already knowing how they will react, "Would you believe me if I said they all tried to jump me to join them and their little gang…but when I declined and called them out, they didn't exactly take it well?"

Kuroka stared at me.

Then proceed to chomp back down.

Yeah. Yeah. I saw that one coming.

However to my slight shock, she quickly pulled back and went right back to glaring at me, "So you stayed and fought them all alone!? Why didn't you call for help!" She asked, incredulous and miffed.

Ah…I see where she's going with this. So, I looked her right back in the eyes, "Because True Longinus. That thing would have hurt me, possibly even killed me, If it had hit. But luckily, the guy himself wasn't strong enough for that. Even in his Balance Breaker." I reach over, putting my hand on her shoulder, "He would have killed you though, easily."

Kuroka almost immediately looked even further outraged, meanwhile, Shirone slowly let go of my shoulder, staring at me with wide eyes.

"True Longinus…Balance Breaker?" She utters in slight horror, "Senpai, you fought that…and two other top Longinus? At the same time…?"

Kuroka blinked, her emotions halting as that also sank in for her as well.

Uh oh.

"To be fair," I quickly speak up to clarify, "I didn't fight them all at the same time. The True Longinus user, he, well…" I pause with a hum trying to figure out how to word this properly, "Right away, he made a tactical retreat to pull out a trump card, but it didn't work, leaving the rest of his people to fight me. He only went in with his Balance Breaker after all hope was lost, and they were all, mostly, dead."

That seemed to make them worry only slightly less. That's something at least.

"Still," Kuroka muttered, still a tad incensed, "how could you pretty much say that I wouldn't have been able to help…?"

"I don't mean to dig at your strength or anything, Kuroka." I state, seriously, "I meant it literally. He would have just killed you, one of the abilities of his Balance Breaker lets him just straight up negate powers…of women only." I snorted as I finished, holding in a laugh.

Seriously, trying to talk about Cao Cao's Balance Breaker in any serious capacity is nearly fucking impossible because of that one power.

Also, I know I shouldn't technically know about it, because he never got the chance to use it on me for obvious reasons…but, well, dead men tell no tales and all that.

Shirone immediately deadpanned in my direction, and Kuroka damn near followed suit.

"...Seriously?" Kuorka said, in complete disbelief, "Darling, that…"

"That's incredibly stupid." Shirone finishes for her sister, "What kind of person would you need to be to influence the True Longinus in such a way that it develops such a…power."

I shrug, and state, completely uncaring, "An idiot, and considering his plans, I know I'm not wrong on that. The other abilities of his Balance Breaker were only kinda annoying," I continue, "a power to destroy weapons, that didn't work because I was too strong, the power to redirect attacks, teleport, fly…the only one that damages me was just this particularly destructive one." I pat my chest, "And I healed that up in no time regardless."

Shirone purses her lips into a frown, "...that sounds a little more than annoying, senpai."

I shrug again, this time with a smile, "I mostly use my sword, and I was his physical superior even after the massive amp he got from his Balance Breaker. Any of my ranged attacks redirected I was immune to, so to not die immediately, he had to spam his teleport. That was the main annoyance." I huff, "Ended up catching him off guard with an illusion to put him down in the end."

"So, wait," Kuroka held up a hand, reaching over to touch the side of my face, "it doesn't sound like this guy gave you so much trouble, then how…"

Ah, the scar.

That's… embarrassing.

"Remember how I said most of them were dead before he decided to step up to the plate?" I sigh, "Yeah, one of them wasn't. I completely forgot about him, he had a shadow manipulation gear, and after his leader fell, he tried a sneak attack on me with the spear." I take Kuroka's hand in mine, "I caught it, mostly. Didn't think the scratch it made would leave anything, though…that's a first."

"It's a spear that can, and has, killed gods, idiot senpai…" Shirone spoke back up, grabbing the side of my robe tightly, "Of course it's going to do more than your average weapon, or even your normal Sacred Gear."

Kuroka meanwhile, simply leans into my side entirely, and states, almost despondently, "...I still don't like any of this."

I give them both a small smile, and wrap an arm around each of them, holding them close…and in Shirone's case, pulling her into the hug.

"Yeah…I know. I didn't have fun with that fight myself." I give a huff of disappointment at that, "But I'm fine, and now that their users are dealt with…well, no need to worry about them anymore."

My cat girls cling to my sides even harder.

Man…seeing how these two reacted, I'm probably going to have this same conversation with pretty much everyone, huh?

That's going to be a fun one to have with Kunou and Yasaka.

Though, that reminds me…what with everything that suddenly happened, is Yasaka still going to meet with Indra? I haven't gotten a message or anything from her about it so…

And speaking of the big Hindu God King himself…I'm kind of shocked he didn't come and try to stop me from killing Cao Cao and others.

Fucking precogs You can never be sure what exactly they'll do, especially in Indra's case, because the extent of his precognition isn't really clear.

I can only make assumptions, and my best guess is he didn't act because the future with me around doesn't require him to have his Hero Faction Vanguard.

If I assume most or everything he does is to prepare for his future war against Shiva, then I can also assume that he probably sacked these guys to not piss me off.

Because I know me, I'm the pettiest guy I know. If he did swoop in and save those morons, I'd have joined up with Shiva in a heartbeat…purely to fuck with the doofus.

And considering how strong I've gotten in nearly a few months short of a year, give me some time, and I'll be boxing with another lightning god in no time.

…But once again, that's all speculation on my part.

The only way to truly understand precogs is to be one yourself.

"...Senpai." Shirone abruptly speaks up again, causing me to look down at her.

"Hmm?" I hum, "What's up?"

"...You said you killed the True Longinus user, right? Caught him off guard and all that?" She questions, slowly.

"Yeah?" I confirm again, easily, "Why do you ask?"

"If he was already dead…then how did the shadow manipulation gear user get ahold of the spear to use against you?" She asks this time, completely confused with a cute little frown, "Sacred Gears are supposed to vanish, and return to the System, right?"

Kuroka nods along with her sister's words, and I just sort of shrugged, helplessly.

"There, I have no idea." Both cat girls look up at me, and I elaborate with a sigh, "The spear remained after he died, it didn't vanish or really even do anything else. Right now, it's just a very long hunk of metal and wood that can hurt gods pretty bad if you hit them with the metal end."

"...Eh?" Kuorka tilted her head.

"That's…not how sacred gears work, though?" Shirone continued to question, "Wait…if the spear is still around, where did you…"

"Under my bed." I state, entirely serious.

Shirone simply…stared at me.

"Nyahahaha!" Kuroka chuckled, "No one would think to check there if someone did come looking for it! Good idea darling, nyah~!"

I nod, sagely, at my black cat's words.

Shirone continued to stare at us like we were both idiots, before shaking her head, and vocalizing it with a tired and pained sigh, "...I'm surrounded by absolute morons."

I chuckle at them both after a moment, before putting a hand on each of their heads, "To be honest, I don't think there will be anyone coming after the spear. This is the first time I've heard of it doing this…I doubt anyone else knows."

Well. I know a bunch of Shinto and Hindu Gods were watching the fight, but I don't think they can parse that the True Longinus didn't return to the System after I killed…uh, what's his name?

Edgy guy with glasses. The shadow user. Whatever his name is.

Regardless, the deities that were watching weren't truly present, but more like keeping a side eye on things through their shrines. If they were more focused, or present, then sure, I'd be worrying much more about them…but for now, I think the secrets safe with me and those who I wish to share it with.

The only one who it makes sense would know would probably be the maker of the System himself…but I'm sure I'll know if he knows in due time.

"With that being said!" I continue, "Let's try and keep who knows this between as few people as possible, yeah?"

Shirone snorts at that, "No need to worry about me blabbing…it's the cow you need to worry about." She thrusts her thumb in her sister's direction.

Kuroka nearly doubled over at her words, as though struck, "S-Shirone!?" She whines, "I'm not that unreliable!"

"I could see you leaking the fact the Spear of Destiny is under your bed during a gamer rage or high." I add, much to her shock.

"D-Darling! That's not! Mmmmm! I won't! I promise!" She tugs on my robe, helpless and speechless, as Shirone nods along in agreement.

For a moment, Shirone and I just stared at her as she made increasingly distressed noises over are supposed lack of faith.

I pulled the black cat in, hugging and patting her head with a chuckle, before comforting her, "Don't worry, don't worry…we don't think you'll leak it, we love you, alright?"

"Hmph." Shirone huffed, and looked away, pouting like the cute little tsundere cat she is.

Kuroka calmed down eventually in my arms, though meanwhile, I was figuring out who I was going, or needed to, tell about the spear.

First things first, Uzume and Rose. I don't want either of them cleaning and suddenly stumbling upon the thing under my bed. That'd…be interesting to explain. Especially to Uzume.

Though knowing her, she'd somehow get herself stabbed by it or something, and that'd be a much bigger problem.

My only worry is Uzume blabbing about it when she's drunk or something…but hopefully, I can impress upon her how important it is to keep this one secret so there isn't a risk there.

Besides them though, I'm not sure if the others: Suzaku, Yasaka, and Kunou need to know.

I probably should tell them though as they are important to me. Also, it'd be funny to see their reactions to me casually stating I have the Spear of Destiny under my bed.


Well, in any event, all that's probably going to have to wait, since I doubt these two are going to let me leave tonight.

Not like I practically want to, but still, Yasaka might need me.

…Eh, I'll just send a clone if that's the case.

For now though!

I reach out and wrap an arm around Shirone's waist, pulling her right up against us, much to her chagrin.

Such a reaction was only amplified once Kuroka felt her sister brush up against her, and the black cat immediately moved to snatch her up in a snuggling hug as well.

While her sister cooed and purred over her, Shirone tried with faux desperation to get out of her grasp…to no avail.

I watched along with a smile.

It occurs to me that I probably should tell Shirone about the Hero Faction since they did attack them and all, just to fill in what exactly is going on, but Rias is probably too busy fussing over Akeno and Yuuto for that.

So, tomorrow then. I'll fill Shirone in on everything she and the Peerage need to know, then I need to head back home and tell my girls there what they need to know, and then I'll hit up Yasaka and Kunou and see how everything is going.

Ah, damn, look at that! I'm busy again. Fuck.

Well, at least it isn't a series of meetings that make me want to commit die. So there's that at least.

And not only that but if plans haven't been shaken up too much, I should be taking Kunou out soon. The whole courting thing and all that.

I am looking forward to that…

Okay, maybe things aren't too bad.

But! For tonight…cat girls!

~ A New Sun ~

We all ended up falling asleep on the couch last night, so, when morning came, I found myself sprawled out on it with my cat girls similarly sprawled out over me.

Mostly. Kuroka used Shirone as a stuffed animal last night.

I'd say deserved, she can be pretty mean sometimes. Turnabouts fair play and all that.

Rias blew up Shirone's phone last night after we all fell asleep. Probably should have seen that one coming, but luckily, the white cat had the sense to tell the redhead where she was going after dropping off Lesser Suzaku.

So rather than blowing up the phone because Rias didn't where she was, she was blowing up the phone wondering when Shirone was coming back.

Turns out, things are going to get pretty busy soon around here, what with the attack and all.

Before she left, I relayed everything I knew about the Hero Faction to the cat girl…along with the fact that with the death of most of their leaders, the group was probably already done in.

Though there's the possibility of remnants trying shit, but I doubted that. Even if they did, I doubt they have any reserve members strong enough to be a legitimate threat.

There's always a possibility, but it's slim.

Shirone left soon after, and Kuroka and I went back to the Kyoto Palace.

The first thing we saw when we appeared in the bedroom?


Was Rose, standing there in front of the bed, holding up the hastily wrapped-up and partially exposed True Longinus, staring at it and stuttering the same thing over and over again, like a broken record on repeat.

Kuroka turned and looked at me, and almost immediately started cackling.

I simply deadpan stared at Rose, it was the crack of dawn, and she was already awake. And cleaning?

Then again, Rose is a hard worker like that,

Fucking Murphy.

Well, at least it wasn't Uzume. From my senses, I can tell she isn't even home right now.


Even when I came up behind her and gently pulled the spear out of her hand, she still stared at where it was and kept making the same stuttering sound. I even grabbed her shoulder and shook her a bit, but still, nothing.

I sighed, deeply, "Kuroka?"

"Yesss darling, nyah~?" She drawled with a mischievous glint.

"Get some water please."

"Nyahahaha~! Very well!" She practically skipped off to do what I asked.

Well. I guess Rose here is going to be the first I let in the know then!

With a shocking amount of speed, it didn't take long for Kuroka to come back with a full bucket of water.

Pretty sure she took that from the shed for the gardens.

"...Kuroka, I don't think we need that much water." I immediately say.

The black cat doesn't seem the least bit dejected though, merely giving me a simple hum, "...Nah, in fact, it may not even be enough, nyah~!"

Then, without a moment of waste, she dumped the whole thing onto Rose, throwing all the water at her once.


It was, in fact, enough, as Rose's sudden jumping and screaming can attest to.

Kuroka pouted at that though.

Rose, though shivering like mad and drenched, immediately whirled around in our direction.

I idly note that I can now very easily see through everything she's wearing, but that's nowhere near as important as the fact that once her eyes see me holding the spear, they immediately seem to lock back up.

"What wa- that…? Ah…? OW!"

I correct that this time, by immediately bonking her on the head with the Spear of Destiny.

The shaft. Not the blade. She's Half-God, after all, don't want to take risks there.

In fact, I imagine her being half a god is probably why she's having such a reaction to seeing the thing just sort of lying around.

As Rose reaches up, clutching and rubbing her head, I quickly apologize, "Sorry about that…didn't want you to lock up again on us."

"A-Ah…It's alright…I think?" She looks down at her clothes, finally noticing that they are very see-through, squeaks, and promptly forgets about her head, wrapping her arms around her bosom to cover them, "W-Was the water necessary!?"

"Yup, nyah~!" Kuroka answers proudly, to Rose's light glare.

Before Kuroka starts some more shit, I speak up, "Alright, girls? How about we go to the living area, get some food, and I can explain to Rose what went on last night in much more comfort."

Kuroka's eyes sharpened almost comically at the mention of food, while Rose quickly nodded, looking equally exasperated, confused, and worried, all at once.

Without a second to waste, I slid the spear back under the bed, much to Rose's visible bafflement, before holding my hand out toward the door.

As the two scurried off in that direction, I sighed, only hoping for one thing…

This damn spear better not cause me more trouble than it has this morning, or else I will find a way to crack the fucker in half!

Then again, who can say? From here on out, I'll be flying almost entirely blind.

The Hero Faction was the only real 'arc' left to happen, from here on out? It's pretty much anyone's guess.

Though at this point…

I suppose there's no real use in worrying over it anymore, now that it's come, huh?

~ A New Sun ~

Ceaser Villers is a high-ranking teacher in the Protestant Church. He teaches the Church's warriors and raises them to fight the evil creatures of the darkness, the heretics, the witches, the pagans, and monsters.

And after he's done all he can there, he gives them holy missions to do such a job.

He wouldn't say things changed there for him, all those months ago, unlike everywhere else.

Change has been in the air for a long time, but not for him, never for him.

God has deemed his duty just, and his job well done. So for Ceaser Villers, there is not much change.

Until today.

He was visited by an Angel.

Something that, so he hears, has been more and more common as of late.

Sure, Angels work in the Church all the time, performing duties within the House of God. There is no doubt about that, that has been a constant.

But Angels acting as Messengers? That…that hasn't happened since ancient times.

Since those months ago, more and more Angels came from Heaven, claiming decrees from the Almighty, claiming and bringing change.

Preeminently to the Vatican, as he has heard.

A part of him never really believed it. Why would he? The Vatican, the Catholic Church, changing?

Throwing out the corrupt, the heathens, the swine, both Exorcist and not?

Hah! That's a nice joke, he had thought.

But then again, he too was visited.

…Perhaps there was more to those rumors than he originally gave them credit for.

Still, it's an odd world they live in now, he supposes.

An Angel came down to him and gave him a mission to give out.

It was an… unusual request. One to recover something, not destroy forces of evil like he usually assigns.

Even stranger still, it's in a predominately pagan country, all the way in the East.


He doesn't see what would be so worth it that Heaven, and God himself supposedly, would need to send a full team of Exorcists there to acquire.

But, ah well? Who's he to judge the goings on of the Almighty, his Lord God?

Now, if only the warriors he's supposed to send off on this mission would arrive here in a timely manner…

To be fair to them, most of them already have, a bunch of girls…one he even trained himself, is already waiting here.

There's just one specific member of their retinue who's taking his sweet time arriving.

Caesar Viller perked up.

Ah, as though by divine providence…

Behind him, the big heavy doors of the Canterbury Cathedral pushed open, and in walked a man.

Caesar Villers stood up. "You're late…"

A rather young, blonde-haired man, with soft green eyes, and a seemingly permanent kind smile stretched across his face.

The Strongest Exorcist. The Strongest Believer. The Strongest of the Churches as a whole.

Caesar Viller turned to meet him, "Dulio Gesualdo."

God's Beloved Warrior.

The man chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck apologetically.

"Sorry I'm late."

Karmic_Wizard Karmic_Wizard

Uh oh.

The consequences of Nori's actions...twice over!?

Yeah, unfortunately, this next opponent is just a touch stronger then Cao Cao...just a bit.

A little bit.

Really should've snapped the spear in half right from the start.

Worry not, all things related to the Spear, such as how it even stayed behind in the first place, will eventually be answered...tho I suspect some of you already have ideas that aren't far off the mark.

In other news, while this feels like it should be the end of the arc, it's not. Two more chapters, dealing specifically with Kunou, and then we'll be off.

Then, it's the Church's turn.

Until then?

Peace, ya'll.

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