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Bab 5: CHAPTER - III [ PART - I ]

Even though Kamala was still unconscious she could hear everything going on around her, but the voices made her wake up but she still didn't open her eyes to hear a little more of the conversation.

"She can't be the spy."

"But it's a loose end."

(These voices can't be, they are Tarleton and Monica the owners of AIM) thought Kamala as her eyes snapped open in surprise, but she was more surprised to realize that she was handcuffed and although she tried to use her powers to escape she realized she couldn't since those handcuffs were specially made to prevent inhumans use their powers while they have them on.

Tarleton : "Sorry those synthezoids were just following security protocols."

But Kamala was stunned to see Tarleton's appearance as it is very different from the image that is presented when doing AIM advertising, but another voice snapped her out of her daze.

Monica : "Stealing private information is a very serious crime."

Tarleton : "Monica just give me a moment the girl is just waking up."

Kamala was still not saying anything as she watched them and looked for a way out of this but when she saw by AIM's although still far away she started to get nervous.

Kamala : "Hey what's going on, no rather where are you taking me?"

Tarleton : "Somewhere safe."

Tarleton told her as his eyes glowed purple as a bit of purple bioelectricity came out of his hand only to start to calm down.

Tarleton : "Forgive my enthusiasm, I know I don't compare to my holographic image but it's good propaganda for the shareholders haha..."

TOS TOS TOS TOS ( coughing )

As he coughed he pulled an oxygen mask from the armrest to start inhaling and exhaling.

kamala : "What happened to you Doctor Tarleton?"

Tarleton : "Well it seems that A-Day did affect me as it does all Inhumans but..."

As Tarleton was about to ask Kamala a question he was interrupted by Monica.

Monica : "Tell me Kamala why did you hack the servers?"

Kamala : "I didn't hack anything."

Tarleton : "Then were you looking for the cure maybe?"

Tarleton asked her mockingly as he looked at her, only for her to say nothing.

"You know unlimited power is dangerous that's why AIM is working on finding one and I think we succeeded" Tarleton said to show a small spider shaped robot which had a vial with an orange liquid in it.

Tarleton : "This vial is believed to contain the cure for the disease that gives Inhumans powers. Monica created it along with a regenerative formula that was the one that saved me from dying on A-Day but the actual one is not yet approved and we don't know if it can eliminate the powers of the Inhumans tell me Kamala since you are not willing to talk how about if I show you in the flesh how our cure works just let AIM help you "

"No no no what do you think you are doing you can't do that" - Kamala shouted as the spider moved up to her neck and about to inject her with the serum but suddenly she heard a....


--------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------- ----------

While Dereck kept jumping and climbing from building to building while using his flames to propel himself and followed the car in which they had Kamala with his heightened senses, to suddenly hear Kamala's heartbeat begin to accelerate and he shouted her name.

Derek : "Shit it's a good thing that I got here in time."

To jump from the building in the direction where the car would arrive, while falling he shouted the name of his attack "METAL DRAGON'S STICK (TETSURYUKON)"

His arm began to transform into a very resistant metal stick to increase the power of his attack and aim at the car's engine hitting it squarely.


He quickly got up and returned his arm to normal, to run to the door where Kamala was and start it as if it was nothing.


"Kamala are you okay..."

Only to see Kamala handcuffed and thrown to the side.

Kamala : "Derek it's you I thought you weren't coming."

Derek just smiled and quickly pulled her out to carry her like a princess and start running as he could pick up with his hearing how many robots were on their way, but before he left he looked at both Tarleton and Monica.

Derek : "When we meet again I will be sure to smack that big head of yours and as for you woman pray I never get my hands on you because I will be sure to make you pay for everything you have done to the inhumans."

Derek said to start running and jumping when he was close to a building and propel himself with his flames and reach the roof of it to keep jumping from building to building.

Monica : "Damn it George you and your damn games, bring them on time I repeat I want them both dead or alive."

Was the last thing Monica said through her communicator.


As Derek jumped from building to building he was looking for a place where he could hide to get those handcuffs off Kamala, but his thoughts were interrupted by Kamala.

Kamala : "I was a fool Derek, I didn't knew what I was thinking getting myself into all this my parents are going to be worried sick when they find out... now what am I going to do, they already know who I am besides, they also know that I'm inhuman."

Derek : "I wouldn't know what to tell you or what to do Kamala, but I know we have to get out of here before they find us and don't forget you are not alone in this Kamala."

Was what Derek said as he smiled at her only to watch as what looked like a person in an AIM suit helped them by destroying the robots closest to them.

Derek : "I guess we're not alone in this after all Kamala but we don't have time to ask him who he is."

Derek continued jumping until they reached an alley and forced a door of a car mechanic to enter it to hide, when they entered Derek put Kamala on the ground to create a metal bar to barricade the door so no one would enter.

Derek : "Alright Kamala I'm going to get those handcuffs off while we have time because I don't think it will take too long to those idiots to find us."

Kamala : "I understand, just do it."

With Kamala's consent, Derek bent down and began to apply force to destroy the handcuffs.

Crack Crack

It only took Derek two minutes to destroy the handcuffs.

Derek : "Kamala get up quick, we have company."

Just as he finished saying that they watched as they began to cut through the front door of the mechanical and three robots fell out of the glass windows on the roof.

Derek : "Looks like we're going to have to fight our way out of here, are you ready Kamala?"

Kamala : "I guess so even though I've never fought but here we go."

Said Kamala to get into a fighting pose with her fists raised almost to her face and enlarged her fists, while Derek just pounded his fist in his left hand only for it to burst into flames.

Synthezoid : "Kamala Khan, surrender to the AIM authorities"

Kamala : "You wish you scrap metal."

"Come on you'll wanted to see powers here have!"

Shouted Kamala and Derek at the same time to run in the direction of the robots, Derek was the first to attack one of the robots, only to grab the face of one of the syntezoids while his hand

Derek's arm was on fire in the shape of dragon wings and began to yell "WINGS OF THE FIRE DRAGON (KARYU NO GOKUGEKI)" to throw and burn the Synthezoid's at the same time throwing it at the second robot coming in his direction.

Before they could got up again, he launched his next attack "ROAR OF THE FIRE DRAGON (KARYU NO HOKO)" and exhaled a long line of fire that hit the two syntezoids in a big ball of fire and destroyed them in the process.




Derek was happy to see that he had leveled up by destroying those two robots, but he left that for later, and looked in Kamala's direction to see how she was doing with the robot, only to see Kamala raise her enlarged arms and bring them down hard to crush the robot and destroy it.


Derek : "hsshhh~ Kamala that was great"

Kamala : "Heh says the guy who destroyed two robots in seconds like they were nothing."

Derek : "Well what could I say I'm good at destroying, but let's not lose focus there's more coming."

Derek said and more syntezoids fell from the ceiling but some stayed on top of the buses that had the mechanics and threw what looked like Grenades.

Kamala : "Derek is that what I think it is"

Derek : "Yes they are grenades, Kamala don't get distracted by anything whatever it is you found from AIM they don't want more people to know and from what I see they don't want us alive anymore."

Kamala : "I understand I will give it my all."

Although it was not a life and death situation for any experienced person but neither Derek and Kamala have any experience in fighting, but thanks to having a system Derek was not only adapting to the situation but he is getting stronger the more he fights his skills were about to level up too.

Derek : "Kamala I'll take care of the Synthezoid's above you take care of the ones below but watch out for the grenades".

Kamala : "Understood, be careful."

Derek just nodded to Kamala before jumping onto one of the two buses on the left side and start facing the robots and drones that throw the grenades, while Derek approached one of the closest syntezoids.

He activated one of the Metal Dragon slayer's abilities, [METAL DRAGON SWORD] and his arm transformed in less than a second into a large metal blade and to give it the final touch it has small sharp points to start moving as if it was a zipper.

Despite being his first time transforming his arm into a weapon it looked decent (this is great I think I understand why Gajeel always liked to transform parts of his body it's very easy to use besides being very versatile in battles with many opponents, while we're at it let's add my flames too)

Once he finished doing it.

The sword looked a lot like Surtur's sword.

"Eat this damn junk"

Only to be cut in half, as if he was cutting butter which surprised him a lot but he did not get carried away by the surprise and continued with his next objectives, but one of the robots had already moved forward to attack him but thanks to his heightened senses he could feel it and dodged the attack and take advantage of that to grab the robot's arm to pull it with a little force.

Synthezoid began to lose his balance and with his left hand transformed into the flaming sword and pierce the head of robot.

When he was about to release the robot all his senses screamed danger and even without knowing what was happening he used the scales of the Metal Dragon to cover his entire body with metallic scales which not only increase his attack but also his defense only to hear a.... ...


The bus was overturned by the explosion.

Kamala : "Derek noo, get out of my way you damn scrap!"


Kamala for her part was doing well with her enemies even though she was still nervous and it was her first battle with robots that wanted to kill her she was doing well until an explosion that threw her out of focus a little making her almost receive an attack from one of the syntezoids

But she managed to recover in time to give it an overcut and lift it a few meters to stretch her arm and grab it by the shoulders and lower it to enlarge and stiffen her knee a little just to hit the robot's head and destroy it.

Once she had some space she looked in the direction of the explosion only to see the bus where Derek was overturned and on fire, which made her more desperate.

"Derek noo, get out of my way you damn scrap!"

But three syntezoids fell from the ceiling stopping her, when she was about to charge they transformed their arms into plasma cannons ( think of Predator's Plasma guns) giving her no choice but to stop and dodge the shots until she hid in a column.

Despite still being nervous and desperate she took advantage of the small space the new syntezoids gave her when they stopped their attacks due to the overheating of their weapons and that was enough time for Kamala to shout

"Come on Derek I know that won't stop you...., you said it yourself monsters don't die easily" as if he had heard her one of the robots was pierced by a flaming metal sword through it's chest causing it to get out of control and in an attempt to attack it's enemy to start shooting but it's attacker took advantage that the other two robots had not yet responded.

Derek took advantage of the failure of the robot to make it shoot it's teammates and leave them out of the game.



Derek just threw the robot aside as if it was garbage and did a quick swing of his transformed arm to wipe off the oil and melted metal to get it back to normal, and hold the side of his rib where you could see how it was affected by the previous attack as that side was a bit cracked but thanks to having the vitality of a dragon that wound was already healing and wasn't that bad.

Derek : "Ha ha ha ha ha, damn that hurts I almost didn't count it if it wasn't for my instincts and heightened senses."

Derek : "once we escape from all this shit I'm going to have to train, Kamala ya can..."

He couldn't finish what he was about to say as he felt someone hug him and despite a being covered by his scales he could feel a bit of pressure in Kamala's embrace.



Kamala : "I thought you were dead."

Derek put his hand on her head to start patting her head to reassure her.

"Well to admit that even I was surprised if it wasn't for the fact that I covered my body quickly I don't think I would have countered it, but trust me I'm not going to die easily" Kamala didn't know why but the caresses Derek was giving her felt warm despite being covered in metallic scales and it calmed her down.

Derek : "But we can't relax Kamala, more synthezoids are coming I'm picking up their footsteps nearby."

Kamala : "Mm I understand but be careful."

Once Kamala separated from Derek 5 grenade launching drones were the first to appear.

Derek : "Damn even though those drones aren't as dangerous as the last synthezoids THEY ARE STILL MOLESTING."

Kamala : "You're right every time I was about to destroy one of those junk those drones would throw grenades at me leaving me no choice but to walk away before they exploded"

For a moment Derek said nothing, until suddenly he came up with a plan that if it worked they could escape that place without any obstacles.

Derek : "Kamala get behind me I have a plan that if it worked well not only will we get to rid of those drones they will also serve as an attack."

Kamala : "Okay, I don't know what you will do but I trust you."

Once Kamala got behind Derek, he began to transform his arm again but this time it wasn't a sword, it was a [METAL DRAGON'S LANCE: DEMON SHOTS], his arm became a giant spearhead from which a large number of small spears shot at the drones hitting them squarely although he didn't have perfect aim it was enough to make all the drones fall.

Derek : "Ready with that it's the first part of the plan now help me gather all the drones Kamala."

Kamala : "Yes sir"

Derek : "Haa o come on Kamala don't tell me Sir I hate that".

Kamala : "HAHAHA for someone who fights so brutally you are very picky aren't you".

Derek preferred not to say anything and just continue with his plan, once all the Drones were reunited he joined the tips of his fingers and concentrated on making a kind of net as he saw in anime in his previous life.

It seemed that his effort paid off because once he began to separate the tip of each finger of them began to form a metallic line and without losing concentration he moved quickly but with extreme care until he managed to form a net made of metal and to congratulate him for his effort a notification appeared.



(UFF once I get out of here and we are in a safe place I will have to check all the notifications I have received from the system).

Once the metallic web was complete he put all the drones in it and a minute after he finished, with his enhanced hearing he could hear the footsteps of many drones about 10 meters away from them.

Derek : "Kamala when I tell you throw the net with all the drones to the ceiling where the previous syntezoids entered."

Kamala : "I understand on your signal I will."

Derek just circled his hands with flames for his next attack, still concentrating on hearing the footsteps of the robots on their way waiting for them to be about 2 meters away to reach the hole in the roof and not even 10 seconds later they were already at the distance he wanted.

Derek : "It's time Kamala launch them."

Once the drone net was about to go through the hole in the roof.

Derek attacked [FIRE DRAGON SHOOTS (KARYU NO SAIGA)] and launched a fireball size of a basketball in the direction of the net hitting it squarely which generated a huge explosion blowing up the entire roof.

Derek had to quickly turn and cover Kamala from the remains of the explosion and destroying all the syntezoids on the way and there must have been many as Derek received some notifications for all that destruction, once all the smoke was clearing Derek grabbed Kamala to start running and get out of that place.

Derek : "Come on Kamala we have to get out of here that will slow them down for a few minutes we have to use that to our advantage."

Kamala : "Yeah, let's get out of here before more of those scumbags come."

'The good thing is that I managed to save some synthezoids especially the ones with the plasma cannons to analyze them once we get to the HELICARRIER' thought Derek.

Once they got out of the mechanic shop and were a block away they could see as a horde of normal syntezoids and the ones with cannons running in their direction shooting at them.

Derek : "Shit Kamala behind me."

Once he made sure Kamala was safe.

Derek covered his body again with the [METAL DRAGON SCALES] in addition to covering his body with flames (I hope this works if we are not screwed), to tilt his head back a little and begin to suck in the flames that surrounded him in addition to the iron and metal on the ground.

His mouth began to swell from all the fire, metal and iron he absorbed, but his mana or mp had long since been drained but thanks to the ability given to him by the God who sent him to this world

[MANA REGENERATION] at the maximum level helped him as once his mana was completely drained it completely regenerated in less than a second.

It has the side effect called overload as he is exerting something that his body still can't resist but thanks to how resilient his body is and the dragon vitality skill that regenerated his stamina and wounds allowing him to not pass out without completing his skill, Although for Derek it seemed that a few minutes had passed, in reality only 10 seconds had passed and his ability was ready to be launched.

Just when all the syntezoids were within 5 meters of reaching them

Derek launched his attack, [ METAL FLAME ELEMENTAL DRAGON ATTACK: BREATH OF DESTRUCTION ], he just opened his mouth and roared with all his might for a breath to come out of his mouth like a tornado of metal that covered a lacer of fire releasing red hot metal fragments like shrapnel hitting the syntezoids full on.

Derek on his side despite the unimaginable pain he had in his mouth moved his head from left to right so that none of those junk escaped the attack besides continuing to receive notifications from the system, once he was sure that all the robots were destroyed he canceled the attack only to kneel down because of the effect of overloading his body with so much mana that he couldn't resist.

Kamala : "Derek! what's wrong, are you okay?"

Derek : "I'm fine Kamala, it's just that attack took more than I had."

Kamala : "You're lying look at you, you're pale and your mouth is bleeding a lot."

'Shit I think that this time if I passed I can barely move at the time I do, at the time I remember I have a random box I hope I have luck and give me something to help me heal' thought Derek






Potion created by a great alchemist, recharges over time, but by default you can only use it once per day.

Effect: can regenerate wounds up to lost limbs and organs as well as recover full health but can not help people who are on the verge of death.

Price in the store: 1.000.000 GOLD


Up to here


I hope this chapter was to your liking....well tell me if you want any change in the paraphrasing of this chapter...

and if there's any mistake then please do inform me...

I'll immediately correct it...( comment on the paragraph )

That's all...

nd don't forget the review and powerstones...

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