He pointed to the bamboo pole beside the pit and said, "Uncle Su, the one with one bamboo pole is ready-made fertilizer. You can use it directly. As for the one with two poles, the manure is in the process of composting and cannot be used yet."
Su Lide nodded and said, "I will remember it."
With a practice movement, Li Chenmo filled two buckets of pig manure in less than five minutes.
Later, they returned with a bucket of fertilizer each. This time, Li Chenmo showed the shortcut from the mountain to Su Lide's house.
They walked on the uneven mountain road for twenty minutes and arrived at the backyard of Su Lide's house.
As soon as they put the bucket in the backyard, Houzi and Su Jian came over.
When Houzi saw them, he glanced at the pig manure and said, "Brother Li, thank you for helping my family."
Zombie Apocalypse: Reborn With A Farming Space
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