The principal shook his head and said "On the contrary, you did a good job. Except for the lack of vocabulary, your foreign language comprehension and essay skills are very good."
"Actually, I used to sneak into school secretly and listen to the teacher from outside class. Principal, I know I shouldn't do this. I'm sorry," Li Shu explained with a lowered head.
When the principal and Doctor Xie heard this, they were both stunned. Most villagers' children have little interest in learning and would go play whenever they have time.
For them, it's enough to be able to read some words and write simple things that they use every day. It is rare for children to be as interested in learning as she is.
So after the principal heard what she said, instead of being angry, he was overjoyed. As a teacher, he hopes that in the future there will be no more illiterate children.
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