After hearing his words, Li Chenmo led them to the house without saying a word. When they entered the living room, he said, "Comrade, please have a seat."
After they sat down, he poured them a cup of tea and said, "Comrade, I don't recall I did something that deserves a reward. Is there any misunderstanding here?"
The middle-aged men looked at each other and smiled.
One of them took out an envelope from his clothes, put it on the table, and said, "Comrade Li, the brigade has decided to reward you because you and your wife have made great contributions to the country. The pig feed formula you gave to the government is very important for increasing the weight of pigs. So far, it has shown a good result."
"In addition, the quality of pig manure is also increasing, which can improve the quality and growth of vegetables and help us solve the shortage of grain and fresh vegetables."
Zombie Apocalypse: Reborn With A Farming Space
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