The man was startled by his wife's words and said, "Who hit you? There is no one at home except Wang Muxiao. You should have no problem dealing with a weak pregnant woman."
"What a weak pregnant woman? She is as strong as an ox!" the woman said through gritted teeth when she felt the pain on her face and body.
After taking a few deep breaths and calming down, she asked, "Husband, are you sure they have the gold?"
Upon hearing her words, the man quickly covered his wife's mouth, made a shushing gesture, and said, "Keep your voice down, what if someone hears you?"
The woman slapped his hand away and said with displeasure, "What are you afraid of? I think your information must be wrong. I have known the Lu family for a long time, and they are descendants of farmers. Therefore, it is impossible for them to have gold."
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Zombie Apocalypse: Reborn With A Farming Space
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