In the county town, after Li Chenxuan came back from Xie village, he went to the room he rented and put all the food in the cabinet. He scooped out a bowl of coarse grains and used it to make porridge. When the porridge was cooked, he cut a few thin slices of meat, minced it, and put it into the porridge.
He put the remaining meat in the cabinet and locked it. Since the meat is cured with salt, it can be stored for a long time as long as it doesn't get wet. With the cured meat added to the porridge, he wouldn't have to add any salt. The porridge was cooked until it was soft.
He scooped a bowl of thick porridge from the pot, poured water into the pot, and cooked for a while. When the porridge was boiling, he turned off the stove and poured the thin porridge into the jar. He finished eating the thick porridge, locked the door, and left home with a jar of porridge.
Zombie Apocalypse: Reborn With A Farming Space
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