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86.2% Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic / Chapter 25: Dragonstone

Bab 25: Dragonstone

Dragonstone was in a panic, the garrison rushed into defensive positions and the small folk from the small towns surrounding the fortress all rushed to the safety the castle brought. Nearly a hundred unknown ships were on the horizon, these were no trading ships but war galleys armed to the teeth with ballista and heavily manned. The Royal Fleet which normally would've been sent to intercept them sat impotently in the water, the crews had all been drinking the night before and were caught off guard by the arrival of the unknown fleet.

Ser Willem Darry was in command of the Dragonstone Garrison and by extension the Royal Fleet in the absence of Lord Lucerys Velaryon. As a veteran warrior, he saw the futility of launching the royal fleet at such a late time. The unknown fleet had a good position, they were spread out and currently encircling the stationed royal fleet. While they could try and escape the encirclement, they would be leaving Dragonstone defenceless allowing men to land, it's also likely they'd lose a lot of ships in the process.

He decided the crew were of better use atop the castle walls defending it from above. Dragonstone was an ancient fortress made by the Targaryens of Valyria; their knowledge of stonework was masterful and the very stones of the wall were infused with aura. It would be impossible for anyone to break through the walls, meaning they could only assault the gate and attempt to climb the walls.

Ser Darry could see he was outnumbered, but that would not deter him from protecting his queen and her son. He had a dozen aura users at this command and over a thousand men, he could make it work and defend the fortress until reinforcements could be sent. However, he was being hopelessly optimistic as any reinforcements could only come from the Redwynes as they had a fleet almost double the size of the royal one. Without the ships to ferry men they would have no way of breaking through the blockade the other fleet would doubtfully form.

"Ser, what is happening?" Ser Darry stopped in his tracks as the voice of Queen Rhaella echoed out to him. He turned to her and bowed as is customary, despite her worried face she was still a vision of beauty and the baby bump on her stomach only seemed to make her glow.

"An unknown fleet of ships has appeared on the horizon, but do not worry my Queen, the fortress is strong and our provisions are fully stocked, we will outlast these invaders," Ser Darry said trying to alleviate her worries.

Rhaella had not been in much contact with the mainland ever since she had come to Dragonstone. She had forced her husband to send her here —though admittedly through subtle means— as when she first saw signs of her pregnancy she knew Aerys would discover her infidelity. They had not lain together for many years thanks to Daemon so it wouldn't be difficult to discover she had been with someone else. In truth, this rebellion was a blessing in disguise as it meant she could hide the pregnancy and give birth on Dragonstone without the King becoming aware.

However, her worries only seemed to grow. Her husband was a hated man and she and Viserys would undoubtedly make good hostages. The thought of anything happening to her children made her heart clench in pain, but all she could do was trust Ser Darry and his ability to defend the fortress. Ser Darry made his way to the top of the wall where his Captains stood and simply watched as the ships drew closer to the island.

"Oil!?" Ser Darry shouted.

"Oil ready!"


"Archers ready!"

"Devon, go and arm the small folk, give them spears and have them fill in the gaps, if they want protection they can damn we'll help defend the place," Ser Darry commanded. Devon nodded before rushing down the steps of the wall with his men following close behind.

Ser Darry could only hope and pray that they lasted long enough that reinforcements could come. 'We can win...'


The ocean crashed alongside the hull of the ship as it sliced through the water. This was the capital ship of the Myrish fleet, five levels and armed to the teeth with ballista and even a rotating catapult. This was a ship designed to bring order to the stepstones, at least until Daemon decided he needed it more. He stood at the stern of the ship near the wheel with his sister and Howland, he had already given his orders to the rest of the commanders so the battle should go smoothly.

"Why have their ships not left the dock?" Howland asked with a frown as he squinted.

A smile made its way upon Serra's face as she looked at the sight. "They noticed us too late, if they left now we would crush their fleet, it seems whoever is commanding the garrison is a shrewd man."

"But surely they know we will take their ships for ourselves?" Howland said with confusion.

"A destroyed fleet is of use to no one, but if the ships remain intact they can be taken back at a later time," Serra explained.

Daemon nodded "They would also lose valuable manpower by dedicating men to the ships, men they would be sending to their deaths."

Serra then looked up at Daemon "Do you think?"

He nodded "Yes, there must be someone important there," he replied.

"Like a Lord?" Howland asked.

"A member of the Royal Family most likely," Daemon stated. It was possible that Rhaegar was on the island, as heir to the Iron Throne Dragonstone was his seat. If he was then it meant that Arthur was with him; while all this was just speculation and Daemon thought it unlikely, he still had to prepare for it which was why the flagship sailed ahead of the fleet. Arthur could cause a large amount of damage to their ships before Daemon would have the chance to stop him.

In truth, they would only need one ship to take the island if Rhaegar and Arthur were not present. This was why the kingdoms placed such high value on powerful aura users, and why Hoster Tully was willing to betroth his daughter to a bastard. A regular aura user is worth a couple dozen men, a strong aura user is worth a couple hundred and a truly powerful one could kill thousands. However even if they are capable of inflicting massive amounts of damage, if they let their guard down they are just as vulnerable as any other person. A stray arrow to their head could kill them instantly if they are not protected by their aura.

"Your Grace we are ready to make landfall!" The Captain of the Dreadnought shouted.

"Let's go," Daemon said to Howland and Serra as they walked down the steps and approached the bow of the ship. Daemon was an impatient person so as soon as they got in range he channeled aura through his body and jumped off the ship covering a large distance before landing and rolling along a wooden dock. Serra and Howland were right behind him but his apprentice covered a much smaller distance and landed in the water.

Serra laughed at the young boy but helped him up onto the walkway. "No playing around, be ready for anything," Daemon chastised them both. The smile dropped from their faces and they drew their weapons and released their auras.

Daemon drew Blackfyre and continued up the walkway to the harbour, they hadn't encountered any resistance yet and they were unlikely to. He hoped to have this whole situation resolved by the time his main force arrived, he had commanded them to secure the Royal Fleet and the villages around the castle. He wanted the Garrison to pledge their loyalty to him, any soldiers he could get would be useful in the coming war.

As they walked through the village and up the path to the fortress they could see how unaware they had all been when their ships had come into view. The small folk had left all their belongings including food, stalls were left unattended and livestock ran free. Serra grabbed an apple from one of the stores and started munching on it, throwing one to Howland as she did.

Daemon used 'Scout' to confirm what he already knew. Everyone was in the fortress, not a single soul had stayed behind. Not that it would matter anyway, he wouldn't be pillaging or sacking this place and he would execute any of his men that did.

"Incredible..." Howland whispered as he looked at the fortress up close. He had honestly never seen anything like it in his entire life, the only thing close would be Moat Cailin and even then the ruined towers could not compare to the structure before him.

"It truly is... our ancestors were capable of magnificent feats," Serra said brushing her hand against Daemon's arm.

However, Daemon was not interested in the fortress, despite its splendour his thoughts lay only on those within. "Do not get distracted, even a thorn can kill a lion," he warned them both.

As they approached the gate an arrow shot from atop the wall digging into the ground before them laying the line of how far they could go. "Who speaks for Dragonstone!" Daemon shouted out his voice booming.

"I speak for the men you see here!" Ser Willem Darry replied. As both men saw each other they instantly recognised the other; Daemon had been a constant fixture in the Red Keep and around the Queen and Prince, and as Master-at-arms of the Red Keep they had often seen each other and had always been cordial to one another. While Daemon still felt the same way for Ser Darry, the same could not be said for the other as Daemon had been declared a traitor of the realm. The fact that he had returned to Westeros at the head of an army did not help either.

"Ser Darry, it has been a while since we've seen each other," Daemon echoed out.

The old knight grunted, "Not since Harrenhal where you were declared a traitor to the realm."

"Lies concocted to get rid of me," Daemon replied though his hands clenched around Blackfyres handle as he spoke.

"Yet you stand here at the head of a foreign army attacking the seat of House Targaryen, and you wish for me to believe you innocent?" Ser Darry said loudly his anger growing as he did.

"I have saved the life of the Queen, of the Prince, of Princess Elia, I served House Targaryen loyally... only to be tossed aside," Daemon replied.

"Leave here now, I have already sent ravens requesting reinforcements," Ser Darry said. Though it was an empty threat, Darry had known Daemon since he first came to the Red Keep, he had seen him fight at Harrenhal. The battle was over the moment he walked up to their gate, but that didn't mean he wouldn't fight, he would die for Queen Rhaella.

"I can't do that Ser Darry, surrender the castle and put down your arms, do so and I'll guarantee you your lives," Daemon said as his aura started to grow in intensity.

The aura users who could see this shifted nervously while those who didn't have it started to sweat —though they didn't know why. "We will fight and die for House Targaryen!" Ser Darry shouted.

Daemon looked at them callously "So be it..."

"Archers! Nock!" Ser Darry shouted.

Daemon pooled aura into Blackfyre, he then flourished his sword before swinging with such force that Serra and Howland were blown back a couple of metres. A slash of pure aura dug up a groove in the earth as it travelled towards the fortress.


The castle gates that were being reinforced by half a dozen aura users were smashed open. The walls luckily remained undamaged as they were a lot stronger, but Ser Darry and the others were still knocked off their feet so they were unprepared for Daemon to walk straight through the gates. "Attack! Archers fire at will!" Ser Darry commanded as he got to his feet.

"ENOUGH!" Daemon shouted as his aura flared. It was filled with such malicious intent that those without the protection of aura collapsed to the ground unconscious and those who did have aura started to shake.

Ser Darry however pushed through the fear and rushed towards Daemon with sword in hand. "RAAAAH!" He cried out as he brought it down on him. Daemon blocked the first strike as well as every subsequent hit as easily as if he were facing a child. He slashed at Ser Darry sending him sprawling across the ground.

'Training all my life... and yet it means nothing,' Ser Darry thought to himself as he stood up once more. He trained his body and aura for almost fifty years and yet it meant nothing in the face of the monstrous talent before him. Barely eighteen and Daemon already reached a height he could never hope to reach.

'The Twins'

Ser Darry secretly activated his ability before charging at Daemon. He thrusts his sword towards his stomach but is parried off and unbalanced; he rolls into it which allowed his trap to spring, behind Ser Darry running in tandem with him was a perfect twin of him. As soon as Ser Darry rolled he attacked Daemon aiming for his throat, sadly Daemon wasn't phased by this and he deflected the sword with his hand.

This was Ser Darry's ability, he conjured a double of himself that had the same skill, but only half his aura. It could work independently of itself but could receive orders when fighting with the original.

Both Ser Darry's attacked Daemon, but it made no difference, whether it was one or ten of them Daemon sent them tumbling to the ground every time. "Ser Darry, surrender," Daemon simply said with a cold expression.

"I will die for my Queen..." he breathed out as he went to attack again.

Daemon's eyes widened, he raised his hand and shot a sphere of aura straight towards the double head blowing it off and dissipating him. "Rhaella is here?" He asked as he blocked Ser Darry's sword.

The knight cursed himself at what he let slip. "Don't use her name so causally traitor!" He growled as he poured all his strength into his arms and legs.

"Ser Darry surrender, you have my word that I would never harm Rhaella," Daemon tried to reason.

"The word of a traitor, HA!" He spat out as he stepped back and tried slamming his sword on Daemon again and again, eventually his sword snapped over Blackfyre. The knight wasn't discouraged as he drew his dagger and thrust it towards Daemon, however with a quick flourish of his blade Daemon disarmed him and with a strong kick, Darry was on his back.

"I love Rhaella, and I will tear down every stone in this castle to get to her, but I do not wish to kill people she's known her entire life," Daemon said stabbing his sword next to Darry's head.

The old knight grunted but was in too much pain to move, that kick had a bit too much power in it and he could feel his ribs fracture. "What about the Prince?" He asked.

"The only people I will kill are Rhaegar and Aerys, none else need die unless they stand in my way," Daemon reassured.

"I surrender... though I do not have the authority to surrender the castle to you," Ser Darry stated. He had lied before to protect Rhaella by saying he was the one in charge, but in truth only she could surrender the castle to Daemon.

"That's fine," Daemon said drawing Blackfyre and walking past Darry.

"Stay out here and make sure they don't try anything," Daemon told the other two. Howland nodded, but Serra grumbled at being left behind while Daemon went to visit another woman.

Daemon rushed into the keep, he'd only visited this fortress once before, but he knew the path to her room like the back of his hand. The guards that tried to stop him passed out under his aura and the servants ran away from him. He eventually came to the family wing, however, when he opened the door there was no one there. 'Where could they be...' he thought to himself. He released his aura and used 'Scout' to cover the entirety of the fortress in his aura.

'The Painted Table room.'


Rhaella and Viserys cowered in the Painted Table as the battle raged on outside. At least she thought it did, she heard the shouts of men and the sounds of fighting. She stroked her son's head as she held him close to her chest. "It'll be okay my little dragon," she whispered, but she knew what happened to hostages during the war. She could only hope that her captors would be kind and not harm her or her son.


The door shook on its hinges making Viserys grip his mother harder. "Shhh shhhhh," Rhaella said as she tried to comfort him. She closed her eyes and jolted when the door exploded inwards under the force of someone's kick.

When she opened her eyes all the fear she felt in her body disappeared and instead all she felt was happiness. "DAEMON!" She screamed in shock and excitement. She had heard what happened at Harrenhal, but never for a second did she believe Daemon was a traitor, she had known him since he was a boy and he had only ever wanted one thing and that was not the iron throne.

"Rhaella!" He said back as a smile made its way into his face, the first smile he had worn since he had read that letter moons before.

He crossed the distance between them and pulled Rhaella into his arms. Viserys was also excited to see Daemon as he would very often play with him and show him different sword moves, he didn't really understand the concept of traitors as he was so young so he happily hugged Daemon tightly.

For the first time in a while, Daemon felt something else other than the unending rage he felt towards Rhaegar and Aerys. He felt love, he felt comfort, and he felt joy at being reunited with one of his loved ones. "Words cannot express how I've longed to see you," he whispered to Rhaella who gripped him tighter in return.

"I had thought I'd never see you again," she whispered back, her lips brushing against his neck, she inhaled his scent deeply almost drowning herself in it. She had never known she needed something more until she had experienced it.

"I feared you would never meet your child as well," she added, which made Daemon move back in shock and look down at Rhaella's stomach.

She smiled and nodded at him moving his hand down to her stomach which had swelled. Daemon couldn't contain himself any longer, despite Viserys still watching he brought Rhaella back into his arms where he kissed her deeply. She sighed in contentment as his tongue moved with hers, he kissed her for all the times he couldn't and held her for all the nights she lay alone. When they both moved back their faces were flushed and they panted heavily. "We have much we need to discuss," Daemon said brushing his hands against her face.

"We do," she replied.


Just before sunset found Daemon and Rhaella both standing on the balcony overlooking the harbour. The ships from the Golden Company had long since docked and were in the process of setting themselves up on the island. Daemon stood behind Rhaella his hands placed protectively over her stomach while she leaned her head back into his chest. "I prayed many nights that you would return one day, even if only for a short while," Rhaella said as she rubbed herself against him.

"You need not of prayed, I was always going to come back for you," Daemon said as he traced circles on her belly.

"Is that why you've come? Not the Throne?" She asked.

Daemon chuckled humourlessly "That throne is a curse to whomever sits upon it, let them fight over it."

"I only want what I've always wanted, a place to live with those I love, after I've brought them back I will leave Westeros," he stated.

Rhaella couldn't help but agree with his opinion on the throne, it had brought nothing but pain and suffering to their family and she'd be glad to be rid of it. "I hope I can convince Rhaegar to abandon this land as well, he doesn't deserve what the throne brings," she said in a sad tone.

Rhaella felt Daemon stiffen around her and she turned around to look at him. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

Daemon looked down at her with an emotionless expression. "Rhaegar was the one to get me banished from these lands, and he is the one who has kidnapped Lyanna and Lysa," he explained.

Rhaella's eyes widened. "I thought that was just a rumour!" She said covering her mouth. She had never believed her sweet Rhaegar to be capable of such things, but Daemon had never lied to her, he was also one of Rhaegars best friends.

"Why would he do such a thing?!" she asked as her eyes began to water.

Daemon breathed out, the anger he felt returning somewhat. "I wish I could say Rhaegar was the man you think he is."

"He has been manipulating me from the very beginning, certain words he uses triggered commands that made me follow his orders, he is the reason I saved Aerys in Duskendale," he explained.

Rhaella just stood there in shock as tears started to stream down her cheeks. Daemon brought her into a hug and rubbed her back comforting her. "Will you kill him..." she asked.

Daemon grit his teeth "I will..." he replied.

Rhaella began to weep more. "I know I have no right to ask this... but as a mother, I will always have love for my children..."

"If you can, please spare him, I do not want to wake up every day and look at the man who killed my son," she requested.

Daemon felt his anger bubble even more but he pushed it down. "I make no promises," he replied.

"That's all I ask," she said.

Daemon just sighed heavily as he pressed his nose into the top of Rhaella's head inhaling deeply. He missed her scent and her touch, having her back meant so much to him.

"We have secured the island, all the boats have been accounted for, and no one leaves without our say-so." Daemon turned as Serra walked through the doors to the balcony. She had a slight glare on her face directed at Rhaella but she hid it well.

"Good, we will meet with the commanders tomorrow and go over our next course of action," he replied.

Serra nodded, but instead of leaving she stood still "Will you not introduce me to your friend," she asked with a smirk.

Daemon detached himself from the hug "This is Queen Rhaella Targaryen, Rhaella this is my sister Serra Blackfyre."

Rhaella's eyes widened at her name, almost comically so. Serra couldn't help but laugh at her reaction "Do we still scare you so much?" She asked rhetorically.

"Blackfyre?" She said as she looked up at Daemon who sighed.

"That's right, I was never a bastard, I was born Daemon V Blackfyre, I hid my identity for obvious reasons," Daemon explained.

Rhaella was in shock, if there was ever a mortal enemy of the Targaryens the Blackfyres were it. She shook her head at these thoughts "It doesn't matter, you will always be Daemon to me," she said as she stepped in closely and pushed herself up on her toes kissing him on the lips.

"I'm glad you feel that way, I think it's time we all rested, the sun has set and it has been a long day," He stated.

Serra and Rhaella both nodded "I feel there are some things we still need to speak on, perhaps in my chambers..." Rhaella said as she looked at Daemon with barely concealed lust.

Daemon felt desire travel through his body and straight to his cock. He hadn't lain with a woman in months, and here was Rhaella one of the most beautiful women he'd ever met propositioning him.

"Yes I think we should get that out of the way," he said trying to make it sound serious. Though neither of them was fooling anyone and as they walked back into the fortress Serra stood there grumbling to herself at the unfairness of it.

(AN: So another chapter down, we are closer to the first battles, which will take place in the Stormlands. Robert Baratheon, Oswell Whent and Daemon Blackfyre, a big battle will ensue. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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