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66.66% A Quiet Life (Ghost Hunt) / Chapter 10: Blood Doesn't Lie

Bab 10: Blood Doesn't Lie

AN; I'm back! Graduated and all! I missed you guys ? ゚メル? ゚メルSry this was supposed to come out like two weeks ago but I ended up on a trip and then got sick so yea…. My bad. I hope this long chappie makes up for it? Any who… TRIGGER WARNING FOR BLOOD AND MENTION OF …A PERIOD? I dunno if that even requires a warning, but meh, just in case. Same for next chapter, shits about to pop off. As always, thx so much for reading and commenting, and please feel free to check out the other parts of the series which can be read independently. I'll see you guys soon for more chapters!


"You'll be okay?" I murmur into my little brother's hair, holding him tightly against my chest, unable to completely smother my trepidation.

Sora smiles, all chubby cheeks and squinty eyes. "Yes, sis. I'll be fine with Granny Nakigawa."

I nod, frowning. I knew he would be, and this wouldn't be the first time we'd be separated for more than a night, since we had done so on the doll house case, but Mai and I would be gone for at least a week and farther apart then we'd ever been since Mai and I would be leaving Tokyo for Kyoto. I was ill prepared for our separation. Hell, I shared a bed with this kid most nights in our tiny apartment, so being away would be difficult, especially with my nerves so on edge. On top of that, my visions have also been rather scarce recently, and the ones I did have indicated a lot of trouble headed my way. Everything pointed to only one logical conclusion; Getting Gene back wasn't going to be easy.

"They're here," Mai murmurs, slipping into the room. I nod to my pseudo-sister, unable to do more than grimace.

"Alright. Be good for Granny Nakagawa, water the plants, and be careful." Sora noda firmly, knowing I meant to beware of our creepy neighbor and never stay alone with him or answer any weird questions if they came in contact with one another. Apparently, Akase from down the hall already has some troubling rumors floating around about him, so when I'd informed Granny Nakigawa, she had been understanding and promised to stay alert.

Sora walks Mai and I down to the parking lot. The SPR crew is driving to Kyoto with our equipment, making it an 6-8 hour trip in the van and monk's car. Naru insisted we had rides in case of emergencies. I head over to Lin, silently handing him the bentos and snacks I had prepared for the ride, some of which would be going in Monk's car, also dropping my bag into the back of the van with the rest of the luggage.

"Here," the man murmurs, handing me a box, to my confusion. "It's the things you had made and ordered through the company."

My eyes go big, and handing the rest of the food over to Mai to take to Monk's car, I take the box hurriedly, turning on heel and following her, excitement and relief filling me. Finally, I would have access to an anchor for my power, among other precious things.

"Where are you going?" Naru states, materializing in front of me, and I flinch back, not having seen him come up and too distracted to sense him.

I blink. "I plan to ride in the car, Sir."

Naru's twitches, before sighing. "I know you're mad, but…"

I hold my hand up, cutting him off. "I'm not," I tell him honestly. Sensing his skepticism, I continue. "I'm not mad. I understand why you can't just accept my words. I don't blame you for it."

He shifts forward, hand wrapping around my forearm, the box still occupying my hands. "Then, why? You aren't even calling me Naru anymore."

I pause, unsure how to articulate the words. "Friends… trust each other. Right now, because you can't trust me, we aren't friends ." Naru flinches, genuinely hurt. I smile a bit ruefully, and soften my tone. "It's not your fault, and I don't blame you for it. I have a bad habit of relying on my instincts to lead me to good people. That's not a bad thing in itself, but I tend to get… overly attached… too quickly. I forgot we haven't known each other for too long and I put unfair expectations on you because of it."

"No," he shakes his head vehemently. "That's not-"

"Yo, you slow pokes! Let's get this show on the road!" I smile wryly at my boss as Monk calls out, waving goofily at us. I crouch down, ignoring the greedy eyes that suddenly appear from inside our apartment building as I rip the box open and dig around, grinning when I find what I was looking for.

"These are for you, Mai, and Lin. I designed them and had them made. They are carved with protective runes I researched myself. Make sure they stay on at all times," I tell him, cupping the bracelets in my palms. Each bracelet was made off interlocking metal plates intricately inscribed with every positive protective symbol in every culture and language I could find after raiding Lin's books. I painstakingly figured out how to connect them and using my visions to check if they would work, I sent off the design order, forgetting about it. Quickly, I push my spiritual energy into them, relieved when it works as foreseen, absorbing the energy and radiating a protective feel. I press them into Naru's hands before picking the box back up and heading to Monk's car, nodding to Lin and Mai in goodbye and smiling at my brother who is standing with Granny Nakigawa. I completely ignore Akase the creeper lurking farther behind them. Settling into the back next to John, box in lap, I let my eyes shut, forcing my mind blank. Hold on, Gene. We're coming.


"These are lovely, Hime," Monk exclaims, glancing at his wrist briefly.

"Eyes on the road, you reckless idiot!" Ayako hisses, smacking our driver even as she admires her own bracelet with great satisfaction. The two decend into bickering and I shoot an amused grin at the equally exasperated priest next to me.

"Well, at least we aren't stuck between Mai and Masako," I whisper, leaning over.

John snorts, covering his mouth futility. "You prefer an out right fight over a passive aggressive one?"

I nod, hiding my own laughter, enjoying the way John's aura sparkles. I twitch when it suddenly turns dark, and I tilt my head in question, touching his arm.

"Hey, Tsukiyo… Why are we really going to this conference?" He asks, his serious voice cutting through the playful fight in the front, Monk and Ayako falling silent. "It's out of character for Naru to engage in something like this, let alone call the whole team."

I frown, averting my eyes to the box still in my lap, carefully choosing my words. "…It's not my place to say, and the boss and I are in disagreement about what we will find, but… as a favor to me, please keep your eyes open, and no matter what, don't mention that Mai and I are anything other then mediums."

"Hime… What are we walking into?" Monk asks, sounding grim as he tightens his hands on the wheel.

I hum, finding what I'm looking for at last, pulling it free of its careful packaging. In my hands is a mask, a black fox carefully sculpted with silver painted marks and runes all along the inside. I start to funnel magic into it, feeling it glow in my senses, a beacon, an anchor. Finally. I pull the mask on, feeling the world around me become muted. The ounds, auras, even smells seem to fade in the shadowy contours of the kitsune mask. I feel my muscles relax as my soul centers in a way it never really has in this world, my psychic abilities mercifully steady.

"I'm not sure," I answer honestly, unable to reply any other way.


"Welcome to the Fukumoto residence. Please provide your invitation and identifications."

I glance about, kitsune mask hanging from my waist, tied to the obi of the kimono I was wearing for easy reach. It is a vibrant, floral piece of grays and blues that I had received as a gift from Granny Nakigawa, who owns a shop and makes them. She had kindly given a few to Mai and I with the excuse that it was her hobby and we should let an old woman enjoy her hobbies. It is a semi formal one, but I had a feeling it would fit the place. I'm quite glad I decided to make the effort, (and Mai is regretting not having followed my lead), considering where I was standing.

The estate was massive, and heavily traditional. The whole place was surlounded by thick, lucious greenery. As we are invited through the gates, we are led into a beautiful stone garden, the sound of trickling water and a sozu, a bamboo fountain, meets my ears. It would be peaceful if I couldn't sense them. Not only is the feeling of so many individuals with abilities unsettling to me, but the estate itself is disfigured by a lingering darkness. I huddle closer to Monk, and the older man, sensing my unease, wraps his arm around my shoulders as we follow a Fukumoto servant dressed in a yukata past meticulously maintained plants.

"Your party has been assigned rooms in the east wing. Additionally, you will have acsess to the onsen, along with other guests. Please call the staff if there is anything- Fukumoto-sama!"

I glance up, noting the new presences, both with fairly strong energy. It takes a few seconds for me to realize that, despite that, they are an older couple. Both were dressed traditionally, but with a subtle wealth as they stood arm and arm. I focus my eyes on the man first, his hair and beard streaked with gray. I could sense his eyes were sharp, aura firm, like a cliff face unmoved from ferocious crashing waves.

The lady, his wife, my instincts inform me, is different, softer, tea among cherry blossoms in the rain. I am missing something. I rest a hand on the mask at my waist, concentrating. Anchored, my abilities flare, feeding me new information about the strangers instantly. What I sense is tragedy. Where the man grew sharp and angry and harsh from grief and pain, the woman was worn down and crushed by it. Such is the result of one of the most difficult and painful things a person may experience.

I frown. But what was "it"?

"Hana," the elder man states, voice monotone. "These are our guests?"

"Yes, Fukumoto-sama," Hana the servant replies. "This is Shibuya Psychic Research."

Naru stepped forward. "I'm Kazuya Shibuya. Thank you for the invite."

The two men, both stoic and tactium shake hands, and without warning, the world shifts. I choke, struggling at the sudden crippling pain and rage accompanying the new presence at my side. Before I can gather my bearings, noting distantly,a few other people reacting, a female voice whispers in my ear, a hiss of rage and sorrow. "Blood doesn't lie."

I whip around my hand reaching for my mask again as I smell blood, but the spirit is already gone, leaving only the sounds of panic from Mai and Masako. I tune it out, reaching my senses out, but the women with her crushing grief is gone.

"What did she say?" A soft voice asks, a shaky hand settling on my arm. I turn, finding the Fukumoto matriarch, my heart still pounding from the unexpected encounter. Everyone around us falls silent.

I hesitate, turning my head towards Mai and Masako, the two girls uncharacteristically clinging to one another. "Did no one else hear?"

Mai shakes her head, petrified into silence, but Masako, an experienced medium, recovers quicker. "No. I sensed her, but she was drawn to you. It was too quick."

I nod, turning to Lady Aina Fukumoto, tilting my head in question. She hesitates, and I take one of her frail hands in mine, and she seems to gather herself. "She never shows herself to me."

My eyebrows raise, but I decide to tell her. The woman staggers, and I catch her shoulders as her knees seem to lose strength, Monk and John both instinctively helping. Her husband, Genji Fukumoto, rushes over, his deep love, worry, and alarm obvious as he tenderly gathers his wife in his arms. I narrow my eyes as I realize that both Fukumoto's had recognized the term.

I open my mouth to ask, but Genji Fukumoto is already speaking. "My apologies for the scene. The spirit has been temperamental in the last year, butis mostly harmless."

"The real reason for the convention," Naru intones flatly, voice icy.

Fukumoto-sama, a man descended from old nobility, and a very long line of people with abilities, their name tied to generations of priests, priestesses, monks, mediums, and omniyojis is a proud man. The entire family is well known and respected among spiritualists, both in Japan and otherwise, and he apparently wasn't about to be intimidated by anyone, let alone my teenage boss. Sharply, he responds to Naru. "Not at all. Our family holds this convention as a tradition, something we have been doing for generations. Excuse us."

And with that cold reply, he and his wife quickly depart before I can find anything more out.


"Please let us know if you need anything more," and with that, Hana escapes before I can grill the servant for information. I turn incredulous eyes to the rest of SPR.

"Well that's not suspicious," Ayako huffs, and I sigh, dropping onto one of the cushion seats surrounding a low table in the room, the rest following me.

"Dinner is listed on the itinerary at 7," Lin notes. "Until then, we are free to tour the estate, but I don't think it's wise to do so alone."

"Hmm. The spirit was very strong, but it didn't seem hostile to any of us, although…it was particularly drawn to you, Tsukiyo," Masako disagrees quietly behind her sleeve.

I shrug, not knowing what to say. I honestly have know clue why it would be drawn to me. "Blood doesn't lie. The Fukumoto couple recognized those words."

The group falls silent, but Naru breaks it. "It doesn't matter. We aren't here for a case, so don't bother." He ignores the protests from the others. "It has nothing to do with us, and it isn't hurting anyone. With the history of their family, they should be able to deal with it on their own."

Running a hand through my hair, I stand, turning to the rest. "I'm going to explore."

"I'll come with," Monk announces, quickly popping to his feet, and I squeeze Mai's shoulder as I leave giving her a meaningful looks. She nods, knowing to stay safe and keep an eye out.

Monk and I leave our quarters, a series of connecting rooms with tatami mats and sliding shoji doors. I hook my arm through Monk's, my other hand pulling the kitsune mask on as I let my senses loose.

Alright Gene, where are you?


"This place is really beautiful," Monk murmurs as we traveled along an engawa in the East wing of the house, the porch like structure open to more sprawling gardens, scenic mountains in the background. "They even have an onsen open to the guests, which I will definitely be visiting after dinner."

I nod, wholeheartedly agreeing. I would not be missing the chance to visit the hot springs, either. Still, I found myself worried. This property was huge, extending for several kilometers into the mountains and forests around us. My sensory range was laughably unable to reach even a quarter the mansion, let alone the whole property.

I bite my lip, trying to reassure myself that Gene with show up soon to lead us to his body. We'll find him.

I startle as Monk flicks my mask over my forehead. Disgruntled, I tug it off, looking at him annoyed. He just smiles gently. "You're thinking too hard, Hime. I don't know what's going on in that head of yours, but we're all here for you."

I smile, comforted to have found good friends in this life, but unwilling to ignore the feeling of trepidation In my chest.


"-And so I welcome you all to my home in hopes of building new bonds amongst spiritualists. Thank you, and please enjoy yourself," Old man Fukumoto states, giving a shallow bow.

I carefully examine the hall from beneath my lashes, taking in the various spiritualists seated at low tables all around us. There around a dozen different groups and a handful of people on their own. Some where even decently strong. I guess the Fukumotos really have some interesting connections.

Taking some rice and grilled meat, my attention drifts to the table at the head of the hall where the Fukumoto family sits. On Genji's right was his eldest son, his aura vile and dark. The second son and their daughter were sitting on the other side of their mother, nothing like their creepy older brother, whose malice should have been obvious to anyone with a hint of empathy.

I wonder how the other Fukumoto didn't notice. Perhaps they have and are simply ignoring it.

I sense something and shift my eyes. I couldn't see him clearly from this far away, but from the earlier introductions, I knew that the person was Grnji's grandson from his eldest son. His aura was nearly as bad as his fathers.

"What was Genji's grandson's name?" I whisper to John.

"Um, his eldest son is Junichi, and Junichi's eldest is Katsu, I think." I snort, amused by the irony of those two malicious people being named like that. They had yet to even say one word in our presence, but their auras are more then loud enough to let me know they would be a pain in my ass. As if to prove my point, the family head's grandson, Katsu, was on his way over, oozing sliminess.

Oh dear, this will be tedious.

Katsu Fukumoto settles on one of the open cushions, boldly leaning pas John and I, to stare at Masako. "You're Masako Hara, huh? I hadn't realized you were more then a pretty face."

I sigh, setting my chopsticks down, mourning the fact that I won't be able to eat with something so nasty next to me. Masako, seated on my other side, stiffens, her scowl hidden by her sleeve, but replies, perfectly prim and proper. "The Fukumoto are not the only family with a long line of spirtualists."

The slime ball's eyes lit up."Yes, the Haras. I hadn't realized you were actually from the family. I though you merely shared a name. Has your marriage been decided?"

Masako stiffens further, the medium's sharp instincts unneeded to detect the intent behind such words when Katsu had such a lecherous look on his face. The boy, oozing arrogance, continues spewing bullshit. "I'm sure a tie to the Fukumoto would be a great honor to your family."

"Masako, you said your family was already in talks about that, right?" I ask nonchalantly, choosing this moment to smoothly intercede.

Masako, quick on the uptake, immediately agreed. "Yes, my suitors have already been vetted, and now the final decision is all that's left."

Naturally, this is a lie. I didn't even know that Masako came from a line of spiritualists, but I wasn't surprised either. Katsu scowled, and I had to hold back a sneer at him. He has the audacity to be genuinely angry that Masako won't seek his attention.

Unfortunately, my distraction to aid Masako had the unwanted side effect of calling attention to me. John shifted closer, uneasy, and by now, most of the table wasn't even bothering to pretend not to be listening in. Beady little eyes turn towards me and I feel my eyebrow twitch. Why the hell do I attract so many annoying creeps?

"You… Are you the medium my grandmother was talking about? The one that saw the Lady of Blood? Grandmother said that she thought the girl with a silver eye was decently strong since she was able to hear that spirit." I tilt my head, suddenly interested.

"If you're referring to the spirit, then yes."

""Hmm, that bitch has been around for ages, but she's been acting out lately," Katsu said dismissively, and for some reason, my insides burn at the disrespect towards the ghost, but I can't place why. "Anyways, what family are you from?"

I found myself amused. He didn't ask my name, but what family I am from. No matter the world, people like this always exist. I smirk. "I'm an orphan."

The look of horror and repulsion makes me grin openly. "An orphan? Ugh, are you poor, too?"

"Hey!" Monk snaps, pissed, and Ayako, fire burning in her gaze, grabs his arm to keep him from standing. I note that both Naru and Lin have started to burn holes in this dense brat's head with their eyes, but he's oblivious. I, however, find the whole thing distantly amusing. What a small petty man.

"Well," he starts, not even anowlrdding anyone else at the table with a look, and I just know whatever comes next is going to set off an explosion, but I can't find it in myself to feel much of anything. "I suppose you're beautiful and powerful enough to be a mistress. I like exotic girls."

I'm dumbfounded, and for a moment, genuinely questioning what era and world I'm in, not having expected to hear such a thing in this lifetime, and the team's reaction is just as stunned. I sigh, feeling drained and too old all of a sudden, amusement gone and genuinely not wanting to deal with this nonsense, a bone deep weariness settling deep into my bones. Before I can piece together a response to this audacity, my words oppressed by the heavy exhaustion now crushing me, Naru speaks, voice positively frosty. "Please mind your words when speaking to my team. Harassment won't be tolerated."

Katsu scoffs, finally turning to look at the rest of the table, a sneer curling his mouth, but in an instant his demeanor shifts into something wary. "Do I know you?"

"Definitely not," Naru replies with revulsion, but I've gotten all I need as the wold fades away, a vision quickly taking over. Gene. Abruptly, I stand, my stomach churning violently, ignoring everything as I head to where I remember the door being, doing my best to not bumb into anything in my sightless state. I can't stay here any longer if I don't want to throw up or commit murder in front a ton of strangers. Interestingly, I note three different people who feel the spike in my aura, their spiritual energy mirroring it, one of whom is Lady Fukumoto. I definitely need to leave before she comes over.

"Tsukiyo!" "Tsukiyo-nee!"

There is some scrambling noises and then Mai, and surprisingly, Masako, are sliding into place at either of my sides. I shoot a look in the celebrity's direction, but don't comment.

"You Saw something?" I nod. "You know where he is?"

"No," I murmur, "but Katsu Fukumoto does. Since he and his father are the ones who took him after all."

Mai gasps, but I catch her hand before she can turn around. "Focus. Don't look back. For tonight, we do nothing."

"I don't know what's going on, but I'm here to help," Masako murmurs, her arm tucked into mine. I squeeze it in gratitude. "Let's visit th hot springs and decompress. It might bring us some clarity."

Do it, my instincts whisper. And with that, there was nothing I could do but follow.


"This is nice," Ayako purrs, lounging against the side of the hot spring. "Thank goodness the springs are segregated. There would be no peace if those idiots would have joined us."

"We can hear you, ya know?" Monk's irritated voice comes from over the tall bamboo fence that separated the male and womens onsen. "It's not like anyone would want to look at a wrinkly old bat like you-"

"I'll kill you!" Ayako shrieks. The once peaceful outdoor hot spring erupting into furious noise.

I glance about, but I can barely see anything but faint lights, my eyes still not quite recovered, although it won't be long. Even still I can tell I am somewhere beautiful. The heated water clashes with the crisp mountain air, the mist tickling my damp skin. The scent of blooming flowers was abundant and permeating everything. Smooth stones brush my palms where they rested on the edge of the spring. Yes, this place was surely beautiful. I would need to come back again to actually see it in its full glory.

"Are you alright?" Mai murmurs, her hand brushing mine. "You've been really quiet all day. Stressed?"

I shrug. I'm not sure how to answer. I'm hyper focused on my mission, but somewhere along the way, a heavy exhaustion had started taking over. I'd only just noticed it, but it has been creeping up on me for a while, the age of my soul making itself known as I'm reminded of the horrors that humans always seem capable of, no matter the time or world I find myself in. Genes' situation and this place seemed to have brought it forth in me once again, a certain melancholy settling in my heart.

"Tsukiyo?" My sister prompts, worry trickling in to her voice.

"I'm good. Sorry, just feeling thoughtful. We should check on Sora before we sleep, too." I could do nothing of the fierce ache that the thought brought to my chest. If this place hadn't rung all the alarms and danger bells in my head, I probably would have begged to take my little brother along. He would have enjoyed a spiritualist's convention, especially considering I've been noticing indicators of his awakening abilities.

After all, I doubt just anyone could have seen Gene's astral form.

Mai nods, and I let myself sink further into the near scalding water, blinking spots from my eyes, my surroundings finally starting to vaguely appear around me. Despite the chaos our fellow exorcists were reeking through the bamboo divider, this place was oddly peaceful, as if many good times were spent here until the energy was soaked into the very surroundings. The rippling heat around my body and the sound of shifting water was luring my mind far, far away.

"-ukito! TSUKIYO!"

I flinch, unintentionally snapping in my startlement. "What?!"

"What is going on over there?!" Lim's voice from over the fence is uncharacteristically emotional, him and the others guys apparent quite anxious.

"She's responding again!" Ayako yells out, one of her hands wrapped tightly around my bicep. I wonder when that happened. Turning back to me, face pinched in concern, (Oh, hey, I can see again!), she continues, voice significantly softer. "Tsukiyo, I think you might be on your period."

I stare, utterly unprepared for this turn in conversation, glancing down. The clouding water in front of me was disrupted by seeping darkness. Blood? I ignore the way Ayako is tugging on me, only now aware of the presence that has joined us.

"If this is my blood, I think I'd be dead," I note blandly as the water all around me starts turning scarlett. Ayako jerks away, letting out a scream that sets off Mai and Masako, who scramble to get out of the water. Red, red, is the spring, but I can't muster any fear as all I can sense is a plea. Please, please help, it hurts, oh kami, it hurts, where are they? I can't find them pleasepleasesomeonehelpmefindthemhowcouldhebetraymelikethishisownblood-

Somehow I find myself in the center of the pool, everything outside of it sounding vaguely muffled. I stare down at crimson ripples and from the depths of the blood, something emerges.

It's a flower crown, perfect white blossoms, pure without the taint of blood despite what it's floating in.

I reach for it, ignoring the yelling and screaming from my friends in the distance. As my fingers close around it, a pale hand shoots up from the spring, catching my wrist in an iron grip. My bracelet is pressed tighter to my skin by the force of it.

Long dark hair drifts just under the surface, large brown eyes and more pale skin follows. The spirit locks eyes with me, icy hand still enclosing around my wrist, heedless of the warmth of water or blood. A voice whispers, coming from everywhere and nowhere. "I can't find them."

"I'll help you," I tell the women. She peers up at me from the redredred for a moment longer, her griefragepain resonating with my soul, and then she's sinking back down, fingers releasing me, bracelet clicking, and like a drain, all the blood vanishes, sucked away to the bottom with her, the water back to its original cloudy hue.

Like glass shattering, the world around me breaks back into focus, screams and splashing water almost painfully loud. I gasp as I'm roughly yanked around, finding myself dazed by the fierce expression on my frie- No, my boss's face. Before I can register anything, a towel is bundled tight around me.

I flinch as arms wrap around me from behind before I recognize that it's Lin who proceeded to drag me to the ledge of the pool. I'm too bewildered to do anything but go with it, feet no longer touching the bottom of the pool.

With haste, I'm set on the ledge Naru and Lin with only towels around their waste also climb out. Monk and John help me to my feet, another towel making its way around me and John's cross is promptly dropped around my neck. I shiver, the cotton clouds in my head drifting away slightly.

"What the hell-" Naru seethes, his furious visage appearing, but he's cut off as Mai shoves him aside, nearly sending him back into the hot spring. The world dims as my kitsune mask presses to my face, and like a light switched on, my thoughts become clear again.

"Oh," I state. "Oh. Sorry. I'm…back."

I hadn't known I'd gone anywhere in the first place.

"You were drawn in by the spirt," Mai explains knowingly.

"She resonates very strongly with you, Tsukiyo. Dangerously so," Masako adds, voice strained.

I didn't fully agree. I glance at the pure white flower crown still safely in my grasp. That spirit wasn't dangerous, at least not intentionally. I would have known instantaneously, and she sure as hell wouldn't have been able to touch my damn protective bracelet without reaction. No, the ghost was desperate.

"Why?" Naru snaps, his hand wrapped around my elbow through the towel. "Why does she resonate so much with you, out of everyone?"

That was the question, wasn't it?


Raat_Ki_Rani Raat_Ki_Rani

…WELL? What are you waiting for? Give me that sweet, sweet feedback. Oh! And your ship requests!

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